Chereads / What's wrong with me? / Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 8

Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 8

Dorin knocked on the door of her daughters' room. Trinity looked up and saw her mother standing on the open doorway. She had been packing was little clothes she had left from the fire, but she seemed to be lost, as though she didn't want to leave. "Mom, come in," she said giving a forced smile.

"Rin, I wanted to talk," Dorin said as she walked in and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, what's up?" Trinity asked half heartedly.

"You don't seem happy, is everything alright?"

"I don't know mom, all my life I've wanted to live with daddy, but now..., my exams are coming and the sports games that were being held, what if I make it on the team? I just... Mom, I didn't ask him, but how long was I out for?" She asked, as she remembered no one told her this.

"Two days."

"TWO DAYS!! Mr Steep must have announced the names of the students who'd take part in the finals," Trinity exclaimed.

"Honey, calm down. I've noticed that ever since your father spoke about leaving with you, you're tensed. Is everything alright?"

"I don't know mom, all these time, I've been hoping to meet dad and all, but I never thought about going away," Trinity said as she slumped down on the bed, next to her mom.

"You need to learn about yourself, your dra..."

"I know, but how am I going to manage?"

"Rin, you are strong and I know you, you can conquer anything that blocks your path. I know I've been a total jerk, but you're only feeling like this because I've been controlling you, telling you what to do. You can do anything you want, and I'll always be here, if..." Dorins eyes watered. Deep down, she knew they'll never see each other. So did Trinity.

"Hey mom, I never asked you, but how did you meet Patrick?" Trinity asked, trying to lighten up the tension.

"We met in court."

"No, I mean like 'how'?"

"Well, your father and I were going to court for our hearings every month or so. I had hired a lawyer, and Patrick was his assistant. Most of the time, if my lawyer was out, he handled my case, then one day, he just asked me out."

"OMG, so he made the first move?" Trinity was surprised.

"Yeah, he did, but I said no."


"Because I was still married. So after the divorce, he asked me out again, and I told him I wasn't interested because I was divorced and I had a daughter, while he was still single. He still insisted on having a cup of coffee, so I gave in." Dorin smiled a little, remembering that time and the blue eyed man's smile when she had said yes. "We got to know each other, and then one day, I took you to the park to meet him," She said, looking at her confused daughter.

"I don't remember that," Trinity said, as she tried hard to go through her childhood memories in her head.

"Ok, but you two got along quite well."


"Well then, that was it. We got married a couple of months later," Dorin took a deep breath as she finally completed her story.

"Wow, that was a nice way to meet. But I still don't remember meeting him," Trinity said still trying to think hard.

"It's ok hon, you were a little girl and had to go through your parents divorce, it's natural that you will forget a few things," Dorin said, trying to ease her thoughts.

"I guess you're right. I should finish pa...OMG, I forgot to tell Brit everything!" Trinity exclaimed. "Where's my.... Do I still have my phone?" She asked as the picture of her house on fire flashed through her mind.

"Unfortunately, it got destroyed in that fire."

"This day just can't get any worst, can it?"

"Actually, it can." They both looked up to see Patrick standing on the doorway. "The insurance company just called, and they said we cannot claim insurance because they can't find the cause of the fire, and they suspect we did it to claim insurance." He looked sad. It was his father's house, which he had to pass down to his son. Building a new house wasn't a problem, but the memories associated with that house was very precious to him. After all, it was his childhood home.

Back then, his father was a poor farmer, and he had spent all his life's savings into that house. Later on, after he died, Patrick renovated the house and made it bigger, but it still had the same setting as the original. Now it was gone, turned to ashes and blown away in the wind. Only the foundation stood there.

"But can't you do anything?" Dorin asked, still looking at her husband. He just shook his head.

"It's all my fault!" Trinity said, as tears started creeping in the corners of her eyes.

"What? No, Rin, it's not your fault. If anyone is to be blamed, it's me," Her mother said, feeling guilty for everything that happened that day.

"It's no one's fault, so stop blaming yourselves. What's done is done," Patrick said. There was silence for a moment.

All three of them made their way downstairs, just as the pizza arrived. Triyast and Derek were laughing about something, as the boy ran to get their pizza, he was still laughing when he returned with the box.

"What's so funny?" Trinity asked as they all took their seats at the table.

"Nothing," Derek said, trying to hold it in, but burst out laughing again."Hey, sis, we also ordered some hot dogs too," He again burst out laughing.

"So what's so..." She turned to see her father giggling as well. She then realized what happened. She turned to see her mother, who had the same puzzled expression on her face as Patrick.

"What's going on? Her mother asked, confused.

"Well mom-"

"Don't you dare! Trinity stopped Derek.

"Triyast was just telling me that Trinity thought that hot dog actually included dog meat, and she didn't wanna eat it," Derek told everyone as he started to laugh again, despite getting scolded and shouted at by his sister.

"I was like what? 5? at that time," Trinity said defending herself, as everyone stared giggling. "You really had to tell him?" Trinity stared at her father, with eyes that could kill.

"I was just telling him that people make mistakes all the time. After he said-"

"I was joking... " Now it was Derek who was panicking.

"Oh please tell me. I'm all ears," Trinity looked at her brother in amusement, while talking to her father.

"Your brother thought till now that buffalos have wings, which are cut off when they are babies to make buffalo wings," Triyast said giggling, while Trinity burst out laughing.

"This is a good one," she said, as a war of words broke out between the siblings.

"Enough! both of you," said their mom, still trying to control her laughter.

"Well he started it." "She started it.'' They both said simultaneously, pointing at each other.

"Ok, that's it, if you guys don't stop, no pizza for you." Those words were enough to stop their fight immediately, as they started eating their pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and chicken.

After dinner, they ate ice cream, while chatting about the good old days. Patrick and Triyast got along pretty well and for the 1st time in years, Trinity and Dorin got along and spoke about each other's lives, and felt like they are friends. Finally the grey clouds that were above their heads had moved away. Dorin had finally understood that she had forced Trinity to be normal, when she wasn't; and Trinity understood that her mother was just trying to protect her, even when she had her wrapped around her fingers.

Trinity and Derek also spoke about so many things. Derek had always seen his elder sister as a mother figure in his life, since his childhood was mostly spent with her, since their parents were mostly attended meeting or parties. Trinity knew that he will miss her the most, since he's the only one who was with her through thick and thin.

Trinity took a long shower before going to bed. She missed her lavender soap, but vanilla wasn't too bad.

She thought about how her life was about to change and the new things she would learn. She was just glad that her father will be there with her, every step of the way. As these thoughts calmed her down, she drifted off into a slumber.