The world was burning.
Skyscrapers to all buildings, crushed and collapsed.
The violent rain formed a flood all over.
Consciousness and souls were extracted by The Eye from everyone In it's sight.
Millions of mindless bodies lying in the ground. Drops of blood was none, but still it was far more terrifying.
No one could save themselves. Not the strong nor the weak.
Even the slightest hint of light was not visible.
The world was totally devoured in darkness.
An absolute end of time itself.
Although there were still many who secured themselves,
hidden under anything they could find. It was almost impossible to escape from The Eye.
It Was Just One Big Demonic Eye that consumed people's souls.
The Eye turned to look at the Tall Tower where it stood at the military base. It saw that Hugh and the others who were there a couple of minutes ago, had escaped from it's sight when it was distracted.
" Right this way... " Len spotted a way out in the collapsing room. Laria and Mez followed her lead.
They had seen the entire situation from inside the house. It was somewhat similar to the virtual game they played together. The Devil's Dungeon, it was called.
All three of them thought a simulation has overlapped the atmosphere of Mobliac. It was indeed unbelievable to see a floating eyeball sucking out souls of the people in it's way...
" Everything is breaking down, be careful. " Laria said to them as she carefully walked past the broken stairs.
Mez was still caught up on the final level that he just wasn't able to beat, when the others were terrified for their lives and what their parents would think about them at this rate.
" Mez walk slowly, the stairs are breaking... " Laria looked back at him to inform to which he didn't care to reply.
" MEZ ! " The enraged voice of Laria made him come back to his senses.
" Yeah Yeah... " He replied
They got out of the house with only few wounds and scratches in the leg.
The building had collapsed...
The clouds that seperated began to come in closer to The Eye covering the whole of it. Blocking it's vision. Nothing was seen...
A thundering noise came from Inside the cloud.
It was dark, cold and flooded outside... Raining heavily and the three of them had no idea where to head to find their home.
" Home. It's probably destroyed " Len claimed.
" I'm sure mum and dad would be alright. " Len added.
" We can't be certain..." said Laria with a face of disapproval.
Mez gazed into the emptiness in the sky. He saw that there was a whole pack of dead bodies, scattered everywhere. but not one, that leaked blood.
The scene looked like it was a lot of people who were unconscious.
Len and Laria were not so far away from home, but both of them were more frightened than ever.
It was their fourteenth birthday together. So they had visited Mez's place, which was just destroyed.
Len and Laria followed a route that would lead them to their house. On the way back... They found themselves in a place where there were hundreds of human corpses stacked. But Mez realised... These bodies had blood. Blood everywhere, blood breaking out from their bodies. Thick red blood that was clearly visible.
" These have blood. " Mez uttered; his eyes wide open.
" What? " Len and Laria asked him, terrified.
" All of the other bodies that I saw didn't have any drop of blood. But these... Something should have killed them. "
Mez analysed the scene.
Hundreds of bodies, slaughtered. Arms and legs ripped from their bodies. Some of them were headless.
The sight made the twins sick, but a drop of blood was enough to make the girls feel nauseous.
Something bright was lit behind the slaughter scene.
A bright purple color radiated...
It was the only source of light that seemed to exist in the entire world.
It was quite.
They followed the reflection of the light and found a big portal in the middle of nowhere.
" A portal? " Mez was confused. This felt like a sci-fi simulator for him.
" Heh " he giggled.
" Woahhhh ! " The girls voiced from behind.
Mez was brave enough to walk forth the girls to inspect it. It was burning purple. A void that went through, to some other world..?
Thunders and Lightning striking.
The cloud above, started to fade.
There was no eye. The Eye had disappeared. It was nowhere to be seen. But... A huge figure started to form from the lightning that came from the cloud above.
Just like The Eye, the figure was levitating.
It was atleast seventeen foot tall. The figure looked like a shadow. A shadow of someone.
It made movements with the arms and legs. It had no eyes nor facial features. The face was blank and had no hair.
" Rise My Warriors... " The echoing voice from the figure said out loud. For a minute, the weather was mild and the winds slowed down. There was pure silence everywhere.
The figure calmly lifted both of it's arms way up in the air. It looked like it touched the moon straight away.
The clouds started to seperate from it.
All the bodies that died. Millions and millions...Raised up. They looked nothing like a human, but looked similar to the huge figure up in the sky. Almost like they were resurrected into million forms of shadows. All the skin and flesh they had as a human were now nothing but a dark mindless shadow.
All had risen up. All the ones who died.
" March And Take The Lives Of Everyone Who Breathes As A Human. " The figure ordered to it's army of shadows.
" God Of Darkness " The army hailed in one loud chant.
They began the march to end humanity. Everyone who were alive were doomed. Better to be them, every human thought. They all ran towards everything that was unbroken. The Tall Tower was one that did not fall.
All millions of them rushed together.
The God Of Darkness went with them. But further behind. Suddenly it noticed something and clenched it's fist which made the army of shadows stop instantly. It sensed something behind the Tall Tower.
It was Hugh and the entire military, assembled behind the Tall Tower. Armed and guarded.
They were setting up trip wires to set grounds for them to open fire when the army of shadows get closer. It would buy some time.
The plan and execution was excellent.
Thousands of strong soldiers.
All Equipped With M6Z Assault Rifles.
Tanks and Explosives Guarding the back base.
It was not like they escaped from it when it got distracted, but it was the perfect opportunity to get armed forces and be prepared to fight off the danger.
Hugh was a master at preparing plans.
27 years as a Major.
" We Will Never Go Down Without A Battle ! "
All the soldiers yelled out.
Hugh was ready for the battle.
It had turned into a war...
BRING IT ON ! " The God Of Darkness said with rage.
The Army Of Shadow Rushed The Territory As The Military Began To Open Fire.
A Great War Has Broke Out...