His blades spun constantly with dark flames burning on the steels.
His body has turned into a shadow form.
It looked as if he was one with the swords.
Henosha jumped high in the air and boosted himself towards a whole pack of them that was at his right hand side.
He moved swiftly..with a blink of an eye, he was elsewhere... making unimaginable moves.
He striked directly at the ones that stood in the front. The attack he delivered, created a explosive blast around them... Sending almost a hundred of them flying everywhere, with rains of blood.
Fresh green fields that bloomed flowers and grew grass were now ruined with pinches of blood sprayed on them.
With few of those creatures sent flying back somewhere, he landed perfectly on his feet; coming down from the flight.
There were still thousands of them, he looked around.
The fat ones which were big and ugly, started to slide using it's baggy belly, towards him from every directions.
He dodged swiftly, jumped up again, and threw his blades as high as he could.
" Orb Of Darkness ! " Henosha chanted in a loud voice.
A ball of swirling shadow that glowed with darkness, formed in between his hands, he then lazered the orb right at them
Thier bodies exploded as soon as it came in contact. A burst of thick blood shattered everywhere.
These had a pale color to it. Partially red and a dull pink.
His moves were incalculable, and those creatures stood no chance.
The energy was firing up his body...Filling him with more rage.
Only a few scratches and cuts have managed to rip through his body.
He looked back to check at Riku; she was surrounded by four of those creatures which were about to grab her.
" LET HER GO !!! " He screamed his lungs out...
He zoomed in front of them the next second and he whispered " A death wish huh ?.. "
One slash with the blade...
He sent it's filthy head flying...
Riku dropped out of it's hand-- he caught her carefully from below and adjusted her in his shoulders.
The other three creatures looked down at him.
" KRAWWHHH " All of those screeched.
One by one, each lifted it's arms one after the other, and attempted to claw through Henosha from above.
To which he reacted quick enough to only get away from all the three, with only a cut off cape and a completely ripped coat, revealing his body.
His body had several scars, wounds and cuts.
Those scars told about the battles he fought which were certainly far more deadlier and tougher than this one.
His entire body was firing up with a dark flame.
His eyes turned dark purple in color, hair growing longer with thick strands.
He looked demon-like...
As the air began to blow wild, He levitated a few inches above from ground with still Riku on his shoulders.
" Dark Rain " He named a move as it started to create small balls of shadows behind him. He aimed both of his arms at them and the magically chanted power followed the direction of his arm and rained at them.
Each ball targeting one of every thousands.
Along the raining balls of flaming shadows came firing down, his two blades which he had thrown up.
As the blades hit the ground, It caused tremors of lightning that came from beneath the world. Which had shredded almost every one of those creatures with cracks in the ground.
A little to very few which escaped the tremors, ran away.
" Shadow Grapple " He chanted again.
Ropes with a honed pointy end appeared and flashed towards the running creatures and plunged through them. Taking their mindless lives away immediately.
Henosha came down slowly....
But one of those which was half dead came running towards him from behind, thinking he had not noticed because he was looking the other way.
He took Riku and kept her at his arms again and kissed her forehead as the body of the running creature behind him blasted, splashing blood on both them. He did not even turn back to look at it.
Henosha wiped all the little drops of blood that had sprayed on her beauty while looking down at her.
The creatures have been wiped out. It was brutality that was seen everywhere.
Pure Carnage.
He sat down near all the blasted bodies... His energy was drained out. His abilities used up.
He was tired to say the most of it.
He began panting.
" Impressive "
He heard a slow approach behind him.
" You again. "
It was the voice of the glowing old man. But this time he had come into reality. His physical form, looked the same like it was in his dream...
" There's blood everywhere. " The man said as he looked at the slaughter.
" Obviously. "
It turned noon.
The fight had lasted for an hour atleast.
Henosha was hungry, tired and his face could show it clearly.
" You've got food on you by any chance? " He asked the old man while munching on a few dandelions he found near him.
" Which one does satisfy you? " The man questioned.
" Why do you ask that? but pig meat. " He answered anyway, eagerly looking at him.
" Pig meat it is.. "
The man joined his hands together and casted a spell that sounded like a whistle. As he seperated his hands apart, A shiny white plate of juicy pig meat appeared out of nowhere, floating between his hands.
Henosha was absolutely astounded by the sight.
" A Very Old Man. " he replied giggling, sounding like he was embarrassing himself.
Henosha reached out to grab the plate from him, then started to devour the meat.
" Oh my... This is delicious. " He said while stuffing the meat inside his mouth.
He went on to chew even the bones while the old man just stood there, watching him eat.
" Are you some kind of a magician...wizard? " Henosha asked just after he had finished the meat.
Then he washed his hands along the moving river.
" Why not? After All These Years Of Practice...I Deserve That Title. " The man replied.
Henosha looked puzzled.
Then he stopped.
" Are you the.... Are You The Sage? " Henosha enquired with a surprised face.
" Yes... Thought you didn't know. " He giggled again.
" Which means you are the one who can save my sister Riku. "
" By The Art Of Resurrection. Yes. " The man said briefly
" Begin The Process Now! " He ordered.
" Slow Down Henosha. We need to go up to the peak of Frozen Mount. That's where I can perform the magic. "
He answered.
" How far is that? " He asked impatiently, looking towards where he could see a portion of the mountain far, far away.
" A few days. " The Sage said, stopping Henosha's heart for a second.
" A FEW DAYS !? I can reach there faster using my dark phase technique. " He suggested.
The Sage laughed and said. " You still don't understand do you... "
" A Sacrifice Has To Made. Don't you remember what I told you in your dream ? " The Sage asked him and answered it himself.
" The First Sacrifice Is Complete Henosha..."
" First Sacrifice? What are you saying? " Henosha was filled with questions.
" Yes. The First Sacrifice Is Your Dark Energy Powers. "
The Sage Informed him.
" What...? " Henosha grew quiet and scared.
" You have lost your powers now boy... "
Henosha had nothing to say as he could not believe The Sage's words.
He desperately tried to use his powers. Naming different moves... It was true what The Sage said.
" Dark Orb. " " Dark Flame Thrower. " " Shadow Phase. "
Nothing worked.
Henosha was panting in fear.
It Began To Drizzle Lightly.
" Who do you think sent these creatures huh? " The Sage asked.
" It was....."
It made his heart stop again.
" You sent these creatures at me....How? "
" It Does Not Matter...Henosha... You Have Come In Search Of Me For A Greater Reason...To Revive Your Sister... " The Sage reminded him.
" You took away my powers...So that she could be saved...? "
Henosha knelt down to the ground.
A feeling of being powerless for the first time. He felt defeated.
The rain began to pour louder and wilder.
A tear rolled down his face, but the rain was washing it away. He sobbed...
" Let Us Go Now... " The Sage was convincing him.
" Remember....This Is All For Riku. "