It was only a zap of time until they stumbled into the void of the portal, and it already started to stretch their bodies while some kind of force pulled them from the other side which made them move faster.
But there was no pain in them.
Both still embraced as they were.
Eyes shut.
A purple light radiating around the void.
"I woke up to just another ordinary day...But the world has been destroyed now and I'm inside a portal...How better can this day get." A vivid thought snuck into Mez's mind.
"Is Dad Safe? Is Laria Safe..? Will She Enter Inside This Thing As Well..?" Len mused as she tightly held his body with her eyes closed.
A split second passed after they wondered about these thoughts...Abruptly, both were thrown out of the portal.
They fell onto a solid ground that had leafs and flowers.
The feeling of force had stopped now.
Gradually, both opened their eyes...To seek light after sure a long time. Since the invasion of those unexplainable things back at Mobliac, the world had been covered in darkness.
"Woah." Len uttered, mesmerized.
Mez was astounded by the sight of it.
"It is a whole... Whole different world...?" He whispered to himself.
They were standing right on top of a hill that sloped downwards. In a distance far away, they could vaguely see white snowy mountains. There were humongous trees that seemed very old with roots growing everywhere and the hill looked like it spanned infinitely. Birds flew, singing and dancing along with the chill wind.
The sky was painted pink.
"What is this place...?..It's gorgeous.." Said, Len with a hint of a smile, forgetting about her worries for a moment.
"Am I dreaming...?" Mez stated.
"Maybe...Maybe better than a dream..." Len said while gazing at the pink skies.
A cracking sound grew behind them...It was the Portal that magically started to fade into ashes. So far, it has been like the entire day was magical...
"No no no..." Len kept repeating and ran towards it.
"Laria..." Mez said. "Uncle Hugh." He added while he stared at the vanishing portal.
As she was close, it had disappeared.
"What. It vanished...How do we get back...?" She questioned, scared and confused.
All her wonders about this world was crushing down like pieces of glass. She eagerly looked everywhere searching answers for her confusion.
"IS THERE ANYBODY!" She yelled.
Only the singing birds seemed to respond. Other than that, it was quiet. There was roars of some grouped animals somewhere far away. Maybe hidden inside bushes down the slope, or wandering out in the open.
"It's gone. The Portal's Gone !" Len panicked. Her voice had some fear in them.
"I don't think there's a way out..." She heard his soft voice.
"Or even if there is... What's the point? Everyone's dead there...And the world is gone. It's destroyed." He continued.
"What about Laria? What about dad? Do you think their dead too?" Len questioned him.
He ignored her quarrel and told her sit beneath a huge tree that was close to them.
She followed his words and sat close to him under the tree. It provided them a good spot to rest on.
Mez reached out his hand and held her.
Her hand was warm and soft. The contact made her a bit relaxed.
"Everything feels different now... Doesn't It?" Mez said.
"Yeah..." She replied with her head facing down.
"We three woke up to celebrate the birthday and the next minute we know... A Huge Eye came outta nowhere, destroyed the world. We fell into a portal and landed on a beautiful hill." Mez imitated their entire experience.
" Haha..." She giggled with a sweet sound.
Then they looked into each other's eyes... Looking deep into themselves.
"Today was also the day we hugged..." Mez reminded.
She did not acknowledge anything about that. It felt better to ignore that. She simply smiled instead.
They still held their hands tightly together.
"So much has happened..It's unfair..." Len said.
No one was around. Quiet peaceful sounds of the birds and winds made them forget about Mobliac, which was advanced. Industrialized. Man-made. Everything was just insanity. There were no big trees and peaceful singing birds there. There was only wars and corrupt politics which infested onto the young minds. Many people didn't make it past 40 in this day and age. Their mindsets changed, so did their emotions. It was rough...
Only Blood And Bullets Survived...
"We three were so lucky to survive." Mez broke the silence.
"Atleast we both did..I have a bad feeling about Laria and Dad..." Len said, worried.
"Just the thought of repeatedly recalling everything that has happened makes it even more unbelievable... A cloud came from nowhere. It turned into an eye. Then to a huge figure in the sky. Found a portal near a hundred dead bodies...And now here...This feels very much like Devil's Dungeon." Mez said everything again.
"Shut up Mez." She shoke his hand off. "Get serious for once. Laria And Dad could be dead by now."
His eyes widened.
"Don't say that..." He quietly told her.
"I'm scared. I don't know what do we do now." Said, Len.
"Uncle Hugh is the strongest man I know. He'll be alright."
"I want him to know that we are safe... But Laria...What could have happened to her...?" She asked.
"The portal must have disappeared in Mobliac too, as I understand from my gaming experiences." Mez replied with uncertainty.
"if what you say is true.. That would force her to either go search for shelter or to find dad... Both equally dangerous in it's ways..." Len just wished she was safe. That's all she wanted now.
"Maybe this portal could have been set up by someone to save everyone...which obviously did not work for other... But who the heck built that?!. It's only possible in movies and games." Mez suggested the theory of what could have been a possible motive.
Len did not react.
"Should we explore the place..?" Len asked.
"Yes. We should. Let's hope we find some answers. "
Both got up and looked around. The tree had been a fantastic place to rest. They began walking down the hill. It was not as steep as they thought, instead it was easier to walk. After a couple minutes, they reached the bottom.
In front of them was a forest like area that had numerous trees that looked like the one they rested on. Those huge trees almost covered the entire forest with only it's roots.
Gathering the feel of this place, they continued to walk forth. As they progressed, the pleasant scent of the flowers were turning foul; the chill air turning warm.
When they moved a bunch of branches from their sights...
"WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS AGAIN !" Mez screamed as Len just stared at it with a blank face.
It was the thousands and thousands of those creatures which Henosha had massacred. Blood splattered on the tall woods and colorful flowers. The place was a slaughter house.
They instantly realised that this time, it was not humans. It was some type of animals or... Monsters that had legs and hands that grew on them everywhere. Heads sliced away... legs and arms ripped. Bodies of the fat ones were busted open with thick blood that poured down.
There was only blood. Blood everywhere.
"I hope this is all a bad dream..." Len uttered to herself with a face of distrust towards everything she has been seeing so far.