The sun bore bright.
He looked up at the pink tinted sky where birds flew past him.
Henosha always liked it here. The fresh air, the rivers, the mountains, the humongous trees that stood strong for centuries... Almost nothing held him back, here he felt free and lively.
Unlike Mobliac, the place where wars waged, battles broke out, soldiers died and lives were taken for data research purpose.
He laid against the tree with Riku by his lap and took a short glance down at his swords that's been saving his life so far.
Two blades known to have been forged by a demonic blacksmith named Rhinhidge, deep down under the crust, where the strongest metal was found.
A sudden feel of sorrow struck...Henosha couldn't believe that Riku had died of a fever.
She had always been a strong, determined and a caring girl...
A girl that was so pure and had no place for hatred in her heart...which is something Henosha has and will continue to have throughout his life.
He had been living his life as a swordsman and was often summoned by the higher ups to fight off danger at the time of need for pity money. This sums up his first 19 years. But he has grown older, stronger and wiser over the course of time. Leading a normal life without passion, yet his heart was filled with rage and guilt. All he ever wanted to do was to take care of his sister until he's gone. But that promise was broken by himself.
At times he pondered, " All This Power. For What? "
Riku's skin was still soft and gentle as it were when she was alive. Her cheeks held softy by his rough hands.
He was certain that he will be able to bring her back to life with the help of The Sage who resided atop of the Frozen Mount. A man who has lived for over 400 years. Preaching and practicing the art of healing from the ancient times. He was also called " The Grandfather " by the native.
Having one simple aim, Henosha put both of his swords back onto it's sheath on his back and lifted her slowly and placed her in his shoulders, readying to carry her for the next few days.
He regretted all his decisions and hated himself, but still there's one last thing needed to be done. That was to bring Riku back to life...
He began to walk across the river that spanned for the next mile or so. The scent of the flowers reminded him of his peaceful childhood when times were much easier.
It was a lonely journey towards the unknown. Both of his swords clanging each other as he walked.
Wind rushing against his face...A cool breeze of air came from the river stream. it made him close his eyes...It made him think about his dark past. He envisioned all the peaceful things the world had and then thought about the things he had... It was all blank and lifeless.
" Henosha... Your Sister Is More Alive Than You Will Ever Be... " He heard his inner soul whispering to him.
That voice stopped him.
He knew that was true what the voice said. Henosha's peace was only found when he killed someone or something.
At a visible distance, a man stood, looking at him. His figure was glowing. Almost making it hard to view. The body was hunched.
Henosha sensed something and approached towards him...
" A man with the dark truth. " The man said with such subtlety in an echoing voice. He was short and bald; frail looking while Henosha was tall and armoured.
" Dark truth? " He felt like he didn't even wanted to know what that meant.
The man stood still and stared into Henosha's eyes. He saw something evil inside him.
" Henosha... " The man uttered after a short break.
" You know me ? " He questioned without even being surprised.
" Certainly. " The man said with a single nod.
" What is that you need from me? " Henosha asked with a blank face.
" Nothing. I'm here to give a warning.
" Warning? " His face turned grim.
" Yes...A Sacrifice Is A Must. " The man started to fade into ashes and then vanished like a smoke after informing.
Henosha looked everywhere; he was gone.
That's when he opened his eyes and realised that he had been thinking and visualizing about this.
He stood in the same place where he had left reality, near the river, but with a feeling of pensive mood. A thought running through his mind. He couldn't understand anything. It was too much for him to process. He continued to walk forth...
Before he took the next step, he sensed something around him. Something sinister...
He turned around to the tall tree where he rested for yesterday. He sensed something behind it.
Sounds of root and branches cracking and breaking open became slowly audible... Someone...Or..
Something came crawling out, smearing blood all over the grass. it looked skinny and in the color of white. It had four legs, one on top of its forehead and two intertwined on its belly. The last one, where it's supposed to be.
Since it was on one leg, it was hopping on both sides for balance. It stood at an approximate height of 8 feet.
Way more taller than Henosha, but he still maintained a blank face.
" KROOWHHHHHH ! " it growled like a wolf.
Henosha stepped back to keep Riku in a safe spot. He placed her down.
That thing growled again and started to rush him, bouncing forth.
Henosha was not nervous, he slowly placed her down in a gentle grass field.
It was close to him, splattering blood all over the place.
He drew his swords from it's sheath. The sound of it being taken out gave him the pleasure he wanted for awhile.
It put a smile on his face. A smile that he never intended but came on it's own.
It launched itself towards him, leaping high in the air with it's jaw wide open; blood dripping.
A slight second was enough for Henosha to find the gap. He somersaulted backwards with ease...
Slicing the two intertwined legs off within inches away from the bite.
It growled in pain. Blood came raining out from the cuts of the leg.
Henosha giggled at it's attempts of failure with a grim look on his face.
" KRAAWWWWWWHHHH ! " The thing growled louder.
It was a sign. A sign to release a load more of those creatures. One by one, Several of those crawled out of the huge trees that surrounded him. In a matter of minutes, hundreds of those encircled him. But it was not enough to make Henosha feel satisfied. He was ready for more battles. He looked around him, checking on Riku. Luckily those things had set eyes for him and he could sense it. A lot more came out, some small and others big and fat. It came in all sizes...
He knew, the power of his swords weren't enough...So
Henosha looked down to the ground...
" Arggggg " He raised a loud grunt.
The grunt had activated his Dark Powers instantly.
His body was suddenly lit up with a dark flame, the two blades were flaming too.
It Was His Dark Energy.
" BRING IT ON ! " He raged with a smile and rushed right at them...