The sun would be down over the horizon making a warm yet tired look outside as the wind slowly brushed by the two allowing their hair to flow as they closed the door, making their way to the SUV parked slightly in the grass.
Astonished by the scene Haru would slowly be wagging his tails while focusing on his surroundings the blood shining on him, not saying a word but a clear glint of amazement written on his face, squinting at certain things while he praised the sight at others making him look like a mere child.
Practically dragging him at this point the man would open the door before pushing him in a fence screen taking place to cut off him and the front seat off as he got into the car before driving away from the church.
'Why are you looking so bug-eyed at everything?" Rukia wondered as the little thing in the back just sat close to the window taking in the view and fresh air.
He'd only ignore the man staring blankly at everything clearly dazed by the sights. This only intrigued Rukia more as he'd glance back at him. He really was a pretty little thing he thought before shaking himself out of it, time passed with silence as it grew darker.
Haru now being sleeping curled up in the seat he'd pull over to a truck stop before parking his car to head inside. The bells rang while the tall wolf made his way grabbing things such as food and water, but he stopped for a moment. Staring at the bandages as he thought back to Haru's wounds before grabbing them as he headed to the counter.
Looking back out of the window he'd notice the little fox breaking his car window with a pair of rusty scissors, running towards the woods in a limping motion. "I'd be dammed never thought the kid had it in them to run," he'd thought letting out a large chuckle while tilting his head, the cashier stared at him in a mix of confusion and fear.
Heavy breathing could be heard as Haru made his way through the trees scratching up his feet in the process of him ducking and jumping over things in a hurried motion he hated himself for leaving his shoes in the car but it was far better and easier to run on foot rather than large oversized boots.
"I refuse to be sold! What is that idiotic wolf thinking acting like nothing is wrong of course I'm going to run at the chance?!"
He'd smirk to himself it wasn't a funny smirk but a smirk of distress. It hurt him to be running like this, damaged ribs and head injures are a bad combo he thought though this didn't stop him from going full sprint to god knows where.
Noticing a river up ahead he'd slow his pace as he reached it, taking large gulps of the water while heavily panting as he sat down to catch his breath. Wondering what may have been if he stayed in the car but this thought was soon interrupted with a faint sound of crying from his left.
Getting up quickly he raised his alarm at his surroundings not taking any chances of being caught by that dammed wolf, he was finally free once again and no one was taking his freedom from him without a struggle he thought.
Nearing the faint crying he'd sniff the air only to be met with a small kitten crying their eyes out in fear being covered in dirt and lord knows what else, this sight making Haru wince as he flashed back to waking up to corpses, blood being stained across the grass as he sat feeling helpless next to his mother, he knew the feeling of fear and confusion that this poor thing must have felt...
He'd look around swiftly before approaching the baby, picking it up and holding it tightly to his chest. "Where are your parents? They must be worried sick..." He'd walk towards a tree before sitting down crossing his legs to rock the small baby he'd found back and forth in an attempt to calm it, a lingering feeling of dread washing over him.
Haru would look down at the thing before nudging it gently to gain its attention smiling at it weakly as it quickly took a liking to his finger as it had held it tightly.
It looked adorable even in this condition you look only about eight or nine months old maybe younger, wonder where your parents are?
I can't leave you here now can I Momma wouldn't approve if I did leave you anyway, Haru thought being lost in none stop questions of what to do only to be broken away from that thought with an all to the distant sound of large paws hitting the ground.
"Crap!" He'd stiffened as he looked up then back down at the small child before deciding he was going to protect her no matter what until he could find her a home it was the least he could do after all.
With this, he'd stumble up holding the baby closer to him practically shielding her as he ran across the small stream dogging the large sequoia trees fast approaching.
He acknowledged he couldn't outrun the wolf on foot when it was in its shifted form especially in this condition but he gave it his all, while tears trickled down his face, whilst the pain set in but he refused to not try, he would live, for once something was depending on him for survival and to him, that was enough to keep going.
Haru knew he couldn't shift in fact he never had shifted, though his parents never minded it nor did anyone else in the world as it meant less trouble, after all, less destruction, fewer costs to everyone who crossed him.
The small child was now making babbling sounds as she played with his hair, smiling so unaware of the danger she was in he thought as a worried look slowly overthrew his cherished mood at the baby's actions.
Approaching the end of the lake Haru would watch deeply into the distance making out the faint sight of a town well more of a village, still, he began to hurry towards it not taking any chances nor sign of slowing down.
I can hide there, just until morning or something right? Even if they do arrive here it would be hard to find me with all the other peoples' scents, he thought to himself with a concerning yet thoughtful expression in his eyes as he remembered that the man was a weird-looking wolf.
Nearing a small building he began to frantically knock on it though from another's perspective he was beating down the door, noticing the sign "Buck's Butchery" written on the door as he did so.
A slim man would open the door before looking down at the two making his clear sign of annoyance to be known. "The shop's closed kid try again in the morning," his voice sounding husky as it seemed like he may have just woken up the man.
"I- I'm not here for food I just, please let us stay here for the night well pay you! We'll be out by morning promise just need somewhere to stay," Haru looked up at the man while making puppy dog eyes a clear sign of pleading on his face he knew he couldn't pay the man but he was hoping the bluff was enough to get the man to let them in.
Noting the word payment the man would look them up and down, noticing the dried blood and dirt they were covered in made him look with a questioning gaze, though he caved in as he saw the small child he had been holding.
Now turning the man would motion for them to follow this making Haru smile ear to ear as he hurried behind him. "What brings you to Mirfield," he questioned a sense of uneasy in his voice.
"Oh w- we, we got lost in the woods and I fell down an um, a sloop while running from a man well a wolf if you will. And we found this place so we went to the first house we saw hoping for shelter," Haru would squeak out not trying to lie but not say the truth as well.
This only furthered the man's questions. "Why was the man chasing you and why were you in the woods at this time of night" he stared as he lead them to a couch before walking to his kitchen, sounds of the clutter of pots and fire could be heard.
"I'm, I mean, we were walking in the forest looking for my father then the man jumped out and attacked us he took our belongings, I managed to push him back and run off but I fell and.." He'd now be stammering coming up with things as he spoke this man couldn't know who they were if he did would he hurt them too he questioned himself?
He'd walk back to them both with a tray containing a bottle of milk, a teapot, and two glasses. Setting down the tray on the wooden coffee table as he'd pour the hot green tea into both cups making Haru lick his slips slightly at the fresh minty smell it gave off.
Handing him the bottle and the cup of tea Haru sat down the small girl onto his lap holding her with one hand as he'd nudged the bottle to her in his other which she quickly took. Allowing his hand to be free to grab the cup to take a sip.
The tea was refreshing and made him slightly moan as the taste of the sweet grassy honey flavors took to his dry mouth making him want to drink it more, but in an effort not to look dehydrated he'd put the cup down.
"It's fine if you don't remember you were attacked, after all, you should be proud your protected your sister," the man motioned towards the girl on his lap.
"She's not my sister, I mean!" This had slipped out of Haru making the man once again stare at him with a questioning glimpse as sweat poured down Haru's back.