Chereads / Silver Sword Academy / Chapter 4 - History lesson

Chapter 4 - History lesson

The air in the halls now was thick in the hallway. They had expected somebody to speak up. They all knew the theory but just the thought of it actually happening was in a word. Terrifying. Again Kazaki was the only one to break the silence.

"Which brings us to our second theory. The guardians may or may not be alive. It's something of a paradox. You see guardians were, well they protected and kept the balance of the realms in the early years of creation. They kept themselves, the demons, and the early humans in check by creating limits, which all three species had agreed to follow.

The three species Kazaki was talking about were the demons, the humans, and the guardians. The humans and demons were very much alive but the same could not be said for the guardians. Considering no one has seen them since before the war. The last time anyone had heard or saw something from them was at the end of the last war over one thousand years ago.

Still even at the start of this war and now seventy years later there was no contact no communication and no sign.

"Peace reigned until the guardians started to fear the power that the demons had amassed in the Inferno." Kazaki was now on a roll just relaying information and theories "Maybe it was unwarranted but, I'm not the one to say how the story goes."

'One day guardians came down to Terra Firma to patrol and make sure the natural order was protected. As they walked through The land, they noticed humans were advancing at a steady pace and, didn't seem to be threatening. The most they were doing was learning the secrets of the world and killing each other. The guardians found this normal as humans were seen by The guardians as lesser and inferior beasts so this hadn't frightened them.

What frightened them were the unspeakable horrors they saw in the Inferno. They walked through the fiery pits with a demon guide. There was mutual trust and an agreement to not meddle in each other's affairs, but as they went deeper, they encountered horrifying things. Some say this is where they had ruined the equilibrium.

They decided to talk to Mephistopheles: the king of the demons and ruler of the inferno. They pleaded with Mephistopheles, trying to persuade him to stop this madness. He felt disrespected. Imagine someone coming into your domain telling you how to rule it how it should be run. Not in a way where they could claim it was just advice.

The guardians tried to impose more laws on Mephistopheles' subjects and their ability to spread and cultivate their land. With these new laws the first act of war was declared. Mephistopheles beheaded The Guardians and sent the remains back to Elysium. This just showed The Guardians that their fear were coming true the demons had gotten too strong and were going mad using their power to disrupt the balance.

Many lives were lost on all fronts. The war even spilt here to Terra Firma and like any army the humans fought for the guardians and some for the demons. Yet others still fought for humanity to be left out of the bloodshed, which if you ask me is kind of ironic.

It's said that the war stopped when Asmodeus, one of Mephistopheles main general, gutted the opposing general, Azazel. He did this after Azazel killed Mephistopheles with his own horns. That one battle between Asmodeus and Azazel is a completely didnt story on its own it's said they fought for 7 days and nights before the killing blow was struck.'

The only two in the group that were slightly interested in the story were the twins never hearing it before. Everyone just stared at the twins to see what they were to say and do. Maybe the pressure of a centuries long war that had taken millions of live on all fronts was too much for them? Perhaps they'd freak out and run away like the last trainee.

They honestly didn't get many people here at the academy or in the resistance really it was starting to look more like a homeless shelter. As of now the resistance only had about thirty-thousand people in it.

"That's a pretty gruesome story. How does it end." Angel was the first to speak up after Kazaki had finished the story. Afterwards Adam decided it was his turn to explain a thing or two.

"Well ain't that jus' the question if the century, it ain't over yet. We living the story as it continues to go on. The guardians and the demons went into hidin' and left humanity to pick the pieces. Over the past hundred years, the demons been slowly been buildin' their forces back to their pre- war strength. This brings us to theory number one."

"People think they're trying to bring back Mephistopheles" Jules just wanting to show she knew a thing or two spoke up

"But they don't have enough power yet. The war left teeny tiny pieces of Elysium in the inferno that the demons just couldn't get rid of. Sooooo they have less power to draw from and started the attacks on Terra Firma. If you look close enough to each different parts of the world pieces of the inferno are popping up.

Kinda scary 'cause if Terra firma turns into the inferno I wonder if my power would stick work." Jules scratched her head thinking about all of this. Adam, Chan, and Kazaki looked at her with wide eyes seeing as she said something seemingly intelligent. The twins didn't know much but, Jules wasn't stupid per se just something of a ditz. The other three in the group didn't think anything was wrong with this it was just a shock that she said something of note.

"Well where are the guardians? Why not just come out finish off what they started and move in with there lives and leave us out of it."

Kazaki answered Virgil but her answer didn't give them much to go on within this hour of them talking Kazaki was at the very least intelligent. Maybe they had started to rely too much on her knowledge even though they'd only met these people a few hours ago.

"Nobody knows…"

Going back to his less inquisitive self Virgil simply interlocked his fingers behind his head and started walking nowhere in particular but he had already stood up and didn't want to embarrass himself by not knowing what to do next.

"Well that seems like more than enough doom and gloom for one day. Where exactly is this training facility that Connor was talking about?"

"Its over here down the hall we'll take you there"

And with that the twins and the four others started the walk down the hall towards the training facility. Virgil and Angel were excited to say the least even though they had different personalities the sibling rivalry was strong, And Angel saw how her brother preformed against Connor so it wasn't a big hurdle for her to look better.

Virgil on the other hand knew he hadn't done well, but at the time he was reasonably annoyed so of course his performance was subpar. He was hoping Angel would think it would be easy to upstage him so he could do the same to her.

Once again this internal determination wasn't being shown outwardly, but there was a certain tension in the air. Now the four students lead the twins to where they would be having their test. To the twins surprise they weren't far off from where they needed to go.