Chereads / Silver Sword Academy / Chapter 7 - Test pt.1

Chapter 7 - Test pt.1

Two children were standing in the middle of a burning village people were screaming as the stench of blood and burning bodies filled the air. Mothers held their children to their breast tightly while they ran through the village dodging burning building and slain people. Through the smoke a man is visible the man swinging his sword with grace not seen except in legends. His grace with a sword was legendary and so was his battle taking place.

The man wore what looked to be rags now, his opponents weren't fast enough to hit him but they did manage to grab his clothing. Before they were rags however the mans clothing was that of a commoner's the most expensive item on his person was the sword he was now using to endlessly cut down demon after demon attacking the village.

During one of his battles a demon runs past the man toward the two children standing in the middle of the chaos. The man grabs the demon by the back of its necks dragging it back in front of him just to impale it through the stomach. He looks back at the children a boy and a girl and yells at them not at of harshness but more in sense of urgency.


The boy winces at the harshness of the mans words. The boy goes to pick his sister up by the hand he ducks under her arm to give her the leverage to stand as they start to limp away.


Virgil wakes up his head filled with the fog of sleep groggily he takes in his surroundings thinking to himself

'Hmm that's a nice tree, outside air it smells good... wait why is the ground above me"

Something was definitely suspicious as Virgil's brain was slowly turning on. He took in his surrounding even more twisting and turning try to get a look around but to no avail. Slightly annoyed his brain finally clicks.

'Great middle of the a forest I'm fully dressed and... well what the hell why am I tied to a TREE BANCH UPSIDE DOWN!'

as he realizes he's not in his bed. He's fully dressed out in the middle of the forest he tries to make sense of what's happening but he's upside down he sighs deeply. Trying anything considering the desperation setting in. It had finally dawned on him this must be one of the tests Connor had mentioned.


Birds fly out from all around because of the yelling. Again he sigh a second time and let's his body go limp.

'Well this is great it's not impossible to get out but the situation is just rather annoying'

Looking down he sees a note on the floor reading.

~test two find Angel by the last sundown of the seventh day~

Another deep sigh this day just keeps getting better and better he looks up at the branch he's tied to.

'Alright ok my arms are tied behind my back legs tied together and tied to the branch'

He shimmies with a slight hop towards the edge of the branch his thought process was to get near the end of the branch where it was thinnest and easiest to break. Taking a deep breath preparing himself for what he's about to do. He didn't ever get hurt easily pain to him at this point was yet another annoyance.

He takes a breath and in one motion he bent his knees and pushed all his weight downwards the end of the branch snaps he falls on his shoulder, kicking up dust, rolls over to a knee and takes a look at the note on the floor.

'Really wish I knew whose handwriting is who's cause I swear im gonna beat them after I find Angel!'

He takes a look over his shoulder planning his next move and sees how his hands are tied behind his back he sighs knowing what he has to do.


A couple of miles away the scenery was vastly different the area Virgil was in was completely wooded dense forest. This area however looked as though certain trees had been cleared out making something of a path towards a lake. Laying on the ground ankles tied to her wrists was Angel just waking up much in the same way that Virgil had. She wakes up thinking.

'Hmm that's a nice tree, outside air it smells good.... wait why am I eye level with the dirt?'

She takes note of her surroundings and notices there's a piece of paper about ten feet away from her. She moves forward her movements resembling an inch warm using her shoulder and knees to push her forward. Stopping she noticed she can move her fingers slightly, in her fingertips she touches the ropes freezing them the ropes they break off easily she grabs the paper it reads;

~test two make it back to silver sword by the last sundown of the seventh day~

She dusts herself off and starts towards the sound of rushing water.

'First things first if I have a week out here I might as well have a water source.'

Angel she arrived at a waterfall admist the clearing cautiously she walks towards the water looking to her left and her right she's confused that no animals are here. She chalks up the lack of animals to her presence in the area. The thought doesn't make her feel any better how was she going to hunt or eat anything in the next seven days if the animals were scared of her just being there.

Angel places her hands into the water scooping handfuls of water into her mouth. It was cold and fresh the days wasn't particularly hot seeing how she woke up though she needed this refreshment. Getting up she walks towards the waterfall through the river all the while letting her thoughts wonder.

'I never understood where waterfalls comes from but being behind it is gonna keep me cool during the days'

Allowing herself to be soaked she walks through the water fall to see a cave opening on the other side. The slick rocks at the entrance of the cave made her conscious of her balance. The roof was dripping every drop making a slight echo that was washed out by the sounds of rushing water. Looking around her feet Angel noticed the multitude of rats running toward the opening away from the inner walkways of the cave.

At the sight of all the rats leaving she exhaled through her nose looking up with regret thinking to herself.

'This is the exact thing I tell Virgil to avoid scary caves in the middle of nowhere I mean even the rats ran away.'

Shoving these thoughts out of her mind she starts the walk deeper into the cave. After five minutes of walking in complete darkness the cavern starts to slowly illuminate with jewels twinkling everywhere she stops to appreciate what exactly it is she's seeing

'Even though I've only known her a couple hours at most this has got to be a dream of Jules'.'

Venturing deeper until there a fork in the path going three different directions and no sign of the correct way to go because how can there be a right and wrong in simple explorations. At least that was her thought process. Doing the best impression she can think of she channels the thought of her brother closing her eyes and points to the middle. Slowly pointing in each direction

'eeney meeney miney moe'

She opens her eyes and starts towards the left fork she walks for a short while and sees a light and feel a breeze of her skin the air around her no longer smells of wet rocks and dirt but of outside air.

'I guess virgil's way works sometimes.'

She starts running towards the light and the direction of the breeze yearning for the outside it had only been an hour or two in the cavern but she'd take sunlight over the dark any day. Finally she reaches an open area something of a cave within a cave. From the ceiling there are two holes letting the sunlight in along with a breeze if she listened close enough she could almost here the rushing water she didn't know where it was coming from but I'd she could hear the water she couldn't have been far from her starting point right? Taking in the breeze for a few more seconds the atmosphere changed the breeze remains gentle but with a certain weight on top of it.

'The breeze is gentle but the pressure of the air is making it feel heavy definitely not natural'

Angel conjures a small knife moving her hand slowly down creating chains linking with each other connecting with the end of the knife.


Since acting like Virgil had gotten her this far she decided to roll with it scolding herself internally maybe she'd taken to the role a little too easily. Still in her own mind she doesn't allow herself to relax not giving up her stance for a few moments. After slowly pacing in circles waiting for something anything something happens.

A figure comes through the hole slowly, almost floating down as if gravity wouldn't let this thing fall. The sun was to its back but as it came down Angel could now clearly see it. It was human in its build everything from its shoulders to its waist was showing, she could see the muscles developing, as the human built figure came more into focus she realized it was a man or it appeared to be a man.

She couldn't tell considering it was wearing a chest harness with two leather bands coming from his back over the shoulders two more that came from below its chest and two more on either side of its hips the crossed its body until they all reached the middle of its torso. It also had two wings that seemed connected to harness they were snow white, she lost count trying to see how many feather made up these wings. And lastly a pair of aviator goggles that sat on what could considered its forehead along with a face guard, half bird and half Angel. As it slowly came down from the whole it's arms were up to the sides as if it wanted her to look.

If Angel had to describe this man the only word she could think of was gorgeous. She scolded herself internally now was not the time to admire the mystery person.

"I see you have a flare for the dramatic so icey grave is still on the menu but let's clip those wings!"