Chereads / Silver Sword Academy / Chapter 5 - The first test begins

Chapter 5 - The first test begins

In the halls going towards the training facility there was an almost electric tension between Virgil and Angel. The other four though they must have been imagining it because the looks on the twins faces were calm and collective. Taking in the halls the school looked pretty ordinary, plane even. The only thing that stood out about the school was the decor inside.

The inside was more of a barracks for soldiers. Weapons were mounted on the walls along with pictures and skulls. The pictures were of the soldiers and their squads while the skulls were testaments of that squads strength. The only thing the twins found weird about this was the fact that each picture they saw had less members in each squad.

'It's almost like the numbers of soldiers keeps getting smaller.' This is what the twins were thinking to themselves not yet regretting the decision to come here, but not loving it at the same time. The only person seemed to stay constant was Connor but it couldn't have been he was only about twenty years older than the twins. These pictures went back hundred of years from the start of the war skipped a thousand years or so and started back up again around seventy years ago. Therefore it couldn't have been him he had a militant air around him so perhaps it was his family.

Before they knew it the twins they were in front of a set of double doors they were too engrossed with everything on the walls to notice, but they were there in front of the training facility.

Virgil was the first to move forward nudging the others to the side

"Well no point in waiting let's get this done"

He pushed both doors inward to make a grand entrance. The doors didn't budge. Adam was the first to laugh while Angel just stood there shaking her head.

"Well shoot that woulda been impressive if'n the door was a push 'stead of a pull" a vein in Virgil's started to pulse not only did he just embarrass himself he also got ridiculed by someone he barely knew.

That being said Angel walked forward despite the laughing, that now came from Jules and Adam, took hold of one of the handles and pulled the door back. What they saw was to be expected. What hit them first was the smell. It was just the smell of sweat with a tinge of blood. It seemed everyone was taking the training as seriously as they should in a time of war.

What they saw next was multiple rows of mats with kids of varying ages all fighting, meditating, and using the abilities their auras would allow some were even praying.

The group, if you could really call them a group considering they've only know Virgil and Angel a few short hours, ventured through the rows of mats to the far side of the training center. There they saw something of a sand pit it looked like a coliseum floor from the history books.

The twins could hardly contain themselves the training center actually looked fun to them. The others assumed it would be awhile before the twins were no longer awestruck.

This place is sweet, anyway where's Connor he said to meet him here so I'd assume he would've been here already."

"Behind you." Connor said answering Virgil and seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Let's start the training session first up sparring"

Virgil was ready to show everyone what he actually had in terms of skill rolling his shoulder loosening up

"Alright who am i sparring"

Again Connor answered "Nobody i've already evaluated you"

"But but that was off guard let me go again"

Connor turning his head looks directly at Angel.

"Angel go on the mat if you would, and umm."

He seemed to be trying to think of a good match up for Angel not knowing her skill level. Apart from fighting the demons outside he hadn't saw much especially with the steam in the way.

"Jules you'll be her sparring partner don't go easy."

Hearing her name Jules' ears perked up. She wasn't paying attention to what was really happening as most of this truly just didn't excite her.

"Okie doke sounds fun, but could we maybe change the scenery"

she pointed downwards to the coliseum floor and even motioning her head towards it. As if it wasn't obvious enough she wanted to go there. Angel took note of this along with the fact she was told Jules can control rocks

Connor points to a set of double doors

Angel does nothing but nods and walks through the door. She enters the coliseum with a rocky terrain. Connor stands in the middle of the arena. Jules is the last one through as everyone else was sitting in the stands to give the two as much space as needed.

Connor looks to his left and to his right Angel and Jules both taking fighting stances the back of their hands touching the other

"So Angel as this is your first time here in the arena there are a certain set of rules."

"And those would be?"

"You're to fight with everything Jules isn't your friend nor your ally for this fight. Treat this as you would a battlefield, and make no mistakes it could cause your life out there. In here it'll just hurt real bad."

Connor was speaking loud enough so that the group in the stands could here Virgil took it as if the words were directed towards him. The other have been here multiple times how's one supposed to get better if they don't test their skills? At least that was their logic.

Angel steeled her expression "Seems reasonable"

"Alright everything goes except death so START!"

And so the fight began Angel attempted to get some distance jumping back as there wasn't much room between her and Jules. Jules rushes forward swinging her hand back a boulder comes from the grounds rushing towards Angel. Last second Angel makes a giant ice shield a second before its complete the rock smashed through the ice. Somehow seemingly moving without thinking she ducks and the boulder flies past her

'Ok ok gotta be quicker than that' Angel thought to herself. Virgil from the stands wasn't especially happy that his sister wasn't doing well so far, but sibling the rivalry is strong.

Angel comes up from her duck and starts sprinting towards Jules making ice throwing shurikens throwing them at Jules. Jules keeps her sprint going the shurikens going through the gaps as she dives forward throwing golden nuggets simultaneously.

Two of the nuggets hit Angel in the stomach. The first making her knees buckle while the second made her hit the floor rolling backwards.

Angel conjures an ice sword to stop her roll she gets up and runs weaving in our out trying to avoid more debris from Jules.

'Damn this girl is fast no way in inferno does she have so much speed going for her.'

This split second thought gave Angel the time she needed to be directly in front of Jules. She swung her sword vertically hoping to at least scare her back. Jules just stood there blocking the sword with her forearm as the attack went through a scream was heard. In the stands Virgil was pleased his sister wasn't reduced to a punching like she had been, but at the same time wondering if she'd gone a little too far. Instead of blood all that was seen were rocks crumbling where Jules was standing

The group was stunned they all had moves that the others hadn't seen. This was something different something special.

"When did she do that must be super fast"

Kazaki smirked even though Jules was a ditz she was actually one of the better fighters Kazaki had ever seen. Jules didn't care about fighting, but self improvement was definitely something she was all about.

"Yea she is she does a lot of training"

Adam was also smiling Angel was gorgeous to him. He still couldn't allow them to be upstaged by the new student. She was holding her own though.

Even Connor had realized this was going to be a long fight.