Chereads / Silver Sword Academy / Chapter 6 - End of day one

Chapter 6 - End of day one

The coliseum started to smell like a freezer was put underground because of all the rocks being thrown and ice being used. Jules and Angel were fighting to what seemed to be their fullest potential all while Adam, Chan, Kazaki, and Virgil watched. The only one not in the stands was Connor who was presently surprised by his soon to be student and Jules who had come a long way in a few short months.

Even though the air around Angel was cold she was starting to sweat. Thing about fighting Jules was she always seemed to be one step ahead. However this wasn't the case. It came down to the practical experience Jules had compared to Angel.

Having destroyed Jules' Rick clone she was nowhere to be found

'Dammit the first rule is to not let the opponent out of your site' this was what Angel was thinking while quickly scanning around her for Jules.

Immediately after finishing the last words of her thought she found Jules. She had jumped out of the ground and there was now a fissure in the coliseum floor. When Jules jumped out of the fissure was about a head taller than Angel and already swinging her left fist, completely covered in stone, towards the ice user. In return Angel made her right fist in a thick layer of ice.

Just as they were about to connect Jules changed her momentum and elbowed Angel in the face and raises a wall of stone directly behind her.

As Angel hit the stone wall a crater was seen with cracks coming away from the center.

Worried for his sister Virgil looks toward Adam.

"Isn't this just a bit excessive not to mention one sided"

Adam laughs in reply "Would ya rather yer sister not learn an get killed out there?"

Virgil relented biting his tongue. Adam was right sadly and even though the sibling rivalry was there this was almost too much to watch. Angel was really all Virgil had in his life the only constant. They depended on one another.

Angel thinks to herself

'She's so fast it just doesn't make any sense none of the demons we've ever killed had been this fast." Angel looks towards the stands and sees Virgil with his arms crossed nodding. This seemed to light a fire in her belly. She had to do better if she was to weak to protect her brother he would have no one. They depended on one another

Angel stands shakily but Jules doesn't let and is on her in an instant vicious in her next set of movement Jules yells"Get up from this!!!" As she starts throwing pillars of jade towards Angel. With her sword in hand, Angel wasn't entirely sure how she'd managed to keep it in her grasp, attempted to seat the jade away. For a short time it works.

Jules sees she's getting nowhere with this tactic erects obsidian poles around Angel in a tight circle resembling a jail cell. Satisfied with the result Jules turn her back to Angel looking towards Connor

"I think I've won this"

Connor lifts an eyebrow to this comment and is about to call the match

"There's a reason why obsidian is sometimes called black glass!"

It seemed the fight wasn't gone from Angel just yet. Again she covers her fist in ice and starts smashing the poles until she's free from her impromptu prison.Jules is shocked that Angel can still fight. Angel not wanting to give up this opening dashing towards Jules and uses her ice fist to uppercut Jules into the air.

Virgil fist shoots up he was glad his sister had finally landed a decent punch on Jules. Again he turns to Adam to speak

"I taught her that"

Adam doesn't seem to be the slightest bit amused by Virgil claim. So instead Kazaki answers for him

"Looks like your sister might've realized Jules can't do much in terms of air combat."

"Yeah she's pretty good isn't she?"

Adam still wasn't amused by Virgil but Angel did happen to catch his eye.

"Mhm I'll say."

Angel starts throwing an onslaught of ice Kunai which find purchase in various parts of Jules' body. As she starts falls to the ground Angel runs to intercept, breathing hard enough to see her breath frost from the air around her, but stops dead in her tracks by a piercing pain.

Jules lands into a roll Angel looks up pain shooting up her legs making it hard to stand her calves felt like they were being stabbed. Jules is towering over takes a hand full of hair and delivers a sickening knee to the stomach.

"ALRIGHT stop that's good enough i have what i need"

Virgil wouldn't ever show it to his sister but he was glad Connor had finally said something to end the match. His sister was having a tough time catching her breath and even landing a single hit.

Jules runs toward Angel who, after taking a knee to the stomach, was face first in the floor a slight amount of spit coming from her mouth. Seeing this Jules seemed to come out of her battle mindset.

"Oh no angel i'm so sorry"

"No no it's all good i'm fine just some pain and lack of air."

The group from the stands was now rushing towards the center of the arena and start something of a huddle around Jules and Angel. Connor clapped his hand in a decisive way turning back into a teacher and not a match maker.

"Alright everyone discussion time I believe."

As the circle broke away from the two combatants Virgil went to kneel next to Angel whispering into her ear.

"You sure you're ok? That last hit looked pretty nasty"

"Virgil don't worry you're not the only one with a high pain tolerance"

She would never show it but she was glad Virgil cared about her well-being it should her she'd been a good sister and that her goal would be useless. Now more than ever she'd realized she needed much improvement. Again Connor clapped to get everyone's attention

"I have to admit it was a pretty exciting fight definitely better than your brother in regards to thinking on your feet however, there are some fundamental things that went wrong and right in this fight Kazaki pointed one out so far who can explain?"

Jules' hand shot up her hand flapping at the wrist as if it physically painful not being able to answer. Connor points to Jules.

"It was a smart move to get me off the ground maybe it was just a lucky guess, but a right guess. Anyhow the one thing though is you smashed the obsidian to pieces. Even though There was barely anything, there were shards in the air which I could still control."

Virgil was replaying the match back in his head. It didn't make sense to him because if Jules couldn't do much while in the air then how come she could do something while the source was in the air. He just shrugged to himself thinking he'd figure it out later, and got back to the topic.

"So that's why she stopped mid stride. You're combat thinking is pretty fast

"Really you think so? I mean it's not something that just happens it took me awhile to learn control like that."

Jules just happened to blush while brushing her fringe nervously. She'd been complimented before but Virgil was kinda cute in a weird kinda way. What was she thinking lessons were happening. She hadn't even realized Connor was still talking

"Very good it seems like we know what went wrong and right at least at a base level. With that being said who's ready for the next test?"

The very thought at another test made Angel wince. Virgil noticed this, but he wasn't the one that just got dragged. So instead he let Angel speak.

"Even tho i have a pain tolerance ima still need rest after that"

"I understand well do it tomorrow Kazaki Jules bring her to your dorm. She'll be bunking with you if that's alright"

"Of course."

"Yayyyyy new roommate!"

The girl went walking off to the other side of the coliseum. Virgil was still waiting to hear where he would be staying. He could assume he was staying with the other two. Which wasn't the best considering he already did take to Adam to kindly.

"What about me where my gonna sleep?"

It wasn't hard to figure out where Virgil would sleep but Connor had started to like toying with him so he pretended to think for a second.

"Nowhere for right now i would like to talk to you"

This gained a laugh from Adam who subsequently also gained an interest in toying with Virgil

"Damn first day an' y'll already in trouble?"

"Shut up"

Virgil sighs and starts dragging his feet towards Connor. What could he have possibly done to warrant a lecture? It was only the first day they were only a couple hours in. Adam and Chan both look at each other walk a couple of feet away and start chatting. Well Adam was Chan was nodding and listening.

Virgil and Connor walked away until they were out of earshot. They were close about arms length away.

"So teach what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Well you see when we were fighting earlier i saw some of your aura."

He stops to look at Virgil. He wasn't exactly looking at him though. More so through him to see if there was any type of reaction.

"So what's the problem with that? Doesn't an aura flare while fighting?"

Connor took this answer in and waited for a second.

"Yes it does that precisely what I wanted to talk to you about. Since you already know this I guess there isn't much more to say. I just wanted to see what you knew that's all."

Connor finished with a smile. Virgil didn't buy it, but decided to leave it at that.

"Well if that's the case then who am I rooming with?"


He had to shout only because they were out of ear shot. Adam and Chan come and start leading Virgil away from the coliseum and through the training center. Virgil stops and turns around.

"Oh Connor one last thing. When this tests are done. We're going to spar again."

The side of Connor's lip hikes up into a smirk.

"Whenever you're ready kid. Whenever you're ready."

Virgil turns and breaks into a light jog catching up to Adam and Chan. The other two didn't speed up, but at the same time didn't slow down just keeping their pace. Virgil catches up.

"So wheres my room"

"I reckon you mean our room right?"

"Yeah same difference"

Adam already knew Virgil was going to be a nuisance he sighed and went on his way down the training facility and through the double doors.

They arrive at their dorm room Virgil in tow

"So as you can see it ain't much bed closet"

Virgil didn't have any bags but the clothes on his back. He'd hoped Angel's roommate wasn't as... well he hoped they were nothing like Adam he couldn't put a finger on it. He just didn't like him. Virgil resigned to trying to sleep the other didn't mind this so they turned the lights off. Virgil was kept awake tossing and turning only because, he'd had the same conversation Connor tried having with him with his old teacher . His and Angels teacher.

Their teacher never named himself it was a little off putting, but in the end it worked out. The twins old teacher was skilled enough to sense and see ones aura just like Connor had. Virgil knew both of them had the same thoughts going around their heads. Why did these twins have such a different aura. Virgil's old teacher explained it like so; family members would usually if not have the same color aura unless there was something drastically different about their upbringing. To their knowledge they'd been brought up the same. This however worried them even more considering they were twins their auras should've been almost identical. Right?

The main difference between their auras was the nature and the color of them. While Angel's aura had a peaceful just nature Virgil's was more rowdy and begging to be let out. For some reason this was bothering Virgil more than ever right now and he couldn't put his finger on why. Going through this thought process he had finally given in to sleep, and so ended his first day at Silver Sword Academy.