Asta felt droplets of water fall on his cheek when he felt himself come to. The first thing he noticed when he woke up was the fact that he saw a set of bars in front of him as he had been laying on what appeared to be a wooden board with a pillow and a blanket.
"PRISM!" He shouted as he sat up, realizing that he had been in a set of shackles, "EH!? WHAT IS THIS!? WHY AM I SHACKLED?"
"Would you quit yelling?" A familiar voice said, "You're giving me more of a headache then I already got."
Asta turned over and saw two familiar faces; it had been Yuno and Feodora as they were both shackled like he had been.
"Yuno! Feo!" Asta exclaimed as he went over to them, "Are you guys okay!?"
"We're fine." Yuno replied, "We didn't get hurt too badly."
"That damn bean pole got me." Feodora said as she rubbed her head, "Maybe psycho bonkers crazy but he's pretty good. I underestimated him. I won't make that mistake if I see him again."
"Where are we?!" Asta asked as he looked around.
"In the dungeon." Yuno replied, "As to where we are--We're not sure exactly."
"Though what I can say is we've been here for a whole day." Feodora said.
"What about Prism!?" Asta said, "Where is she!?"
"They didn't throw her down here with us." Yuno said, "They might be keeping her somewhere else in--Wherever it is we are. Not to mention they took our grimoires while we were knocked out."
Asta soon ran up to the bars as he started to kick at it, "HEY! LET US OUT OF HERE!!"
"You're wasting your breath, Dum-Dum." Feodora said, "No ones gonna come down here for awhile, unless they bring us food so we don't starve." She soon held her wrists in front of her, "And Yuno and I can't break out of these. They're repressing our magic somehow."
"But Prism--" Asta said, "--They could be hurting her! We have to find her and--!"
"Asta--" Yuno said as he grabbed his arm, "--You're not gonna accomplish anything by losing it. Just calm down and get a grip. We have to save our energy and bide our time till we figure out a way out of here."
Feodora put her head back as she sat against the wall, "So much for becoming a Magic Knight, and one of you guys becoming the Wizard King. All because I screwed up our chances from a fit."
"It's not your fault. We did what we had to. We'll find another way to make it work." Yuno said as he sat beside her, "Besides--You had every right to be angry."
"If they don't decide to get rid of us--" Feodora said, "--I'll make it up to ya both. Consider it a part of my debt."
Asta gritted his teeth as he couldn't help but hit his head against the bars, gripping tightly as he did.
"Prism--! Stay safe wherever you are!"
The sun had been at its highest point as the rays leaked into the window as spirit guides had gathered on its sill as the window had been open slightly. A familiar looking bird managed to go through as she had poked at her cheek, making Prism twitched. Slowly but surely she opened her eyes with a groan as the bird continued to poke her.
"... Little miss, good morning." Prism said as she recognized the expression on the bird, while the little spirits came into her line of vision. She sat up as she rubbed her eyes, as the little bird sat on her leg as she realized her green cloak had been off revealing her outfit, "You would not believe the dream I just had, it was a really strange one."
"Oh a dream? Does it involve counting sheep?"
Prism flinched slightly before she turned to the source of the voice. She jumped back and screamed practically putting herself to the wall when she saw it had been Yami as he had been sitting on a chair that had been provided in the room.
"I-It's you!?" Prism exclaimed out of shock.
"Yo!" Yami greeted with a wave as he had a cigarette in his mouth.
Prism seemed to have a look of realization as the thought suddenly came to her, as she ran her hand through her hair "Ana latta as me--It wasn't a dream, was it?"
Yami told her, "Nope. Welcome to the real world, princess."
Prism had been taken back by this though the thought left her as she asked, "What is this!? Where am I?!"
"The Magic Knight Headquarters." He replied, "You've been sleeping since yesterday. That's on me, I don't know my own strength sometimes."
"Where are my friends!?" She said as she stood, and the little bird leaped onto her shoulder, "Where's Adrien!?"
Yami merely told her, "Oh your pals. They're not dead if that's what you're thinking. They're down in the cells. Your lizard on the other hand--"
They were taken back by the sound of a blast just coming from outside. Prism ran to the window as she saw her raptor in bindings as a handful of Magic Knights as they tried their best to hold him down. Though the more restraints they put on him, the more aggressive he became. Prism's eyes widened in horror as she noticed the shackles on his ankles and neck
"You put chains on him!?" Prism said to Yami.
Yami merely told her, "Hey, it was the only way to make sure he wouldn't bite any of us."
Adrien's roar had gotten Prism's attention again as she saw he had gotten free and pinned one of the Magic Knights as he appeared to be holding a Grimoire in his mouth. Immediately, Prism acted as she opened the window before she leaped out of it landing on the rooftop that had been underneath them as the little spirits followed behind her.
"Hey!" Yami shouted before he groaned and went after her, "Geez, I'll need another pack after this day is over."
She managed to land on the ground as she rolled, before she ran towards where Adrien had been just as he was ready to attack a young woman with silver white hair that had been slightly wavy.
"No! Don't!" Prism shouted.
She immediately jumped between him and the young woman as she held her hand out. Everytime Adrien tried to move, Prism moved as she was able to block his way. "Whoa, Adri! Easy!" She said as she did this, "Easy! Easy!" Her voice had gotten softer, as she said more gently, "Easy…"
Adrien seemed to have calmed down as he looked in Prism's eyes; the little blue and red bird set herself on her head as she seemed to have stared him down as well. "That's it…" She said with a smile, "... There's my bud."
The Magic Knights--Finral, Gordon, Klaus and Fafanar to be exact looked to be in awe as the raptor had calmed down.
"I--I don't believe it." Finral said.
"She's actually calming it?" Klaus said shocked.
"Well I'll be." Fafanar said, amazed.
Gordon had mumbled, "She's really amazing, I wonder if she can be my friend too!"
Yami couldn't help but say as he managed to catch up with her, "Geez, you couldn't slow down kid?"
"Now sit." Prism told Adrien.
Adrien couldn't help but whimper as he stepped back from her, while she remained where she was.
"Sit." She told him, but a bit more sternly.
Almost immediately Adrien had complied as he plopped down, sitting in a sort of a sloppy kind of way. "Okay, now drop the book." She told him.
Adrien only growled at her at this, almost as if he had been trying to start an argument with her.
"Drop it." She told him, though she sounded more firm. After only one look, Adrien opened his jaw and allowed the grimoire to fall out of his mouth as it plopped to the ground.
"There's my good boy!" Prism said as she started to scratch his nose earning a wag from the raptor. She started to scratch his neck as his leg started to kick while his toe twitched, "You're a good boy, aren't you? Aren't you?"
The young woman recovered as she said while brushing off the dirt on her clothes, "Tch, while it took us hours to calm that best, the girl did it in no time."
"He didn't mean any harm, miss." Prism said as she turned to her, "He was just scared."
"Scared!?" The woman said.
"He thought I was hurt and he doesn't like to be leashed." She replied as she picked up the grimoire on the floor before wiping away the saliva with a handkerchief, "Magical Beasts can get protective when it comes to their partner, and he gets really anxious if he's chained."
It wasn't long before she was taken back when she noticed a couple of things on her. "Wait--" She said, as she looked over her appearance, "--Silver white hair… Pink eyes…" Her eyes widened in realization, "... You're from the Silva family aren't you?"
The woman replied, "Yes--How do yo-"
Adrien went to bite at her causing her to jump back though he had been held back by Prism. "Adrien!" She said, "Don't be rude, she's a noble!"
The woman had said, as she fixed herself, "That's quite alright."
"I'm very sorry, he's a bit on edge because of what that guy, Mr. Nozel did!" Prism said as she bowed her head, "I apologize for his behavior, miss…?"
"Nebra." The woman told her, "Nebra Silva."
"Miss Nebra!" Prism said as she held the grimoire to her, "A thousand apologies!"
Nebra couldn't help but laugh as she took it from her, "For someone who's said to have grown up in the Forsaken Lands, you know your place don't you—Your highness? Isn't that right Solid?"
"I wouldn't have expected anything less from another Royal." A young man by the name of Solid said.
Yami had commented, "Oh brother. Do you two ever get off your high horses? I mean, you realize who you're talking to right?"
Prism had been taken back by this once again as she looked to three of them. "You know who--" Prism started to say before she was cut off.
Prism turned and noticed a few set of people; it had been two of the captains which had been William, Nozel, and Jack as well as a certain member of the Black Bulls.
"And what happened here?" William asked curiously.
"Everything is under control Captain Vangance." Klaus said.
"Just a slight mishap with the raptor, nothing too serious!" Finral said.
Pluck had rolled his eyes as he said with a groan, "Right. I forgot he always hates getting chained or leashed. Then again, you Silva's don't know the meaning of mercy, especially when it comes to magical beasts."
Nebra growled as she said "Watch your tongue, boy.."
"You're lucky we're not gonna teach you a lesson right here!" Solid replied.
"Uh huh, says the guy who lost to me...more than once." Pluck repiled
Prism looked to Pluck a bit shocked as she looked at him with curious eyes, "How do you know that about Adrien?" She asked, "I don't tell anyone that unless they're my friends."
Pluck sighed as he shook his head, "You seriously don't remember me? I helped these guys look for you for a whole year plus six months and this is the hello I get? You even kicked me in the stomach, man."
"What are you talking abo--" Prism said before she noticed a certain duck at his side. Her eyes widened in shock as Adrien looked excited.
"... Addi…?" Prism said, "Wait… But that--" She looked to Pluck as she looked like she was about to cry, "You're not--"
"Oh yeah, you don't recognize me because of this hairdo." Pluck said "Hold on, let me remove these."
He took off the earnings and his cyan-blue hair tips began to fade to a familiar white color; even his ears went from looking human to forming familiar points that had been like hers but instead it had been more noticeable.
From this Prism's jaw dropped as she possessed a look of realization, yet at the same time she had a sense of relief.
Pluck said with a smile, "Surprise!"
"PLU-PLU!!" Prism exclaimed before she charged at him, giving him a hug while Adrien started to nuzzle against Plucks back while his tail swayed.
"EH?" Pluck exclaimed as he couldn't help but smack her, "DON'T CALL ME THAT SILLY NICKNAME! WE'RE TEENAGERS NOW, NOT LIL KIDS!"
Yami couldn't help but snicker, "Plu-Plu?"
Pluck shouted as his face had been red, "SHUT UP!"
"Can I call you that bestie?" Fafanar asked.
Pluck immediately retorted, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"
Prism couldn't help but laugh as she practically kicked her legs before she pushed herself out of the embrace as she leaped down since he had been taller than her while Adrien stepped back.
"It's you!" She said gleefully, "It's really you! I can't believe it! How is this possible?! How are you here?! I mean, five hundred years--By all accounts you should be dead unless—!" Prism soon gave him a suspicious look, "—You didn't use forbidden arts did you?"
Pluck had replied, as he gave her a look, "What, no, dummy! You know the consequences of using forbidden arts! Besides we're smart enough not to even touch the stuff!"
"We?" She said shocked, "Wait--Does that mean--?"
Pluck nodded his head, "I'm not the only one who's around. Mom and dad, they spent all their time looking for you. We all did, since we woke up."
Prism looked relieved once more, "Aunt Yuki and Uncle Cad--! And to think, all this time, I thought I was the last of our--" Prism soon had a sudden look of realization as she looked to be mad about something.
Pluck had his own look of confusion this time as he asked, "Huh? What's wrong?"
"YOU JERK!!" Prism shouted before surprising everyone when she punched Pluck across the face.
"WHAT THE--!?" Finral exclaimed.
Jack had said with a laugh, "KEKE--Talk about a reunion!"
Yami had added as he had been laughing as well, "HA! WHAT A RIOT! SHE'S YOUR BEST FRIEND ALL RIGHT!"
Prism gasped at this before she started to kick at him, "ANA I LATTA AS TYE, TYE DONKEIME!!"
Pluck shouted as he tried to get her to stop kicking him, "LARE- KICKING, TYE STUPID FIREL!!"
"Are we sure she's his best friend?" Fafanar asked.
Finral had added, "I'm not sure anymore."
"Hey you two, speak english please?!" Yami told them as he took a puff.
"THAT'S YOUR MAIN CONCERN!?" Finral shouted.
"KEKE—Typical meathead." Jack had said.
Gordon had mumbled, "I just wish Pluck was more nice to her. Maybe they can be better friends."
"ADRIEN!" Prism shouted, "SICK EM!"
Almost immediately Adrien jumped right onto Pluck the second she moved. It wasn't long before he found himself practically drowning in his saliva.
"DOWN BOY!" Pluck shouted "DOWN!" He called "Addeline, get em!"
"Quack!" Addeline proceeded to charge at Prism with a headbutt. Although Prism moved out of her way and picked her up. She started to squeeze her like she had been a stuffed animal as she said, "I missed you too, Addi! At least you're not like Plu-Plu. You're much nicer!"
"Quack, quack!?" Addeline said as she looked confused.
Pluck shouted as he tried to get Adrien off of him, "Adrien! Down! You're getting slobber all over me!"
"What is even happening right now?" Nozel asked as he shook his head.
"Okay okay, that's enough." William said as he took Adrien away from Pluck as he had been practically drenched in his saliva now while Yami took Addieline from Prism.
"Ew.." Pluck groaned.
"I'm not apologizing, cow sule!" Prism said with a huff.
"Shut it, Dummy girl.." Pluck groaned.
Yami soon said, "If you're done with your reunion with the princess then need I remind you we gotta deal with more important stuff."
"Oh now you suddenly care about your job?" Pluck said.
"Okay seriously!" Prism said, out of confusion, "I know I'm not imagining that! You guys keep referring to me as your highness or princess! How could you even know I'm her?! Did Plu-Plu tell you?!"
"He didn't." William responded calmly as it took her by surprise, "We didn't find him and his family till a year ago before you woke up. In simpler terms in a manner of speaking even before we found them--We've been waiting for you."
Prism had been sent in more of a spiral, "Waiting? Seriously?"
Jack had told her, "KEKE-You know it."
"We have been waiting for you to return the last five centuries." Nozel said.
"It took long enough ya know?" Yami said, "I mean come on, for a princess you sure know the meaning of beauty rest!"
"I--I--I don't understand." Prism stammered.
"Don't worry--" William said with a smile, "--Someone will be here soon to answer your questions, though in the meantime--"
As if it had been on cue Prism's stomach let out a huge noise which made her blush with embarrassment as she covered her stomach.
"--How about some food?" William suggested.
The next thing Prism knew she had been helping herself to a feast of all sorts of food, all kinds that she never seen before as she pretty much helped herself to one of everything as the little spirits were either hanging out on the ceiling just above her head or on the table just looking at all the various foods and a couple of them sat on her lap.
Most of the captains had been present within the room as some couldn't help but look at her with curiosity.
So far she had been on her ninth helping as she had practically stuffed herself with a plate of fresh omelettes and crepe before she helped herself to a coffee with whipped cream and cinnamon powder.
The minute she tried it, her eyes couldn't help but sparkle as she didn't seem to notice she gave herself a whipped cream mustache.
"I don't know what most of this stuff is, but I like it!" Prism said before taking another bite from the crepe, "It feels like my mouth is just exploding!" She looked at the little bird that was still sitting on her head. Prism broke off a couple of berries from a fruit bowl before putting it on a small plate.
"Here, little miss." Prism said, making some room on the table for her, "You can have some too. I bet you're as hungry as I am."
The little bird leaped from her head as she helped herself to the berries as Prism giggled. "Hey Plu-Plu!" Prism said looking over to Pluck who had been standing against the wall, "You want some? You're missing out buddy!"
Pluck had said as he couldn't help but gag a little, "No thanks. I already ate."
"Your loss!" Prism said before helping herself to a tenth serving.
"She has a pretty big appetite doesn't she?" Finral said.
"Didn't expect that, with all things considered." Klaus said as he fixed his glasses a little.
"And you said she isn't your girlfriend?" Yami asked him.
Pluck gagged even more at this as he told his captain, "I would rather jump off a bridge than date that dummy."
Yami said to him, "You sure?"
Pluck made a look as he replied, "Positive! Like I said, I'd rather jump!"
The minute Prism finished what had been on her plate she let out a very loud burp making some of them jump; immediately she covered her mouth as she looked embarrassed.
"I guess that means I'm done." Prism said awkwardly.
Charlotte couldn't help but comment, "For a princess, she's lacking in manners."
Her companion Sol had added, "You said it Char!"
"Call me captain." Charlotte told her.
Gueledre had commented, "All that wait, only to find that the princess is nothing more than a child. What a let down."
"That shouldn't change anything.." Fuegoleon said, "We all saw what she did yesterday, she commanded those spirits without a spell."
Prism had adjusted herself awkwardly in her seat as she cleared her throat, "I--" She said before she wiped the whipped cream mustache from her mouth, "--Wouldn't exactly call it commanding them. It's a little hard to explain really."
Prism soon jumped when Rill was suddenly next to her as his eyes had been sparkling. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!" Rill couldn't help but say, "Especially your silver hair!"
"O-Oh!" Prism said as she couldn't help but blush with embarrassment, "Tha-Thanks, but I'm not that pretty."
"For real?" Pluck said, "People knew you as the belle of the village since before you could walk."
"Plu-Plu!" Prism said, embarrassed. "Why did you have to reveal that!? Especially when you were considered the village's young bachelor!"
Pluck exclaimed, "DON'T BRING THAT UP!"
"This just keeps getting better and better." Yami said as he snickered before earning a glare from Pluck.
She had been taken back when Rill had taken her hands as his eyes were still lit up, "Hey, hey, hey! Will you be my friend and muse!?"
"Muse!?" Prism exclaimed as her face turned even redder
Pluck smacked Rill on the head as he told him, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU CAN'T JUST ASK HER SOMETHING LIKE THAT OUT OF THE BLUE!!"
"But I've been on a creative stump lately!" Rill reasoned while rubbing his head, "And her highness is perfect! Beautiful hair! Beautiful eyes! Even her scars are beautiful!"
"E-Eh!?" Prism exclaimed as her eyes started to swirl.
Sol couldn't help but argue, "HEY! IT'S RUDE TO POINT OUT A LADY'S SCARS!"
Pluck immediately grabbed him by the collar and shouted, "Okay, let's go you!"
"Think about it, your majesty!!" Rill said as he was pulled to the otherside of the room.
Prism had been too stunned to even speak or even make a comment as she had been currently processing what had just happened in her head. "This is all happening so fast--!" Prism exclaimed as it looked as though steam had been coming out of her head, "--Even by my standards!"
"KEKE--" Jack soon said, "--Now that sword boy and paint kid are outta the way, we can finally get to business!"
"Huh?" Prism said confused as she didn't seem phased by Jack's behavior like before, "What do you mean?"
Jack had clarified for her, "You know exactly what I mean girlie! You ran away from us with those friends of yours with your tails between your legs!"
At that, Prism couldn't help but give an awkward look. "O-Oh right." She said as she rubbed the back of her head, "Well funny thing is--My friends and I were kind of attacked by a person who claimed to be a Magic Knight before he was kicked out. He tried to steal my friend's grimoire, and attempted to kidnap me too when he found out who I was. He said something about there being a bounty on me and he wanted to take me and my friends grimoire to get money." She twiddled her thumbs as she fidgeted nervously, "So we were concerned that one of you guys might have tried and sold me off to the highest bidder if any of you found me out. That's how Feo put it at least."
The captains were all shocked at this sort of thing from Prism's mouth.
"You mean you really thought that--?!" Charlotte said in shock.
"KEKE--That cat brat really doesn't know about us Magic Knights huh?" Jack replied.
"Well she is from the Diamond Kingdom." Fafanar said, earning a smack from Klaus and Pluck.
"To be fair Yuno did say Feo was paranoid." Prism added awkwardly, before she bowed her head, "Sorry for the misunderstanding."
Yami told her after taking a puff from his cigarette, "No problem, I mean if we were to sell you off, I'm not sure how much of a value you'll be."
"Huh!?" Prism shouted as she jumped at this.
"YAMI!" Charlotte exclaimed.
"What? It was just a joke." Yami replied to her.
Pluck couldn't help but shout, "A TERRIBLE ONE IN FACT!"
Jack had added, "KEKE--Looks like we're gonna spar in who gets the princess in their squad!?"
"Come again?!" Prism shouted confused, while the little bird made herself at home on Prism's head.
Yami went to draw his sword as he said, "Not happening beanpole! I found her first, so I called dibs long before you!"
"What!?" Prism yelled as she was even more confused, "Plu-Plu, what are they talking about?! Why are they about to fight to the death over--Well me!?"
"Don't worry, they're always like this." Pluck groaned before he yelled and pinched her cheeks, "AND DON'T GIVE ME THAT SILLY NAME!"
"But--" She reasoned, "--I like calling you that, it's cute."
He shouted as he turned red, "AGAIN KNOCK IT OFF!"
Just before a fight could break out the doors of the dining area had opened as a young man stepped inside. He had a bowl cut hairstyle and had narrow eyes with long lashes. His uniform consisted of a dark, long sleeved formal jacket under a light, furred mantle with an attached robe that reached nearly to his ankles. The front of his mantle was decorated with an ornate chain and clasp and the collar of his jacket is trimmed with fur and has six diamond-shaped ornaments placed horizontally across the front.
Prism looked at the young man a bit shocked as she saw he possessed a familiar appearance. "Plu-Plu--" She whispered, "--Who's that?"
Pluck had replied, "Marx Francois. He's the Wizard King's Advisor."
"The Wizard King has an advisor?" Prism said surprised.
The young man named Marx had soon said, "Everyone, I apologize for the wait. The Wizard King has arrived."
Prism tensed up as she felt the atmosphere change when a single man stepped into the room. He had been a tall middle aged man with short messy blond hair and purple eyes. He had on a long red robe that covered his entire body. The part of his robe which covers his torso is decorated with white fur; the robe only has a single sleeve for his right arm. Around his neck she saw he had on a golden necklace with a green cross, as it had been positioned on the left side of his chest while the other, a shield with gold and red colors, is positioned on his right side. She noticed he had a blue six point star on the left side of his forehead.
Prism gulped as she couldn't help but look nervous. "He's… The Wizard King." She thought, "The person Asta and Yuno are hoping to become." Her expression changed slightly, "...The same person--Who's on the same level as uncle."
"Your highness--" William soon said, "--Meet our twenty-eighth Wizard King, Julius Novachrono."
The man named Julius had greeted, "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Prism. I've heard a lot about you from Pluck and his family. The books that talk about you do you no justice."
Prism soon noticed underneath his arm, he had been carrying a very familiar cover that had the dragon silhouette with a five leafed clover.
"That's my grimoire…" She said shocked, "... Why do you have it?"
"I apologize, but Yami brought it to my attention when they brought you here." Julius said.
Prism started to look nervous again, "O-Oh, is that right?"
Prism just looked dumbfounded by this sort of thing, while the captains nor magic knights didn't seem surprised.
"Uhh…." Prism said awkwardly as she wasn't sure how to answer.
"Oh brother.." Pluck groaned.
"Here he goes again." Fafnar said with a nervous chuckle.
"Your majesty, please!" Marx exclaimed.
"--This is unexpected." Prism said awkwardly.
Julius soon said as he cleared his throat, "That said, it was surprising that the princess showed up to the Magic knights exam out of the blue. You really did surprise us when you came into the capital."
"You knew I was coming?" Prism asked, surprised.
"Not at first. After that wave of mana a few months ago, all we knew was you were alive somewhere in Clover." Julius explained, "Though when you ran into Yami and Vangance yesterday, they were kind enough to let us know you were here before you entered the coliseum."
Prism looked dumbfounded again, as she looked over to Yami and William with a questioning look.
"In other words your highness--" William said.
"--We kinda knew it was you the moment you arrived." Yami added.
Pluck did a double take at this as he screamed, "I KNEW IT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?"
Yami merely replied, "You never asked."
"OF COURSE I DID!" Pluck shouted before groaning, "Why did I have to be in this squad again?"
"But how did you know it was me!?" Prism exclaimed, "My ears were hidden under my cloak, and the little spirits were hiding too, you couldn't have seen them!"
"We have our ways." William replied with a smile.
Yami only said with a shrug, "What he said."
Prism just looked more confused then she already had been, before Julius told her, "Don't worry Princess, you'll be able to learn this kind of thing once it's decided which squad you will be put in."
"Learn? Squad?" She said, "I don't understand."
"You were gone for a long time, milady." Julius said, "A lot has changed since your father's time when he led Clover. Though five hundred years doesn't change the fact that you're the true heir to the throne and that you can save the future of our kingdom."
Her eyes widened slightly at this sort of thing, "Wa-Wait, me?" She immediately shook her head, "Ho-Hold on a second! I can't be right for that job! That job is more fit for your King isn't it? My father told me if something should happen to him or grandfather or my uncle, the royal family that lived within the castle walls would take their place."
She noticed the look on the Captain's face change slightly at the mere mention of the King which made her flinch back.
"Did I say something wrong?" Prism asked.
Pluck soon told her, "Oh yeah, this kingdom is run by an idiot."
Fafnar added, "All that King cares about is himself and his own popularity for years! Even the citizens agree he's terrible! He literally has no idea what he's doing!"
Yami soon added, "Point is Princess you're the better candidate. If anything what sword boy, his family and what your father wrote about you, then if I'm going to be honest you'd make a better leader then that guy."
"I don't know that might be exaggerating a--" Prism started to say before she cut herself off, as she turned to Yami, "--Wait, what was that about my father?"
"Sukihero is referring to this, your highness." Marx said before he held out what looked to be an old worn out scroll.
Prism took the scroll from Marx as she unraveled it as she looked over its continents. Her eyes widened as her face paled as she looked over the slightly ripped paper as her fingers shook. She looked over the faded writing again as they could see the paper shake slightly.
"I-I-I-I know th-th-th-th-th-this is my father's wri-wri-writing but--" Prism stammered, "A-Am I re-rea-really reading this right? Because this almost sounds like--"
"It's exactly what it sounds like." Julius said, "It's an order from your father, King Zeid Clover himself, to the Wizard King and the Knights of the future or in this case us." He placed his hand on her shoulder as she looked up to him, "Prism Aurora Clover--Your father left the entirety of what he once ruled--To you."
At this her jaw dropped as she dropped the scroll before she gave an awkward smile.
"O-Oh." She said in an almost high-pitched tone of voice, "Cool beans!"
Most of the people in the room jumped when Prism suddenly collapsed on the floor with a thud as swirls were seen in her eyes while her head steamed.
"Oh boy." Julius said.
"She fainted!?" Sol exclaimed.
Pluck gave a sigh as he said "Why am I not surprised this will overwhelm her.."
"Hey Big sis!" Fafnar shouted as he smacked her cheek, "Are you okay?!"
Charlotte had told Fafnar, "DON'T SMACK HER MAJESTY LIKE THAT!"
Sol picked him up as she throttled him, "HEY! THAT'S NO WAY TO TREAT THE PRINCESS!"
Fafnar panicked as he shouted to Pluck, "BESTIE, HELP ME OUT HERE!! I THINK SHE NEEDS MOUTH TO MOUTH!"
"But she's technically five hundred fourteen isn't she?" Fafanar said, "And you're five hundred and fourteen too, so that makes you two older than me."
Pluck's eyes widened before he had a look as he said "Forget this, I'm leaving."
Yami grabbed his head before he could walk out the door; he paled as he had a threatening aura to him, "Where the hell do you think you're going, Sword Boy?"
Pluck sweated nervously as he said, "W-what else? Go-Gotta study my moves."
"You're smart enough already." Yami told him, "Why do you need to learn anymore?"
Pluck immediately made a gagging noise before he went limp. Yami only looked more annoyed at this as he shouted, "HEY! NO PLAYING DEAD ON ME, BARBADOS!"
Jack said with a laugh, "KEKE--And he's supposed to be a noble?"
"A foolish decision." Nozel replied.
"IS NO ONE GONNA DO MOUTH TO MOUTH!?" Fafanar shouted.
Sol yelled as she proceeded to choke him, "OKAY THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DEAD DRAGON BOY!!"
Fafanar said as he gagged, "He-Help! He-Help! Th-The be-be-be-beast is ki-ki-ki-killing me!"
Fugeleon had sighed as he said while shaking his head, "And here I thought things were going to go smoothly."
-At that Moment-
It had been too simple for Karasu to sneak into the Magic Knights headquarters, as it had always been for him in the past. Though he had been in the Clover Kingdom for a short time he had memorized the sewer system like the back of his hand. By the time he had found what he was looking for, he had slipped inside the halls of the headquarters with ease.
He came through an opening in the floor after making sure no one was around. After setting back where it was, he made his way through the hall till he came to a fork in the road, where there had been at least three separate halls as he couldn't help but scratch his head.
"Damn, I always forget this part…" He said to himself softly as he leaned against the wall, "... Where is it again?"
Karasu looked to the hall on his right to the hall as he let out a huff.
"Guess it's that way."
He soon went down the hall till he found what he had been looking for. He saw a total of three magic knights in an open area where there had been a single desk; he spotted three familiar looking grimoires on the table. He could overhear them talking to each other.
"Is that guy still going in there?"
"Yeah, he's been going at it since he woke up. This kid doesn't know when to shut up."
"Why do you think they were put in here anyway?"
"Who cares, it's not our problem."
Karasu took a deep breath as he had calmed himself. It wasn't long before he removed himself from his hiding spot. He had gotten their attention as he whistled at them.
"He-Hey!" One of them said, "Who the hell are you!? How did you get in here!?"
Karasu spoke up as he stepped forward with his hands in his pockets, "I've got business with your prisoners. How about you fellows step aside?"
One of the knights had told him, as he had gotten out his grimoire, making him freeze, "Don't move! Raise your hands!"
Karasu sighed as he lifted his hands, "Look pal, I've done this schtick more times then I can count in the last couple of years. I'd rather not hurt any of you guys."
"Get the shackles on him!" One of the Knights said to his comrade.
Karasu rolled his eyes as he saw one of them take a set of shackles from behind his back, "Fine."
Immediately Karasu grabbed a hold of the man's wrist before he flipped right into his comrade. Right when his comrade was about to use his grimoire, Karasu had moved hard and fast as he readied his fists. The man was taken back when he got behind him after sliding under his legs before he felt him hit certain spots on his body, rapidly.
In a few short moments he found himself hitting the floor as his own grimoire hit the floor. Karasu shaked out his hands before he went over to the desk, taking the grimoires that sat upon it before he made his way back to him.
"Don't worry." He told him as he searched him, "You'll move in the next hour. Two tops."
Karasu soon found what he had been looking for as he took what had been the key to the door. Opening the door with a but a turn Asta, Feodora and Yuno jumped at the sound though they were a bit shocked to see who it had been as the door yawned open.
"He-Hey!" Asta said out of shock, "You're Karasu!"
"Yo." Karasu said casually with a wave, "So they really did take you guys here huh? Figures."
"How the hell did you get in here!?" Feodora said.
"Sewer system." He replied casually, "Been using it since I came into this kingdom. It took me an entire day just to figure out where the Magic Knight headquarters was and get in. It's a pain in the ass."
"So you've been basically living there?" Yuno asked him curiously.
"Nah but it beats sitting out in the rain and snow doesn't it?" Karasu said as he shrugged. He soon looked into the cell as he noticed a certain someone wasn't in there.
"Where's the tater tot?" He asked.
"We don't know." Asta replied, "They're not telling us anything when we asked about her!"
"They might be keeping her somewhere else, but we don't know where." Yuno added.
"Well--" He started to say before he tossed away the door key, "--No time like the present then."
"Wait, wasn't that the key to our cell?" Feodora said.
"That was for the door--" Karasu told her, "--This will only take a second."
The three of them had been confused by this sort of thing, that was until they saw Karasu hit his own stomach a bit harder then they expected him to. Asta's jaw dropped when they saw that he pulled a bronze key out of his mouth.
He coughed a little before he wiped away the saliva from the key with his shirt before he stepped over to their cell and opened the door.
"What?" He said as he noticed the look on their faces.
"YOU SWALLOWED THE CELL KEY!?" Asta shouted out of confusion.
"Obviously." He said pulling the door open, "I ended up in this cell plenty of times so I had to keep it close to me."
"Seriously?" Yuno said.
"It's fine, I could still use the bathroom." He told him.
Feodora who had a cringe look on her face had been processing what had just happened. It hadn't been long before she turned over and started to gag, making them all jump.
"What is WRONG with you!?" Feodora shouted.
"Me?" Karasu said, "You wouldn't swallow a key in your situation?"
"NO! BECAUSE IT'S JUST DOWNRIGHT DISGUSTING!!" Feodora shouted. She soon started to gag again, "Oh God--I feel another one coming!" She put herself to the wall as immediately Asta and Yuno were at her side as she gagged.
"No, no--" She said, "--False alarm! Gotta ride it out!"
"They're gonna be plenty of times to be disgusted later." Karasu told them as he drew his blade, "Now turn around and don't move."
"Huh, why do you--" Asta said before he screamed at the fact a blade came down towards him. With but a swing, Asta found himself free from the shackles as his jaw dropped.
"There." Karasu said, "That oughta help."
"A LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME WOULD HELP!" Asta shouted, as Karasu went and freed Yuno and Feodora's, "I COULD'VE LOST MY HANDS!"
"Don't be a baby." He said, as he tossed his grimoire which Asta was quick to catch, "I would've made it hurt."
Asta flinched back at this as he couldn't help but hug his Grimoire. "Just kidding." Karasu said as he stuck out his tongue.
"SERIOUSLY!?" Asta shouted.
Karasu soon handed the grimoires to Yuno and Feodora which took them back. "You're gonna need those." He told them, "If the tater-tot is here, they're probably keeping her somewhere where the captains can keep an eye on her."
"And where would that be?" Yuno asked.
"That's what we're gonna find out." Karasu said as he peeked out the door, "Now let's go."
"Wait a second!" Asta said, stopping him, right when he was about to go out the door, "Why are you helping us?"
Karasu replied as he shrugged, "You guys seem like interesting people and something in my gut told me I should stick with you." He soon gestured at Asta, "You especially caught my eye, along with the tater-tot princess when you guys used anti-magic."
At this the three of them looked confused as they looked at Karasu.
"I'm sorry...you mean...You knew?!" Asta shouted.
"I overheard them talking about it, idiot." Karasu told him, "I was lucky they didn't notice me, otherwise my memory of the experience would've been long gone thanks to that memory magic mage."
"A memory what now!?" Feodora said.
"Don't worry about it." He told her, "Let's go, and keep quiet."
With that he went out the door, as his footsteps had been silent as the three of them couldn't help but ponder. "I don't know if we should trust that guy." Feodora said, "We did just meet him yesterday and they did say he was a thief."
"You have a better idea?" Yuno said to her.
Thus Yuno followed Karasu out the door, with Feodora close behind him. Asta looked to his own grimoire as he tightened his grip on it before he headed out the door.
"Wait for us Pri! We're going to come and save you!"