Chereads / The Beast and the Sword / Chapter 10 - The Princess and her Squad

Chapter 10 - The Princess and her Squad

Prism was quick to recover after she received the big news from the Wizard King himself. A couple of the spirits either small or large had immediately gone to fan her down as she had been currently processing the whole thing.

"Bime i elena--" Prism said, "--Someone tell me I'm still dreaming right now."

Pluck told her as he handed her a glass of water, "I wish."

Prism sat back in her seat as she practically chugged down the glass of water, "I can't believe it… My father left behind the whole Kingdom… This is all happening so fast! What was he thinking!?"

"I apologize for telling you this so suddenly." Julius said to her, "We felt it was better for you to know sooner rather than later about what your father intended for you."

"But I can't do the things your King can do!" Prism said, as she stood, "I'm only fourteen for Mana sake! I'm not of age yet!" She couldn't help but start to pace, "Not to mention I'm five hundred years behind on a WHOLE lot of things, and I don't know a thing about running a kingdom since I spent most of my life in my village! I don't even know what on Earth is happening to me or even if--!"

"Hey, relax." Yami told her as he slapped her cheeks, "Quit being a drama queen Princess."

"That kind of hurts…" She said, rubbing her cheeks.

Yami said, as he flicked her forehead "Too bad. You gotta grow up."

Prism buried her face in her hands as she sat back down; a water type salamander had crawled up onto her shoulders as it had nuzzled her cheek.

"This is just a lot for me to process…" Prism said, "... I don't even know where I should even begin… "

Furgeleon had told her, "We will take care of that, your Highness."

"Huh?" She said, confused.

"We are under orders by the Wizard King--" Charlotte soon clarified, "--We as captains will teach you all that is necessary about Clover Kingdom, as well as other necessities we feel are important."

"This way you'll be properly fit to run the kingdom when the time comes." Julius added, "And I trust all of them with my very own life to handle your teachings."

"Wa-Wait, hold on a second!" Prism said as she had gotten the water salamander off her shoulders, so that she had been holding the creature like it had been a doll, "No offense, Wizard King sir, but shouldn't that be something for your King to decide? I mean father told me--"

"A yes that." Julius said to her, as he took a chair as he sat across from her, "That I'm afraid is more complicated."

Prism couldn't help but be taken back by this as she tilted her head.

"Pluck and his family told us that you've had this unique gift since you were a baby." Julius said, gesturing to the little spirit, "You're able to attract spirits like this one, am I correct?"

"Ye-yeah." Prism replied as she allowed the water salamander to nibble on her fingers while a familiar lemur made up of light sat on her shoulder, "There was a drought in our village, and I was the only baby to fall ill. The sickness would've killed me but a Phoenix spirit saved me. They just kept coming to me ever since."

"And what about your magic?" He asked her.

Prism had been hesitant to reply though she eventually found herself answering, "I--I lost my magic. I can't even remember what kind it was--Or even where home is."

At this, the captains looked shocked while Julius couldn't help but look intrigued. "What do you mean you can't remember!?" Pluck asked her, "How can you NOT know where you live, let alone lose all your magic?!"

Prism stammered "I--I--


"I am Plu-Plu! I really am!" Prism said as she got him to stop him from shaking her, "Everytime I try to remember where home is or the kind of magic I have, it just comes up all fuzzy, I swear!"

Pluck couldn't help but pull the strands on his hair before he told her, "It couldn't be more simple! Our home is ********!"

Prism had been taken back when all she had gotten was some kind of a static noise at the end of Pluck's sentence. He noticed the look on her face as she had a fearful look.

"What?" Pluck said, "What's the matter?"

"Plu-Plu--" Prism said as her face paled, "--I know you just told me, where home is but--I couldn't hear it."

Pluck and the other Captains and knights had been taken back "Wait--WHAT?!" Pluck shouted "You mean you didn't hear the name *******?!"

Prism's body shook as she started to hit her own ears, "I can't hear it!"

"How is that possible?" Fugeleon said, "We all heard what Pluck was saying. How could she not hear it?"

Julius soon gave it some thought before he asked Pluck, "Try telling her the name of her magic."

"You have-- ****** magic?" Pluck asked.

Prism had a look of horror as she started to hit her ears again. "It's--It's no good!" She exclaimed, as she started to grasp her head, "I can't hear it! I can't hear the name!"

Pluck couldn't help but shout, "WHAT?!"

Yami had said as he took a puff, "Welp, this is weird..even for me."

"Allow me." Marx soon said as he took out his grimoire allowing it to float, "Hold still your highness."

Prism had been taken back as a blue sphere seemed to have appeared above her head along with what looked to be a spear.

"What is tha--Ow!" She said shocked as she felt the point touch her head. Just as it did the sphere showed what looked to be a familiar image with familiar faces as she saw herself sitting at a table.

"Father, mother--!" Prism said in realization, "--I remember this, it was father's birthday and everyone prepared a feast." She soon looked to Marx, "How are you doing this?"

"Oh, that's mushroom man's memory magic!" Fafanar said.

"Memory magic?" Prism said shocked as she noticed the sphere started to display different sets of memories.

Pluck had added after he had facepalmed himself, "It's a magic that allows you to look into a person's memories."

"That's amazing!" Prism said as her eyes sparkled.

"Now let's see--" Marx said, "--Pluck can you give me a date for when the Princess first started training in magic?"

Pluck replied, "Uhh, I remember it was on August 10th."

Marx soon went to the date as they looked at the images that passed them by. Though when they reached August tenth; they were surprised to see that it had been a whole white blur.

"H-Huh?!" Prism exclaimed, "What is this!?"

Marx went through the memory to have an idea of where home had been; though the only thing they could see was but a white blur. "What's happening!?" Prism said, "My memories--!!"

"There's nothing but a white abyss." Charlotte said as she looked at the fragments.

"No this can't be right!" Pluck said, "Why are these here where Prism's memories should be!?"

The spear soon disappeared along with the sphere in front of Prism as Marx closed his grimoire. "What do you make of it?" Nozel asked him, "Were they tampered?"

"No." Marx replied, "I don't see any signs of mana. This is different."

"Different?" Prism asked, "How?"

"Marx--?" Julius soon said.

Marx soon gave it some thought before he came to his conclusion, "... Something for some reason doesn't want her to remember her magic or where the village she came from is. This kind of thing is beyond any spell, which can only mean one thing. I believe the Princess has been… cursed."

Prism's face paled at this while the Captains looked to one another shocked. Prism looked down to the floor as she held the little water salamander, "Cursed?!"

"C-CURSED?!" Pluck shouted before she shook Prism, "DID YOU PLAY WITH FORBIDDEN ARTS?!"

"Plu-Plu!" Prism exclaimed as she stopped him again, "You know I'd never dabbled with the forbidden arts!"

"But you used anti magic!!" Fafanar pointed out, "We all saw it!"

Pluck had added, as he pointed to the grimoire on the table, "NOT TO MENTION YOU GOT THAT GRIMOIRE! HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT?!"


Pluck shouted at her, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"I AM DEAD SERIOUS!!" She shouted.

Julius soon clapped his hands, getting their attention, "How about we confirm it ourselves?" He turned over to Prism as he handed her grimoire back to her, "Princess Prism? Why don't you use your grimoire to bring out your scythe like you did in the exam?"

"W-Wait, you mean right now!?" She said surprised as the salamander leaped off of her lap.

Jack told her, "KEKE—YEAH! Go on then girlie! Let's see that weapon of yours again!"

Prism gulped as she stood up with the book in her hand, "I'll—Try."

She opened the book as she turned to the page where the set of words had been written. She cleared her throat as the words started to form in a way where she could read them clearly; thought what she didn't notice was her eye reverting to a familiar white color. Everyone in the room had taken notice.

She began to read the words aloud after taking a deep breath.

"Shadows reveal thy form

Let your power aid

Lead the hunger astray

Bring me victory today"

Her grimoire began to glow a familiar red glow as it floated out of her hand. From out of the pages a familiar weapon appeared as it had floated above her head with a red ring around it as the crystals on the eyes of the dragon skull glowed. Although when it stopped glowing and when she reached out for it and her eye reverted back to normal—


—Her face instantly pales as the blade of the scythe just missed Pluck's foot; it had been so sudden it had caused him to jump back in alarm while the others flinched.

Pluck screeched as he shouted "YOU DUMMY GIRL! ARE YOU TRYING TO INCAPACITATE ME?!" he took out a wooden sword from his grimore as he bonked her with it.

"I'm sorry, Plu-Plu!" Prism cried out.

Yami couldn't help but laugh as he said, "MAN! WHAT A RIOT!"

"DON'T LAUGH AT THIS!!" Pluck yelled.

Julius' eyes began to sparkle as he said "SO AMAZING! THIS IS YOUR SCYTHE! IT LOOKS SO COOL! CAN I HOLD IT?! PLEASE?! PLEASE?!"

"Uh--" Prism said as she made room for him, "--I guess? It's kind of heavy though."

Julius took the scythe as he held it in his hand much to their surprise; especially Prism's as her jaw just dropped.

"WHAT THE--!?" She exclaimed.

Julius had said as he gave the scythe a spin, "WOW, THIS EVEN FEELS COOL! LOOK MARX! I'M HOLDING THE PRINCESS' SYTCHE! ISN'T THIS AMAZING?!"



"Ar-Ar-Are my muscles really that small!?" Prism said as she started to tear up a little, "D-Do I really have noodle arms?!"

Pluck thought about it before he bluntly told her. "Yeah, you do."

Prism's eyes widened before she could feel her heart break; her tears came out like a waterfall " could you?!"

Fafnar said to Pluck "Hey Bestie, that was a bit harsh wasn't it?"

"Lying won't make this better for her." Pluck replied.


"Seriously, Why am I being punished?" Pluck asked. "I just told the truth. Plain and simple."

"OKAY THAT'S IT!" Sol shouted as she got her grimoire. "EARTH MAGIC: MUD GOLEM!"

"Sword Magic: Reflected Parry." Pluck said in a monotone voice as he took out his signature swords and reflected her onslaught of attacks.

Nozel said with a glare, "That's enough you two."

Pluck turned to Nozel as he said "Oh bite me, Sliva. You're not my captain."

"No but I am." Yami said as he grabbed his head while Nozel used his magic to trap Sol.

"H-HEY!" Sol shouted.

"H-hey Yami.. You're crushing my brain.." Pluck said as he struggled.

"Exactly, now shut up or you die." Yami told him.

"EH!?" Pluck shouted.


Yami said as he took Finrals head, making Prism look awkwardly, "Do I look like I give a damn!?"

"What is happening right now?" Prism thought as she was just stunned.

Julius soon cleared his throat, as he looked to the scythe again, "Still this an interesting weapon you have. Do you know what it does?"

Prism thought back to it as she recalled what it did, "When I sliced the person's chain their spell turned to dust and the scythe ended up absorbing it. I don't know where it goes exactly."

"Really now?" Julius said, as he set the scythe down, "And do you know how to use this?"

Prism shook her head, "The only thing I've ever used is my hook swords and arrows. Plu-Plu can vouch for me."

Pluck replied as he struggled to get free from Yami, "It's true!"

"Well that won't do." Julius said, "As a princess you have to be prepared for anything, even when it comes to fighting." He soon turned over to the Praying Mantis Captain, "Jack? I trust you can handle showing her the ropes?"

"WAIT, WHAT!?" Pluck, Finral, Klaus, Fafanar and Sol exclaimed.

"Huh?" Prism said.


Yami looked at Julius as he said, "Hey Julius, you sure you're okay? That geek out moment must had affected your brain."

Julius had responded, "Captain Jack is more than capable of teaching her. Though she'll need some help building up her strength with carrying a heavy weapon in general, now won't she?"

At this Yami seemed to have smiled while the captains looked shocked; Prism especially had been taken back.

Prism couldn't help but tilt her head at this, "HUUUUH!?" She exclaimed again.

Pluck's face paled as he shouted, "YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT?! I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" Pluck got out of his grip as he began to run; though he didn't get far as Yami tripped him with his sheathed blade.

Yami said as he took a puff, "Hold on, Sword Boy. We're just getting to the good part."

"He's right " Julius told him "Pluck you know Prism better than anyone else. I would like it if you taught her other sword skills. With your sword creation magic it should make things easy."

"EEEEHHHHH!?" Prism and Pluck exclaimed.

"You're making Plu-Plu my instructor!?" Prism shouted.


"That's not true. You taught me!" Fafanar replied.

Pluck shushed him, as he said, "On the DL, man!"

"But it's true." Klaus said.

"Um Wizard King sir!" Prism said as she stammered, "I don't know if this is such a good idea!"

"Hm? Is there an issue?" Julius asked.

"N-No, no, it's not that!" She replied, "Look, I appreciate all you're trying to do for me, but I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of thing! I just don't want--"

Prism cut herself off as she started to pull her head back as her nose started to scrunch. Though everyone nearly fell over when--


Her voice echoed within the room and halls as there had been a sudden gust of wind; the force pushed her back till she broke through the wall, and knocked over the tables and food. The Captains managed to stay where they were, while their subordinates ended up hitting the floor due to the force. They looked and saw an open hall in the wall Prism had been in a daze in the rubble as she groaned.

"Um--" Finral said, as he turned to Pluck when he recovered, "--Did she always do that?"

Pluck replied as he stood, "No...Never.."

Gordon had mumbled, "That's so scary, I almost peed my pants."

"That is some girlfriend you got bestie!" Fafanar said.


"In your dreams, boy." Nebra said with a sneer.

"I thought I had that under control…" Prism groaned as her eyes had been in swirls as the little spirits were around her, "... Pretty bluebirds~"

"I think she hit her head." Rill said.

William went over as he had gotten most of the rubble off, just as Prism managed to snap herself out of it, "Are you alright?"

"Ye-yeah." She said as she had been a bit startled again, "Thanks."

Julius couldn't help but laugh, "Well she is certainly gonna need a lot of help."

"She most certainly is." Nozel said.

As William helped her out, Prism soon had a sudden thought come over her as her eyes widened in realization. "Wa--Wait!" She exclaimed, getting their attention, "My friends! Asta, Yuno, and Feo! Can you at least tell me what's gonna happen to them!? You won't hurt them will you!?"

"Oh those three." William said, "Rest assured they won't be harmed. But--" He placed his hand on her shoulder as he told her with an apologetic look, "--I'm afraid after the events from yesterday… We're going to have to erase their memories."

"What!?" Prism said in shock and horror.

"It's a precaution, Princess." Yami told her, "In order to hide the fact you're not a fairytale from people that's not us, mushroom-head here makes it so the events like yesterday never happened. That's what he did to the other examinees after they were thawed out. We'll even do it to the King if we have to."

"Must you call me that?" Marx said as his eyebrow twitched.

"You can't do that!" Prism said which had surprised them, "They're the ones that found me, and they haven't told a soul about my identity to anyone! In fact they've been protecting me for the whole six months! Please don't take their memories away, I beg of you!"

"Your majesty you have to see reason." Nozel told her, "They're outsiders to all of this. They shouldn't have been involved to begin with."

"We can't risk letting them go and telling someone." Charlotte said.

"They won't!" Prism said, "I swear on my grave, they won't!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid it's already been decided." William told her as Prism only looked shocked again.

"Now then, as for the squad you'll be joining to keep your cover--" Julius started to say before he had been cut off.

"YOU'LL JOIN THE PRAYING MANTIS OF COURSE--KEKE!" Jack shouted, taking Prism back.

Yami had argued as he drew his blade, "LIKE HELL YOU WILL! SHE'S GONNA BE ON MY TEAM AND THAT'S FINAL!!"

"YOU LOOKING TO GET CUT UP SUKIHERO!?" Jack shouted as he activated his magic.

"Nonsense." Charlotte replied "She'll be part of the Blue Rose. A royal on my team will boost squad morale."


"Pri-Pri?" Prism said, a bit shocked by her nickname.

Pluck said "One, never call me that..Two, I was being honest!"

"THERE'S A THING CALLED BEING TOO HONEST!!!" Sol yelled as she smacked him pretty hard.

Fungeleon had soon said, "She would make a fine addition to the Crimson Lions!"

"I think you mean the Purple Orca's!" Gueldre said.

"No, my muse will be joining me in the Aqua Deers!" Rill said as his eyes sparkled, "Won't you dear muse?"

"STOP CALLING HER THAT!!" Pluck yelled at Rill before he looked over to Dorothy, "AND HOW CAN YOU BE SLEEPING THROUGH ALL OF THIS!?"

Prism watched as most of the Captains, all except for William, argued over her as it couldn't help but recall… What she would consider unpleasant memories; it felt she had been in between a familiar feud with her family, and the people from Clover.

She couldn't help but think of her friends, Asta, Yuno and Feodora; the first three people who had been the first three to accept her just as a person despite her title she was given. Taking away something important, like that of memories, just didn't seem right.

She didn't want them to forget about her, it would just seem too cruel. Not to mention--They wouldn't remember the promise that they made.

She couldn't help but recall those six months she had spent with them… How they protected her, and all the kindness they showed her.

Even going as far as to tell her most of the things she missed, and showing her how to hold her own. She couldn't let something like this happen to them, not after everything they had gone through.

But what could she do at that moment?

William had already told her it had been decided. There wasn't really anything she could do about it, though it wasn't in her power to make that decision.

Or perhaps… It was.

True… She wasn't going to like it, but she had to do it for their sake.

She went over to Julius as she tugged on his robe to get his attention. "Wizard King?" She said.

"Please Julius is just fine." He said to her, "Is something the matter?"

"Ju-Julius." Prism soon said, as she sounded nervous, "If it's all the same to you—I'd rather not have which squad I go to decide for me."

At this, the Captains seemed to have stopped their bickering as they were surprised by Prism's words, all except William and Julius himself.

"What do you propose, your majesty?" Julius asked her.

Prism took a deep breath as the little anti-bird on her shoulder seemed to have encouraged her when she looked at the small creature. "I'll join the squad of my own choice however--" She clenched her hand as the look in her eyes changed slightly, "--I'll only follow what you have intended for me, under a couple of my own conditions."


Asta along with Yuno, Feodora and Karasu silently made their way through each corridor and hall without alerting the guards that stood by and without getting spotted. They mostly kept their footsteps silent.

They looked in every room available to them; the ones that were open anyway to see if there had been any evidence of Prism. Though so far they didn't find anything, not even a trace of a little spirit.

Feodora groaned as she leaned against the wall, "This is taking too damn long! How hard is it to find someone who can attract spirits!?"

Asta couldn't help but groan, "This is a lot harder then I thought! Are we even sure they're keeping her here!?"

"They would have to." Karasu said, "She is the princess after all, and if I know Magic Knights, they'd do anything to keep royalty safe, especially if they're considered the lost heir."

"We've checked every room." Yuno said, "It doesn't seem like she's here."

"She's gotta--" Asta soon said, "--No she has to be here! We can't just leave her behind, we made a promise!"

"You're really that hell bent on getting her back are you?" Karasu said.

Feodora started to think, as she leaned against the wall, "We just have to think outside of the box. If I were the princess, and they wanted to keep a close eye on me… Where would the Captains want me?"

"Why don't you ask 'em yourself? I'm sure they'll help you out."

The four of them jumped back by the sound of a familiar voice. They looked over as they saw it had been--

"CAPTAIN YAMI OF THE BLACK BULLS!?" The four of them shouted.

"Crap!" Feodora said as she started to use her magic, "When and how did you get there!?"

"Damn it all!" Karasu said, drawing his blade.

Asta said as he drew his sword from his grimoire, "You looking for a fight!?"

Yami merely told them as he raised his hands, "Wow, aren't you jumpy? Actually we were just coming to get you." He soon took notice of Karasu as he said, "Bad luck boy included apparently."

"Huh?" The four of them said.

A familiar girl soon stepped out from behind Yami as they soon had a look of relief.

"Prism!" Asta, Yuno and Feodora exclaimed as their own grimoires stopped glowing. The three of them couldn't help but run over to her as did she; all of them had exchanged in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Asta said.

"Me too!" Prism said, "I was really worried when they told me you were in the cells."

"Are you alright?" Yuno asked, "Did they hurt you?"

"They didn't--Actually, they were never going to hurt me at all." Prism replied, before she took notice of the thief, "Karasu? What are you doing here?"

"I followed you." Karasu replied nonchalantly, before he turned around, "And now my work is done. I should go--"

"Woah Woah." Yami said as he grabbed his head "Where are you going?"

"Uh--" Karasu said awkwardly as he felt himself being lifted, "--Leaving before you arrest me and throw me in the cells because I'm a petty thief?"

Yami told him while taking a puff, "The hell you're not. Since you followed them here you might as well be a part of the deal too."

"Deal?" Asta said before he turned to Prism, "Hey, what's he talking about?"

"He knows who I am." Prism said, surprising them, "The other captains and the Wizard King too. They know I'm the lost heir."

"What!?" Asta exclaimed as he did a double take.

"Even the Wizard King knows!?" Feodora said, "Holy hell!"

"My father--" She started to say, "--He left behind a scroll, well more like a will really. By his command he entrusted the Kingdom of Clover to me. They told me when the time comes, I have to inherit the throne."

The looks on their faces changed by this new found information. "... Does the King know about you?" Yuno asked her.

Prism shook her head, "They told me I'm meant to replace the King, so I'm to stay a secret and take lessons from the rest of the captains. In order to maintain cover I'm meant to join a Knight Squad, regardless if I failed the exam or not." Her expression softened a little, "... They even said, because you three were outside of the Magic Knights… They were going to erase your memories of me."

"Pri--" Feodora said, putting her hand on her shoulder, "--What deal did you make with them?"

Prism took a deep breath, "... I told them I'll go along with what my father wrote and the Wizard King and choose the squad of which I will join, in exchange they're not to take your memories away. William will let Yuno into the Golden Dawn, and--Asta, Feo, they'll give you a second chance to become the magic knights."

"Prism--" Asta said as his eyes widened, "--How could you do that?!"

"I had to." She told him, "I couldn't let them do that to you."

"But you--" Feodora said, "--You always told us you hated feeling trapped, because someone wanted to make the choice for you! Your father's advisors wanted to do that! You know what this means for you don't you!?"

Prism nodded, "I know that… But still--Your memories would be taken without even consulting you three. I didn't want you to forget me because… You were the ones that found me."

"Prism…" Yuno said, "You didn't have to do that."

"Pri--" Asta said, "There has to be another--!"

"Are you done with this sob story yet?" Yami asked.

"Huh?" Prism said, a bit shocked by his tone.

Yami soon told her, "Come on, just tell them already."

"Wait Mr Yami--?" Prism started to say.

"Don't call me Mister, Yami will suffice." Yami replied before he told them, "Anywho, What the princess is trying to say is that you two. You're in."

Feodora and Asta's jaws dropped at this while even Prism looked shocked. "Did I--Hear that right?" Feodora said.

"What did you just say?!" Asta said.

"That's what I was gonna say--" Yami said to Asta before he turned to Feodora, "--Before Cat girl was gonna go ape on the entrant. Which reminds me, You gotta control that rage of yours. You could have poked someone's eyes out."

"Did you just call me an ape?" Feodora said as her eyebrow twitched slightly.

"Wait, but--" Prism started to protest, "--You didn't--You mean you were going to--"

"Regardless of what happened, I was gonna get him to join my squad." Yami told her, "You really shouldn't jump to conclusions like that, even after you chose my squad over the others."

Prism's eyes softened at this, as she couldn't help but have a relieved smile on her face. Asta and Feodora's expressions brightened at this as they looked to one another when they realized he wasn't lying.

"Asta--" She said, "--We--"

"WE DID IT!!" Asta exclaimed as he couldn't help but hug Feodora, "WE REALLY DID IT!!!"

"I'm so glad!" Prism said with a smile as she hugged them, "I'm happy for both of you."

"Now that's something I wasn't expecting." Yuno said.

Karasu soon cleared his throat as he got Yami's attention, "Hey, still here!" He said as he waved, "What about me? Mind if I go now?"

"Oh no." Yami said as he grabbed his head "Like I told a certain Sword boy the first day he took the exam a year ago, you're coming along with me."

"Sword boy?" Asta and Feodora asked.

"I'll tell you later." Prism said, before she whispered, "You guys are gonna be in for a surprise."

Karasu looked a bit shocked, "If I say no to your offer will you let me live?"

Yami told him with a glare as it made Karasu's face pale, "No. The opposite."

"YOU'RE THREATENING HIM TO JOIN!?" Asta and Feodora exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Yuno said.

"Well regardless--" Prism said as she gave a smile to Karasu, "--I'd like you to join. I really want to get to know you more."

Karasu had processed this sort of information as he noticed the look in Prism's eyes. It hadn't been long before he slapped himself in the face, "Just my damn luck… Are you really supposed to be a captain?"

Yami merely replied, as he let go of his head, "Damn right."

"So--" Feodora said, "--What happens now?"

"Now we go with our Captains to their Magic Knight base." Yuno said to them with a smile.

Karasu flinched at this sort of thing, while Asta, Feodora and Prism had their own. "Feo, Pri and I are gonna be Bulls--!" Asta said, "--While you're a part of the Golden Dawn! This is where OUR true battle begins!"

"Yeah." Yuno said with a nod, before he held his hand out to Asta, "Let's see who will become the Wizard King first."

Asta nodded as he took his hand before shaking it. Yuno soon turned over to Feodora as he gave her a pat on the head, shocking her a bit, "Try not to get yourself hurt, okay?"

Feodora growled a little as she turned her gaze away from him, "I'm gonna miss you too, not because I like you."

"And Prism--?" Yuno said as he turned to her, "--Thanks for what you did. But despite the outcome, don't go doing things like that often."

"Deal." Prism said, "I hope I see you again soon Yuno."

"And I as well." Yuno said, before he exchanged a hug, "I won't forget our promise."

With one last wave, Yuno soon left the group as he went to find the Golden Dawn's Captain after Yami pointed him in the right direction.

Yami soon told them, "If you're done with whatever you have going, let's head on back. We're already behind as it is."

"Sure." Prism said with a nod, "I'm kind of curious to see what it's like actually."

"Hang on a second!" Karasu said, stopping them before they could make their way out.

"What is it now?" Feodora asked as she noticed the look on his face, "What are you looking nervous for?"

Karasu sighed before he told them, "Look--If I'm gonna go with you, I gotta pick up something first."

"Huh?" Asta said, "But you already got your sword and grimoire."

"I know dumbass." He said, as his look changed, "This is something more important."


Night came upon the kingdom as they had gotten to where Karasu wanted to go after they had gotten Adrien and gathered Prism's things; along with them had been the members of the Black Bulls, Finral, Gordon and Pluck.

Though most of them had been surprised when they found themselves within the slums of the kingdoms as most of them had been hanging in the sewer pipe. They saw many homeless citizens as well as children sleeping on whatever soft or most comfortable thing they could find. Some if not most even used newspapers as blankets for warmth.

Prism's gaze couldn't help but soften at this as well as Asta and Feodora's as they looked at the people around them.

"This is where you've been staying?" Prism asked Karasu.

"It's not so bad when you get used to the smell." Karasu told her.

"Oh man…" Asta said, "... I didn't think there was a place like this…"

"Welcome to city life." Feodora said.

"And we're here because--" Finral started to ask.

"I need to pick something up." Karasu said before he headed off in a certain direction.

Pluck had said as he had been holding his nose, "Ugh, it reeks of dead animals! How can the Royals leave a place like this?!""

Yami had told him, giving him a smack on the head, "Watch it, Sword boy."

They walked through what looked to be makeshift houses made out of old wood and cloth until they reached one that had been smaller than the rest; half had been falling apart as it had been the last one along the row.

There sat a young girl along the edge of the river who had been no more than twelve; she had black hair and grey streaks like Karasu as most of her hair had been tied in a side ponytail with the help of a white torn ribbon. She had on a baggy long trench coat that had been brown, as she had on dirty blue work pants that had been rolled up revealing her bandaged ankle and a light brown work shirt that had seen better days as she even had on brown boots that had a few sets of patches.

The bridge of her nose had been bandaged as well as her cheek, and it seemed as though she had been wearing a bandana around her neck that had been in the color of white as it had a crow design on it. Beside her had been a dog with his fur all covered in dirt as he had a fawn cream color with white tips; he looked to be playing with the fish in the water.

"Who is that?" Prism asked.

"Is she--Your sibling!?" Asta said.

"You guessed, right." Karasu said, "Though I should warn you--She's not exactly kind to strangers."

"Kind in what way?" Finral asked.

Karasu didn't answer as he stepped forward as he gave a whistle. It was then he spoke in a language that had been unfamiliar to them.

"Oi Sachiko!" He said, getting the girl's attention, "Tadai ma!"

The little girl named Sachiko, had soon taken notice of him as she stood. "Aniki!" She said as she ran over to him, giving him a hug, "O kare nasai!" They were taken back a bit when she hit him in the gut, making him groan, "Doko ni tano?! Shinpai shi chatta!"

"Shi ha mochi ko taera re ta." Karasu said still in a foreign language, as the shiba inu, got on his hind legs and lent on him, "Sachiko, oto o naguru na. Ore o satsu sou toshite ru noka?"

"Um--" Prism said awkwardly, "--That's definitely not a language I'm familiar with."

"They really are foreign, huh?" Feodora said.

Asta said as he had been trying to process, "I have no idea what they're saying…"

Yami had said with a huff, "I have a clue."

Sachiko soon took notice of their presence as her body tensed up, "Teki da!"

"Huh?" Most of the group said.

Sachiko soon fired from her slingshot as Asta, Prism and Feodora were quick to evade it. Though Finral was hit on target as well as Pluck as they saw what looked to be green smoke.

"AH! STINK BOMB!" Finral shouted.

Pluck shouted as he turned green, "GOD! I'M GONNA BE SICK!"

Addeline shouted as she got out her stick, "QUACK! QUACK!" She charged at Sachiko with full force, though she shot another stink bomb. Though this time it had ended up in the poor animal's mouth as it blew up in her stomach before her whole mouth steamed with a green smoke.

Pluck exclaimed, "Addeline!"

"Quack..." She groaned before falling to the floor with X's in her eyes.

Pluck shouted as he picked her up as he had cradled the duck, "ADDI! STAY WITH ME!"

"Sachiko!" Karasu said as he stopped her before she could fire more, "Ochi chaku i te! Wareware o kizutsukeru tame ni rai tan janai."

"Maji de?" Sachiko said with disbelief.

Karasu soon turned to them as he lowered her hand as he took the stink bomb and slingshot from her. "This is my little sister, Sachiko. She came into this country with me."

"What kind of language did you speak just now?" Prism asked as the shiba inu came up to her. He looked at the little spirits that appeared around her feet as he gave them a sniff.

"Japanese." He replied, "Folks around here don't know it, but it's our native language where we come from. It's the only one she knows I'm afraid. She hasn't quite picked up on your native tongue like I have. Been trying to teach it to her myself since we got here. Unfortunately she only knows a few words."

"Talk about slow progress." Feodora said as she noticed the look Sachiko gave her.

Asta had said, "She looks cute! She reminds me of the kids from the Church!"

"You're right!" Prism said as she picked up the dog as he started to lick her on the cheek, "And your dog is cute too!"

"That's Yoshi." Was all Karasu replied with, "Surprised he took a liking to you. He's usually aggressive when it comes to new people."

"What can I say? I have a way with animals." Prism said with a smile as she giggled when the dog named Yoshi licked her again.

"Oi--" Yami told Sachiko "Mou kono jigoku niha sumi me nai."

Everyone looked surprised by this, Karasu especially as he looked to be in shock.

"Hontoni?" Sachiko asked as she looked hopeful.

Yami nodded as he replied, "Hai, hontoni."

"You--Know Japanese?" Karasu asked, shocked.

"What do you think I didn't?" Yami asked as he took a puff.

"No--" Karasu replied, "--It's just surprising to see someone else here know our native tongue. I didn't think it was possible."

"You're actually gonna let him bring them with us?" Finral asked.

Yami replied, "Well yeah. They have nowhere else to go don't they?"

"We already have a full house as it is, captain." Pluck added. "We don't need anymore."

"Oh that's okay. She can sleep in your old room instead." Yami told Pluck nonchalantly

"HUH?!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Pluck shouted.

"What? It's not like you're gonna use it." He told him.

"Come on, Plu-Plu." Prism told him, "You have to share for sweet Sachiko."

Pluck's jaw dropped as he said, "Seriously? You too?"

"Of course! You never had the decency to share even when we were kids, dummy!" Prism said as she stuck out her tongue.

Pluck had retorted as he growled while pinching her cheeks, "Hey, That was uncalled for dummy."

Yoshi suddenly bit his hand which took him by surprise. Pluck had screamed before he yelled, "YEOW! WHAT THE WHAT?!"

"Told ya he was aggressive." Karasu said nonchalantly.

"That mutt is staying with your family." Yami told him.

Pluck had yelled, "WHAT?!"

Asta turned to Prism as he couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad to know that your family survived." He said to her.

"I'm glad too." Prism said, before she had said to herself softly, "... I wonder… If they're others that survived as well… Maybe even father and mother..."

Feodora sighed as she whispered to them, "What I'm wondering is--If the Captains know about Prism being the lost heir, how many others in the Magic Knight Squad knows?"

"I guess we won't know till we get to the Black Bulls." Prism replied. Adrien leaned over as he sniffed Yoshi; the dog merely responded as he licked his nose.

"Hey--" Asta said noticing the tone in Feodora's voice, "--That makes it sound like you don't trust them."

"They already said they weren't going to hurt me." Prism added, "Plus with Plu-Plu being here--"

"Don't call me that." Pluck said as he was about to bonk her head only for Yoshi to defend her as he barked.

"It doesn't change what I'm thinking." She told them, "And you shouldn't let your minds easily sway either. It's great we got into a Magic Knight squad, but we shouldn't let our guards down regardless. Who knows if one of these guys has some sort of hidden agenda for the long lost princess."

At this Prism couldn't help but have a worrisome look, though Asta had been quick to lift he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry. We made a promise, remember? If anything happens, we'll protect you."

Prism had smiled as she allowed Yoshi to jump down from her arms and run towards his owners, "... I know."

"Hey!" They heard Yami say.

The three of them looked over and saw the rest of the squad had been going into what looked to be a silver portal made by Finral.

"Come on! We're already late as it is." Yami said before stepping through himself.

"Well--" Asta said nervously as he turned to his two friends, "--Ready to head into the unknown?"

"Nope." Prism said before she took a deep breath, "Let's do it."

Thus the three of them stepped through, with Adrien following behind them as he adjusted his size so he could fit more easily.

The minute they had gotten through each of them were met with such a sight. They saw it had been a large house with an asymmetrical structure as it had multiple stories; most of them had been made of stones and bricks. It had a large number of windows and chimneys and a single wooden gate for a front entrance.

"Who--Whoa…" Prism said in awe.

"This is the Black Bulls base!?" Asta said as he had been awed like Prism had been.

"Pretty magnificent, isn't it?" Yami said.

"It's actually a bit rundown actually." Finral said.

Pluck had added as he had been treating the bite he had gotten from Yoshi, "Yeah, it's not exactly clean on the inside."

"Well--" Feodora said, dumbfounded, "--It's definitely bigger than the church in Hage."

"Eh--" Karasu said putting his hands behind his head, "--I've seen bigger."

Prism took hold of the medallion around her neck as she started to look nervous. "This is it--" Prism thought to herself, "--This is the first step to finding my magic, finding home--" She placed her hand on the scar along her cheek and underneath her chin, "--And figuring out what happened to me. Father… Mother… Everyone--Please watch over me and my friends."

"Alright!" Asta soon said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

They saw he ran straight for the door as he opened with a swing.

"I'm Asta from Hage Village--" He said, "--Myself and my friends will be joining the Black Bulls starting--"


Everyone had been back by an explosion as Asta was sent flying. The flame spirits protected Prism from the oncoming flames, while Feodora quickly used her magic to protect herself from the blast as well as Karasu and Sachiko. Pluck just used his swords to reflect the attack with a blank look on his face.

"Oh dear." Finral said.

Asta would've landed on the ground hard though Adrien quickly caught him before he could.

"And already the fire has started cooking.." Pluck added with a groan. "Why did I have to join this squad out of all the squads?"

"WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Feodora shouted as her ice broke apart.

"Was that an explosion just now!?" Prism yelled.

Yami gave a laugh before he turned to the four new recruits as he told them with a prideful smile, "Welcome to the absolute worst Magic Knights Squad--The Black Bulls!"