Shortly afterward, Asta, Prism, Karasu and Feodora had been standing outside of the Black Bulls base as they were at a safe enough distance so that the base wouldn't get wrecked in the process; much to their surprise they saw the front entrance practically repair itself. Every Black Bull member and Pluck's family had been sitting outside as they even brought along with the couch they had which of course surprised them.
"Alright then!" Magna said as the four of them had been lined up; he soon held up the robe in his hand, "If you want one of these, you'll each have to get through a trial I'm about to give you!"
"Ri-Right!" Prism said nervously.
"Got it!" Asta said with enthusiasm.
Vanessa had said with a yawn, "He's making up the rules again…"
Pluck had said as he rolled his eyes, "This is basically hazing at this rate."
"I wanna do it too!" Luck said.
Pluck immediately shouted as he slapped him on the head, "HELL NO!"
"Do your best, Prism!" Aisling cheered.
"Fight well!" Aidan shouted.
"Show them what warriors are made of!" Aine exclaimed.
"ALRIGHT! LET'S START THIS THING!!" Magna shouted before he pointed to one person in particular, "First--SHOW ME YOUR STRENGTH AND STAMINA! 5,000 SIT-UPS AND SIT UPS!"
"EH!?" Prism, Karasu and Feodora exclaimed.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Feodora shouted.
"GOT IT!" Asta shouted as he immediately started doing five thousand in an instant.
"W-Whoa, so fast!" Prism said.
"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Karasu yelled.
"Of course you'd be up for it!" Feodora said.
Magna had shouted to the three of them, "HEY, THAT MEANS YOU GUYS TOO! GET WORKING!"
"RI-RIGHT!" Prism shouted before she got on the ground, while Karasu and Feodora followed suit.
It hadn't been long before Pluck and his siblings realized something. "Oh wait--" Pluck said, "--Prism might not do so well in what Magna's got for her after all."
"What makes you say that?" Finral asked.
"Oh yeah, that's right!" Aishling said, "It's been so long I actually kind of forgot."
"Right… Maybe we should've warned her about Magna beforehand." Aine said
"Hey, what are you talking about?" Yami said.
Yukiko said as she shifted awkwardly, "Well, Prism may be the child of Alma and Zeid though there is just one thing she lacks, and I dare say, it's something she and I were trying to work on five hundred years back."
"And that would be?" Yami asked.
"Well that's--" Cadfan started to say.
They were taken back when they heard someone collapse and catch their breath. When they looked back, they saw Prism had been on the floor, practically gasping for air almost like she had been on the verge of dying; Most of the Black Bull member's jaws dropped.
"Ah--Just as I thought." Cadfan said as he slapped himself.
Aidan said, "She collapsed after three."
"Poor Prism…" Aine said awkwardly.
"At least she made it to three." Vandy said.
Pluck sighed as he said, "I was surprised she made it at all."
"How can you collapse after only three!?" Feodora exclaimed as she had been doing the push-ups as fast as she could.
"Hey, you okay?" Karasu asked her as he had been up to ten pushups.
"Just… Catching… My breath…" Prism replied as she had been practically gasping.
"You look like you're about to die." Magna pointed out awkwardly.
"Just… Fine…" Prism groaned.
"Seriously, you only did three!!" Feodora yelled.
Luck laughed as he said, "The Princess sure is funny!"
Yami had said while taking a puff from his cigarette, "Well now we know what we need to work on, your highness."
"Ugh… Water… Please…" Prism said.
"On it!" Jubei said as she rushed to get a bucket of water. She took nearly everyone by surprise when she just dumped it all on her head; immediately Prism had been back to normal with a gasp. "Thanks Jubei!" Prism said as she squeezed out the water from her ponytail.
"No problem girl!" Jubei said.
"JUST LIKE THAT!?" Most of the members had shouted out of confusion.
Pluck rolled his eyes as he said, "Dummy girl."
The second test came as they found themselves in front of a large boulder as Magna had told them to break it with only their physical strength. Needless to say only Asta had been up for it as Prism, Feodora and Karasu stood dumbfounded.
Asta headbutted right into the rock though afterwards he let out a cry as he rolled on the floor.
"NOT YET!!" Asta shouted as he smashed his head onto the boulder again as he let out a scream.
"GEE, YOU HAVE A FUNNY WAY OF SHOWING IT MOHAWK!" Feodora yelled before she started to get out her ice claws; she seemed to have gotten a sadistic look on her face, "How about I kill you instead so that I can toughen up!?"
"HEY HEY! NO ONE INSULTS THE DO!" Magna shouted as he got his firebat.
Karasu rolled his eyes as he had taken out his sword, "Let's just get this over with." He took out his grimoire as it turned to a certain page. As he drew his sword it started to glow a familiar purple glow as he took hold of the handle.
"Jinx Magic: Crackback Slash."
A purple beam soon formed after Karasu swung his sword; it broke the boulder in half the instant it had touched the stone. Everyone's jaws dropped as they looked at Karasu with an awkward look.
"What?" He said as he sheathed his blade, "You said you wanted one of us to break it, so I broke it."
"I broke the damn thing didn't I?" Karasu said.
Magna had retorted, "THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"
Yukiko sighed as she shook her head, "Just let him pass."
"The argument can't be won and you know it." Cadfan said.
Magna growled before he pointed over to Prism as he yelled, "YOU PRINCESS! YOUR NEXT!"
Prism let out a fearful squeak as she said, "Ye-Yes sir!" Prism quickly got into position as she had been looking at what had been left of the boulder as she looked nervous.
"I wonder how Prism's gonna break that boulder, she's not actually the strongest when it comes to general stuff." Aisling said.
"It's Prism, sis!" Aidan said, "If she can disarm and knock out a bandit three times her size, then she'll find a way to do it!"
"Well I just hope she can use something that won't kill me." Pluck said
Prism started to take deep breaths as she began to concentrate; she gave her chest a couple of pats as she started to focus.
"Dig deep…" She told herself in her thoughts, "... Dig… Deep!"
Finally she took one final breath as she soon let out a familiar high piercing roar; though she might've used a little too much as the force pushed her back suddenly just as she was able to crack the boulder; it had taken everyone else, except for Yami, Finral, Gordon and Pluck.
"Prism!" Asta exclaimed as he caught her before she could hit the floor.
Prism gave a nervous laugh, "I guess, I put too much into that one."
"You kidding me, that was more than too much!" Feodora argued.
"Wow…" Vandy said, "... That… was… AWESOME!!"
"Maybe I shouldn't get on the dummy girl's bad side for a while." Pluck said as he shook as he recalled the other times she used the trick.
"Quack.." Addeline said in awe.
"Oh dear.." Yukiko and Cadfan said in unison.
"AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN!" Jubei, Aisling and Aine shouted.
"Whoo!" Aidan said as he clapped, "That's one for the screaming competition!"
"NO!" Yukiko, Cadfan and even Pluck had shouted.
Vandy soon hopped over to Prism along with Jubei as they had sparkles in their eyes. "Did you always know how to do that!?" Vandy asked her, "Can you teach me how to break a rock with your sheer voice?!"
"Is that another trick we get when we go through puberty!?" Jubei said, "Please say yes!"
Prism gave a sheepish laugh before she replied, "Actually, it's sort of new for me too, so I can't actually teach it or anything."
The kids seemed to have pouted at this, though that faded away in an instant as their excitement came back.
"STILL AWESOME!" Vandy and Jubei shouted as their eyes sparkled.
"Aww--!" Asta said as his eyes sparkled, "--They really like you Pri!"
"I guess huh?" Prism said as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Are you kidding!? Of course we love ya!" Vandy said as he hopped onto Prism's back, which she was quick to support him.
"Yeah, you're better than our older brother!" Jubei said, "You're nicer!"
Pluck flinched at this before he shouted, to his younger siblings while bonking their heas, "HEY! I'M WAY NICER THAN THE DUMMY GIRL! I'M JUST HONEST!"
"Yeah! And nice people don't call people names!" Vandy added.
Pluck growled before he yelled, "GET EM, ADDELINE!"
"Quack!" Addeline shouted as she charged to the kids.
"Run away!" Jubei shouted.
"Mad duck loose!" Vandy yelled as he hopped off Prism's back before taking off.
Cadfan shouted to his son as he smacked him on the head, "Pluck! We talked about this! No sending Addi after people!"
"Especially your siblings!" Yukiko added as she smacked him too.
"Sorry Mom and Dad." Pluck said.
Prism gave a sigh as she said "You still haven't changed, huh Plu-Plu?"
Adrien gave a screech in agreement as he had already scooped up Addeline in his mouth
"Not you guys too." Pluck groaned
Yami said with a laugh, "What a riot! I knew taking you in was the right choice! Your family here cracks me up!"
Pluck had rolled his eyes as he said with a groan, "Of course the Captain agrees."
It hadn't been long before Magna's quote unquote test; once again the four of them had stood in a line, as each of them had been exhausted by the others that he had gotten set up for them.
"Seriously--" Feodora said as she was trying her best to catch her breath, "--Is he trying to kill us?!"
"That--Might be the case…!" Karasu said as he had been breathing heavily.
"How--How are we doing?!" Asta asked Magna as he had been the first to recover.
Magna said with a huff, "I guess you all have some guts!"
"Really?" Prism said, "Thank you!"
"Does this mean we get our robes now!?" Asta asked.
"Not yet!" He told them.
"Really?!" Karasu said, "Even after all that BS we had to go through?"
"Well between a thief, an outsider, a hick from the boonies and even the Princess, it ain't gonna be that easy!" Magna argued.
"You're just making this crap up aren't you?" Feodora said as her eyebrow twitched slightly.
Magna soon cleared his throat, "There's one more! The final trial for the initiation!"
The four of them looked to one another as Asta couldn't help but gulp. Feodora soon turned back to him, "Pray tell--What might that be street punk?"
Magna chuckled, "You can use whatever magic you see fit--" They had been taken back when Magna had gotten out his own grimoire; instantly they saw that he emitted a fireball which made them jump "--To either dodge or block my attack!" He said, "If you're able to do that, you'll officially be one of us Black Bulls. You'll get your precious robe!"
"SERIOUSLY!?" Feodora and Karasu shouted.
"I guess that makes sense--" Prism said, "--I understand Magna sir!"
"Ye-yeah!" Asta added, "We'll do our best!"
"YOU'RE AGREEING TO THIS!?" Feodora shouted.
"ALRIGHT!!" Magna shouted before he pointed over to Karasu, "WE'LL START WITH YOU, BAD LUCK CHARM THIEF!"
Karasu jumped at this before he slumped over as he let out a groan. "Do I have to go through with it?" He said.
"Yes!" Magna said with a smile
Karasu rolled his eyes, "I'm already having regrets doing this, I think I was better off getting murdered."
Finral let out a sigh as he had gotten out his grimoire as he had been ready to perform a spell.
Asta, Feodora and Prism soon stepped back as they had given Magna and Karasu space, while the members eagerly watched at what was about to unfold. Karasu readied his blade as he spun it in his hand while Magna himself got ready with a flaming bat.
"Hold up your grimoire thief!" Magna said.
Karasu sighed as he did just that; his grimoire floated up with a purple light as he drew his blade. "Let's just finish this quick."
"Whoa!" Aisling said in awe, "He's got a sword like Captain Yami!"
"Yeah, but look, it's a bit longer!" Aine said.
"Not to mention it looks a bit curved doesn't it?" Aidan said.
"Pop?" Jubei said, "Can I get that for my birthday?! Pretty please?!"
Cadfan looked at the blade as Karasu had placed it over his shoulders, and he noticed how sharp it looked. He couldn't help but have an image in his head at the thought of his youngest daughter holding a sword.
"Uh--" Cadfan said to his daughter as he rubbed the back of his head, "--We'll talk."
Magna soon smiled before a fireball formed in his hand, "HERE I COME!!"
In almost an instant Magna started to bombard him with a set of fireballs which had taken them all back.
"Holy crap!" Asta exclaimed as his eyes sparkled.
"There's so many!" Prism said as she had been in awe.
"So that's fire magic huh?" Feodora said.
Pluck had said as he shook his head, "Again, this is just hazing at this rate."
Karasu soon got in a stance as he held his blade; it started to light up a familiar shade of purple. He took a deep breath, "Jinx Magic--SHATTERING MIRROR!!"
With a single swipe from his blade, the fireballs Magna; and before their very eyes they saw the fireballs had flown back towards Magna.
"Bime i elena!" Prism exclaimed.
"He sent it back to him!?" Feodora yelled.
"SO COOL!" Asta shouted, as his eyes sparkled.
Pluck shouted as his jaw dropped, "NO KIDDING!!"
Magna quickly acted fast as he shifted a baseball bat out of fire as he swung it back; Karasu quickly dodged the fireball as it hit the trees behind him. Prism seemed to notice that Karasu had flinched slightly as he grasped his bandaged arm as he appeared to be in pain.
Magna said to Karasu with a smile, as Karasu rubbed his arm, "Not bad kid!"
Karasu gave a smirk of his own, "Not bad yourself—Street Punk." He shook out his hand as he winced slightly. "Damn." He said softly, "Guess that's my limit today."
Magna soon turned over to Feodora before he yelled, "YOU OUTSIDER! YOUR NEXT!"
"Must you shout?" Feodora said as she cleaned out her ear, "If you're trying to make me go deaf, then mission accomplished."
Magna had told her as he had gotten his bat ready, "I hope you're ready to handle the heat!"
Feodora said as she stretched, "And I hope you're ready to catch frostbite."
Magna flinched before he growled, "BATTER UP!"
Feodora got herself ready as she found herself surrounded by a barrage of fireballs. Feodora quickly broke out her grimoire as she began to cast her spell.
"Ice Magic--Lion Pride's Wall!"
Feodora thrusted her hand into the ground as an ice wall appeared as it had managed to block the barrage of fire. Magna had been left impressed by this sort of thing. "Not bad there assassin!" He said, "But let's see how you can handle this!"
His hand soon emitted that of a giant fireball which took her back. "Wait Magna--!" Pluck shouted in realization.
A giant fireball emitted from his hand as he tossed it like a ball. It came towards Feodora hard and fast and it took her all but a moment for her mind to click and her instincts to kick in. She moved out of the way just as the ice wall shattered.
She rolled over on the floor as she managed to stand herself up, "The hell was that!?" Feodora shouted, "Are you trying to kill--Huh?"
Feodora cut herself off when she noticed a familiar strain of hair just fly by her; she suddenly got a cold look, while Asta, and Prism's face paled at the sight.
"O-Oh no!" Asta exclaimed.
"Not again!" Prism said.
"Oh boy." Karasu said as he face palmed himself.
The Black Bull members and Pluck's family members started to feel a rise in mana coming from Feodora as she started to let out a little growl.
"Whoa!" Aine exclaimed, "What is this!?"
"C-Cold!" Aisling said as she covered her arms.
"S-Sabui!" Sachiko exclaimed as she hugged Yoshi who had also been shivering.
Vanessa said as she sneezed, "Why does it feel like a blizzard?!"
"I suddenly feel afraid." Vandy said.
"Oh man, this is just what happened at the entrance exams!" Pluck said.
Yami had said, "Oh boy.."
Magna looked at Feodora as he asked "Hey, what's up with you?"
"So--" Feodora said as Magna saw a streak of her hair turned white and her eyes changed to an icey blue, "--You've chosen death."
Feodora had gotten out her grimoire as a mist of purple ice appeared and started to form, and her whole body glowed a white aura.
"Okay, leaving now." Pluck said as he ran off. Or at least he would've if it wasn't for Yukiko. "Mom..!"
Yukiko told him, "We talked about this too."
She started to bare fangs as she started her attack, "Raging Ice Magic--LION'S ROAR!"
A lion's head formed in the palm of her hands as a lion's head formed; a purple beam fired towards Magna as he had been taken back by the attack as he was able to dodge.
"Hey Punk, why did you dodge?" Feodora said in a deadly tone of voice, as she appeared to have a smile on her face despite her glare, "I didn't give you permission to."
"That's the idea, now hold still!" Feodora said, before she started to conjure another spell.
"This is bad! This is really bad!" Asta said.
"You know her better than me, how do we stop her!?" Prism said.
"I have no idea!" He replied, "Yuno's usually the one that can snap her out of it!"
"WHAT!?" Prism exclaimed.
Karasu had said, "And she's gonna be banned."
Her fangs seemed to have grown larger as it seemed to have popped out from the corner of her mouth as the purple ice started to form a set of claws. "Raging Ice Magic--" She started to say, "Death Cl--"
Yami soon used his palm and lightly tapped her neck causing her to collapse suddenly with a gasp; It had shocked most of them since in a blink he had been right behind her.
"Feo!" Asta and Prism exclaimed.
Yami had said while taking a puff from his cigarette, "Whew, that was too close. Had you said your spell you could have killed off everyone here plus the base. That's a serious crime, you know."
Feodora groaned as she rubbed her neck; Yami could see the streak of white vanished. "That really hurt." She groaned as she turned him, he saw that her eyes were back to normal. She had said to him begrudgingly, "Thanks for that, I guess."
Yami had told her, "Whatever."
"Are you okay?!" Prism said as she ran over to her.
"You don't feel mad anymore!?" Asta said.
Feodora headbutted him when he had gotten too close causing Asta to scream.
"That answers your question, Dum-Dum?" Feodora said.
"OW! FEO!!" Asta yelled, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"
"You were in my personal bubble." Feodora told him as she stood.
"SERIOUSLY?!" Asta exclaimed.
"What kind of friends did you make?" Pluck asked Prism.
Prism only laughed awkwardly at this as she rubbed the back of her; a few little spirits looking like that of small foxes seemed to have possessed the same posture.
"Alright!" Magna said as he pointed to Prism "You're up Your Highness!"
'Eh?!" Prism exclaimed.
"Hold on, Magna." Yami said as he patted his shoulder. "Add the shorty too."
"EH?!" Asta and Prism exclaimed.
"I agree!" Aisling added.
"Hey." Yami said as he grabbed both their heads "Do you two wanna die?"
"N-No sir!" Pluck and Aisling said
"Then shut up and watch." Yami told them.
"Wait Mr--" Prism started to say before she corrected herself, "--I mean Yami, is that really the best idea? I can't even lift my scythe!"
"Of course it is." Yami said with a puff. "Just take it out and you'll be fine."
"But--" She started to say before Yami flicked her head, making her cry out suddenly.
He told her, ""Less complaining more, doing."
"O-Okay." Prism said nervously as she rubbed her forehead.
"Just stay calm, Pri." Asta said as he patted her shoulder, "You can do this." He soon held his fist up in the air, as he said with a smile, "After all, we got the strongest magic right?"
Her chest felt a little lighter as she saw his smile. She couldn't help but give the same expression as she nodded.
"Alright!" Magna said, "Ready your grimoires!"
"Yes sir!" Asta said.
His grimoire glowed a red aura as out of the pages a familiar sword as most of the Black Bulls members looked in awe.
"Whoa--What's that?" Luck said as his eyes sparkled.
"It's huge." Vanessa said.
"So cool!" The triplets exclaimed.
"That's probably the coolest weapon I have ever seen in my life!" Vandy said with excitement in his eyes.
"Pop--" Jubei said as her eyes sparkled, "--Birthday. Make it happen."
Yukiko couldn't help but look at the blade as she gave it an odd look. "Funny--" She said, "--That sword looks strangely familiar."
Magna soon turned to Prism as he saw she had been struggling to get her grimoire out. "Hey!" Magna said, "What's the hold up?!"
"So-Sorry!" Prism replied, as she turned to the page, "Just give me a sec--I'm still new to this."
She cleared her throat after she took a deep breath before she read the words on the page.
Shadows reveal thy form
Let your power aid
Lead the hunger astray
Bring me victory today!
The book glowed before out of the pages came a familiar weapon as everyone had been taken in awe by the weapon. Most of the Black Bulls had been in awe by this as well as the members of Pluck's family as it glowed a red aura.
Luck had said as he practically jumped from where he sat, "WOAH! THAT'S COOL! NOW I REALLY WANNA FIGHT HER!"
"Is that--A scythe?" Vanessa said.
Gauche had said, giving a look, "It's huge.."
"How did Prism even get a hold of that?" Vanessa said before she asked Pluck, "She could do that the first time right?"
Pluck said as he sweated. "Not even..Something must have happened before we woke up.."
"Mom? Dad?" Jubei said "I changed my mind. I want the scythe!"
"That means I got the sword!" Vandy shouted.
"We'll think about it.." Yukiko and Cadfan said in unison.
The scythe soon stopped floating as it had fallen towards her; Prism acted out of instinct as she went to catch it. Though much to her own surprise, she didn't stumble like last time… In fact the scythe felt strangely lighter.
"Huh?" Prism said as she tossed it from her hand a little, "It's not heavy?"
"You can carry it now?" Asta asked.
Prism turned to him as he sort of flinched by what he saw, "Yeah!" She said, "It's not as heavy as it was before!" She noticed the look on his face as she saw he had been in a bit of shock.
"What is it?" She asked, "Do I have something on my face?"
"N-Nothing!" Asta replied casually, "It's nothing! You look fine!"
"Really?" She said, before she smiled, "Thank you!
Yami had been the only person that had seemed to notice what had been off about Prism as most of her bangs covered it. She herself didn't seem to have noticed that her right eye had been in a shade of white as her pupil was narrow.
"That definitely wasn't there." Yami thought to himself, "I remember The Wizard King and Cadfan telling us about Prism's magic before this, now with the change in eye color? There was someone or something that had a familiar power like hers. If it weren't for those lil guys floating around, I can sense her mana., though it doesn't seem like she has any. Could it--"
"Hey Pri, What's up with your--" Pluck was about to ask only for his head to be grabbed by Yami as he said "What part of Shut up and Watch do you not get, Sword Boy?"
"C-C-C-Captain! You're gonna crush my skull!" Pluck said as he struggled.
"That's the idea, now shush before you become mush" Yami replied.
"S-sorry!" Pluck said.
Magna soon said to Asta and Prism, "ALRIGHT YOU TWO! HERE'S THE ONE FOR THE SPECIAL!" She was conjured by a fireball which began to burst with fire magic.
"Get ready Pri!" Asta said as he readied his sword.
"Right!" Prism said before she copied Asta's stance and held her scythe in a sloppy sort of fashion as she held the blade in front of her and the blade had been upward.
"Hey.." Pluck said, "The way she's holding her scythe. Does she know what she's doing" He soon shouted to Prism, "DUMMY GIRL YOU'RE--"
He could feel Yami tighten as he froze; he told him in a threatening tone of voice, "What did I JUST say Sword Boy?"
Pluck had told him fearfully, "Hey! It's called Constructive Criticism!"
"Your 'Constructive Criticism' can wait!" Yami said as his grip tightened.
"Owowowowow!" Pluck exclaimed.
"Uhh Captain. You're holding him too tight." Finral said only to receive a glare. "Never mind, carry on!"
Magna soon materialized a familiar fire bat as he spun it in his hands. "You two ready for this?" He said with a smirk.
"Yes sir!" Asta replied.
"As ready as I'll ever be I think!" Prism added.
"WELL THEN--" Magna soon said, as he got ready, "--HERE I GO!"
"Bring it on!" Asta and Prism said as their eyes had been filled with determination. In a matter of a few short moments, Asta and Prism were met with a barrage of fireballs as immediately they started to act. Prism quickly got in front of the wall of fireballs as she acted out of instinct.
With just a swing of her scythe she was able to slice up the fireballs with ease; much to everyone's surprise however, they saw that the fireballs had shifted into dust before it had flown into the jewel eyes embedded with the blade connected to the as it glowed a dim red.
"Whoa--!" Vandy exclaimed, "--The magic turned to dust!?"
Pluck said as his jaw had been dropped slightly, "H-HOW?! THAT-THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE?!"
"Yeah this is definitely something Prism didn't learn in warrior class." Aine said.
"Ya think?" Aidan said.
"Mama I'm telling ya, Scythe. Birthday." Jubei told Yukiko
Yukiko had told her daughter, "I think I'm gonna change my mind about that."
"That tater-tot really has been holding huh?" Karasu said.
"It's just like back then." Feodora said softly.
Prism couldn't help but look in awe, as she couldn't help but recall what had happened six months prior. "I did it again?" She said, shocked.
Prism had been taken back as she felt herself jump suddenly. She might've been imagining it, but she could've sworn her veins glow like that in the color of flames before it disappeared as Asta noticed it along with Feodora; though they didn't realize Yami had seen it too.
"The hell…?" Feodora said softly.
"Bime i elena…" Prism said softly as she looked to her arms.
"What--" Asta said, "--What was that?"
"I don't know." Prism replied honestly.
Yami couldn't help but think, as he noticed how unsettled Prism had gotten, "I knew it. I recognize that power..It's just like you said, Julius."
Magna soon said, impressed, "huh, I expected a challenge, your highness..The heck was that?"
"I wish I could tell you, but I'm not so sure." Prism replied honestly.
Magna smiled as he said, "Heh, that's alright!" They soon noticed that his hand started to emit a giant fireball, "But let's see how you two can take this!"
"Huh?" The two of them said.
The two of them were taken back as they saw that Magna had started to focus on making a large fireball as it started to create a literal heat wave as it took them back.
"And it suddenly got hot." Feodora said, "Great…"
Vanessa said as she fanned herself, "Oh boy, here we go.
"Seriously! This is beyond overkill!" Pluck added before he turned to Yami, "Was this the right choice?!"
"Wait for it.." Yami told him.
Magna had held the fireball over his head as he readied to attack, as he took a gold of it before it shifted into a bat, "FLAME MAGIC: EXPLODING FIREBALL!"
Just like that he sent the attack, flying towards them. "Seriously!? Get behind me Pri!" Asta said as he pulled Prism behind him. He took hold of his blade as he readied to attack, however--
"Oh man." He started to think, "We're--Dead."
Asta started to move out of instinct as veins started to pop along his arm and leg. It was then he took a swing; placing both of his hands on the handle as he started to let out a fierce cry. Most had been surprised as they expected Asta to slice through the fireball as it hit the blade of his sword. Prism flinched and shielded herself from the sparks before Asta sent the fireball back towards Magna.
The very sound of it made Prism jump and cover her ears as everyone had a look of awe; Pluck on the other hand, his jaw had been wide open as he had been dumbstrucked.
"SO COOL!" The Triple A's exclaimed.
"Sugoi…!" Sachiko said as her eyes sparkled.
"Impressive." Yukiko said with a smile.
"You know, I like this boy." Cadfan said with a smirk.
"Can I get the sword AND scythe for my birthday?" Jubei asked.
"Hey! I called dibs on the sword!" Vandy shouted
"IT'S GONNA BE MINE!" Jubeii yelled, before they felt their parents bonk their heads.
Their mother had scolded, "You're both not gonna get them now!"
"Awww." The kids groaned.
"W-wow." Pluck said "He's actually not that bad. I respect a guy like him."
"I was right--" Karasu said with a smirk, "--He really is interesting."
Feodora couldn't help but huff as she smirked, "There's the Asta I grew up with."
Addeline had cheered as she waved her stick,"QUACK! QUACK!"
Adrien let out a roar as if he had been cheering while Addeline flew up onto his back before she took out sticks with leaves as she started to wave them like flags.
"He hit it!" Luck cheered, "He hit it!"
"Wow." Vanessa said as she had been in awe.
"Well--These new recruits are really impressive." Finral said, "We didn't even have to save their hides like we did with Pluck and his sisters."
"Well you don't have to be rude." Aisling said as she stuck out her tongue towards Finral.
"Hmph! You'll never get a girlfriend like that, Finny" Aine asked as she turned her head in disgust.
"May you die of old age and be lonely!" Aidan added as he glared.
Finral cried as he yelled, "SO CRUEL!"
Yami looked to Asta as he had another thought, "He wasn't able to cut it, but he was able to hit it. That sword can cut through magic as well as repel it. How interesting."
Prism seemed to have recovered from the shock. Her body trembled a little as she placed a hand on Asta's shoulder, "How--" She started to say, "--How did you do that?"
"I--" Asta said before turning to her, "--I HAVE NO IDEA!!"
"HUH!?" Prism exclaimed out of confusion.
"WHAT!?" Feodora and Karasu shouted.
Pluck yelled in shock, "YOU MEAN YOU IMPROVISED?!"
"I mean--" Asta started to say as he looked just as confused as they had been, "--I knew I could cut through magic, but I didn't know I could do that too!"
"You mean to say you did that not knowing if you would survive?!" Prism asked him in confusion.
Asta nodded his head in reply as he told her, "Don't get me wrong, this sword is awesome, but--I REALLY thought we wouldn't make it!"
Prism had taken a moment to process this newfound information, before she started to laugh as it had taken Asta back. "I'm--I'm sorry!" Prism said, "I know, I shouldn't be laughing but--You're probably the coolest person I've ever met!"
Asta couldn't help but say sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, "Come Pri, I'm blushing."
Pluck gave a sigh as he said "Seriously Prism, how did you make friends like that?"
"Wait--" Feodora said, "--If you sent the attack back to the street punk, does that mean you killed him?"
"If you did, that would raise A LOT of red flags and probably get you kicked out." Karasu added.
At this Prism stopped laughing as Asta's face paled. "OH GOD, DID I REALLY KILL HIM!?" Asta exclaimed.
They were taken back when they saw that Magna had emerged from the fire itself, as it made them jump; Feodora and Karasu quickly ran to their side as they readied themselves when they saw how pissed he had been.
"You little bastard…!" Magna said.
"HE TOOK IT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!?" Asta and Prism exclaimed as they held onto each other.
"Well--That's concerning!" Karasu said as he drew his sword.
"Ya think!?" Feodora said as she had gotten her ice claws ready.
"I was able to nullify it in time, so I'm alright…!" Magna told them, "... But I was almost offed by MY own magic!"
"Well that's what you get for performing these stupid traditions." Pluck said.
"Plu-Plu!" Prism exclaimed.
"Again, being honest." Pluck replied.
Yami gave him a smack on the head along with Yukiko as they both said, "There's a thing called being TOO honest."
Pluck said with a whimper, "Why.."
"You--Little--Punk!" Magna shouted.
He ran towards them as he placed his hands on Asta's shoulders which took them back. "This is too scary!" Prism whimpered.
"Hey asshole you better let go of him!" Feodora told Magna with a glare.
"You better not start any--" Karasu started to say as he drew his sword.
"You guys ain't half-bad!" Magna said as they saw a smile on his face.
At this the four of them looked shocked as Feodora and Karasu cancelled out on their magic. "I'm sorry what?" Asta said, as he had been the first to speak up.
Magna slapped the four of them on the back as the force had nearly knocked them over, "You guys blew away my expectations! I didn't expect you all to pull through like that! The way some girl from the Diamond Kingdom was able to manifest all that mana, how you and Karasu managed to send back my attack, and not to mention how the Princess basically turned my own mana to dust! I like you guys!"
"Se--Seriously!?" Prism exclaimed.
"Did you get a screw loose in your head or something?" Karasu said.
"Sorry I was poking fun at you guys earlier!" Magna said, "To be honest--I'm from the hicks myself!"
"No fooling?" Karasu said, shocked.
"Where are you from?" Feodora asked.
"Rayaka Village!" Magna replied.
"THAT'S WAY OUT THERE!" Asta and Feodora exclaimed.
"Like you two can talk!" Magna had argued.
"Rayaka huh?" Prism said, "I can't say I've heard of it, but--" She soon gave Magna a smile, "--It sounds lovely! I'd like to see it someday, if that's alright?"
"Of course!" Magna said with a smirk.
Asta couldn't help laughing sheepishly again, "Aw--Well it's not like I had a little magic, I don't have magic at all actually."
"Yeah--" Prism added awkwardly as her scythe vanished and her eye reverted back to normal, "--And to be honest I lost my magic and can't remember the kind I have."
"What!?" Magna exclaimed as it made the two of them flinch, "You two, don't have any magical power!? And yet, you guys were able to use that trick like it was nothing!?"
Most of the crowd gasped at this sort of thing.
"Wait, but that can't be right!" Vandy said, "Prism was born with magic!"
Aisling said, "You mean to say--You actually lost it Prism?"
Prism turned to Pluck's family as she could nod her head in reply as it shocked them even more; even most of the Black Bull members.
"That's--" Magna started to say, "--Even more awesome! So that means, you guys have some real guts!"
Asta and Prism looked dumbfounded at this sort of thing as they looked to one another in realization of what that meant. It hadn't been long until all of the Black Bull members came rushing towards them as they had crowded over them; they had been mostly congratulating them, except for Gauche and--
"Alright, it's time for the second initiation!" Luck said.
"A second what?" Prism said.
"Come again?" Asta said, shocked.
"Let's try and kill each other!" Luck said as he thrusted his fist towards them.
"FOR REAL!?" Feodora shouted.
Pluck shouted as he slapped Luck on the head, "IDIOT! THAT'S ENOUGH HAZING FOR ONE DAY!"
"Oh come on Pluck." Luck said "Maybe you wanna fight t-"
Yukiko and Cadfan punched Luck's head to the ground as they shouted "NO TRYING TO KILL OUR SON!"
Vanessa soon got up close and personal with Asta and Karasu as they both turned red when they felt her breath on them. "You two looked great out there." She said with a drunken smile.
"Th-thanks." Asta stammered.
"Ye-Yeah." Karasu said as he cleared his throat slightly and wiped away the nosebleed.
"Anika wa hentai!" Sachiko said as she pointed to him. Yami couldn't help but give out a laugh at this remark as Karasu's face turned red.
"SACHIKO!" Karasu yelled in an embarrassed tone.
Yami said with a laugh, "HA! I LIKE HER ALREADY!"
"Don't encourage her please!" Karasu said as he face palmed himself.
The triplets and the youngest siblings gathered around Prism as their eyes practically lit up. "Prism, that was amazing!" Aishling said.
"I don't know what that was or how you did that--" Aine soon said, "--But it was incredible!"
"You gotta show us that trick later!" Aidan said.
"Can you show us your scythe again?!" Vandy exclaimed.
"Can I carry it!?" Jubei exclaimed.
"I have to admit, you surprised even me, Prism." Pluck told her. "I'm impressed."
"Wow, that's one of the nicest things you said to her all day." Feodora told him.
"Again, I am nice." Pluck told her "I'm just ho--."
"Honest, I get the message Plu-Plu.." Feodora finished for him, giving a sarcastic tone of voice as it had shocked him.
"Honestly, how did she make friends like you?" Pluck asked.
"Maybe it has to do with the Dum-Dum, Know It All and I saving her ass?" Feodora said, "You know, the job YOU were supposed to do?"
Pluck flinched at this sort of thing as his eyebrow twitched slightly. "Aren't you something else?"
"Talk about hitting it where it hurts." Finral said.
Gordon had mumbled, "Cheer up Pluck, I still believe in you."
Pluck had said to Feodora, "Big talk for an temper--"
"Pluck, don't you dare finish that sentence!" Yukiko said.
"Again, Being Honest." Pluck told his parents.
Cadfan slapped him on the head as he said, "And that honesty will get you killed one day."
"Whoa, slow down." Prism said to the triplets and the younger siblings, "I'm still new to this whole thing, so, I'm not sure how this is supposed to work myself."
"That's okay, we'll figure it out!" Aisling said.
"Yeah!" Aine said as she took her hand, "Afterall with the four of us combined, there's nothing we can't do!"
"We got your back Prism!" Aidan said, "Just like you got ours!"
Prism couldn't help but smile and laugh, "Aww--!" She said before she hugged them, "--I missed you guys!"
Finral had soon gotten their attention, "Okay, okay. Isn't there something we're all forgetting something important we should be doing?"
"Oh right!" Magna said.
Asta, Feodora, Karasu and Prism looked over as they saw Magna hand them there robes. "Here you guys!" He said with a smile, "You've earned it."
"Thanks!" Prism said as she took the robe along with Karasu and Feodora.
"In black too, nice." Feodora said with a smirk.
"Not sure about the bull, but--" Karasu said as he smiled, "--I'll grow to like it."
Prism soon noticed that Asta had just been standing there just in mere shock as she noticed he looked like he was about to cry. "Asta?" Prism said with worry, "Are you okay?"
"Oh?" Magna said, "Do you not want it?"
"N-No! No, I do want it!" Asta exclaimed.
He soon took the robe from Magna as he held it up; his eyes practically lit up. "This is mine…" He said, "... This is really mine…!"
"It sure is." Prism said with a smile before she showed him hers, "And look--We match."
Asta laughed as he showed it off to Feodora, which she couldn't help but smile at. "What are you waiting for?" Vanessa said, "Try it on."
With a wave of her hand, the robes floated from their hands; it flew above their heads before it eased its way on them even Asta's headband changed as it had the Black Bulls logo appeared as it seemed to have turned around.
The four of them looked at one another as they showed off their robes.
"Alright, looking good!" Feodora said with a spin.
"Nice!" Karasu said, "Very nice!"
"Such soft material--" Prism said as she felt the cloth, before she looked at Asta, "--I love that headband!"
"Thanks!" Asta said, "You don't look half bad yourself!"
"Eh--" Yami said, "--You guys look kind of bland."
"Aw, you don't mean Uncle Yami!" Vandy said.
"Congratulations!" Magna soon told them, "You're officially members of the Black Bulls! You better work hard and not bring shame to Mister Yami or the Black Bulls!"
"Promises, promise." Karasu said with a smirk.
Asta soon bowed his head as he shouted as loud as he could, "THANKS! IT'S A PLEASURE TO WORK WITH YOU ALL!"
"Loud as ever." Feodora said with a laugh, "I thought you'd be crying like a little baby shorty."
"Well what about you?" Asta asked.
"Me? Ha!" She said, giving him a playful shove, "You wish Dum-Dum!"
The two of them couldn't help but exchange a laugh as Prism and Karasu couldn't help but laugh along with them.
Yami soon got his members' attention, "Hey, Are you done?" I like to get this over with. I have a mission to get to."
"Huh?" Prism said before she had been taken back.
When Asta, Feodora and Karasu turned they saw most of the Black Bull members had gotten on one knee as Prism couldn't help but gasp.
"It's an honor to welcome you to our squad, your highness." The Black Bulls said in unison.
Prism's look changed at this as her gaze softened, which Asta and Feodora were quick to notice as they recalled what she had told them. Prism bit her bottom lip before she spoke up, "Look—I appreciate this gesture, and the title in all, but I'd prefer it if you didn't refer to me as your highness or majesty from this point on."
Most of the black bulls looked shocked by this.
Finral had said, shocked, "W-what do we call you then?!"
Prism let out a sigh, "I know, I know, I'm supposed to be the princess. I'm meant to fix your kingdom and finish what my father and my uncle started centuries ago, but—That doesn't mean you should automatically think that I'm higher than all of you. Princess or not I'm just a person like all of you. No titles, no addressing me as royalty— and no selfish orders from me. I'm just Prism, the only human elf girl who just wants to make friends and—." She soon gave them all a smile, "—Let them get to know the real me."
Prism didn't realize that Yami had stood up from the ground. She had only registered this sort of thing when she felt his hand on her head, as he had been giving her a couple of pats.
"I get it, no formalities right?" Yami asked her.
Prism looked at him a bit shocked but she nodded her head in reply.
Magna had said as he put his arm around her shoulders, "Oh so I guess we just call you Prism then! No problem!"
"Really?" She said, shocked.
"Of course!" Vanessa said with a smile.
"Just try not to act like a Dummy once in a while." Pluck said to her with a smile.
"Right back at you, Donkey Face." Prism said, sticking her tongue out at him while giving a smile. The Black Bull members couldn't help but laugh at this comment while Pluck looked embarrassed.
Pluck had said as he sounded embarrassed, "Of course, you use that."
"Welcome home Prism!" The Triplets, Vandy and Jubei soon cheered as they couldn't help but hug her; Adrien had gotten behind Prism as he nuzzled his head against her back, making her giggle at the sensation.
"QUACK!" Addleine said as she got up and hugged her face.
"PRISM!?" Asta exclaimed as he jumped.
"HOLY--!" Feodora shouted, "--WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT DUCK!?"
"IS THAT A STICK SHE'S HOLDING!?" Karasu exclaimed.
"ADDI!" Pluck shouted as he tried to pull her off her, "Give her space!"
Yami gave a laugh as he said, "Well! Ain't that a hoot!"
Yukiko said with a sigh, "Things are gonna get more lively than usual."
What many of the others didn't seem to notice was that there had been another pair of eyes watching over them. She had been wearing the same robe as they had been as she looked to the four additional members of the Black Bulls.
"So--" She said, "--Those are the new recruits, and that girl--" Her eyes wandered to Prism as she had been enjoying the embrace of her friends, "--Is the Lost Heir from the stories."
She pushed back her pigtails as she possessed a bit of a cold look, "... Those ones she acclimated herself with… Are insects."