Time has passed, and the title of the Wizard King has been passed down through generations. The Wizard King commands the Magic Knights and they protect the kingdom together. The Magic Knights are composed of nine squads of mages. Each of them specialize in combat, all under the command of the Wizard King.
This band of heroes work together to protect the lives of the kingdom with their lives. To become a Wizard King or a Magic Knight is the aspiration of all in the Clover Kingdom
Six months came and went since Prism started to stay in the village with her new friends Asta, Yuno and Feodora. She said it before, and she'll say it again, she was happy that people like them found her in the strange tree. Despite her initial shock about being asleep for five hundred years, she was glad she had found a new home with people to call her family.
Since they had received their Grimoires, life had been peaceful. She helped out with the chores everyday, played with the kids and very often so, she would hang out with Asta, Yuno and Feodora as she explored more and more of the village.
She was really happy right now, though at the same time she couldn't help but feel more and more melancholy. True, she had been excited to see what Hage Village had to offer, though everytime she explored a new area, it couldn't help but remind her of home. Not a day went by when she was thinking about them; her friends and her family. She missed them all dearly, and worst of all, she knew there was no chance she had in seeing them again.
She had been no doubt the only one of her species.
Though it seemed that everytime she felt down or sad, Asta seemed to have just sensed it. He always did what he could to make her laugh even if it had been the slightest frown on her face; very so often it would work. Everyday she spent with them, she could see why the children loved them so much.
Yuno had been cool under pressure, as he had been patient as he was understanding their needs. Feodora though she didn't admit loved to play with the little ones; she knew she had a tough side to her, though she had a soft side to her as well. The kids knew this too as they weren't scared of her even when she had one of her outbursts.
As for Asta, he just loved them as much as they did him. He was like a big brother to all of them as he had always done what he would do for her; he would just make them laugh whenever they were sad or scared even if he wasn't too bright about certain things.
He was certainly amazing, is what she would find herself thinking every now and again.
So far, the only ones that knew she was the Princess of Clover were just those three, and she had been grateful it stayed that way for the six months she stayed. It would've been an awkward conversation starter for one thing, and to be honest she didn't want the children nor Father Orsi or Sister Lily to look at her differently because of her status. In fact, she didn't want anyone to view her differently because of her title.
Just because she was the lost princess, didn't make her any less of who she was. At least, that was the kind of thing her parents had taught her.
She was still a living person, half elf in all. Sure, Asta, Yuno and Feodora didn't view her any differently since they found out by accident, but that was more than she could say for anyone else outside of them. Even if they did find someone they could trust with the secret, she didn't want their minds to change or tell her who she couldn't be friends with.
Or for that matter how she should properly behave and who she could befriend.
The day soon came when they would leave for the royal capital, and she honestly didn't think the day would come so soon. Whatever it was she did the months prior, and the mystery to where home had been, and the kind of magic she had still eluded her.
Not to mention her scythe, she didn't know why but she could've sworn she had seen it before. She couldn't put her finger on it, though let's just say she had that feeling. Though it helped that over the course of the months she controlled the strange power she had gotten, the moment she had gotten out of the tree.
It had been late at night at the local Church in Hage Village, as Prism had been outside with Asta, Feodora and Yuno as they looked to be training.
"Okay--" Asta said as he gave Prism some space, as he gestured to a makeshift punching bag made from hay, "--Show me what you can do."
Prism nodded as she took a deep breath; She held up her fists. She started to throw punches; one after another her attacks looked to be stronger than that of the last. She managed to make dents within the straw punching bag leaving them in awe.
"Nice Pri!" He called her by a nickname he had given her over the months, as he clapped, "Good power! Though if I'm gonna be honest, in a real match, you wouldn't last more than a second." Asta soon went in position, as he practically skidded across the floor, "Don't go too hard on the joints. Just imagine yourself weightless like a feather. And than when the opportunity presents itself--"
Asta soon rushed towards the punching bag before he made a fresh dent of it. Prism couldn't help but look with awe at this.
"Okay--Let me try again." Prism said.
Prism started to skid across the floor like Asta had shown her; it hadn't been long before she struck the stack of hay just as he did. Though she didn't dent it like he did; instead when the hay bent back and smacked her in the head making her fall back with a scream. Feodora couldn't help but snicker at this while Asta helped her up.
"That was--A bit better than before." Asta said, "We'll keep working on it while we're on our way to the capital tomorrow."
Prism fixed herself up, "Let's face it, I'm a lost cause. I was never good at close combat, and believe me that is saying a lot considering I'm the daughter of a warrior elf!"
"Don't worry you'll get it Pri!" Asta reassured her by giving her a couple of pats on the head, "We just gotta keep practicing!"
"You'll have a lot of time since it's a long way to the capital." Yuno said, "And who knows, maybe the whereabouts of your Village and the kind of magic you have will come back to you."
"I hope so." Prism said, "I'd really like to know what became of my people, and not just from storybooks and what not."
"Something tells me you'll find out." Feodora said.
"Yeah!" Asta added, "Once we become Magic Knights, we'll be able to get more information within their libraries!"
"A Magic Knight…" Prism said as her eyes sparkled a little, "... I wonder what kind of people there are--Or how the Captains are."
"I wouldn't be surprised if they were royal pains in the ass." Feodora commented.
"Either way, we're not gonna know till we get there." Yuno said with a shrug.
"Hey!" They soon heard Lily call out, "Come inside, dinners ready!"
Their expressions brightened slightly before they went into the church with haste. When they had gotten to the table they saw that a whole feast had been prepared just for them. The kids looked just as excited as they had been as they had never seen cooked pot potatoes at the table before. Prism and Asta's mouths watered especially at the sight of what had been prepared for them.
"Tomorrow's the day, Asta, Yuno, Feodora and Prism set out for the royal capital." Father Orsi announced with pride, "We have to send them off with a bang!"
"Father went to all the surrounding village asking for tatoes." Lily had said.
"Well that's oddly nice of the old timer." Feodora said.
"Aww Father!" Asta said as his eyes sparkled.
"What's that look for?" Father Orsi asked, "This isn't all for you. Actually it's mostly for Yuno."
"And there it is." Feodora said as her eyebrow twitched, "This is something I'm definitely not gonna miss."
"What?" Father Orsi said innocently, "I'm just saying Yuno might make it into the Magic Knights, but you and Asta--"
"Finish that sentence and I'll end you." Feodora said with a glare as she clenched her fist making Father Orsi jump but the kids laughed at his reaction.
"So violent!" Prism exclaimed in her head as her jaw dropped slightly, "Was she really a noble from the Diamond Kingdom!?"
"Father, why!?" Asta shouted.
Father Orsi put his hand on Asta's shoulder before he said after he cleared his throat, "Now, now, there's no need for you to feel embarrassed even if you fail the exam!" He soon placed his hand on Feodora's head, "The same goes for you too Feo! No one thinks you're going to pass anyway!"
"HUH!?" Prism exclaimed out of confusion.
"Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence." Feodora said with an angry smile on her face.
"Your church is your home." Father Orsi said, "No matter how crappy or poor it may be, it's your home."
"That's right!" Recca added, "This place will always be your home!"
"I'll be lonely without you." Aruru said, "Yuno and Prism too."
Prism had been taken back by this, "I'm sorry--Me?"
"Who else would they mean?" Yuno said with a smile.
"We're all family!" Hollo said as he couldn't help but bounce in his seat.
Prism's heart melted at this as she couldn't help but have a kitten-like smile on her face. "We know you're still trying to remember where your home is--" Lily soon said, "--But these past few months you've been with us, just know you always have sanctuary here."
Prism smiled at Lily as it had been a sign of gratitude. "Uh hey?" She heard Asta say to Father Orsi, "Y-You should say that to Yuno too. You can tell him he can come back home whenever he wants."
"Yuno will be fine." Father Orsi said.
"YOU'RE JUST ASKING TO DIE OLD MAN!!" Feodora shouted.
Asta found himself getting shoved to the wall with Lily's which made them all jump. "Now then--" Lily said, "--Let's eat shall we? We have stewed potatoes, potato tempura, grilled potatoes, fried potatoes, stir-fried potatoes, steamed potatoes, Hage style boiled potatoes, potato juice, and even sliced potato pudding."
"Yay!" The kids cheered, "Let's eat!"
Prism's mouth watered as her eyes sparkled, as the kids helped themselves, "I knew about stewed potatoes, fried and grilled, but I never tried the pudding version!"
She soon took a plate of potato pudding as she took a bite; her expression had been all but awe. "Yummy!" She exclaimed gleefully, as she couldn't help but jump in her seat, "Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! It's SO yummy! It's so flaky yet delicious! Just the way mother made them! And the cream is a good counterbalance! Who knew it would be a good combo!?"
"Be sure to eat a lot, okay?" Lily said.
"I sure will Sister Lily!" Prism said, as she happily helped herself to some more, "I might just eat till I'm sick!"
"He-Hey!" Asta said as he recovered, while he hurried back over to his seat, "Save some for me at least Pri!"
"The hell are you trying to do, kill yourselves!?" Feodora shouted as she saw how fast they were eating, "Slow down would ya!?"
That night they spent the whole time just laughing their cares away, as for the first time since they had been under their roof… They wished that the night didn't end.
Soon enough morning came as the four of them had gotten their things together and prepared to head off. Prism had been around back where Adrien usually slept, as she got him ready with his brand new saddle, along with other necessities she had picked up in the months she had stayed in Hage Village. She had a brown bag attached to one of his belts which contained her five leaf Grimoire.
She had gotten his straps on him, making sure they were comfortable as Adrien let out a purr. "You ready to go, bud?" She asked him as she gave him a pat on the head.
Adrien let out a lowing sound as he rubbed his head against her body making her giggle as she hugged him. "After all this time--" Prism said softly, "--We'll finally see father's kingdom." Her expression changed slightly, "A kingdom, I was destined to rule… Five hundred years ago."
"Hey?" Asta said, as he got his pack ready, "You all set?"
Prism nodded her head, "I've got everything! And you?"
"Of course!" Asta said, "Now come on, Yuno and Feo are waiting!"
With a click of her tongue and the snap of her fingers, Adrien soon followed close behind her as they went around towards the front where Yuno and Feodora; along with them had been Father Orsi and Sister Lily with the children as they were saying their goodbyes.
"All of you take care." Father Orsi said.
"You better write to us Yuno." Recca said.
"Of course." Yuno said with a friendly smile.
"Will you write to us too big sister?" Hollo asked Prism.
"Will you?" Aruru asked.
"You know I will." Prism said as she gave them pats on the head, "I wouldn't forget something like that."
She noticed that they looked as though they were about to cry; it wasn't long before she was taken by surprise when they hugged her suddenly.
"We'll miss you!" Aruru said.
"Please come back soon!" Hollo added.
Prism hugged them back as she gave them a warm smile, "Don't worry little ones. You'll see me again. Promise. After all, goodbye is never forever."
The kids nodded as they couldn't help but tighten their hold on her as Prism gave them both a kiss on the head. Feodora had exchanged a hug with Lily as she gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Look after my folks for me, okay?" Fedora had requested.
"Of course." Lily said, "Take care of yourself, and look after them."
"Right." She said with a scoff, "Like I can get them to leave me alone."
"They'll be back soon--" Nash said, "--Asta that is."
"Come on Nash!" Asta said.
"But you know--" Nash had said, "--If, just if and it's a VERY huge chance if--" They saw the expression on Nash's brighten a little, "--If you get into the Magic Knights--!"
"Yeah?" Asta said.
"I'll believe in all of the possibilities, and I'll believe I'll become anything!" Nash said, "And then one day, I'll get into the Magic Knights too!"
"Awww~" Prism said as her eyes sparkled, making Nash jump, "Nash that's so cute!"
"Well that's a bold claim of you squirt." Feodora said with a smug look.
"On second thought, nevermind." Nash said as he turned away.
Asta gave a smile as he laughed, "I'll be waiting for you Nash."
"Anyway--" Yuno said before he started to walk ahead, "--I'm off."
The three of them had been taken back as they saw how far up ahead he had been. "Hey, know it all!" Feodora shouted, as she ran to him, "You ass! Don't get a head start!"
"Yuno! Feo! Wait!" Prism yelled as she and Adrien ran towards them, "Since when did this turn into a race!?"
"Hey wait!" Asta yelled as he followed posthaste, "You handsome jerk! Just because we're rivals doesn't mean we can't get along!" He soon turned back and waved to them, "Bye guys! Wish us luck!"
"Have a safe trip!" Everyone said as they waved.
With that the group had started to make their way outside of the village, as they all ended up running outside of the village.
Summer had been upon them, as Asta, Yuno and Feodora, along with the young Princess, started their journey to the royal capital in order to take the Magic Knights Exams. The royal capital is a long way from the Hage Village, as it would take them many weeks for them before they reached it.
It hadn't been long before they had gotten to the outside of the Village as by the time they did, Prism had been riding on Adrien as they had both managed to reach the top. Adrien let out a roar as he stood tall with Prism raising her fist in the air filled with pride.
"Ha! I won!!" Prism cheered, "Adri and I are the first ones to the top!"
"Don't be jealous~!" Prism said in a teasing manner as Adrien let out a chortle as he appeared to be laughing as well.
"YOU LITTLE CHEATING TWERP!!" Feodora yelled angrily.
Asta couldn't help but shout, "I want a rematch!"
Yuno soon asked her, "How is he so fast?"
Prism couldn't help but giggle as she leaped off of Adrien; several spirit guides of all different shapes and sizes soon appeared around her as she looked to the horizon in front of them.
"I've never been so excited in my life!" She said, "I'm going to see where my father, uncle and aunt grew up! I mean sure, I was technically asleep for five hundred years, and things tend to change but--" She couldn't help but let out an excited noise, "--I wonder what it's gonna be like!"
Asta had added, "I wonder if we're gonna meet the Wizard King too!"
"Don't you need to actually pass the Entrance exams for that?" Feodora asked him.
"Oh don't worry about that!" Asta said, "I'll pass the exam with flying colors, you'll see!"
"YOU CAN'T EVEN FLY A DAMN BROOM!" Feodora yelled.
"There's still a long ways to go before we even reach it." Yuno said.
"And don't forget--" Feodora said before she smacked Asta on the head, "--We gotta have a Princess to protect now, since you're the one that suggested it to Shorty."
"Don't worry, I know." Asta said, "I will never forget a promise!"
"What are we waiting for!?" Prism said before she started to run, "Let's go!"
The three of them jumped as they saw her take off suddenly with Adrien running behind her. "He-Hey! Pri wait up!" Asta shouted, "Don't leave without us!"
"Could you not take off so suddenly!?" Feodora shouted as she ran after them.
Yuno let out a sigh, "She's definitely gonna be a handful."
It hadn't been long before he started to run after them as it didn't take long for them to catch up to Prism.
-Day 1 of Travel-
The first day came as after they had gotten some training and walking done they had decided to take a break at a river that had been nearby. Though it had been getting around the time when they needed to get lunch; luckily the river had plenty of fish to go around. The only problem is--Asta didn't catch any fish as of yet.
Feodora, Yuno and Prism had been sitting nearby as they watched Asta go to work; Adrien had been nearby as he had been drinking the water within the river, while Prism had spirit guides in the form of rabbits with the wings of a firefly, in different colors had been sitting on her lap and shoulder.
The moment Asta had gotten one it had managed to slip out of his fingers.
"OH COME ON!" Asta shouted, "SERIOUSLY!?"
"Did you catch one yet?" Feodora groaned.
"NOT YET!" Asta yelled, "I'M NOT DONE YET!"
Fedora hit her head against the rock, "That's a no then…"
"You sure you don't need me to do it?" Yuno asked.
"NO! I GOT THIS!" Asta yelled again.
Feodora let out an annoyed sigh as she laid back in the grass, "At this rate, we're gonna starve to death before you catch one fish."
"I think you mean if!" Feodora said, "A VERY big if!"
Yuno shook his head before he went to stand as he took his Grimoire, "Maybe I should do it after all."
"Hang on Yuno--" Prism said, stopping him, "--You oughta save that mana in case we run into a pickle."
Before they could ask, they noticed that Prism had removed her boots revealing that her leggings had been open toed; she undid her brown band as she removed her hakama jacket revealing her blue turtleneck tank top and a large peculiar burn scar that reached up to her shoulder on her right arm. She neatly folded her jacket before she stood as she rolled up her pants to her knees before she stepped into the water after she retrieved her hook swords.
"What is she doing?" Feodora asked Yuno. All Yuno had done was shrug in reply.
It hadn't been long before Asta had noticed Prism had been in the water with him as she had been moving slowly "Prism?" Asta said, shocked.
Prism shushed him gently as she moved slowly in the water, "Gotta have focus, and most importantly--Patience."
She watched as the fish splashed in the water as her eyes had been focused on one in particular.
"Patience… Patience…" She said softly as she gripped her hook swords tightly.
Soon enough a fish jumped out of the water--
"Gotcha!" She said before she made her move.
The three of them looked shocked as they saw she successfully caught a fish on the hook; she tossed it over to them as the fish hit the rock making all but Adrien and the Spirits jump.
"WHOA!" Asta exclaimed as his eyes sparkled, "I didn't know you could fish like that!"
Prism gave a laugh as she said, "This is nothing really. I used to help my mom and Aunt Yuki do this kind of thing all the time, when we were getting food for our village, so it comes naturally!"
"Aunt Yuki?" Asta said, "Who's that?"
"She's the mother of my best friends." Prism replied, as she went back to work, "Aunt Yuki and mother knew each other when they were children and when they were training to be Warriors, so they're practically sisters! She was also there the day I was born, so that makes her my aunt."
"Wow--" Asta said, before he smiled, "--You really have a big family don't you?"
"Yeah." Prism said as she got another fish, "I guess I do."
She tossed the second fish to the side though this one ended up hitting Feodora as she had been sitting up, making them jump. When Feodora recovered the hit, they saw the fish's tail sticking out of her mouth making Asta and Prism laugh while Yuno couldn't help but snicker. Even Adrien seemed to laugh at how silly she looked.
Feodora got the fish out of her mouth as she growled while she held the fish by the tail, "Very funny…"
-Day 10 of Travel-
The sun began to set as they had gotten a fire. They had gotten food prepared as Asta had managed to get a fresh kill with his new found blade from his Grimoire. As Prism had been cooking what looked to be beef stew with a couple of vegetables that she had packed for the journey.
Most of it had been potatoes, though none of them seemed to mind it one bit. Prism had been stirring a pot she had gotten from the village as she had been humming to herself; along the pot looked to be that of a falcon as it's feathers shone a natural color of gold as well as a couple of familiar gerbils that had been resting along the rim. Adrien's tail had been wagging as he put his head over her shoulder hoping to get a like.
"No you silly Raptor." Prism said, pushing him away gently, "It's not done cooking yet." She soon looked over to the others who had been peeling and cutting some of the potatoes.
"How are we doing over there?" She asked them.
"We're almost done." Asta replied as he had been cutting potatoes, "You want it just like this right?"
Prism nodded her head, "That's just fine, one more batch should do it."
Feodora, who had been busy peeling the potatoes suddenly let out a cry; when the three of them turned they saw that she had been shaking her hand.
"Feo? What's wrong?" Asta asked.
"I cut my damn finger on the knife." Feodora said as a small cut had been visible on her index finger.
"That cut looks deep." Yuno said as he went to Feodora's side, making her jump, "Let me take a look."
Almost immediately Feodora backed up right into a tree making everyone jump; as she did this she couldn't help but let out a scream. "Whoa, where's the fire?" Prism asked, "Are you not feeling well?"
"I-I'm fine!" She shouted as her face had been red, "I-I have a leg cramp is all!"
"Leg cramp?" Prism said, tilting her head.
"Say what?" Asta said, confused.
"Don't be ridiculous." Yuno said as he went over to her, "Let me just see. It could be bad."
Immediately Feodora stood up suddenly making Yuno nearly jump back as her face had been all red. "I'M FINE!" She shouted before she stomped away, "I'M GONNA GO WASH MY FINGER!"
Asta and Prism watched as she stomped away mumbling something incoherent as she did. "Uh--" Prism said awkwardly, "--I don't think I've seen Feo act like that. What was all that about?"
"Feo's been doing that around Yuno since we were kids." Asta said, "Though it's still strange for her to act like that over a cut."
Yuno sighed as he shook his head, "She's as stubborn as always."
Asta and Prism couldn't help but look confused at this while Adrien shook his head; even the little spirit guides that had been around.
-Day 20 of Travel-
Over the days that they traveled there was not a day that went by where they went and trained. Prism had gotten out her Grimoire and yet despite this she couldn't get her scythe to come out like it did before. Maybe it had been because she had been new to this sort of strange new power; though that didn't stop her when it came to her physical attributes.
She had been currently practicing with Asta and Feodora as Feodora had created a glass of ice thanks to her magic before she set it on a rock.
"Alrighty--" Feodora said, "--Go for it, princess."
"Just take a deep breath and reach for it, like we talked about!" Asta said in an encouraging tone of voice.
"You got it." Prism said with her thumbs up.
Prism took a deep breath as she started to concentrate; she focused on reaching deep down as Asta had told her to do. She soon let out a screech releasing what looked to be that of sound waves as it had shattered the ice making Asta look with awe.
Prism looked at them as she smiled, "How is that?"
"You're amazing Pri!" Asta said as his eyes sparkled, "You've got better control over--Whatever it is you got going on there!"
"Yeah, yeah, it's pretty damn good." Feodora said, "But how about we try a more difficult target? Like one that moves?"
Feodora soon got out her Grimoire as it had glowed a white glow. "Ice Creation Magic: Marionette." She casted.
With just a simple movement of her hand she had a mist of ice from what looked to be that of a puma as it looked to reflect like that of crystals.
"Wow!" Asta said, "You learned a new spell already!?"
"Picked it up when I was training." Feodora said, "Now, try to use that same trick, but on him."
"What!?" Prism exclaimed as she looked at Feodora like she had been crazy, "That's gonna be impossible!"
"Hey!" Feodora said, "You're not gonna expect your target to stand still while you go and prepare to attack them now are you?"
Prism made an awkward look as she shifted slightly, "... No?"
"Good." Feodora said, patting her shoulder, "Give it a shot."
Prism took a deep breath again as the ice puma began to move; she started to release piercing screeches, though everytime she tried the ice puma narrowly dodged it. She couldn't help but get irritated at this sort of thing as she continued to make the high pitched screeches.
"Come Pri! You can do it!" Asta cheered.
"Focus on where he's gonna be next!" Feodora said.
"What do you think I'm doing!?" Prism said as she continued to repeat her pattern.
Eventually the ice puma had gotten into a tree as Prism let out a growl; though the minute she let out a screech she had knocked down a branch though it had something unexpected as it made the three of them pale instantly.
Yuno had returned to the campsite as he had gathered his belongings so they could start moving again; though he noticed that Adrien had been the only one there as he didn't spot the others anywhere.
"They should've been back by now, don't you think?" Yuno said, looking at Adrien.
Adrien let out a huff at this, though it wasn't long before they heard the sound of screaming. He saw Asta and Feodora running like their lives had depended on it.
"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Prism shouted as she ran right past him at full speed.
Almost immediately after she did, he saw what looked to be a horde of bees fly by as they looked to be mad. He let out a sigh as he shook his head. "Good grief…" He said.
With a simple wave of his hand he blew the horde away. Just after he did, the three of them mozied back as he noticed quite a few sting marks on their faces and body; their faces looked a bit swollen with red marks.
"There was a beehive in a tree wasn't it?" Yuno said.
"Worse…" Asta groaned, "... It was a wasp nest."
"I can't feel my anything…" Prism groaned just as Adrien started to lick at where the wasps had stung. He soon started to do the same to Asta.
"And this exactly why--" Feodora said as she flinched from her stings acting up, "--I can't STAND the thought of camping."
"You say that and you're out here with us." Yuno commented.
"I tolerate it!" She told him with a glare, as Adrien started to lick at her sting marks which had mostly been on her face, "There's a difference between the two."
Two more days had passed and the group had found themselves on Adrien's back as he had been helping them in climbing a mountain terrain. The fog had been heavy and dense though a light spirit had been helping to guide their way as Adrien climbed.
The little lemur-like creature would often wait for them before it started to move ahead leading them through the fog. Asta, who had been holding onto Prism as she helped Adrien balance himself couldn't help but watch in awe as she watched the little light spirit go to work.
"Those little guys sure are handy with this kind of stuff huh?" Asta said.
"Yeah, you're right." Prism said with a smile, "Mother and father always told me they'll help find my way if I'm ever lost. They'll even protect me if they know I'm in danger."
"You're so lucky!" Asta had commented.
Yuno soon looked over their heads as he noticed what had been ahead of them. "What's that up there?" He said.
As they had gotten up the hill, they were taken back by a remarkable sight. As the sun rose over the hills they saw a mountain, taller then any other mountain they had seen; it looked to be similar to that of a layered cake as they saw a set of buildings on the very top of the hill. Their eyes had been in awe, except for Feodora's who couldn't care less.
"Oh wow…" Prism said as she appeared to be in shock, "... There it is… Father, uncle and aunties home…"
"It's huge!!" Asta exclaimed as his eyes sparkled, "That's the royal capital, where the Wizard King lives!"
"It sure is…" Yuno said.
"Ah life in the city--" Feodora said in a sarcastic tone, "--One of the few things I loathed most since I was a kid and something I DEFINITELY didn't miss from when we left the Diamond Kingdom."
"Hey!" Asta said to her, "It doesn't look that bad!"
"It's just a bunch of people who have sticks shoved up their asses and have nothing but stupid rules and dumbass restrictions." Feodora said in disgust, "Just wait Dum-Dum, you're gonna get sick of it in a couple of days."
"The kingdom my father and his family built--" Prism said as her expression brightened, "--I finally get to see it with my own eyes, and not just from drawings!" She soon pulled on the straps that had been on Adrien slightly, "Let's get going! Adrien, hup-hu—"
"Hang on a second!" Yuno said, cutting her off.
Prism tugged on Adrien a little, making him stumble and causing them to almost lose balance and fall off the raptors back.
"Hey, Yuno, what gives!?" Asta said, "We're already here, so we might as well go!"
"If you say you forgot something in Hage Village, I'll kick you." Feodora said.
"It's not that." Yuno told her, "We just have to take care of something first."
"And that is--?" Prism started to ask as she looked back at him.
"As far as we know, we're the only ones that know that you're not only the lost heir but have an elf heritage." Yuno started to explain, "People like that guy from before might come after you based on that. Plus no offense, your clothes don't really help either."
"Huh?" Asta said, "But the points on her ears are small. It's not like no ones gonna notice that. I mean we didn't notice it when we met her."
"Maybe it's because her hair was mostly covering it stupid." Feodora said.
"Even so, we can't take that chance." Yuno reasoned, "If we're going to sneak her into a Magic Knight squad we have to make sure she stays hidden until we know who we can trust."
The three of them looked at each other as they thought about what Yuno had been saying; they couldn't help but mentally agree with him.
"Sometimes I hate it when you're right, know it all." Feodora said.
"I don't suppose you guys have any spells that could disguise me do you?" Prism asked.
"Nope." Feodora replied.
"Not a chance." Yuno said.
"I have no magic." Asta added.
Prism let out a sigh, "I should've expected that…"
"What's plan B then?" Feodora said, "Put her in a set of glasses and give her a mustache?"
"Won't that just make me stand out more?" Prism asked awkwardly.
Asta soon looked through his bag before he pulled out what looked to be a green cloth, "How about something less conspicuous?" He soon said, making the group look at him with curious eyes.
-Clover Kingdom: Castle Town Kika-
After a quick patch job Prism had her entire outfit had been covered with a dark green cloak as a hood had been covering her face; once they made sure her ears didn't stick out they had headed into the royal capital with ease; despite the awkward looks they had gotten for Adrien no one had actually seen a magical beast that had been docile before. The moment they walked into town, Prism couldn't help but run ahead of them as she had a smile the whole way; Asta had followed behind her as he had just been as excited as she had been as they saw the many stands along the road. The people behind the stands had been using it to make the flowers grow with their magic and cook fresh meat.
Yuno and Fedora couldn't help but feel like they were parents in that situation as they had to keep them from running too far.
"Wow!" Prism exclaimed as her eyes sparkled, "This--Is--AMAZING!!"
"There's so many people here!" Asta exclaimed.
"Don't go too far!" Yuno told them.
"We're not exactly here to sight see you know?!" Feodora said.
"Look at this!" Prism exclaimed running to the stand spotting the various fruits and produce, "They're all fresh!"
"It all looks so good!" Asta exclaimed, as he looked to the same stand, "I don't even know what half of these things are!"
"Me neither!" She said, "Yet I want to try them all!"
Asta soon spotted a store that had been nearby, "Pri check this out!"
Prism looked over and immediately rushed over to the window. "So many cool items!" Prism exclaimed before she looked at the pricing, "THAT IS SO MUCH!! FOR JUST ONE ITEM!?"
"HOW MUCH ARE THEY ASKING FOR THIS!?" Asta exclaimed as he looked at the red jewel.
"Okay, you guys are just flat out ignoring us." Feodora said in a disdainful tone of voice.
"Still…" Yuno said looking at the store and stands, "... It's a different change of pace compared to Hage Village."
Asta soon looked to the castle that had been at the center of the capital. "Hey--" Asta said, "--Do you think that's where the Wizard King lives?"
"It might be where the country King is too." Yuno said.
Prism soon looked at the castle, "It's just like how father drew it." She whistled, "Five hundred years and the structure hasn't changed one bit."
"That means it'll someday be our castle!" Asta said with a smile.
"Ours you say?" Prism said, tilting her head.
"Yeah!" He replied, "I mean you're the princess of Clover, and I'll become the Wizard King!"
Feodora immediately shushed Asta as he placed his hands over his mouth. "Maybe keep the fact she's one under wraps, please?" She said in a low voice.
"Sorry, my bad." He said awkwardly.
"Besides--" Yuno said, "--I think you mean it'll be Prism and my castle."
Asta gave a chuckle as he said, "Don't worry, when I become one, I'll let you and Feo live there with everyone else at the church."
Yuno had smiled at this, "That should be my line."
They were soon drawn to a baby crying as they saw a family of four had been nearby. A young woman with red hair had been carrying various groceries and such in large brown sacks as she had a baby on her back that was crying.
"There, there." They heard her say, "Don't cry. Let's hurry and get back to open the shop."
"Aw--" Asta said as they watched them leave, "--It reminds me of everyone back at the church."
"You said it." Prism said after a sigh.
"Yeah." Yuno added.
"Never thought I'd miss those little crying brats." Feodora said.
Asta let out a sigh, "I bet Sister and the others are lonely now that I'm gone."
"Not a chance." Yuno said.
Feodora couldn't help but scoff, "You kidding, they're more than happy to be rid of you."
Prism soon took a deep breath, "Alright! Let's head over to the entrance exams shall we?"
Just as the group was about to make their way, they soon noticed Adrien started to sniff the air. They were taken back suddenly when Adrien put his head between Prism's legs, lifting her up with ease as he practically tossed her onto the saddle. "Wow, Adri!" Prism exclaimed before he started to take off running, surprising the three of them.
"PRISM!?" Asta exclaimed.
"Seriously!?" Yuno said, "Where is he going with her now!?"
"FOR THE LOVE OF--" Feodora shouted, before she started to run after them, "--GET BACK HERE!!"
Asta and Yuno followed her lead as they were quick to pick up the pace as they eased their way through the crowd.
Prism found herself running with Adrien as he nearly sent several carts crashing and nearly knocked over people as they ran through the streets and roads. Many of the people were taken back while some ended up yelling at her telling her to control her animal.
"Sorry!" Prism exclaimed as she passed by several people as she held onto the straps, "Excuse me! Pardon me! New to the capitol! Very sorry! Watch your toes! Mind the claws and tail!"
Adrien turned a hard right as he nearly knocked over a barrel of wine. It hadn't been before he went low to the floor as he started to sniff around. Most of the people dispersed as she noticed Adrien had been taking her to what looked to be a stand filled to the brim with all kinds of fish.
"Oh, so that's what it was." Prism thought in her head.
Adrien had poked his head through the curtains surprising the owner as he was about to help himself to the closest fish available to him.
"Adrien, wait." Prism said to him sternly as she tapped him on the head.
As Adrien sat on the floor, she dismounted and went around the stand where some of the people had looked at her raptor oddly. "Hello sir!" Prism said to the owner, "I'd like your largest sea bass please!"
"That'll be 20 yules." The man said.
Prism did a double take at this before she felt her pockets taking out what little change she had. "Um--" She said counting them, "--I only have 10."
The Owner had shouted, "THEN WHAT GOOD ARE YOU THEN?!"
"Hey, cut me some slack here!" Prism pleaded, as she gestured to Adrien, "See, my friend hasn't had a meal in like two days, and he really needs something to fill his belly after carrying so much cargo. I'd rather not see him eat your entire stand and put you out of business."
"NO YULE, NO FISH!" The Owner argued, making Prism flinch, "NOW GET LOST!"
Prism couldn't help but pout and was about to turn to leave but—
"I'll take 5, no 10 of them. On me old man."
Prism flinched at a voice that had been next to her but jumped at the sight of a man with a muscular build as he had grey eyes and black medium hair that had been messy and combed back as he appeared to have a mustache and beard growing in as he had what appeared to be a black torn robe over his shoulder.
"How did I notice him there?!" Prism exclaimed in her head.
She noticed the owner started to look nervous as he began to sweat. The owner said, "R-Right away, Yami!"
She saw the owner wrap 10 of the sea bass in such a rush before he handed it off to the man she heard was named Yami. Yami said as he handed off the money, "Keep the change."
"Wi-Will do sir!" The owner said before taking Prism by surprise when he suddenly closed up shop; Adrien pulled his head back suddenly.
"Well, that was weird." Prism said awkwardly.
Yami soon said, getting her attention, "Hey girlie, you should remember to watch your money around these parts. Don't try to pay for something you can't afford."
"I'll take that into consideration next time." Prism said, "Umm, Yami is it?"
Yami replied, "Yep, don't wear it out."
She had been soon taken back when he held one of the packages of fish over to her.
"It's for me?" Prism asked curiously.
"Well I'm not gonna eat this." Yami replied, "Besides, I can fish in my own free time."
"But I can't pay you back." She reasoned.
Yami had retorted, "Again don't worry about it!"
Prism looked at the packaged fish before she took it from his hand. "Thanks." Prism said before Adrien started to practically smother her with nuzzles and whimpers.
"Okay! Okay!" She said with a laugh, "Calm down bud!"
She unwrapped the package and took the fish by its tail; Adrien's tail started to wag as he looked at the fish with big eyes.
"Ready?" She said.
Adrien sat himself down as Prism swung the fish a little; Yami noticed that his eyes followed. "Bon Appetit!" She said as she tossed it in the air.
Adrien stood as he leaped only a couple of inches in the air before catching the fish as he practically swallowed it whole. He happily munched on the fish as his tail continued to sway.
"Yeah, you were pretty hungry huh, bud?" Prism said scratching his head as he ate, "Who wouldn't be after going two days without food."
Yami said as he took a puff from his cigarette, "Is that your pet or something you got there?"
"Well, I wouldn't call him my pet Mr. Yami--" Prism replied, "--He's more of a friend really."
Prism flinched slightly at the sound of an angry voice; she turned and saw it had been Feodora who looked pissed. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU LITTLE SQUIRT!?" Feodora shouted, "WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT RUNNING OFF ON YOUR OWN BEFORE COMING HERE!? YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF LOST?!"
"So-Sorry!" Prism said nervously as she shrunk a little, "But what was I supposed to do!? Adrien got hungry, and he needed me to buy food!"
Just as this was said, Adrien let out a gagging noise before they jumped at the sight of the fish skeleton, making them look awkwardly at what had just occurred.
"YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T CARE!!" Feodora shouted before she dragged her by her cloak, "IF WE END UP LATE TO THE EXAMS BECAUSE OF YOU, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!"
Prism couldn't stop Feodora as she had been dragged off; Adrien followed behind them as he had his low.
Prism soon gave a wave in Yami's direction as Feodora dragged her. "It was nice meeting you!" She said, just as they turned the corner, "Thanks again for the fish!"
Yami couldn't help but chuckle as he said, "So that girl's really the lost heir sleeping in that tree, huh? Who would've thought she'd find her way here."
Just nearby, a store door opened to a familiar young man as he had shouted to the owner inside with a bit of fire in his voice; his duck companion looked to be just as pissed.
"QUACK! QUACK!" The duck said, waving a stick in a foul manner.
The young man—Pluck grumbled and mumbled something incoherent before he approached Yami, carrying a set of brown sacks.
"Hey captain!" He said, "Sorry about that. Me and Addeline had a little trouble with the Owner."
Yami told him "really?"
"What?" Pluck said as he set down the bags he had as he hugged Addeline, "They started to mess with Addeline after she made a mista-"
Pluck soon noticed a fish bone covered in saliva laying on the floor as he noticed Yami had other sets of fish as Addeline hopped out of his arms, "Hey captain? Why is there a fish bone on the floor?"
Yami replied as he shrugged, "Don't know, I was hungry?"
"Right, like that was you!" Pluck said.
Addeline began to smell It before she pulled back when she noticed a peculiar smell as her eyes widened and the jaw of her beak dropped.
"QUACK! QUACK! QUACK QUACK!" She started to shout as she made an intimidation of a raptor before pointing in a certain direction.
"Not now Addi." Pluck told her, not even looking at her, "So what gives, did a dog come through here or something that made the owner close his stand?"
"Who knows, maybe it was your mom's cat or something looking for a snack?" Yami suggested.
Pluck said to him with a quizzical look, "Cereza? Really? You know she doesn't eat her food and toss it out on the floor. Not even River does that!"
"QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!" Addeline shouted as she pulled on the hem of his pants, as she had been trying to drag him in a certain direction despite him not budging.
Pluck pushed Addeline off him gently as he said, "Addi, I'll play with you later."
Soon enough two men walked towards them. One of them was a slender young man of average height and built with dirty blonde hair; his outfit had been a simple, light green tunic with long sleeves and long tails at the back. He also had dark trousers and a green pair of wide, knee-high boots that lace up the front.
The other had been a slender, young man with pale skin and short black hair that is slicked back. His face is long with a large nose. His makeup consists of black eyeshadow in large circles around his red eyes, black lipstick and nail polish. His appearance is a dark grey cap with a black band, bill and a badge. He is also wearing a dark grey jacket, red trimming and red cuffs, matching grey pants tucked into knee-high black boots. A black belt over his jacket and a black pouch for his grimoire hangs on his left hip.
"There you are!" The young man with the light green tunic said, "We're going to be late for the entrance exams!"
"Yeah, yeah, we got it Finral." Yami said before handing off the packages of fish over to Pluck, "Here hold these."
"E-Eh!?" Pluck exclaimed, "Why me!?"
"Because it's an order." Yami told him, "Now let's go."
Pluck couldn't help but pout as he said, "Why did I have to join this squad? Why couldn't I be part of the Golden Dawn, Green Mantis or any squad...other than this..."
"Don't worry, Pluck." The second man, named Gordon told him, though he appeared to be mumbling, "The Captain means well you're one of our most important members of the Black Bulls."
Pluck sighed as he said "sometimes I wish I knew what you were saying."
"QUACK! QUACK!" Addeline shouted with urgency as she tried to pull him in a certain direction.
Pluck picked her up and put her in his pouch as he said, "Okay, since you're acting hyper you're staying in the pouch till we go home. Got it?"
Addeline let out a groan as she glared at Pluck. "Quack!" She said with a huff as they started to make their way towards the coliseum.
Feodora and Prism, along with Adrien, managed to find their way back to Asta and Yuno since she had lost them in the crowd earlier. Though both of them had been out of breath as they managed to get out of the crowd and to the side where the stands had been.
"Next time, would you mind giving us a little warning?" Asta said.
"Sorry guys." Prism said awkwardly, "But I can't help it if Adrien was starving."
"Look--" Yuno said, "--If you're gonna keep a low profile, the least you can do is to stay close to us."
"I'm very sorry again." She said as she bowed.
"Man--" Feodora groaned, "--We got no idea where the hell we gotta go for the exams now."
Yuno soon looked around, "Let's ask for directions."
"Fine." Feodora said as she stood, "You two better not go anywhere till we get back."
"Okay." Prism said.
"Sure." Asta said.
Thus Feodora and Yuno went through the crowd, while Prism and Asta remained where they were as Prism looked a bit guilty. "I didn't mean to cause you guys trouble." Prism said honestly, "I've been trying to get Adrien to control his urges since he was a baby. Though as you can tell, it's always been a bad habit."
"Don't feel bad about it." Asta said, "Things like this are just bound to happen you know?"
Prism sighed, "I guess… The Elders always did say I was trouble prone like mother and father."
Prism started to play with the moon medallion around her neck which had caught Asta's eye. "I've been meaning to say--" Asta started to say, "--That jewel you have on you is really pretty."
"Oh, you mean this?" Prism said, showing her jewel, "It's a moon medallion actually."
"No kidding." Asta said, amazed as he looked at it, "Was it from your parents?"
Prism shook her head, as she tugged on her band around her neck, "The swords I got from mother, and this band was a gift from father--" She soon took the jewel in her hand, "--But this was a gift from a person that was going to be my uncle."
Asta's eyes softened at this, "Oh…"
"... He was the leader of our elf tribe." Prism said, "He had such a kind heart, and he was the perfect match for my aunt. You know… Even though I was accepted by everyone, whether they were humans or elves, he alone made me feel like I had a place I could belong, and that, it didn't matter if I did have the blood of nobility. I loved him as much as I loved my mother and father. Every night, I would watch the stars with him and name the shapes we saw. The sky's awake is what I would say when I would see the stars dance. He gave this to me, on the night of my birthday, when father's advisors started to come and try to take me. He made it himself. He told me that no matter what had happened and no matter where I was… As long as I wore this… Home would always be with me. I guess… In a sense, I'll always have the people I love. Especially… All things considered…"
Asta noticed that her expression had saddened again as she looked at the moon medallion as he could see that it seemed as though she had been about to cry. Though right before he could say anything, they were taken back when a man ran by while he snatched the medallion from her; he had ripped it off her neck before he ran down the road.
"My medallion!" Prism shouted.
"Hey!" Asta yelled, "Get back here!"
Asta and Prism started to run after the man as Adrien went after them; Prism and Asta started to cut through the crowd once more in pursuit of the thief. He knocked over several bystanders all the while he made off with a handful of money and jewels.
"Give that back to me!" Prism shouted, "That's a precious gift!"
"HEY!" Asta yelled before his Grimoire became illuminated with a red color, "SHE SAID TO STOP YOU JERK!!"
Most of the people around them had gasped when they saw Asta had pulled out a familiar dirty blade before he gave it a toss. Though the sword didn't pierce the man or break any skin, he managed to catch him by the hem of his cloak causing him to choke and gag; the medallion flew out of his hands.
"My medallion!" Prism exclaimed as she ran past the thief and towards where it had landed.
"Prism, wait!" Asta shouted as he had pinned the thief.
The medallion had landed on an open space of the road, as rolled like a coin before stopping in the middle of the road. She quickly picked it up from the road as she looked relieved.
"Oh thank goodness." She said, relieved, "I almost thought I lost this forever."
Prism flinched as she turned around behind her and saw a wooden cart filled with wooden crates barreling towards her; it had been coming towards her fast. She didn't have time to react or move as she had been paralyzed. Adrien let out a panicked noise as Asta's eyes widened in horror.
"LOOK OUT!" Asta shouted
Prism didn't find herself moving as the cart came dangerously close as she shut her eyes and instinctively put her arms in front of her. Suddenly she felt herself get picked up off the ground at an incredible speed before she found herself flying to the otherside of the road.
Asta and Adrien stopped in their tracks as they were about to jump in to save Prism. Adrien cocked his head to the side as Asta looked a bit shocked. "What the--!?" He said.
Two people began to jump on the road with their grimores out.
"Steel Creation Magic--" One of them said, "--Steel Castle Armored Wall!"
A wall soon appeared just behind the young man who had stopped the cart with his hands, before he uttered a spell
"Dragon Magic--" Another said, "--Great Dragon's Claw!"
The impact of the spell set the cart back while it pushe the user back as the wall protected him from recoil. The cart soon stopped in its tracks leaving the crowd impressed; Asta especially as his eyes practically lit up.
"Whoa…!" Asta exclaimed.
The young man who had produced dragon magic couldn't help but cheer, "ALL RIGHT! I DID IT! I FINALLY MASTERED MY SPELL!"
His companion who had on a set of glasses as his short hair had been light blue that had been pushed to the sides had told him, "Fafanar, would you settle down? You're making a scene!"
The young man named Fafanar had argued as he made a pout, "Boo, You're sounding just like Plucky Four-Eyes."
"We've been over this before, my name is Klaus!" He argued, "And I am your superior!"
Fafanar had said in a teasing tone, "Sure thing, Four-eyes."
Asta soon noticed that the kind of outfits they had on as their clothes looked similar; their appearances had been a double-breasted, long-sleeved, white jacket with a high, dark-colored collar. The jacket extended below the waist and had been trimmed with gold.
"Those guys--" Asta said in awe, "--Are Magic Knights!? That is awesome!" He soon came to realize something, "Wait! Prism! Where's Prism!?"
Prism had her eyes shut the whole time as she couldn't bring herself to open them; her own body had been shaking as she had been holding onto the medallion like her very life depended on it; she didn't even realize she had been in someone's arms the whole time.
"It's alright now child--" A voice soon said as it had been comforting, "--You can open your eyes now."
Prism slowly opened her eyes, as she found someone had been holding her bridal style; her own body seemed to have stopped shaking as she had relaxed.
"I'm… Alive?" She said surprised.
"You're not hurt are you?" The voice, belonging to a man, said.
She sighed with relief, "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked up to her savoir, "Thanks for--"
Her words had trailed off when she saw the person who had saved her life. The man had been twenty-six as he had a lean build as he wore a mask. The mask he had on, only covered half of his face as it had been made up of a large gold piece covering the area around his right eye, and a smaller blue piece covering the area around his left eye.
The helmet has white and red patches of fur on the back edge, and two white feathers that stick up on the left side. The right eye hole has a red border outline, with two lines sticking out on both the top and bottom halves, while the left eye hole has the same design, except white-colored with slightly longer lines.
He wore a robe of some kind, at least from what she could tell, which had covered his torso and was in the color of gold. It had a blue-colored fur around the border of the hood and a pair of red ropes, which come from the left shoulder and connect to the gold-colored button on the right shoulder.
Though that's not what had struck her.
What really struck her was the color of his eyes as they had been that of purple as they had been a striking resemblance.
She had been in a bit of a daze even when he set her down on her feet. "I'm glad you're not harmed in any way." The man had said, as even now, his voice gave a familiar warm feeling in her chest, "If you had been, I'm sure your friends would've been stricken with worry."
"Ye--Yeah…" Prism said just in pure shock by the man before her.
The man himself noticed the look in her eyes, as she looked at him with curious eyes. "This person…" Prism thought to herself as her eyes softened, "...Even though he has a mask… He looks a lot like--"
"HEY WILLIAM!" She heard his comrade shout, making her snap out of her thoughts. Fafanar shouted as he waved him over, "DID YOU SEE THAT JUST NOW!? I MASTERED THAT SPELL!"
"William?" Prism said.
"I saw Fafanar." The man named William said with a smile, "You've certainly improved over these last few months."
Fafanar couldn't help but jump in place as he said, "I can't wait to show my bestest friend!"
"Fafanar please!" Klaus said as he subdued the thief that Asta removed himself from, "Don't take that tone with your senior!"
"Pri!" Asta exclaimed as he ran over to her with Adrien, "Are you okay!?"
"I'm alright…" Prism said in a strange tone of voice before she noticed the state of her necklace, "The string…!"
"It must've been from earlier when that guy took it!" Asta said.
"May I see that?" William asked as he held his hand out to Prism.
Prism had been hesitant at first, before she handed her medallion to him. William looked to the medallion in his hand before he rummaged through his pocket retrieving something; she saw what looked to be two metal latches; he attached them both to the ends of the strings before he attached them together.
"There we are." William said, "Good as new."
"Oh my--" Prism said as he handed her medallion back to her, allowing her to set it back around her neck, "--Thank you. I really appreciate it."
"It's no problem." William assured her, "I'm just glad I could be of help."
He soon bowed to them, "If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be. It was nice meeting you."
"Ye-yeah." Prism said with a smile, sounding nervous, "Likewise."
With that, William along with his two companions, Klaus and Fafanar disappeared in the crowd as they had been taking the thief along with them. "Man--" Asta said, "--It's just one crazy event after another huh?"
The minute Asta turned to Prism he had noticed that she had been in tears as the smile she had seemed to have fallen.
"Are you okay?" Asta asked with worry.
"Hmm?" Prism said before she started to rub her eyes, "I-It's nothing, I just--" She sniffled a little, "--I got something in my eye."
Adrien nuzzled his face onto her own making her laugh a little, though Asta could still see her tears. "Hey--" He said, as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "--You know… It's okay to cry."
Prism rubbed her eye a little as she let out a shaky breath, "It's just…" She started to say, "... That person just now--He--He reminded me of the one--Who gave me my medallion. The person I loved as much as I loved my mother and father..."
She couldn't hold herself back anymore as she started to let out a series of sobs while she covered her face. Asta had brought her in for a hug while Adrien rubbed his head on her back to comfort her.
"Despite what she says, I can tell it's still hard for her." Asta thought, "All of her friends, her family… They're all gone. It's not like she asked for that to happen. I can't blame her for crying. Had it been the other way around, I would've felt the same thing she's feeling. "
Asta soon looked over her shoulder as he saw a set of food stands nearby; one had contained what looked to be a purple snake on a stick while the other had been apples covered in caramel. He had an idea come over him as he smiled. He pushed her out of the hug gently before he removed her hands from her face.
He soon asked her one thing that took her back a little, "Hey Pri? Have you ever tried a caramel apple?"
Before heading towards the coliseum, William and his squad members had to make sure the thief had been delivered and hadn't tried to escape. After they had knocked him out, they made sure to return what he had stolen which meant they were going to show up a little late to the entrance exams.
Although William couldn't help but think back to the girl--Prism is what he heard her friend call her. Just from one look, he seemed to know exactly who she had been, which seemed to bring comfort to the Golden Dawn's Captain.
"I'm glad you found your way here, your highness—" He said to himself softly, "--I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon."