The Valkyrie and the Dragon
Chapter Three
It was supposed to be a secret hideout, that was what Raynare had assured her fellow Fallen Angels, Mittelt and Kalawarner. It was supposed to be the perfect staging ground, from which they would hunt down not one, but two Sacred Gears. With another Fallen Angel named Dohnaseek and a group of dangerous exorcists pretending to be priests, it was supposed to be easy. Before anyone could realize "Amano Yuma" was actually a Fallen Angel and Raynare's fake identity, she would have extracted both Gears from their current wielders-a clueless boy named Issei Hyoudou and a blonde-haired green eyed girl with the improbable name Asia-and the Fallen Angels would have left their hiding place behind before anyone knew what was happening. That was the plan as Raynare had explained it, anyway.
But things hadn't gone quite so smoothly, to put it mildly. First she had tried to kill Issei and extract his Sacred Gear, only half of which had worked. Despite killing him, she had soon lost his body and later learned he'd been resurrected by a powerful Devil, Rias Gremory. They'd lost track of Asia as well-some of the priests said a teacher from the nearby Kuoh Academy had been asking about her the same day she disappeared, but Raynare and her comrades hadn't been able to find any leads on this. Now the three of them were huddled in the basement of their church, having sent their underlings out to find any trace of Issei or Asia.
"This is your fault, Raynare. You had Issei in your grasp and he was an idiot even by human standards! Now he's protected by that bitch Rias, and we'll have to go through her to get to him, and the rest of her Peerage." Kalawarner said bitterly. The blue haired woman was pacing, towering over the other two women, her blue hair bouncing down to the small of her black as she idly tugged at the bottom of her red blouse, the same color as her tiny miniskirt. Raynare thought it made her look like a slutty businesswoman.
"She's right, Ray. I should do it this time, I'll get that moron's Sacred Gear, even if I have to cut him open first to do it~" Mittelt giggled, sounding like the young girl she resembled. In reality, she was much older than she appeared, like the other two women. But she played up her cunning little girl act with the gothic llita dress she wore, down to her white knee socks and the decorative bow in her long, twin-tail styled blonde hair.
Raynare glared at the both of them, letting her dark feathered wings spread out on either side of her in an attempt to look intimidating. The fact that she was nearly naked otherwise, with high-waisted black bikini bottoms and a "bra" that was little more than a tight strip of leather around her massive chest, didn't seem to bother her. The rest of her ensemble was little more than gloves, boots and a few bits of spiked leather strapped to her shoulders. She was still in charge, no matter how much grumbling the others wanted to do.
"You'll do what I tell you to do Mittelt, if you have any sense in that empty head of yours. First, we'll find Asia. Once we have her Gear, we'll have vast power at our fingertips. After that, it doesn't matter if Rias fucking Gremory and her whole squad of bootlickers stand between us and Issei, we'll be able to cut them all down. From now on, we only strike as a group, if we let ourselves be split apart, we'll lose our main advantage. Do you under-"
There was a great crash from above, one that made the entire church shake. The three glanced at each other, before Raynare's wings seemed to fold in on her body, disappearing easily.
"Let's check that out…together."
The three proceeded up the small ladder from the church's basement, finding the doors to the main chamber blown clean off their hinges. On the floor, his body smoldering, was Dohnaseek, steam rising off his unmoving form.
"What the fuck?!" Raynare hissed, her nails sharpening like talons.
"Who could have done this?"
She didn't have to wait long to find out. There was a flash of green light from outside, as a vast barrier rose up around the church before becoming transparent. The three barely had time to realize what was going on and summon their weapons, spears made of light, a pink one for Mittelt, a bright red one for Raynare, and a wide, two-headed yellow one for Kalawarner.
"Stick together, all of you! We need to find whose doing this and-ahh!"
There was a crash, like standing in the middle of a raging thunderstorm, and Raynare had to close her eyes against the sudden light. As she tried to open them, she saw three indistinct forms silhouetted in the doorway, one of which she thought she recognized. But then, one of the figures burst into motion, moving too fast for Raynare's eyes to follow and she felt a sudden sharp pain at the base of her neck. By the time she cried out, she was already falling over, followed shortly by her two equally outmatched allies. As consciousness fled here, Raynare thought she heard a familiar voice, chuckling softly.
"You know, if she had dressed like that for our date, I might not have let her kill me, no questions asked."
Sometime later Raynare's eyes shot open, the harsh and bright light of her new surroundings stinging her aching head. From either side she heard slight moans from Mittelt and Kalawarner as they also awoke. It looked like someone's bedroom, with a large bed, a wheeled desk chair and a desk in between them and the chair, along with a dresser and various odds and ends. But it was larger than most, and strangely barren-more like a temporary bedroom, in an otherwise unoccupied, if clean, space. Now that there was light, Raynare could make out who was sitting in the chair, and it was the familiar figure she had spotted before. Issei Hyodou, though she had no idea what he thought he was doing. He actually gave her a cheeky little wave, before glancing down.
Raynare concentrated, trying to summon one of her light spears, but nothing happened, just a few sparks near her hands. It felt like her power was there, where she could sense it but not reach it. There was some strange noise in the room, a wet sort of slurping noise, but Raynare couldn't see anything that might have been making it.
Issei smiled smugly at her, pointing up at the ceiling.
"Sorry Raynare, but I'm afraid that's not going to work. Or should I say Yuma?" Issei teased.
Raynare and the others looked up, seeing light glowing from the ceiling, taking the form of three magic circles marked with strange runes, unlike anything Raynare had seen before. Some kind of power unlike Fallen Angels or even the Devils and Demons she knew more about. Could Issei be doing this somehow? She was aware Rias had raised him and that he was part of her peerage now, but she imagined his powers were still far too weak for something like this.
"Who is this guy, Raynare?" Mittelt asked, likewise chafing at her confinement, unable to access her power.
"More importantly, why are we here? Is this some kind of trap set by Rias or that Akeno bitch?" Kalawarner said, drawing herself up to her full and impressive height, trying to simply intimidate Issei into asking. Once upon a time, that might have worked, but at the moment he simply ogled her breasts openly before he responded. Like the others, Kalawarner had been stripped down to her underwear, as though her clothes had simply vanished or been done away with by magic, revealing her flat toned stomach and her fat, full breasts pushed up in her tight red bra.
"Oh, I'm just your average highschool student, nobody special."
Issei paused for a moment, before he raised his arm, summoning his Boosted Gear in a flash. Issei winked at Raynare, who looked away with an angry tchh.
"Or am I?"
That shut Kalawarner up, who was still glaring at him but no longer expected it to work. Mittelt tugged at her bra, trying to pull it up a bit more, even as her thighs rubbed together. It was annoying having to deal with Issei's lewd looks, as even in a scenario like this he was still openly perving out on their bodies, clearly imagining them naked as his eyes flicked up and down their bodies. But now they were actually afraid, knowing exactly what Issei had and what it meant-the Red Dragon Emperor had joined Rias Gremory and the Devils.
"So what? Is this some way for you to get back at me, Issei? Your big revenge? Yet even with that Sacred Gear, you still needed these magic circles, huh? You're such a coward." Raynare tried to take a step forward, but it was no good, the magic circle might as well have been made of stone.
Issei shrugged. "Well, sort of. But honestly those are there for your protection. Wouldn't want you interrupting me before I explained everything and getting yourselves hurt. Not three big breasted beauties like you~"
Issei sounded like his typical dumb self, and Raynare felt a vein on her forehead twinge as her anger grew. It was bad enough she'd tried to kill some random human only for him to be raised by Rias Gremory, but that he turned out to be just some moron who thought about nothing but sex and girl's big huge tits all the time was even worse. Though Raynare was at least somewhat comforted by the fact that she was clearly the hottest one there-Mittelt had some decent breasts for her short size, and Kalawarner might have been pretty if she wasn't so tall with those mannish shoulders, but it only made sense a guy like Issei would still practically have hearts in his eyes for her.
"But more importantly than that," Issei went on, with a sort of strain in his voice, not exactly pained but clearly like it was an effort to speak.
"I had a nice little date with Asia Argento recently. She didn't even try to kill me at the end of it, which definitely made it one of my top dates, ever. And just like me, I'm going to make sure you don't hurt her or anyone else, ever again." There were more muffled sounds from under the desk, even as Issei glanced down, muttering something the three Fallen Angels couldn't make out.
"Where is it, then? Where's Twilight Healing, the Sacred Gear?" Raynare asked, barely even caring about Issei's talk about the girl, Asia. All that mattered to her and the others was the power she had and getting it out of her, no matter what they had to do.
Issei, who was actually quite fond of Asia, and knew what it was like to be hunted not for something you did but just for something you had, actually frowned at this. It wasn't exactly a scary expression, especially for someone like Raynare, but it was so at odds with Issei's normal personality that it did make her pull back just a little. At least, as much as she could even maneuver in the sturdy, obviously very powerful magic circle. There was no way Issei had made these, not sitting there all confident and casual, even though he was also clearly distracted.
"I'm afraid Twilight Healing is out of your reach. You will never find Asia again, so you might as well just forget about that now, you hear? These Sacred Gears must be pretty valuable to you, if they're worth killing over." Issei's voice was strangely flat, angry in a way that surprisingly made Raynare shift her weight from foot to foot. Still, she couldn't back down, not just yet.
"Issei, if you know what's good for you, you'll tell us where Twilight Healing is, now! I don't know who you think you are, but we'll get out of here, sooner or later and then-"
Issei smiled, retracting his own Gear. "Sooner, actually. But it is good to know they're so important to you."
Raynare opened her mouth again, ready to spit out some truly vile curses when Kalawarner spoke first. Obviously this was getting them nowhere, and Raynare was just blustering-it would take a lot of effort for them to just get out of these magic circles. Forgetting her intimidation tactics, Kalawarner pitched her voice up, trying to sound as sweet as she could despite wanting to rip Issei's head off and use it as a football.
"Ok then Issei, we get it: you've hidden Twilight Healing from us and somehow, made us your prisoners. So what does the mighty Red Dragon want from us now? Why not just kill us, or turn us over to Rias or something?"
Issei clapped his hands just once, pointing at Kalawarner happily. There was that strained quality in his words again, along with the strange sucking sound.
"That's a good question, Kalawarner, very on-topic. And it's an easy one too, no worries for any of you, it's something easy. I just want to make a deal with the three of you, and I figured you wouldn't hear me out without something keeping your powers, and murderous impulses, in check." Issei winked at Raynare again, making even more veins on her forehead and neck stand out.
It was Mittelt who spoke first this time, her voice comically high even compared to her usual tones, which helped with the "little girl" illusion of her appearance.
"A deal?! You really think we would ever trust someone like you?" She said, blue eyes flashing. Raynare thought the same thing, wondering how a lowly Devil (not even a Pure Blooded one) could try something like this. Not to mention the three of them would try to break any deal and betray him the first chance they got.
Issei went one as though no one had interrupted him, working off the confused faces of all three women.
"Yeah, a simple one. More of a wager than a deal, really. If you manage to win, I'll give Asia's Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, over to the three of you. In fact…I'll even surrender my own Gear." Issei made it appear and then disappear again, faster than ever.
How stupid can this boy really be?! Raynare thought, her breasts heaving with every deep breath she took. Only an idiot would ever offer not one but two powerful Gears, especially against three Fallen Angels with a good deal of power between them. The three exchanged looks, all thinking the same thing. Maybe Issei had a trick up his sleeve, but that didn't make his offer anything other than stupid.
"When we 'win'? What does that mean, Issei?" Raynare said, trying not to laugh in his face, mocking his stupidity to herself. He got lucky catching the eye of Rias, and clearly it had gone to his head. Idly she noticed there were rugs all over the floor, ones that were almost…tasteful, well beyond the maturity level she'd expected from Issei, she'd figured he'd be plain solid colors or dumb manga characters.
She was realizing only too late that Issei was full of surprises, and that he was hardly on his own.
"Well, it's really simple. All I ever really wanted from you Raynare, and now from the two of you, is the same thing I wanted since you asked me out on a date. I want to fuck all three of you you, until I can't even get it up anymore!" Issei blushed, feeling a bit odd stating his position so strongly-it wasn't like he was talking to Ross, who he'd known all his life. There were angry muffled noises from under the desk, clearer than ever, but Raynare ignored them now, shocked at Issei's words. Mittelt and Kalawarner were the same way, unable to believe what they were hearing and with their faces turning slightly red.
"Who does this bastard think he is?" Kalawarner said, though she couldn't help but be impressed.
"Big talk from such a little guy." Mittelt added, which was pretty ironic coming from someone under five feet tall.
Raynare crossed her arms, unintentionally pushing her already high and firm breasts up even more, until they nearly hit the bottom of her elegant chin.
"Let me get this straight…you stole Twilight Healing, you killed our followers and our fellow Fallen Angel Dohnaseek, somehow." Raynare still couldn't quite believe it, Issei must have had help from someone, probably a whole group of someones. He'd been raised by Rias barely a few days ago, he shouldn't be this strong yet, Sacred Gear or not.
"And now, to top that all off, you want to have your way with us? Don't be so full of yourself you fuckigng asshole!!" Raynare's teeth flashed like fangs as she cursed at Issei, unable to believe this little teenager, barely more than a child, had the audacity to stand there and say such things. Aside from burning anger, Raynare felt one clear, strong desire: to kill Issei all over again, but this time she'd make sure it stuck. There wouldn't be so much as a single bone of him left to put back together.
Issei smiled broadly and wagged a finger at Raynare. "Ah-ah, you killed me first, remember? Consider everything else just…payback. Besides, I didn't even do most of it, really. Anyway, are you worried that you wouldn't be able to outlast me, even all three of you?"
There were still those muffled sucking sounds from under the desk only now they had a tone of being somehow…pleased with themselves? There was a lot going on that Raynare didn't understand, but she knew full well that she was being baited by Issei, with his 'who, me?' attitude and those big stupid brown eyes of his. The others could tell too, Raynare was sure of it, from the quick glances they shared. They should tell him to fuck off and focus on finding a way out of here.
But Raynare's pride wouldn't allow that. There was a reason they were Fallen Angels, after all.
"Fine, you stupid brat, I accept your little challenge. Embarassing you as a man will be almost as much fun as killing you…but I'll get to that soon enough too, don't you worry."
Kalawarner crossed her arms, massive breasts pushed up to the point Issei thought she might have been doing it on purpose.
"I don't know, Raynare, this seems like your problem. You're the one who couldn't kill him properly in the first place."
Mittelt nodded, eager to take someone's side rather than proffer her own ideas. "Yeah, that's right. Besides, it's not like he could outlast even one of us, so we don't even need to bother with this."
Issei shook his head. "Sorry, but it has to be all of you, or no deal."
He was so calm about everything, so sure he was holding all the cards. It made Raynare want to punt his stupid head right off his scrawny little neck.
"Look, just accept and I'll deal with him myself. Now that Dohnaseek is dead, there will be a greater reward for all of us from lord Azazel, we just need to play his stupid game…for now. Then we'll have both Sacred Gears and we can forget any of this ever happened."
Kalawarner and Mittelt shared a brief glance, and then nodded along, not entirely convinced but without any better ideas. They were still very out of sorts, having no idea where they were or how they'd been knocked out so easily, but what else could they do?
Issei smiled broadly. "Well, looks like the challenge is on! If you girls can satisfy me, till tomorrow morning,"
He tugged his red t-shirt off as he was speaking, words coming out muffled for a moment. "Then you win!"
As he tossed the shirt to one side, Issei pushed his chair away from the desk before he tried to stand up. It seemed to be quite difficult for him, and as the Fallen Angels watched, it became obvious why. He was naked below the waist-completely, now, and Raynare was surprised that his body was a lot more toned and less scrawny than she'd been expecting-and there were two gorgeous women sucking on his dick! A dick that was more massive than any manhood Raynare or her fellow Fallen Angels had ever seen.
"Is that…sensei Rossweisse?!" Raynare said, utterly shocked. Back when she had been pretending to be Amano, she'd learned a thing or two about the faculty and students at Kuoh Academy, at least those that seemed unusual. Rumor was Rossweisse was no ordinary teacher, and might have even been a former Valkyrie-judging by the Norse Magic circles above them, Raynare figured that rumor was true. She just hadn't expected to see a teacher from Kuoh sucking on Issei's fat cock like her life depended on it, with a massive bulge in her throat! The other woman was some sort of nekomata, her cat ears twitching as she sucked and licked at Issei's balls, which were grotesquely huge, seeming to slosh with untold amounts of hyper-virile, pungent sperm as he walked around the desk.
With clear reluctance, the two women backed off, and Raynare's shock only grew as she watched Rossweisse pull her mouth off that cock. With how huge it was, she'd been expecting the silver-haired woman to have only a small amount, relatively speaking, down her gullet, but the bulge extended even further than she thought. Mittelt gasped and Kalawarner cursed under her breath as Rossweisse finally fell backwards, landing on her thick, round asscheeks. Like Kuroka, she was totally naked and staring up at Issei with a twisted mixture of lust and worship in their eyes
With Issei's body and monstrous cock revealed, Raynare was feeling a lot less confident-that thing had to be more than three feet long, and wider around than one of her shapely thighs. It was utterly hairless, as if showing off Issei's relative youth, and only making the entire reddened, veiny and angry looking shaft seem even larger.
It only occurred to Raynare that Issei had never made the stakes for their little deal fully known, until he started speaking again.
"But if I win…well, you'll be my playthings until I get tired of you."
Kalawarner blushed at the thought, while Mittelt was suddenly toying with her hair again, feeling her thighs rub together. The two of them couldn't help it, just seeing that enormous cock nearly made them fall in love at first sight, at least with Issei's dick and not the annoying teen himself. Raynare was still too shocked to even think anything coherent, anything she could even think to say disappearing before she opened her mouth-it was like seeing Issei's massive bitch-breaking cock had utterly changed how Raynare thought of things on a basic level, and left her gawping like an idiot.
Issei took a few steps forward, even as Rossweisse and Kuroka clung to him, resting their hands on his flat stomach and looking up at him with pleading expressions.
"Now now you two, you've had your fun. I need to deal with these three, but I'm sure you two have some unfinished business to settle, right?"
As Issei took a few steps forward, Rossweisse and Kuroka stared at each other, glaring daggers. They both smiled at him, almost grinning like fools.
"Have fun~" They said in unison, though they turned back to glare at each other the second Issei passed them by.
"Cheap cat slut." Rossweisse said, standing tall. "You don't deserve Issei's attention."
"Me? You're the one who had to put on that big sister act, like some kind of pervert. I'll show you who deserves Issei the most!"
Issei ignored them, as the pair turned their visual altercation physical, but it was less of a fight and more of a sexual struggle, trying to determine which of them was truly Issei's favorite.
Issei walked past the fallen angels, heading to the bed. Their eyes were glued to his cock, watching it bob in the air under its own immense, massive weight. Kalawarner stared, while Raynare simply shook with rage. Mittelt tried to step forward, only to gasp as she bumped into the limitation of the magic circle again.
"Ah, sorry about that." Issei clapped his hands, concentrating. He hadn't put the circles up, but Rossweisse had made it so he could take them down. There was a flash of light, and the three women nearly stumbled forward, suddenly free. Something unspoken passed between them, as though they could reconsider things now that they were free, maybe even attack Issei…but they didn't. Even though they had agreed in haste, some part of them needed to see this through.
The three Fallen angels climbed onto the bed, staring at Issei's cock as he lay back, looking at that massive dick like it was some kind of monstrous weapon, practically drooling over it. Issei idly began jerking it slowly, as if demonstrating just how big it was by showing how small his hands were in comparison, and they watched the huge, purplish head seem to throb and pulse with a heartbeat of its own, this imposing, disgusting…amazing thing.
Issei taunted them, looking at their expressions-clearly still shocked, yet growing more interested by the moment despite themselves, unsure of where to look and so simply goggling at that giant cock, with Kalawarner actually sniffing the air openly, drinking in his musky, virile scent.
"What's the matter, girls? Worried you've bitten off more than you can chew?" Issei's' cock seemed to thrum as he eyed the girls up, watching their bodies jiggle and shake as they crawled closer.
This close it seemed even more impressive, and the three women were shoulder to shoulder, staring up at that cock like it was some obscene holy relic for them to pay homage to. Raynare was the most shocked, because she was the only one who had actually met Issei before, and trying to reconcile the dopey boy she had met then with this much more assertive, confident, and hung like a goddamn elephant young man was very different for her-much like it had probably been a shock for him to discover his date Amano was actually a Fallen Angel.
"You know as I remember, Raynare, our date ended a little too soon, wouldn't you say? We never even got to have a goodnight kiss! So why don't you just give me a kiss now, and the rest of you two, right…here." Issei jerked his cock a little faster, sliding up his leathery, sweaty foreskin around the crown of his cock, making the girl's eyes widen as they struggled to fully accept the size of what they were dealing with.
The three of them had to rise up a bit, coming off their all fours crawling positions to shuffle closer in towards Issei. Mittelt and Kalawarner began kissing his huge tip making loud, exaggerated lip-smacking noises, their eyes crossing at the disgusting yet somehow pleasing taste. Raynare hesitated, not wanting to go through with it, partly because she was intimidated by that dick, and partly because she didn't want to give Issei Hyodou, world-class dunce, any pleasure.
"What's the matter…Yuuma? Don't tell me you're inexperienced compared to these two? I know a lot of girls like to compensate, is that why you're into all the dark leather and spikes? It's probably a lot easier for you to just kill a guy than to actually try and please them properly~"
Once again Raynare was being baited, and once again she fell for it almost instantly. She pushed between Mittekt and Kalawarner, taking a place directly between Issei's legs. The dark haired woman began kissing and licking at Issei's tip, while Mittelt pouted slightly. Issei motioned one hand and she knelt lower, sucking at his massive balls-they were impossibly large, far too big for her to fit in her mouth, but she got a perverse pleasure from licking them all over, pressing her plump lips against each massive sperm tank and sucking so hard her cheeks hollowed out. Kalawarner kissed down the sides of the shaft, licking at Issei's massive veins, feeling the strength and heat radiating off that dick while Raynare made out with the sweaty, pungent tip like it was her long loast boyfriend.
Issei moaned as Raynare's tongue slipped inside his foreskin, running along the sensitive edges of his throbbing tip. This went for several minutes, with the girls slowly getting more lost in their actions, moaning and making loud, lip-smacking noises. He grunted, lifting his head up off the pillows as he propped himself up on his elbows.
"Well girls, I think it's time we try something a little more exciting than just kisses, yeah? Fallen Angels like you, you must get up to all sorts of naughty things…so why don't you wrap those big tits of yours around my cock?"
Issei let the words float out casually, but they could all tell it was another challenge, of sorts. None of them wanted to seem particularly eager to please him, not after he'd tricked them into this situation, yet none of them wanted to be last either and look weak or scared. By some unspoken agreement, they acted at nearly the same time, removing their bras and springing into action. Mittelt wrapped her breasts, the smallest of the three but still sizable C-cups, around Issei's base, while Kalawarner's breasts, the largest and nearly as impressive as Rossweisse's, around the middle. The blue-haired woman sucked her teeth at the indignity of having to please some man with her breasts like a cheap prostitute, but began to pump her large, perfectly round tits the second she got the chance. Raynare crouched above the others, wrapping her breasts tight around Issei's dick and feeling the sheer girth stretch out the thin fabric of her bikini top, which she'd left on to further tease Issei, her nipples almost painfully erect and visible through the tight material.
Issei let out a soft moan at the treatment, feeling three wonderful pairs of tits squeezing his throbbing hard cock in an amazing marshmallow prison, working him all over. Even with all three of them working together, Issei's cock still wasn't covered completely, with Mittelt's eyes going wide as she cooed.
"Amazing~" She said, obviously impressed as her pussy juices began to leak down her slender thighs. As much as she would have never imagined things turning out like this, Mittelt had to admit she was enjoying this.
Kalawarner too, could not deny how Issei's cock was making her feel, arousal burning through her entire body. As she squeezed her tits a bit tighter, making the soft skin puff up around her fingers, she chided Raynare.
"You must have been crazy to let a cock this huge and impressive get away, Raynare."
Mittelt piped up, making sure to smack her tits off of Issei's pelvis, feeling the strength in his cock as well as his entire body, belying his slender frame. "Yeah, you must be crazy-I never would have tried to kill you, Issei."
Raynare mumbled, irritated yet unable to deny what they were saying. "Well, if I had known, maybe things would have been…different."
"What's the matter, Raynare?" Issei said, using her true name to further mock her.
"Jealous that you didn't get to be my girlfriend after all?" Even letting out those little gasps and moans, Issei was still finding ways to tease and taunt her, and Raynare was getting sick of it. Clearly it was time to speed things up-the sooner this bastard's massive, magnificent balls were empty, the sooner she could be done with this. Though maybe she wouldn't kill him this time, not if she could find a way to keep him as her pet.
"Mm-wahh~" Spittle clung to Raynare's lips as she opened her mouth as wide as possible, beginning to suck at the tip of Issei's huge cock. She felt something in her jaw click, but pressed on anyway. Letting out a series of embarrassingly cute gasps and muffled cries, Raynare managed to fit the tip of Issei's elephantine cock in her mouth, which by itself was larger than many men she had seen in the past. She squeezed her tits together harder around his dick, nearly smacking them from side to side as she gave Issei an almost furious titwank, her lust for this cock and her irritation with Issei himself combining and boiling over into an angry frenzy of dicksucking and titfucking. Soon the sound of gagging and slurping filled the room, while Mittelt and Kalawarner were spurred on by Raynare's efforts, working their tits around Issei's shaft with that much more passion and energy.
"Schllrup, schllorp! Glccchhhk!"
For all her high and mighty attitude, Raynare was clearly out of her league when it came to Issei's sheer size, musky odor, and the overpowering weight and girth of his bitch-tamer. She could only throat the tip of his cock, which was nearly enough to make her eyes roll back in her head at the taste. Despite herself, she found Issei's cock to be delicious in a way she had never experienced before.
Fuck, he's so massive! I can barely take more than five inches into my throat because his cock is just so damn fat and thick. I'm gonna fucking choke on this nasty thing!
Kalawarner, always looking out for the slightest weakness on Raynare's part, spoke up.
"Is that all you can do, Raynare? Seeing as how you always talk such a big game, I thought you'd be better at sucking dick."
Slowly, with obvious reluctance mixed with anger, Raynare pulled back, her lips coming off Issei's cock with a loud and clear pop!
"F-fine, then" Raynare said through a mouth full of drool and cloudy, pungent pre-come.
"Be my fucking guest."
Kalawarner had no problem with that, sparing Issei a brief glance before she focused on his dick. How could such a scrawny, ordinary looking dweeb have such a godly cock? She licked along the tip, savoring the taste, feeling little droplets of sweat and precum beading up on her tongue before she squeezed her eyes shut in pleasure. Kalawarner opened wide, swallowing that dick like a snake trying to consume a plump rat, but she couldn't get much farther than Raynare had.
"Hmm, you're not doing any better than I did, eh Kalawarner. But don't worry~, I'll give you a hand!"
Raynare's voice went from sickly sweet to angry in a second. It reminded Issei of their little date, and how completely her personality had switched when she revealed her true form and tried to kill him. Now she simply grabbed Kalawarner by the back of her head, fingers entwined tightly in her long blue hair as she angrily pushed the taller woman's head down.
"Glccch! Glawwwk, glawwk, glaggg!"
Kalawarner gagged like a cheap slut on that cock as she was forced to take inch after gullet-stretching inch. A massive bulge appeared in her throat as her face grew red and her eyes threatened to roll back in her head, watering and leaving twin tear tracks down her cheeks. It was too much, too huge and fast for her to handle that cock, yet there was still a strange sound of satisfaction coming from her throat as she was made to throat nearly two feet of enormous throbbing Dragon god cock. The sounds of nasty slurping and drooling filled the room, as Issei's cock soon shone with the spittle and cloudy ropes of pre-cum mixed with throat slime that were leaving Kalawarner's mouth. Her hands curled up at her sides, caught off guard and completely helpless.
"Ahh, mmm, just like that!" Issei said, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths.
"This is…paradise~" He said, leaning back for a brief second. Raynanre wanted to tell him off, but she was too focused on forcing Kalawarner's face down on that cock. Seeing how it had bulged out Rossweisse's throat before was completely different to watching that happen up close, to see Kalawarner's slender neck more than double in size as she was forced to deepthroat that cock.
"Glacch, glacggggk, gu-WARRKK!" Kalawarner's body heaved as she retched on that cock, spilling a veritable waterfall of drool all over Issei's turgid shaft. Raynare was using her head as nothing more than a sextoy, facefucking Kalawarner up and down on that cock. Mittelt could only stare, still fondling Issei's balls as she wrapped an arm around her tits, squeezing them tightly and in complete awe of Issei's size and what that dick could really do to some poort slut.
Raynare eventually let go, and Kalawarner slowly, reluctantly, dragged her head off that dick, coughing and spitting up more drool onto Issei's dick. Without even realizing it she was stroking him off fervently, rubbing in all that nasty slime and spittle as she shared a brief glance with Issei, showing him how much she'd loved his dick and hoping she'd done a good job. Issei winked at her in the briefest of moments before Kalawarner turned her attention back to Raynare.
"What the fuck, Raynare? You nearly killed me with that thing, I could've passed out~" Even now Kalawarner sounded more impressed than angry, her tits wobbling with her angry words, not that she was trying to put on a show for Issei, or anything. Raynare barely batted an eyelash, clearly uncaring.
"Well it sounded like you really wanted to suck his dick, so I thought I'd just help you out." She said, flashing Kalawarner an infuriating smirk. If Kalawarner hadn't had bigger things-literally-on her mind, she might have smacked that expression off the brunette's face, but she didn't want to lose focus of what really mattered. Below them, as their argument continued, Mittelt just laughed.
As one, Kalwarner and Raynare turned to glare at the blonde, angry veins popping on their foreheads.
"What's so funny you little shrimp?" Kalwarner said, glaring.
"You think you're so cute acting and dressing like a little girl, but you're the oldest one of all of us! So you should have plenty of 'experience', right?"
Raynare said, reaching out to grab Mittelt's head. Kalawarner joined her, holding onto Mittelt's twintails before they both tugged the short woman's head up to the top of Issei's cock. As she let out a shocked cry, they slammed her face down, impaling her on that massive cock. With their tits no longer wrapped around Issei's cock as they moved, they were able to push Mittelt down even further while her hands flailed and she let out nasty, lewd glottal sounds.
"Glllchh, glccckkk, glawwwk! HNNNGGG!"
Mittelt was panicking, having swallowed more cock than Kalawarner, well over half of Issei's length. Yet there was still plenty to go, and now Issei was clearly getting turned on. No longer content to let the girls do all the work, Issei began thrusting his hips up, churning up Mittelt's throat and making spit practically froth up on her lips as he grunted and groaned like a beast.
Too much, too much! This cock is nearly as big and heavy as I am…if I had to try and swallow the whole thing, it would break me!! Mittelt wasn't quite as bothered by that as she should have been, but she still had the nasty and obscene mental image of her entire body speared through by that cock, being turned into little more than a dick ornament and a living fleshlight for Issei.
But there was nothing she could do, and that helplessness only made her wetter, pussy absolutely gushing. Issei's thrusts along with the four hands shoving her down. The three were completely uncaring of her comfort or safety, made Mittelt take more and more of that cock, until only six inches remained outside her wet, grasping throat…then five, then four as Mittelt let out a lewd squawking sound, drool suddenly shooting out of her nose.
"Ahh, fuck I'm gonna cum! Take it all, Mittelt, you little blonde bitch!" Issei grunted, and Kalawarner and Raynare took a step back, watching as he came. The muscles on his legs were tense as Issei just held on tight to Mittelt and thrust his hips up and down with frantic, almost blurred speed. She was gagging and spitting up as his cum began to shoot into her stomach, bulging her petite frame out like a balloon. As Issei let go of her head, Mittelt's eyes rolled fully backwards, showing nothing but blank whites as she came, having an embarrassing ahegao orgasm from being Issei's little walking cum dumpster. The force of his orgasm didn't let up in the slightest, only growing stronger until, with a little shaking and shuddering, Mittelt was suddenly thrown off of Issei's cock, blasted away by the fire hose force of his cum shots!
Raynare and Kalawarner gasped as Issei's cock just kept coming, shooting thick, stinking ropes of off-white jizz up into the air. It splashed back down on both of their faces, like some lewd shower covering all three of the lusty Fallen Angels. Kalwarner opened her mouth wide, happily swallowing down that nasty spunk and feeling her eyes cross at the taste. Even Raynare enjoyed it, though she wouldn't have admitted it just yet, trying to hide it as she scooped up every drop of ball batter that landed on her face, shoveling it into her hungry mouth with her tongue and fingers.
"Fuck Issei, your come is delicious! It's the nastiest, yummiest thing I've ever tasted!" Kalawarner gushed, her face a deep red. The bluenette had never been so turned on just by tasting a man's come before, and she couldn't help but think that with just a bit more effort on Issei's part, she might have had a hands-free orgasm just like Mittelt, who was barely upright, having been thrown backwards by Issei's orgasm and propping herself up by reflex with her little dainty hands.
By the time Issei's orgasm was finished, the girls were still nearly covered with cum, having to lick it off their faces and scoop it off their breasts and necks with their hands. Issei had even managed to hose down their hair, leaving the girls with dripping wet scalps and nasty come stuck all over their gorgeous hair, yet for some reason they didn't mind.
Remembering Kalawarner's honest, dick drunk compliments, Issei smiled at her.
"Ok, warm up's over girls, time for the main event. Kalawarner, since you were so nice, you get to go first."
Raynare grumbled at this, even though she didn't want to switch places with Kalawarner, not at all, but…
"Well, I'm the leader after all and-"
Issei cut her off. "Don't be jealous, Raynare. Besides, you can play with them."
That shut Raynare up, making her words trail off into an angry sputter. Jealous? How dare he, she wasn't jealous at all and also-
"Wait. Play with who?" Raynare said, moments before she got her answer.
As Issei lightly pushed Kalawarner back on the bed, the tall woman happy to let him contort and manipulate her body however she liked, Rossweisse and Kuroka had decided it was time to get more 'hands-on.' With a wave of her hand, Rossweisse summoned a set of stocks like criminals of old times might have been placed in, forming it around Raynare.
"Hey, w-what is this? Issei and I had a deal!" Raynare struggled, but she couldn't break free, held firmly by the dark blue energy construct. She was forced to bend over, her ass sticking out as her wrists and neck were locked in place.
Kuroka giggled, summoning magical tendrils from under the floor that were vaguely plant-like yet also animal-like at the same time, glowing with purple energy. Ross glared at Raynare, clearly holding a grudge for how she'd mistreated her dear Issei.
"Don't worry, you crow-feathered bitch. We can heal you so Issei can break you in just like new, and besides, you should thank us! We're gonna help you get used to his size."
Rossweisse summoned dicks made from magical energy, not as big as Issei's but still plenty larger than anything Raynare had taken before. She had just enough time to notice Mittelt getting those vines stuffed in her mouth, ass and pussy while she let out muffled yelps, before Rossweisse was suddenly right next to her. The valkyrie whispered into Raynare's ear, a wicked smile on her lips.
"Until Issei is ready for you, your ass is mine, Raynare. All mine to play with however I want…hee-hee❤️. Get ready~"
Back on the bed, Kalawarner was moaning and gasping, writhing around like a snake as Issei ate her out. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, feeling every stoke and wiggle of Issei's tongue, shooting sparks up her spine as her eyes closed. Kalawarner's hands were grasping at the sheets, tangling them in a sweaty mess as she bit down on a pillow, coming hard from Issei's talented mouth-the result of constantly 'training' with KurokaIssei and Rossweisse for the last several days.
"Hahh…hahhn….Issei, that was amazing!" Kalawarner said, slowly opening her eyes again.
Issei actually blushed a little, still finding compliments from such a gorgeous sexy woman slightly disarming.
"Well then, you're gonna love this."
There was a solid whap as Issei laid his dick on Kalawarner's body, showing the sheer massive size of it. It stretched up in between her fat tits and then some, making Kalawarner look at it like she was staring down the barrel of some massive, obscene cannon. She was scared, unsure if her body could actually handle something like that, but only a small part of her. A larger, very base and primal part of Kalawarner was deeply excited, turned on like she'd never been before. Her eyes made that clear to Issei as he slowly bpacked up, lining his dick tip up with her tiny, dripping pink pussy before he tensed his muscles and-
"Ah…oh holy fucking shit!" Kalawarner gasped, feeling that cock slamming into her tight pussy. It hurt like nothing she'd ever experienced before, but it also felt good, the ecstasy washing away the dull ache she felt. Her body was already relaxing for him, and Kalawarner was glad she was a powerful Fallen Angel and not some weakling human, or her body might never recover. As it was, her legs went stiff and pointed at the ceiling as Issei rutted into her in this missionary position, his cock slamming into her deep enough to make the bed creak and shake beneath them.
"Mmm…oh fuck that feels good!" She felt like her body was melting, pleasure threatening to drive Kalawarner crazy. Issei practically feasted on her fat tits, groping and squeezing them, sucking on her erect, hard little pink nipples. As she moaned beneath him, Issei went faster and faster, his cock pounding deep enough to hit her cervix as he motorboated those huge, bouncy jugs. Kalawarner had been with her share of men in the past, but she'd never had anything remotely close to this, not Issei's sheer manic, youthful energy or his undeniably powerful, gigantic cock. Issei was thrusting into her faster than she thought possible, and the size of his cock meant a massive bulge was traveling up her body, until Issei's cock pushed her tits aside from the inside.
Feeling herself growing more and more senseless by the moment, Kalawarner was still operating on base instinct, and she just wanted to make Issei feel as good as possible. So with the little strength she had left, she pressed her perfect, round and perky breasts together, giving Issei a nasty titfuck from the inside.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
The room was full of the sounds of fucking and moaning, as Kalawarner was ragdolled on the bed, losing all track of time. Issei could have been fucking her formerly tight pussy for ten minutes, or it could have been fifty minutes. In the center of the room, Mittelt had no choice but to submit, but she did so happily, clearly having an orgasm from her ass and pussy at the same time. Kuroka smacked her fat ass, making her perky ass bounce.
"What a dirty little girl you are! Issei probably didn't even need to make a deal with you, blondie…the second you saw his cock, your heart and body belonged to him. Well get used to this, as his property and fucktoy, you're gonna need a lot of stretching!"
More spanking sounds filled the room as Mittelt's eyes rolled back, happily sucking on the vine-like tendril in her mouth. Kuroka circled around to Mittelt's front, sucking on her tits as the blonde girl actually stamped the floor in ecstasy, her entire body being used up in a deliriously pleasurable way.
Issei pulled out of Kalawarner's pussy, making her keen with need. Before she could say anything, Issei changed the angle of his hips and then slammed forward again, this time spearing his cock into her virgin asshole. Kalawarner's mouth opened to scream, but nothing came out besides a nasty little croaking sound. Her arms flailed as her back arched up off the bed, though her legs instantly clamped tight around Issei. She couldn't help but try and pull him deeper as he began to thrust even faster. He was going all out now, beating her tiny anal fuckhole up with that cock as her stomach bulged out again from a different angle, feeling like he might fuck her right through the bed if he didn't break her spine first.
Raynare was getting it nearly as rough, if not moreso, as while Issei didn't really have feelings for Kalawarner one way or the other and just saw her as a hot bimbo to fuck how he wanted, Rossweisse really hated Raynare. And she was making sure the other girl knew it, slamming those energy dicks in and out of her fuckholes as fast as possible. Rossweisse had formed a fourth dick in front of her pussy, like a magic strap-on, able to feel everything it felt before she slammed deep inside Raynare's pussy. Double fucking the slut, Raynare screamed around the dick in her mouth, legs spread wider than her shoulders as Rossweisse used and abused her.
"Ahh, I'm sorry, is that too much? You're such a slut I figured two cocks in your pussy and one in your ass would be easy for you. But don't worry, you pathetic little Fallen Angel, you'll get used to it…or not, I don't really give a shit! Either way you're going to take every inch, so shut up and take it, take it balls-deep you nasty little bitch!"
Spit flew from the corners of Rossweisse's mouth as she slammed in harder, making the magical stocks shake underneath her onslaught, while Raynare was screaming her lungs out. Her pussy gushed around those two dicks, splattering the floor with a wet, shameful squirting orgasm as she lost track of how many times the angry Valkyrie had made her come, feeling completely under her control in a way that made her legs shake and her pussy ache with need.
Back on the bed, Issei slammed balls deep into Kalawarner's ass, making her finally cry out.
"Ahh…my ass, my ass is coming! I'm gonna break, I'm gonna break…my body is being used as nothing more than a cocksleeve! Getting assfucked by a monster cock is the best, I'm coming again!" Kalawarner flashed twin 'V' signs before Issei hilted himself once more, his cock pulsing with a heartbeat of its own as he began to come, pumping ounce after ounce of nasty, smelly hyper-virile jizz right into Kalawarner's asshole.
"Ooo-wahhh!" She cried out, shaking her head from side to side. Issei kept thrusting, even as the volume of his jizz turned Kalawarner's ass into a nasty swamp of spunk, giving his thrusts a lewd, wet squelching sounds as she was fucked nearly inside out. Great pink hearts shone in Kalawarner's eyes as she stared up at Issei, clearly broken in and loving it.
"Ah…please Issei, fuck me more, fuck me harder! You can use my ass and pussy all you want, please give my pussy a creampie next! Unprotected dirty sex is amazing, I just want to feel every inch of that god cock tearing me apart!"
Kalawarner's hands came up to her face, tugging at her own skin before Issei leaned in close. With a muffled cry, Kalawarner's voice was silenced as Issei kissed her, their tongues dancing. She eagerly submitted to him, letting Issei control the kiss completely. By the time he slowly broke the kiss, spit hung between their mouths as he pulled out, leaving her destroyed asshole gaping and leaking his tacky, potent come.
"Don't worry, Kalawarner. When I'm done with the others, I'll be sure to come back and wreck your pussy some more, ok?"
She could only sigh in bliss at his words, her hands absently playing with her breasts, thighs rubbing together as she tried to hold in as much of his come as possible. Issei left hemmr there, walking up to Raynare and Rossweisse. He waved his hand at her, and the Valkyrie let out a dramatic sigh before she stopped, slowly pulling out of Raynare's distended pussy. There was a flash and the energy dicks disappeared, though Raynare remained in the stocks.
"Ahh…goddamit, I came so many times I think I blacked out~" Raynare said, her eyes rolling around madly in her head.
"H-hey, Issei let me out of this thing! I'm not some undignified little prisoner, I'm-"
Raynare tried to jump in place, but the pillory didn't budge as Issei spanked her fat, bouncing ass. She wanted to scream at him, but she couldn't deny the tingle that ran through her body from such treatment.
"That's exactly what you are, Raynare, my little prisoner to do with as I want. But it shouldn't be too much for you to deal with, right?"
Raynare shook in the stocks, her hair whipping about her sweaty, angry face. "Ahh, go to hell, Issei, you stupid motherf-mmpff! Mfff!"
Raynare's words were stuffed back into her throat as Issei slammed his dick past her lips, making her gag on his girthy, veiny dick. As Raynare sputtered and choked on the taste, being forced to swallow nasty traces of Kalawarner's ass and pussy juices as well as Issei's own stale jizz, he just sighed above her, holding onto her head firmly like she was just a dirty pet.
"Ahh this is what I wanted to do ever since you first asked me to go out. You've got such pretty lips Raynare, and getting to fuck your face like this is really a dream come true."
As Issei let out a sigh like a man taking a much-needed piss, Rossweisse stared, openly fingering her pussy. Watching Raynare get put in her place by her sweet Ise was everything she'd hoped for and more. Raynare gagged and slurped at that cock, only wanting Issei to come faster so this could be over with…or at least that was what she told herself. It didn't matter either way, as Issei just kept thrusting faster and faster, finally managing to fit his cock down her throat, balls-deep. Raynare choked, her hands forming weak fists as her entire body seemed like it was going limp, on the verge of collapse, but the stocks wouldn't even give her the freedom of falling down.
"Glacch, glawwwk, glagg!"
Raynare didn't want to enjoy it, but she couldn't deny how her body was feeling. After Rossweisse's nasty rough fucking, the brunette felt more sensitive than ever, enjoying herself more than she would have thought. It was the taste of Issei's cock, the sheer size of his undeniable bitch breaker, the way he treated her like nothing more than a walking sex toy to be used up and thrown away, all of that together was overwhelming Raynare and making her body quake with pleasure, her nipples rock hard as her pussy gushed juices down her slender thighs.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad…to get this dick every day, for the rest of my life. Maybe Issei would even call me his girlf-
"Glaagg!" Raynare's train of thought was derailed as Issei moaned above her, his balls suddenly tight between his legs as his cock went stiff, pushing her stomach down past her belly button. As Raynare squeaked and squealed, Issei came down her throat like it was the most natural thing in the world, slowly pulling back so she could taste that nasty, powerful sperm.
Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!
By the time Issei pulled his dick out with a loud popping sound, Raynare was practically blowing bubbles of his spunk, feeling it leak out of her nose. She'd had an orgasm just from being made to gulp down his come, the taste of it rotting her brain and acting like the most powerful drug she'd ever been exposed to.
As she tried to recover her strength, refocus her senses, Raynare was soon overwhelmed with pleasure again. Issei walked behind her, smacking her fat ass before he suddenly thrust his face right between her thick asscheeks.
"Ahh! Issei~" She gasped, feeling herself let out a distinctly embarrassing giggle at his treatment. Raynare knew she should resist, or at least pretend to resist, but she couldn't. Issei practically motorboated her ass, licking her pussy from behind as he groped and squeezed every inch of her pale, jiggling rump. She yelped as he spanked her again, wanting to beg him to stop, if only to make her pussy stop dripping.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Crying out in time with his strikes, Raynare's voice grew weaker and weaker, less resistant and more pitiful. Issei chuckled behind her, rubbing her pussy with his fingers and making her moan as she nearly came right there.
"Raynare, you naughty girl, I never knew you were such a masochist. But just a dozen or so spankings from me and your pussy is dripping wet, you must really be enjoying this!"
"N-nuh, no I'm not~" Raynare whined, but it was obvious she was lying. As she stood there, helpless, Issei rubbed his dick against her pussy, bringing it up and down and hotdogging her fat asscheeks.
"Remember when you impaled me with that energy spear of yours?" Issei asked, his voice a low and dangerous whisper.
"Well…now it's my turn."
By the time she knew what was coming, it was too late for Raynare to do anything about it. Issei slammed his hips forward, spearing deep into her ass. Despite how Rossweisse had fucked her earlier, Issei's cock was so massive it made her feel like her anal virginity was getting taken all over again, just shredded by Issei's massive size. He was thrusting into her without mercy, obviously taking out all his frustrations on her, venting every last bit of anger and resentment he held towards the woman who'd tricked him, lied to him, used him, and then tried to kill him and steal her power for herself.
"Ahh, Issei, slow down, please! You're ripping my ass in twoooo!!" Raynare cried, her face flushed as her body responded eagerly, despite her pleading.
Issei smacked her fat ass again, making it shake around his cock as he thrust in and out of her. Raynare's legs were twitching, nearly going completely limp as even the magical construct of Rossweisse's began to shake and shudder.
"Hell no you bitch! You dare try to steal my Sacred Gear, try to kill me and use me like an idiot? Well now you're getting some payback Raynare, and I'm not stopping until you felt every bit of what I felt!"
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Issei pulled on Raynare's hair, making her neck creak as it was bent harshly backwards, her teeth grit from the constant anal fucking.
"Hahn, hah…I'm sorry Issei, I'm sorry I was such a stupid fucking bitch! I'm sorry for everything I did, just please, have mercy! Have mercy on my ass!"
"I don't think so, Raynare! I think you're gonna find out what it means to be totally fucked, the hard way." Issei growled.
This went on on and on, with Rossweisse openly coming herself silly from watching Raynare get fucked. Kuroka kept using Mittelt's body however she wanted, enjoying the little noises the blonde made, while Kalawarner simply lay back on the bed, lost in her own afterglow. The pleasure was growing for Raynare, and she couldn't help but imagine things, the craziest things, seeing Issei again after all this was over…if it ever was over, like a regular date. Only no tricks this time, just enjoying his company, though she tried to resist these thoughts.
N-no! I've got to hold on, I can't submit to Issei, no matter how huge his cock is!
Her pride was holding on, but it was obvious Raynare was close to breaking. Issei didn't let up in the slightest, tugging her hair so hard she was worried it would come out by the root, fucking her asshole raw and gaping as she came over and over again. By the time Issei pulled out, Raynare's head was spinning. She tried to speak, but she honestly didn't know if she was going to thank Issei for fucking her so good or tell him off for being such a stupid bastard. Only she didn't even get the chance to say anything before Issei slammed himself back in, this time right into her dripping wet pussy.
"Ga-hahhn!" Raynare cried, having been craving Issei's cock in her pussy this whole time, though she'd never admit it. It was too much for her to resist anymore, and she began coming hard again, squirting all over the floor. Issei thrust faster and faster into her pussy, his balls soon slapping off of Raynare's dripping pussy lips. Minutes passed, and Raynare's moans grew louder and louder, while her tits bounced and clapped on her chest, her ass turning red from Issei's constant thrusts and stinging smacks. Her head hung low, some of her hair falling in front of her face before she slowly lifted her head up again, muttering.
"Ahh, god please keep fucking me! I need you inside me every day, Issei, please no matter how hard you give it to me, I don't care if it even hurts, fuck me nice and rough, Issei, my…master!❤️" She said, eyes wild with pleasure as she came again. She'd been resisting for so long that when she finally gave in and broke, she broke hard. And Issei was more than willing to take her up on her offer.
Issei slammed in deeper and deeper, slamming open Raynare's cervix and smashing into the back of her womb. It felt like her body was being rearranged, happily accepting every bit of rough, spine-tingling, teeth-shaking thrusts that IsseiRaynare could give her. There were still a few slight traces of affection in Issei's heart for Raynare, which only made him fuck her that much harder now that he could take all of his anger out on here. With a final few thrusts, Raynare screamed like a banshee, legs trembling as she came, just before Issei hilted herself inside her, balls deep.
Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!
Raynare could feel her womb swelling up from the size of Issei's load, it felt even larger than the massive comesplosion he'd unleashed on the three of them earlier. Her stomach was expanded like she'd just swallowed an entire keg, and Raynare felt like she might even puke up that massive load. Her head hung low as her knees rubbed together, feet pointing in opposite directions, her stomach sloshing with the sheer amount of jizz he'd fucked into her baby bag. Issei stepped backwards, his bulbous dicktip almost refusing to come out of Raynare's pussy as her body hung onto him, trying to milk his dick with a mind of its own. By the time he finally pulled out, Raynare let out a low, whining moan as jizz began pouring out of her pussy, trying desperately to tighten up her used and battered fuckholes.
"Ah…I'm sorry Issei, I'm so sorry. You won Issei, you beat me so easily…I love losing to your cock. Please, keep fucking me, you can use me however you want."
Issei smacked her fat ass again, and Raynare couldn't help but enjoy it this time, her head rubbing in the air as she cooed, happy and broken in like an obedient pet. Issei smiled, rubbing Raynare's face briefly.
"Hmm maybe later, I have one last thing to do first."
Issei walked towards Mittelt, who was lying on the bed next to Kalawarner. Kuroka was laughing as she traced a fingertip down Mittelt's stomach, her body a mess after having been used for Kuroka's pleasure. There was a slight glow as Kuroka channeled some Senjutsu into her hands, healing Mittelt and then Raynare, who collapsed to the floor after Rossweisse snapped her fingers and dissipated the stocks. Mittelt was only barely aware of what was going on as Issei lay flat on the bed, his cock sticking up in the air like a tower. Kuroka picked Mittelt up easily, positioning Mittelt's tiny pink pussy right above Issei's massive cock.
Mittelt's eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen, though she was already so dick drunk that she would have begged for more if she had the strength to speak. Kuroka dropped Mittelt like a sack of dirt, letting her fall onto Issei's cock like the massive pillar it was. Mittelt's head fell back, letting out a single sharp cry as she was stuffed with nearly half of that massive dick, her body making lewd stretching sounds as she was forced open far wider and deeper than Kuroka had done to her with her vine tendrils. Facing Issei, Mittelt's breasts wobbled and shook as Issei began to thrust up into her. In this lewd cowgirl position, the difference in their height became even more obvious, as Mittelt's body was already bulging out, with Issei's throbbing dicktip visible between and just above her tits. Issei reached out and grasped Mittelt's waist, so slender his hands could nearly meet around it.
"Ahh…Issei-sama, you're so strong~" Mittelt whispered, not even bothering to put up a fight like Raynare. This cock was making her feel things she'd never imagined, pleasure that lit up her entire body, making her feel small and helpless in a way that she found irresistibile. Issei tugged down on Mittelt's waist while his hips thrust upwards at the same time, leaving her even more skewered than before while the blonde wiggled her hips. Her pussy was even tighter than Rossweisse's had been, that first time, feeling like she was practically vacuum-sealed around Issei's cock as Mittelt let out little mewls and gasps, her body a slave to the ecstasy she was feeling.
Once again, Issei's lust got the better of him, as Mittelt just felt so hot and wet and good wrapped around his dick, and he started thrusting even faster and deeper. Mittelt cried out on his cock, feeling her body being rearranged for his pleasure, until that bulge seemed to stretch up into her throat. With a quirk of his own Sacred Gear powers, as well as Mittelt's body reacting to her natural submissiveness there was a brief pause, like the last moments a bit of elastic made before it stretched too far. Then, with a wet squelch and an orgasmic and muffled cry from Mittelt, Issei's cock pushed out of her throat, fucking her all the way through in an obscene show of dominance and the sheer size and power of Issei's cock.
The other girls spared a moment to watch, as Mittelt was slowly demolished on that cock, having countless orgasms while Issei fucked her up and down in long, smooth strokes. She would gurgle and choke before that cock appeared outside her throat again, eyes crossing as she tried to stare at it, before he would pull back, stirring up her insides. Mittelt was singing Issei's praises, clearly head over heels in lust with his massive cock and powerful, aggressive attitude.
"M-muh! Fuck me more, Issei, please! I'm ku-cummming!" Mittelt's hands weakly grabbed at her own chest, tweaking her sensitive nipples and pushing the bouncing perky tits up higher for Issei to stare at and enjoy, however he wanted. She understood that her body was nothing more than a dicksleeve for Issei's pleasure, and the Fallen Angel considered it the biggest honor of her life.
After the better part of an hour, Kuroka was getting too jealous for words, determined to get in on the action somehow. There was a brief lull as Mittelt rested on Issei's cock, clearly wanting to fall backwards but his cock kept her anchored in place like a fence post, tenting out the front of her body with its cannon-like bulge. Kuroka crawled on the bed, inhumanly agile as she circled the two rutting lovers, her fingernails scratching shallow lines along Mittelt's back and Issei's shoulders.
"You know, with all these girls just waiting for you Issei, I think you might need something a little…extra, nyan~" Kuroka winked at him, making Issei suspicious for just a second. He had learned she only played up her catgirl aspects when she was about to do something…tricky. She waved her hand just above his crotch channeling a specific and very unusual kind of Senjutsu energy. There was a flash of blue-white light, and when it cleared…
"Ah…holy shit! Is that…" Issei broke off, feeling new sensations course through his body. Or rather, familiar sensations, now doubled.
"Yep, its just the thing for a growing Harem King, right?" Kuroka said, eying up her handiwork. Just in front of Mittelt's impaled body, Issei now had a second cock, exactly identical to his first one. It wouldn't last forever-even Kuroka wasn't that powerful-but it would do, for now. She swung her legs over Issei's body, slowly lowering her pussy onto that second cock. Issei tried to speak, but the sensations of two pussies clamping tight onto his dick was too much, and he could only groan. Kuroka was facing away from him, her fat ass bouncing in his lap, and she seized upon this position, squeezing Mittelt's hands in her own as she pulled the dazed girl closer. As Issei watched, spellbound, Kuroka began making out with Mittelt, and whenever Issei's dick would punch up out of her mouth, Kuroka would suck on his tip diligently, working her entire body for his pleasure.
After nearly ten minutes of this double dick fucking, Issei could take no more. He threw a hand over his eyes as his hips started thrusting out of control. Mittelt and Kuroka came in a lewd display of squirting and high-pitched, embarrassing cries, with Mittelt babbling "amazing, so amazing Issei's cock is the fucking b-best!" while Kuroka simply yowled like a cat, her body trembling with orgasms like she was having a seizure. Both of Issei's cocks stiffened and then exploded with twin cumshots. Jizz splattered out of Mittelt's mouth and Kuroka made sure to practically glue her mouth to the other woman's lips, sucking Issei's jizz directly from the source like a drunkard swilling beer right from the keg.
Mittelt gasped when the kiss was broken, clearly fucked senseless. "Ah…so full…I can feel that dick in my chest…"
By the time Issei was finished, the girls were slowly recovering and Mittelt switched positions. Facing away from Issei, she rode him faster and faster, trying to thank him for being such a stud by riding that cock like a bull. Kuroka whispered in her ear, saying the blonde would make a perfect dickwarmer for Issei, so long as she remembered her place. Fondling Mittelt's breasts, Kuroka was soon moaning and gasping as Issei's thrusts only grew faster. Only barely coming down from his first orgasm, Issei grabbed Kuroka's waist and slammed up into her, his cocks working in a strange alternating rhythm, going balls deep in Kuroka's pussy as Mittelt rose up nearly all the way off of him, before plunging back down.
Rossweisse watched, feeling her own jealousy stirring. These Fallen Angels were nothing, even Raynare the strongest of them was little compared to Rossweisse. But Kuroka continued to be a slut that clearly had Issei bamboozled, so Ross would have to try a few tricks of her own. As she watched Issei give Mittelt and Kuroka a second cumshot each, tenting their stomachs out, Rossweisse called upon her Valkyrie powers. Once again she grew taller, her legs lithe, muscles leanly defined with an eight-pack of abdominals and arms that could easily benchpress Issei even with both of those sluts still on his dick. She was nearly nine feet tall now, her silver hair falling down to the small of her back, with her tits and ass now also enhanced, Kalawarner and Kuroka look small in comparison.
Kuroka smiled as she dismounted Issei, pulling Mittelt with her. "Ah, looks like the big girl is jealous, huh? Well, you're not the only one who can pull a trick like that."
As Issei watched, deliriously happy, Kuroka activated another Senjutsu, one similar to Rossweisse's Valkyrie powers. Instead of growing taller, though she did gain a few inches, Kuroka's transformation was focused entirely on her tits and ass, enhancing her already large chest to truly massive proportions, each one twice the size of her head and bouncing in the air as she took the slightest breath. Her ass stuck out from her full hips as she swayed in place, totally naked except for that silly little headband of her's. Rossweisse just sniffed in condescension, sick of Kuroka always trying to one up her when it was obvious to anyone that she was destined to be Issei's one true love and no matter how many other girls he was with, they were just…dickwarmers.
Issei slowly stood up from the bed, his two massive cocks swinging audibly and bobbing in the air under their own weight. It was time for him to take a more active role and show the new girls exactly how things worked now that they were part of his harem.
First, Issei sat back in the chair as Rossweisse and Raynare had jostled their way in between Issei's legs, pushing the other girls aside. They were sucking on Issei's cock, each one trying to go a bit deeper than the other, a little faster, stay down a little longer, anything to compete with each other. Rossweisse had more experience, and with her enhanced size that massive cock fit down her gullet a little more easily, but Raynare had apparently been holding back sexual energy tied up in her fake resistance towards Issei, so now she was deepthroating his cock like a champ. She pinched her own nostrils shut, so that she could better throat that dick, sticking her tongue out and making sloppy, exaggerated noises.
"Schluurrp, schllurp, schlooorp!"
Beneath them, Mittelt and Kalawarner were sucking on Issei's fat balls, each managing to nearly fit one entire sperm tank into their wet, grasping mouths. Issei moaned, even as Raynare struggled to swallow his last ten inches. Rossweisse was pressing her nose against the base of his crotch, her gorgeous face turning an ugly shade of red. With a grunt, Issei pressed both Raynare and Rossweisse's faces down harder, wringing nasty, ugly choking noises from their throats as he began to cum, filling their stomachs up like carnival balloons.
Later, the girls were on all fours, assembled in a row for Issei's pleasure, admiring their plump and fat asses. Issei was slamming into Kalawarner with both dicks, one in her pussy and one in her ass while the other girls waited their turn (for Mittelt and Raynare), or simply lay on the bed, insensate. Rossweisse had blank white circles in her eyes, having been fucked so hard she blacked out, and Kuroka was laying in a pool of her own juices as well as Issei's come, having puked up his jizz and now lapping it up like a weak kitten.
"Ahhh fuck, you're stretching me apart, Issei! I'm really gonna break, I can't take it anymore! ❤️I'm cumming!❤️" Kalawarner moaned like a bitch in heat as Issei dumped two massive loads inside her, stretching her to the max and leaving her stomach bloated and sloshing. Issei pulled out, and Kalwarner's hands dropped down to her used and gaping fuckholes, desperately trying to hold in as much of his jizz as possible.
Next Issei was fucking Mittelt in a rough mating press position, slamming into her pussy and ass. Mittelt's legs were wrapped around his waist tightly, trying to pull him in just an inch or two deeper, anything to feel more of those wonderful cocks.
"Ah, Issei, more more please! Fuck my little tight holes, daddy, stir my guts up! HNNNGGG!" Mittelt's eyes rolled back in her head as she came, her face a pained grimace of ecstasy, her tongue sticking out through her grit teeth. Issei just moaned, motorboating her fat tits while Kuroka knelt behind him. Smirking to herself as she watched Issei fuck Mittelt so hard the bed was quaking underneath them, Kuroka began licking and slurping at Issei's fat, swollen balls. She could practically feel each sperm cell wriggling in his balls, the taste burning her tongue with its delicious, powerful aroma.
Some time after that, Issei was resting on his back again, while Raynare sat on his face, moaning as he ate her out. She had never expected Issei to be so good at this, yet she just kept cumming, each orgasm building into the next in a loop that left her body shaking and trembling, her face red.
"Ohhh fuck yes, Issei, just like that! Ohhh I'm coming again, I just can't stop coming! I'm sorry I was such a stupid, dumb bitchhh!!!" Raynare screamed, squirting all over Issei's face and the bed.
While Issei kept noisilyniosiily eating away at the Fallen Angel's bald, dripping pussy, Kuroka and Rossweisse were giving him a double titfuck on one dick. Even with their breasts enhanced by magic, they couldn't quite cover his entire length. Kalawarner and Mittelt were doing the same to his second dick, sharing a nasty lewd kiss as they did so, each eager to taste the droplets of Issei's spunk clinging to their lips and tongue. Showing off her need to please Issei, Raynare bent her body forward, and soon had her mouth suctioned onto the tip of Issei's first cock, eagerly deepthroating the small amount Rossweisse and Kuroka couldn't cover with their mammoth, soft, pillowy pale tits.
"Sclhluurp, schluurp❤️!"
Finally, with the double dick Senjutsu ended, Issei was getting a titfuck from Kuroka, Kalawrner, Mittelt and Raynare, each of them working his dick for all they were worth. Issei moaned and groaned, experiencing a pleasure he never could have imagined even a few days ago. He was making out with Rossweisse at the same time, roaming his hands over her fat tits, occasionally breaking the kiss so he could suck, kiss and bite at her full breasts. Rossweisse moaned, feeling the sudden absurd desire to be heavily pregnant, wishing her tits were even fatter for Issei and that she could let him suck on her tits so much that she just produced milk for him like the nasty cow-tits bitch she was. A girl could always dream…
"Mm…so fucking good~" Raynare said, kissing at Issei's dicktip. Kuroka slipped her tongue inside his foreskin, running her fat wiggling pink appendage all over his sensitive tip, scooping up his smegma like it was buried treasure. The four girls were united in their care and adulation for Issei now, with Raynare actually squirting as she had a dirty, eyes-rolling, hands-free orgasm.
Eventually, the room was barely still standing. There were craters on the floor, the walls and even the ceiling. The girls were all covered in jizz, what little clothes they were still wearing ripped and torn, as they lay slumped onto the floor, some on the bed and some on the floor. Issei was sitting on the bed while Raynare sucked his cock down nearly halfway, glurking and glacckking as she let drool trickle out of her lips as she made large exaggerated swallowing noises, loving the feeling of that dick in her throat. Kalawarner and Mittelt were sucking on his balls while also licking at the base of his cock, filled with lust and perverse joy.
Rossweisse and Kuroka were kissing above Issei's head, even turning their kiss into a competition, swapping spit and angry looks at the same time. Issei was motorboating the both of them, lost in a marshmallowy heaven, slurping on their swollen nipples and biting at their exposed, soft tits while they moaned above him. Speaking softly, they glanced down at the others, who were more openly lost in their lust as Rossweisse and Kuroka were, relatively, calm.
"Well, I think that's the end of things, for now." Rossweisse said. Kuroka nodded, sliding her tongue along Ross's plump lower lip, catching a stray glob of dry cum that she swallowed down as fast as she could. The catgirl ticked points off her fingers.
"These Fallen Angel bitches are servicing Master Issei now, we got our revenge on them for daring to think they could go against Issei, and we now have plenty of girls to keep him busy if we ever have to do boring, important work. Pretty much done, I'd say." Kuroka finished, as Issei smirked up at them.
"Well if it's more girls you want, I think I have a few ideas." Issei's eyes seemed to light up, as he took on a determined tone of voice that the scatterbrained teen almost never had.
"After all, it's just not enough, not yet. This feeling of finding new gorgeous girls to fall in love with my cock, I never want it to end. And if I'm really going to be the Harem King, then I have to have the greatest harem that ever was, with Rias, Rias' mom, Akeno-chan, Rias' big sis, Grayfia and even that cute glasses girl, Sona Sitri…and so many more, it's my destiny to conquer each and every one of them."
Rossweisse stared at Issei, seeing him with new eyes for the first time since that fateful day when his parents had left. She remembered when Odin had first assigned her to look over him, in preparation for Ragnarok. There might come a time when Issei posed a threat to the gods, but it wouldn't be through a violent confrontation, she knew that now. No, any Ragnarok Issei might cause would be of a more…carnal nature, though certainly just as impactful.
And honestly? She was kind of looking forward to it.
To Be Continued…