Pleasant Hills Dairy Corporation
Chapter 2: Learning the Ropes
To say it had been a strange night for Isamu Ogawa and Aiden Severin in their new, temporary home, would be a massive understatement. After having fallen into a fitful sleep, both boys woke up on-edge, not quite rested, not tired enough to fall back to sleep. They were isolated from their friends and family, and without fawning servile women to impress and dominate with their massive cocks, both of them seemed to be what they were: normal young boys, in a strange place and unsure of what to do next.
Aiden decided to face things with the same sort of calmness and stoic nature that he'd had for years, ever since his puberty had developed so early (even if it was hyper-focused on one portion of his body, leaving him as hairless and light-voiced as other boys his age) and his life had begun to change in such ways. Isamu simply steeled himself with the knowledge that in the room-he thought 'cell' a more accurate description-opposite him, Aiden was just as uncomfortable and out of sorts as he was. He took a kind of strength from that.
All around them, it was clear how radically their situations had changed. Their 'bedrooms' were spartan and bare, their beds comfortable enough but lacking any sense of warmth or safety-these were housing units for young boys but felt more like livestock pens. There were no traces of a home-like nature to be found. The boys' clothes further highlighted how strange things were, as their latex garments rubbed at their smooth bodies in strange ways, so form-fitting and snug.
Isamu and Aiden glanced at each other, each unable to avoid looking at the other's crotch. Each boy was used to waking up with their dicks at least half-hard, if not a full erection-Isamu often made his white sluts blow him while he was sleeping just so he could wake up without a troublesome boner and go about his day, and even that didn't always work. But now, with the cockrings on, and their dicks packed away into the tight, latex underwear that Isamu tried unsuccessfully not to think of as panties for boys, their cocks were still large yet somewhat...deflated. Constrained in their new confines, continually trying to bulge this way and that but firmly, uncomfortably restricted. They looked at each other's tightly wrapped bulges-Aiden's dick was so large Isamu could practically see the blood rushing to his huge tip, and Isamu's balls were so fat and heavy with sperm that their shape was almost painfully defined in the underwear, and they clearly drew the back of his...panties forward, from the uncomfortable way Isamu stood like he had a permanent wedgie.
Isamu also hated the color of the boots and panties, but that was a very small concern-though he'd surely find time to complain about the annoying bright, soft shade of blue at some point. He almost considered telling Aiden about it, to draw a similar complaint from the other boy, but was stopped by two things. One: Isamu didn't want that dummy to think they were on the same side or anything like that here, and two: the white boy seemed bothered, if aloof in a curious way, about the whole thing.
Instead, Isamu simply grumbled. "So, are they just going to leave us in this boring place all day?"
As if his words had a magic effect, and before Aiden could open his mouth to say he didn't actually mind the solitude after the circus his life had become lately, they heard a familiar click-clack of shoes on the smooth floor of this strange place. There were countless women with heels and boots, but already the two boys knew these particular footprints could only belong to one person.
Ms. Cecelia Lovelace. The woman in charge of this place, apparently, though that was already an old-fashioned concept to Aiden and Isamu (especially Isamu, who'd disliked girls and women telling him what to do even before he began subjugating them with his fat prick and monstrous jizz). A woman each boy found both attractive (which was common) and quietly, strangely threatening, (which was most unusual), in a way they didn't quite understand.
She paused in front of their cells, swiveling to look at each of them in turn, more of a flourish really though her somewhat frosty demeanor never changed. She was wearing the same outfit they'd seen her in before, though only in different colors-black rubbery blouse, red pencil skirt that hugged her ass in an obscene way, white shirt that must have had industrial-strength buttons, but the same purple heels. Only now she'd added a jaunty white tie, stuck between her breasts like an exclamation point in the valley of her cleavage. Along with her white stockings and today's hairstyle-artful, painfully worked over ringlets-she looked even more like some bizarre hyper-sexual nurse than she had before.
"Well, how are my two favorite new subjects getting along after their first evening here?" The corners of her full lips, lined in vibrant red, twitched upwards in the beginning of an insouciant smile. She had her PDA with her, and every often would tap through it with one exquisitely manicured fingernail, scrolling through unseen, vast screens of data.
Aiden, as usual, didn't have much to say, though he didn't shy away from making eye contact with Lovelace when he did.
"It was fine." His laconic words spoke more than they might otherwise have, backed up by those piercing eyes of his and that obvious, weighty bulge, a silent yet obvious partner in every interaction he had with a woman.
Isamu, meanwhile, had no such reticence. "Aside from the lack of TV, the uncomfortable bed, and these stupid...underpants," He couldn't bring himself to call them 'boy panties', which was the first thing that popped into his mind.
"It's been just great."
Lovelace tittered, her chest heaving ever so slightly in her tightly constrained outfit. Far from being bothered by Isamu's sarcasm, she seemed to find it amusing. "You have a child's wit, Mr. Ogawa. Your mother must find you very funny. Oh…"
She turned her gaze to Aiden, who found himself filled with conflicting feelings for her. On the one hand, her attractive body made his body course with lust, but something about the way she acted made him think a little, feel emotions he hadn't felt for a women in some time. Respect, and maybe even a little...apprehension. For all of his precocious nature, Aiden didn't quite have the mental vocabulary to process this strange new woman.
She went on, very aware of but uncaring of the boys private thoughts. "But then you probably don't see her much."
Still, he was smart enough to take her meaning. She brought up Isamu's mom and then focused her attention on Aiden, who had fucked the Asian woman so many times her pussy had started to take on the shape of his cock like a clay mould, in order to serve as a non-verbal jab to the Japanese youth.
Isamu's face flushed at that, his pale features tinged with embarrassment and childish anger. If he was the introspective sort (not a trait he was likely to gain with age, given how he was so able to enforce and imprint his will on the outside world-at most every time but this) Isamu would have wondered if his mother choosing to go with another boy was the reason he was so rough on the women he fucked. Probably not, all things considered.
As usual, he pushed past his lack of understanding and how off-put Lovelace's remark had made him (she was watching him intently, with her piercing, dark brown eyes, so close to black it was hard to tell the difference) with youthful enthusiasm and his own characteristic impatience.
"Whatever. So are you gonna tell us what we're doing today?"
Lovelace said nothing, her silence an unspoken challenge. Isamu, already unsure of himself, considered looking to Aiden for...well, not help of course he would never ask the other boy for help. But some kind of mutual support didn't seem out of the question, since they were in the same boat.
Aiden, as usual, seemed to have an annoyingly serene expression on his face, though his eyes weren't quite aloof. He was watching, both Lovelace and Isamu and too late Isamu realized his error. Aiden wanted to know just as badly as he did what was going on-well, nearly as badly, as the white boy seemed much more of a 'go with the flow type'. But by speaking first, Isamu had removed any need Aiden might have felt to speak up, and now he could simply watch and observe like some skinny, if monstrously hung, cherub statue.
It was enough to make Isamu want to clench his fists and stamp his feet, but he resisted-he wasn't quite sure he could balance probably in these damn shoes anyway.
Lovelace cleared her throat, unbothered by any of the unspoken child politics going on between the two boys. She had the advantage of knowing her position and role in this strange scenario far more intimately than either of the two impressive, but still painfully young and inexperienced boys.
"Well, as I was going to say, little Mr. Ogawa, today is going to...ease you into the day to day proceedings in this small but thriving community of ours." Lovelace was constantly moving, in a sinuous, sensual yet silently dangerous way that was like a latex-clad cross between an ingenue teen years her junior and a massive shark. As before, the boys were unsettled yet intrigued.
Her face brightened, as though she had never been interrupted in the first place, and everything was going according to her own design. That part at least, was probably more accurate than the boys knew.
"So today our first stop will be to our shared exercise area, so you can get to know some of the other boys that you will be...spending time with." She waved one of her hands in a spokesmodel type gesture, keying her sleek PDA as she did so. There was a soft metal click and an electronic beep as the boy's doors unlocked. Lovelace said nothing, but the invitation and the weight it carried was clear.
Aiden stepped forward first, an unusually forward move for the withdrawn boy. If nothing else, he was not too intimidated by Lovelace to act. Isamu was quick to follow, his quick pace making his heels click-clack on the floor. The sound was off to the boy's ears-they were used to heels and the noises they made far more than most boys their age, but the combination of Isamu being unfamiliar with how to step in them and his unlady-like gait made the chorus of his feet out of tune and strangely comical.
Aiden said nothing, while Ms. Lovelace simply tittered behind one hand. "Oh it seems like you still need to get used to your new footwear, Mr. Ogawa. But don't worry, we'll soon having strutting your stuff like a regular pageant girl-oh, but of course I meant boy. After all, as a fabolous young drug abuser once said,"
Lovelace hitched her voice a bit, turning her normally alluring, rich tones into something at once throatier and higher. "'Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.' Come, the both of you, walk this way."
Lovelace took the lead, moving her legs slowly and clearly, drawing the boys eyes to her well-sculpted calves, enticingly wrapped in stockings like a taunting Christmas present. But neither of them could afford to focus on her legs when it was her feet they were supposed to be watching. Part of their acceptance of her commands was simple competition-walking in heels was girl stuff, and embarrassing, but what was more embarrassing was doing it worse than the other boy. And another part was the strange allure of the woman, and how their young minds were drawn to an authority figure, especially one who held maternal aspects.
It had just been quite some time since either boy had meet an authority figure besides themselves that they actually respected, and they'd never seen a mother act quite like this. So, with their curious inquisitive minds and natural athleticism, they began to ape her walk. Toe first, then heel, a soft yet deliberate maneuver very unlike how they might simply slap their feet down normally. As Isamu had learned first-hand, and Lovelace was clearly demonstrating, they had to walk slower than normal, taking small steps, coltish legs tense with concentration as they used their bodies in ways that, while not overly difficult, had the confounding nature of being utterly alien to them. They were just lucky the heels were of a subtle, smooth nature rather than the larger narrow spike-like ones Lovelace herself were wearing.
Isamu couldn't help himself from leading with his chin when he walked, the product of his overly large ego (at least, overly large when compared to his height and build, and less so when considered alongside his large penis and swollen musky balls), which made him look strange while walking, balancing stilt-like but his head moving in a bobbing pattern. Aiden, on the other hand, kept feeling his shoes try to slip away from him, sliding down from the bottom of his feet.
While they both moved to look at each other, not with admiration-certainly not!-but simply to inspect the other boy's progress, they began to see their own mistakes. By the time Lovelace came to a stop, some ten minutes later, the boys stride had noticeably improved, their legs taking small but smooth steps, feet lifting gracefully higher than normal. All of this had the effect of stripping their gaits of their normal masculinity, and leaving their legs tense in muscle areas they rarely used, and also left them with a strange tightness in their rear ends. Both looking when the other one wasn't (yet somehow knowing when the other boy wanted to look and somewhat courtesy avoiding each other's gaze), the boys could see that their little butts looked more sculpted this way, pushed higher and made almost attractive-it reminded them both of Izzy, though with an element of grace that the naturally flouncy boy lacked.
"And here we are at last." Lovelace said, only half meaning the exercise area itself. She knew that while Pleasant Hills might have quite a few well-developed boys, Aiden and Isamu were already two of its more notable specimens, and she and the Corporation had been keeping their eyes on the pair for some time now. She beeped her PDA again and the pair of large double doors the trio was standing before slid open, shedding much brighter light on the boy's sensitive eyes than the soft, blue-tinted illumination of the facility.
"Well now, in you go, we mustn't dawdle, young men." For all that her phrasing and pleased tone suggested that Ms. Lovelace was a nanny with 19th century mannerisms, there was always an underlay of steel to her words. 'Mustn't dawdle' in her vernacular wasn't a soft call to action, it was a clear command. 'You must not waste my time.' And again, the boys surprised themselves-but not the enigmatic woman-by obeying with only token shows of resistance, Isamu muttering to himself and Aiden simply waiting for Isamu to move first before following him. It was an obvious trick that the Japanese boy was too smart to be unaware of, and yet far too impetuous to actually avoid.
The exercise area seemed like the kind one might find in any of the nation's larger universities-a huge space with a domed ceiling capped by a massive skylight that shone brightly upon the exertions within. It was well-stocked, with weight machines of various kind, though most of them seemed to focus on working specific muscle groups for definition as opposed to ever larger masses of weight for the building of mass. Apparently the boys of the Dairy Corporation were meant to be on the svelte side of things, with the builds of swimmers, runners, and acrobats. The 'ground' was artificial grass, spongy and resilient as the boys stepped onto its bright green surface, always springing back up into place after they'd trod upon it.
After taking a few steps, while looking around at the others inside this place-mostly young boys like them but with a few older women here and there, who seemed to be there largely for decoration as opposed to exercise-it dawned on Aiden and Isamu that Lovelace had not followed them. This was indeed the first time she had actually let them walk ahead of her, and it seemed clear she wasn't planning on joining them.
"Well then boys, I'll leave you to it, so you can get more acquainted with some of your...mates, here, and hopefully learn how to behave as part of a unit. None of this lone wolf, harem master behavior you'd been getting up to in the past. Now, I'll be back with you in a little while to take you to the milking parlor. Do have fun." She added, smile warm but not reaching her eyes. Lovelace brushed a strand of hair out of her face, though with the practiced ease of a gesture that was less out of necessity and more as a little artistic flourish.
The doors closed behind her as she left, leaving the boys with a view of her softly shaking rump, and a strange sensation in their balls and minds as they realized something. As appealing and basely arousing as Lovelace's tightly wrapped ass in that skirt was, the boys were even more exposed, and wearing outfits shorter and more revealing. Might someone be looking at them in the very same way, right in this moment?
Aiden and Isamu turned away from the closed doors, their gazes meeting each other, Aiden's calm and nearly still, while Isamu's eyes were narrowed, impatient and irritable. "Tch. What's her problem? She sounds like a tour guide or something."
Aiden didn't bring up the obvious fact that she was certainly fulfilling that function at present. Instead he simply shrugged, his lithe shoulders rolling softly like the surface of a placid lake. "I don't know. She's definitely weird...and not like other women."
Isamu understood. Weird she most certainly was, and in a way that still surprised the boys after all the other weirdness they had gotten used to in the past several months. And it was clear that this place would only offer up more strangeness soon to come.
While their tones and words suggested no friendship, Aiden and Isamu were again reminded by Lovelace's absence that they were in this together. Even in opposition, there was a sort of camaraderie. So together they turned away from the door and walked further into the exercise area, paying attention to the other boys more than the women-they seemed far more docile than they were used to, obviously objects of sexual desire but more passive and less openly thirsty for young boy-dick than they were used to seeing. In turn, the other boys barely seemed to be paying them much attention, except for a pair asking women to perform jumping jacks with the enthusiasm of someone watching a favorite, but no longer surprising or interesting TV show.
Aiden understood this more than Isamu, for having aroused such extreme reactions from nearly every women he encountered for months now-with the one recent and notable exception-didn't quite feel the same desire for them he once had. At least, not on a mental level, now he saw his role as a kind of obligation, and in its own perverse way the harsh fuckings he delivered to the stacked bimbo sluts who threw themselves at his feet as his own kind of noblesse oblige, had he been familiar with the concept.
Isamu simply spotted the more eye-catching activities in the exercise room; all the young boys, who seemed about their own age, here and there a few years younger or older, bodies slim and lithe in the beginnings of adolescence or still at the androgynous end of childhood. They were all playing together, but in ways he wasn't used to seeing. There were obvious games of tag, catch, and play wrestling going on, but there was an air to the whole thing he wasn't used to. The boys weren't shy about grabbing each other in...unusual areas, their grasping hands seeming to almost grope each other as they struggled for rubber balls, or rolled around on the turf with an air of almost sexual foreplay.
Isamu gave Aiden a waggle of his eyebrows, as if to say 'what's up with this?' but as usual Aiden was simply quiet and observant. He noticed the boys apparent lack of interest in the women of course, and their focus on each other, and he also noted how some of them seemed to be sprouting bulges in their outfits-most of which were similar in color to the ones he and Isamu were wearing. Only these bulges were only partly caused by stuffing large endowments into tight spaces, and many seemed to be genuine displays of arousal. The room smelled like eager, horny young boys, but without any of the scent of slutty women in heat that both boys were used to as a complimentary fragrance.
Aiden pointed arpubtly, though it was a soft gesture with his elbow by his hip, as even as he had forgotten most of the lessons his mother had tried to drill into him-since they were both far too busy with him drilling sordid incestous fuck-babies into her sopping cunt-he still tried not to point in a rude fashion.
"Looks like something's going on over there." He actually sounded interested, if in a remote way, which was quite a bit of emotion for him to show. But Isamu was more concerned with what he was point towards, and the two hurried towards it as fast their shoes would allow. They passed some of the other boys, who seemed intrigued by the newcomers but far more involved with their games of stroking and grabbing, running and squeezing and hugging each other's smooth, soft young skin.
Most of the boys seemed to be white, but of the several dozen in this place, there were also several black boys and a few of various Asian ethnicities-though Isamu noted with a hint of pride that there was only one other Japanese boy (Isamu was something of a pro at recognizing the visual tells of various ethnic groups, so he could be more precise in whatever sarcastic bile he saw fit to vent). This immediately made the other boy Isamu's other competition, though he doubted the young boy, who was currently grappling with a larger black boy and giggling almost deleriously as he was tickled, squeezed and groped, would be much of a rival.
A few of the older boys were following them, though neither Aiden nor Isamu noticed-there was too much in this place that was new for them to focus on anything, no familiar touchstones for them to try and detect things out of the usual. In this place, everything was out of the usual, and that left the boys vulnerable in ways that children often were but they had often been spared from by the pliant adults in their lives and the massive tools swinging between their legs.
"Who the fuck is that?" Isamu said, who had no rule against pointing and openly waved his arm at the boy he was talking about.
Clustered around some of the weight machines, sitting in some kind of exercise apparatus that looked like a piece of modern art, was a tall, broad black with caramel skin boy. He was shirtless, and wearing a pair of ebony trunks that did little to conceal his penis, which lay flat against one of his thighs. He was a few years older than they were but still looked to be in his early teens. His hair was close shaved, with three asymmetrical lines edged out in his dark hair, lines he would occasionally brush his fingertips against. He was clearly the center of attention, and while Isamu and Aiden couldn't hear what he was saying, everyone nearby-maybe ten other boys-was listening closely.
The black boy, who had sweat lightly beading on his forehead, probably having finished some stupid workout (Isamu saw no point in exercise, and Aiden figured rough, forceful sex was the only athletic skill he needed) was flanked by two tall, thin white boys who were almost comically pale, especially in contrast to the seated boy. Their hair was fine, nearly platinum blonde, and long, bouncing around their shoulders in the back and daintily framing bright blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Their own outfits were pink with higher heels, the way they draped themselves like pieces of art was strikingly reminiscent of some of the women they knew-or Izzy, at his most flamboyantly girlish.
"They look like twins." Aiden said, almost unnecessarily.
"Yeah, twin sisters." Isamu replied, completely without call.
"They get that all the time." Chimed in a third, unknown voice.
"I made that joke myself like ten times before I realized they actually liked it." Said a fourth.
The two boys who had been following Aiden and Isamu made their presence known, hands gently on each boy's shoulder. They were older than the pair, maybe thirteen or so, which made them two years older than Aiden but only one more than Isamu. They were tall though, and leanly muscular-given the fact that they didn't seem in any other boys they may have been, along with the large black boy, among the few here who actually used the exercise room for actual exercise. They both had brown eyes, but one had hair buzzed so short it was hard to tell it was blond, and the other a messy shag of dark hair that looked to have never known the touch of a comb. There was a false familiarity with the way they squeezed Aiden and Isamu's shoulders.
"Who the hell are you?" Isamu said, while Aiden's response was more direct. He simply batted at the the boy's hand holding his shoulder. There was brief resistance, enough to let Aiden know he might not be able to actually force the older boy to let him go, before he did anyway, the point having been made.
"I'm Mark, that's Mike." The shaggy boy said, cocking his shoulder at his companion. "And that's Marcus and Milly and Celly."
"What the fuck kind of names are those?" Isamu said, nostrils flaring with anger. Mark let his shoulder go, giving him another faux-friendly squeeze first.
The teens shrugged. "Nicknames, I guess. Though I can't actually remember what their full names are."
"Anyway, as you might have guessed, Marcus is kind of in charge here. Like a king." Mike said.
Mark piped up as they walked, with Aiden and Isamu naturally falling into step ahead of them, although not quite understanding why. "Ms. Lovelace calls him the Black Prince, but we don't really know why. His last name is something-son. Smithson? Jackson?"
Aiden spoke, genuinely curious. "Why is he in charge?"
Isamu wondered that himself, and suspected that Aiden no doubt considered such a boy to be a challenge to his own inherent superiority, which no one else had ever eclipsed. Up until Isamu had started the events that had led them to this point, no one else had even tried.
"You'll see." Was Mark's annoying non-answer.
Soon enough they were in front of Marcus and the others. Most of the boys stopped talking to give them interested, searching stares. The pale, Scandinavian-looking boys (who may have been brothers or just strikingly similar friends) kept whispering in Marcus' ear though. Something they said made him grin, or maybe he just really liked meeting new people.
"Nice to meet ya. I'm Marcus."
"Isamu Ogawa." Much like Aiden's lack of pointing, Isamu introducing himself with his full name was just something that he had been raised to do and had not yet been able to shed.
Marcus didn't bother to introduce Milly and Celly (neither Isamu nor Aiden knew which boy was which), instead standing up. They noticed he wasn't wearing shoes, and yet was still taller than them, and nearly as tall as Milly and Celly, even with their heels on. His pecs bounced a bit as he swung his arms lazily, coiled energy running through his body. For just a moment he looked past them, to Mark and Mike, nodding sharply.
"Hey, you've gotta kneel down. Show respect, you know?" Mark sounded somewhat reasonable, while Mike just grunted in agreement, prodding at Isamu's shoulder with one stiff arm.
Aiden shook his head, trying to plant his feet. Isamu tried to whirl around, his little hands balled up. "I'm only half Japanese jackass. I don't kneel or bow to anybody."
In this, and this alone, the two boys were of one mind. They didn't know what was going on here, they didn't know the rules of this place, and they had no allies, not even really each other. But they had their own personal rules, a small list which essentially boiled down to each of them being the master of their own destinies. Even if this was not where they wanted to be, at least not at this exact moment, they had still chosen the actions which led them to this place, hadn't they? They're weren't about to start kneeling like they were at some useless church, especially not for some dumb older boy they'd just met. To Aiden especially, who was treated by his growing group of adoring women as if he was a divine figure made flesh, this was simply Not an Option.
Mark and Mike looked at each other, with Mark rolling his eyes and Mike sucking his tongue against his teeth. Then they nodded in unison and grabbed the boy's by their upper arms, planting knees in their back and pressing insistently. Aiden was so used to leading from the front as a matter of course that he had honestly only dimly thought that a threat could come from behind. Isamu, who flat-out dismissed everyone he saw, even when they were still right in his face, was likewise caught by surprise.
"" Aiden said, struggling to stand even as his eyes remained on the dark pools of Marcus' irises. He knew who wacs really in charge now and despite Mike's manhandling of him, still didn't think the boy was anything to be concerned with.
"Motherfucker!" Isamu shouted, an insult that was actually kind of soft in his eyes-many of Isamu's acquaintances were actual motherfuckers, after all. His elbows lashed backwards but he couldn't swing them effectively with Mark's fingers squeezing hard enough to leave dimples in his skin, and the knee in his back was compressing his spine in a way that couldn't be argued with.
There were soft thuds as the two boy's knees hit the ground at the same time, and they looked up at Marcus with eyes of open rage. This aggression would not stand, and already their minds-coldly calculating in Aiden's case and furiously cunning in Isamu's-were already whirling, trying to find some way they could turn the tables on their opponents. They both tried to stand back up almost immediately, but soon realized that further struggle was just a waste of energy. Isamu ended up on knee while Aiden submitted more fully but also with an air of open defiance-he would kneel only till the very instant he felt he could rise once more.
"Ok, wow." Marcus chuckled, clapping his broad flat hands loudly. "Everybody's a little weirded out when they first get brought here, but you two really have an attitude problem, huh? Think you're really something."
He paused for a moment, in thought. "And maybe out there, you were. But in here, we do things a lil' different. Let me break it down for you. But first, let's see what we're dealing with here."
Marcus snapped his fingers, again sending a signal that was quickly obeyed. In this place, the dark-skinned boy (neither Aiden or Isamu had much experience with black people, Pleasant Hills not being the most diverse town in the world, but didn't think much of it. Aside from Isamu who tended to dislike people who weren't like him slightly more than he already disliked most everybody else) seemed to command as much respect and obedience as Aiden and Isamu were used to getting from women. They'd never seen other boys act in such a way before and for the first time began to seriously consider that there had been elements of their lives, of the new command and status that they carried themselves with, that had been lacking with.
But the time for thought passed quickly as Mark and Mike's hands were on them again, slender fingers tracing over their soft stomachs. Isamu actually yelped, twitching a bit, almost giggling as he was inadvertently tickled, though he tried to drown the putative mirth with the outrage at having some other boy put their hands on him. It might have physically felt nice, but that didn't make it ok, he was pretty sure. Aiden wasn't as ticklish, but minute contractions in his facial muscles said he was in his own state of discomfort, however mild.
In seconds, the older boys moved from their tender abdomens to the waistband of their tight boy panties. What was coming was obvious, and an old-fashioned sort of hazing ritual that may have been the most normal thing to happen in this place so far. Only the boys doubted this particular pantsing was going to be anything but normal.
"H-hey, stop that!" Isamu yelled, embarrassed at how high and defensive his voice came out. Aiden said nothing, feeling no shame with what was coming. And, if both boys were being honest with themselves, their bodies were aching to be free of the tight undergarments and had been ever since they'd put them on. Helped put them on each other, they had not forgot.
Isamu and Aiden were on their knees, panties pulled down around their legs, stuck to their sweaty thighs while their boyhoods sprung forth as if they spring-launched. Looking around at the other boys-but for some reason not meeting any of their eyes-Isamu realized his length, while impressive in and of itself, wasn't quite so intimidating or unusual here. Aiden's massive length, however, did draw quite a bit of attention, and even a slight nod of silent respect from Marcus.
Mike, behind them, just snickered and muttered about it looking like "looks like the loud one got balls the size of this one's, but missed the other stuff." It was an opinion Isamu had only ever thought to himself before. But the message was clear-size alone wouldn't be the be all, end all of status symbols in this place.
As he spoke, Marcus raised his fingers, ticking off points as he went. His words had the practiced air of a speech he had delivered often in the past. "Obviously, this isn't some kind of free-for-all here. There are rules, and a...ranking system. As the two of you are new meat, you shouldn't expect anyone else to keep their hands to themselves. The best way for us to find out what you're made of is to grab a handful for ourselves and see, right?"
Milly and Celly, as if to demonstrate this, lounged over Marcus shoulders like twin pennants of honor, their hands roaming over his muscular body. With their other free hand, they reached over and tweaked each other's chest, thumbs rubbing and fingers squeezing at their nipples. Aiden noticed that, while their bodies were flat and slender, their nipples were oddly large, almost kind of puffy, in yet another odd touch of femininity for the teenage boys.
"But hey, it's all in good fun. I mean, we're all guys here right?" Marcus went on, his eyes seeming to glint as his teeth showed in a large smile full of wicked humor.
"Well, mostly." There was laughter at this and Isamu didn't need Lovelace or Marcus or anyone else here to explain to him that Marcus didn't mean the few women hanging around-none of whom seemed to be paying the new arrivals that much attention-but rather the two pale pretty boys. Though there may have been one or two others wearing pink 'briefs' that they'd passed on their way in.
"So do your best not to fight it, and you'll have a much easier time fitting it in. Uh, I mean, fitting in." Marcus chuckled at his 'mistake' before he went on.
"Now I don't know how long you're going to be here before Lovelace says it's time for you to go, but if you're here for more than a week, you can expect for things to get a little more serious. But don't worry, it'll actually be easier for you. I don't know if the two of you are friends…"
He dragged out the pause to see their reactions. Isamu scowled with a face like a very cute stormcloud while Aiden's mouth simply turned down at the corners.
"But we'll soon fix that! Milly and Celly would be happy to claim one of you as boyfriends. I mean, take you boys as their friends."
There was more laughter and Marcus nodded to himself, as if pleased to have corrected his error. "Yeah, that's definitely what I meant. And that's a good thing, cause these two are very, very friendly. See what I mean?"
This time he didn't even need to give a signal. Celly and Milly knew their part as well as Marcus did. In unison, they pulled their own bottoms, cut much higher on the hips, down. They tugged from side to side, acting as though they were even tighter than they were, twirling place as they did so. Aiden and Isamu got a front-row seat to their boy bubble-butts, round globes of smooth pale flesh before boys turned back around. As they did, their hands left their own bodies and turned to each other, undressing each other with one final strong tug.
Their penises didn't so much fall from their pants, as uncoil like abnormally large snakes. Their balls were massive, but tight, pushed up close to their pelvises and only slightly wrinkled, glistening lightly with sweat. Their shafts were likewise pale, but growing darker by the moment as they went from more than half hard to fully erect. While slightly thin, although that only seemed distinct because of their massive, impossible length, they were terrifying long. In fact…
"Holy shit, they're even bigger than you!" Isamu said, unable to keep the words out because he simply couldn't believe what he was seeing. These two thin, twinky, little femme boys were even more hung than Aiden, the kid with the biggest cock that either of the two had ever seen.
Aiden was silent, but felt something in his core suddenly shift, off-kilter. He had never asked for what his life had turned into, never even bothered thinking about whether or not he truly wanted it. His life was just his life and he tried to make the most of it. Having the biggest, fattest, strongest bitch-breaking cock around was just a part of his life, as true and unchangeable as his name, or his eye color or any one of the other facts of his life. But that length, that virility, that filthy, cunt-crushing might, that no one woman had ever been able to resist before, had been the most distinct part of his identity.
Aiden knew who he was. But now that he knew he simply had a huge cock and not the hugest cock, he also knew that who he was, his identity, had changed. At the moment, he didn't know what to make of that, whether it was a good thing, or bad.
Isamu just saw two more stupid white boys with annoying large cocks. He couldn't believe how smooth their shafts were, with large yet subdued veins, subtly flared heads, and yet a foreboding weight and unspoken menace to them despite seemingly more like trophies than actual organs for fucking.
"Yeah, I'm just sure the four of you would all get along just great!" Marcus said, his voice a joyful bluster. He may have been giving a performance he had acted out many times before, but it was clear he loved his work, a young natural showman in his element.
"In here, it takes more than just size to get respect. You've gotta prove you're a team player, first of all."
Eager to prove just how happy they were to 'play' on Marcus' team, Milly and Celly moved towards him, stepping out of their panties with ease, not even needing to look down. Apparently walking with their panties falling down their legs was a skill of theirs. They hooked their hands into the waistband of his briefs, pulling so hard it almost seemed the thin cloth might rip-either from the outside or the inside from the weight that was clearly straining to get out.
Isamu and Aiden were no stranger to seeing other boy's dicks, and were comfortable with that in a way many adults who got a tenth of the pussy they did wouldn't be. It was just a natural part of their strange lives, something they had gotten used to in that time of their lives when their brains were more adaptable, more accepting of every twist of fate and change in circumstance. It was a part of their thought process that they were going to desperately need in this place.
"And second of all..." Marcus went on, "You have to be willing to go the extra mile."
Marcus' big black cock wasn't like anything they had seen before. It was fat, wide and low-hanging in its length, to be sure, but that wasn't a big deal to them. He was probably only a few inches above ten, smaller than Aiden. His balls were hairy and almost warty looking, covered in thick deep wrinkles, fat and swollen with sperm, but not so strained and seemingly uncomfortably full as Isamu's. It was pitch black, something they hadn't seen before, and pearling with precome that seemed even more white by contrast. But what was odd was the way it appeared to have been...altered. It had strange bumps running up and down, bracketing either side of his tick, throbbing come-shaft.
Isamu had never even heard of such a thing, but Aiden had. Before his life had become the strange circus he found himself in, he'd been an avid reader of magazines like National Geographic, learning about far-off and long-gone cultures and their practices. This was an example of what people called body modification, and he thought the term was 'pearling'. He had zero idea why anyone would want to do something like this, but there it was. If nothing else, Aiden couldn't deny it looked...scary.
"Now then, I try not to be too mean to any of the other boys here, even the fresh meat. And you two don't seem like dummies, so I think you'll get the hang of things here pretty quickly. All you need to do is show me a little respect, and I won't have to ask Celly or Milly to pay you a visit tonight..."
The boys pouted in an exaggerated fashion at this, their lips plump and bright pink like they were wearing make-up. Given the state of Marcus' strange cock-club with its inner...studs, access to lip gloss and the like didn't seem hard to accept.
"Oh well," Celly drawled, his voice coming out as high-pitched and lilting as anyone might have expected from seeing him.
"Guess we'll just have to stay with Marcus tonight to...keep warm." Milly continued.
"Just give me a little kiss. Right there." He pointed one finger at his cocktip, which was swollen and bobbing in the air under its own weight.
"Why?" Aiden said, not truly understanding, but then he should have. It wasn't how he often showed respect to other boys, something he rarely did to begin with, though he was always courteous. Surely this was...unnecessary.
"Just so I know that you know who's in charge around here. It's not so bad, just one little kiss."
"No fucking way!" Isamu yelled. He understood what was going on, the whole dog and pony act, which only made him more repulsed. Kiss some gross, disgusting black cock?! He hadn't known what to expect when they came to this place, but it wasn't this!
Mike and Mark stood behind them, working at their own briefs. "You should probably listen."
Mark said, tugging at his own impressive eleven incher as it brushed Isamu's hair and ear.
Mike, his foot-long cock nearly as hard as stone already, draped it over Aiden's shoulder in a very unsubtle threat. "And just be glad you only have to kiss the one."
It was a fairly convincing argument. And if either of the boys needed another reason, Isamu had a thought to make this a little more palatable for himself by making it less so for Aiden.
"Well, go on then. What's the matter, Severin, are you scared?" As with so much that had happened, it was at once laughably obvious and yet seriously effective.
Aiden spared Isamu a brief glance before seemingly to dismiss him from his mind, and turned his attention to the large black cock and its strange ornamentation before him. While the thought of such an action had never entered his wildest dreams before, Aiden wasn't one to back down from anything. Besides, it was just a dick-he had one, after all, so how bad could it be? At least, that was what he tried to tell himself.
Aiden shuffled forward on his knees, face to tip with the weighty instrument, his nostrils flaring. It smelt...well not bad, exactly, but strange and pungent. Slightly distinct from his own cock, which he had never given an in-depth sniff before, but not horrible either. He closed his eyes, his tongue slipping out from between his lips to moisten them in instinctual preparation for what was coming.
He leaned forward, only to stop for just a moment as Marcus called out to him. He looked up at the other boy, some part of him wondering, not quite hoping, but simply curious, if some reprieve was coming.
"Make sure you open your lips, new kid. This isn't like kissing your gramma on the cheek, you know?"
Aiden closed his eyes with finality and summoned up his courage. It was odd, he'd never considered him a frightened sort, but he had also never really encountered a situation which had required him to be brave in some time. Moving forward he kissed the tip of Marcus' cock, the hot, hard flesh surprisingly spongy on his lips. There was a soft give to it, and Aiden leaned forward, the kiss deepening slightly.
Marcus let out a low groan and suddenly his cock twitched, balls tightening ever so slightly. A hot small jet of sperm shot out of his cocktip and into Aiden's open mouth with a small phut sound.
"Ah!" Aiden moaned, moving back from the cock as though he'd just been stung. Before he could truly comprehend what had happened, before the sentence You just got another boy's jizz in your mouth! could fully form in his mind, his body reacted. Despite the strange, creamy, almost spicy taste of the sperm in his mouth, Aiden's lips closed and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the come in one quick gulp.
"Hey, what do you know, he likes it!" Marcus crowed. The other boys laughed, with Mark's dick bouncing unpleasantly (well, not for him) against Isamu's face as the femme twins (Isamu thought of them as such, whether or not they truly were) openly giggled like schoolgirls.
Aiden hung his head slightly, feeling a mix of unpleasant emotions he hadn't felt in years sitting in the pit of his stomach, an unpalatable accompaniment to the small yet strong dose of semen he'd just swallowed. Shame, embarrassment, public humiliation.
Isamu's delight at having maneuvered his rival into such a position lasted exactly as long as it took Marcus to point at him and say "Your turn, Asian Persuasion."
Isamu steeled himself, his fingernails pressing tiny little indentations into his soft palms. Marcus didn't waste any time, taking a step away from Aiden-his act of fealty to the king done, Marcus seemed not to consider him anymore-and giving his cock one long, lazy stroke. Isamu who didn't have the small solace that Aiden did of having a larger cock than Marcus, was even more intimidated. Like so many children before him, this fear forced him into a foolish act of overcompensation.
Isamu leaned forward, his eyes narrowed even as his mouth opened wide. Giving Marcus the best 'fuck you' look he could while preparing to put his mouth on the other boy's cock, Isamu leaned forward in one sudden, slightly jerky motion. There was slight resistance as his jaw stretched even wider than he had already forced it and suddenly Marcus entire cocktip was in Isamu's mouth, the first of the rows of studs in his cock just inches away from his chin.
"Woah, we've got an eager one here boys!" Marcus laughed. Isamu almost gagged at the taste of it, the weight and the way the cocktip was weighing his tongue down, blocking his air. His nostrils flared almost comically as he struggled to keep his eyes open, refusing to back down from Marcus. He was better than Aiden, better than the other kids here, better than this stupid black boy with his big, grotesquely modified cock, and he would prove it no matter-
"Huwaarrgh!" Isamu gagged and sputtered as Marcus gave his cock a few more quick strokes, shooting a fat sticky of wad into his mouth. He coughed and choked, his throat trying to swallow as Aiden had done, but having far much more of the nasty liquid to deal with. In his desperate need to breathe, he sucked it down into his esophagus, letting out a sickening squelching noise as his body heaved, little feet kicking the air behind him.
With a nasty phlegmatic wet noise, Isamu snorted and the load of jizz rocketed out from his tiny nostrils, burning his sinuses as it splattered thickly against the top of Marcus' cock. His eyes were wet as Marcus graciously stepped back, letting the heavy dick-tip fall back from his mouth.
"Well, congratulations, Isamu, was it? That's more than any other kid ever tried to take on their first day. You must be a natural born cocksucker, even if you tried to bite off more than you can chew."
Marcus gestured to Milly and Celly again and they tugged his briefs up, making sure to run their hands all over the length of hishiws cock, massaging his pearls as they tucked his massive manhood back inside.
Mark and Mike moved away as well, and with a wave from Marcus, Aiden and Isamu took that as their cue to stand back up. With shaky legs that had nothing to do with their physical state (well, at least not for Aiden, Isamu was feeling a bit light-headed and short of breath) the boys stood up, Aiden's cheeks red with embarrassment, and Isamu looking a mess with the jizz he'd splattered back over himself and snorted onto his lips still clinging to him in a nasty, tacky, thick mess that dangled from his face like overcooked udon noodles. The stuff swayed in the air but refused to drop.
Marcus clucked his tongue. "Ah, well that's no good. Can't have your friend looking like that can you, Aide? Why don't you be a pal and clean it up?"
The boys were too cowed at the moment to argue at being called friends, or for Aiden to offer any rebuttal as to his new nickname.
Aiden moved slowly to Isamu's side, shuffling his feet as he cast about for something to wipe the other boy's face with and came up empty. He reached out with one hand, until Marcus leaned over and lightly tapped him on the elbow.
"Ah ah ah! Not like that, you goof!" His 'aw, shucks, just fooling' tone vanished as quickly as it came.
"Use your mouth, now."
Isamu looked down at his feet, hands limp and useless at his side as Aiden complied. Leaning in like a hungry dog, he slowly stuck out his tongue and swiped at the mess on Isamu's face. Marcus' spunk tasted worse (or was it better?) the second time around, spiked with the humiliation both boys were feeling, shame and disgust radiating off of them in almost visible waves. He swallowed it down as quickly as it could, but it was so thick and sticky he could feel it sliding into his stomach the whole way down like sludge, coating his throat.
Isamu turned his head to let Aiden get at the other side, too ashamed to even point out how lame this was for Aiden to do. With a final slurp that got dangerously close to Isamu's lips-Isamu himself having forced himself to lick that stuff up, just so Aiden wasn't, that was all-Aiden was done.
The two boys almost looked the same as they had started, a few hairs out of place and their faces slightly flushed, but otherwise none the worse for wear. But that was only on the outside. Inside, something profound had changed, an alteration to their very natures that had only just gotten started.
"See, look at that, I knew the two of you were buddies, deep down." Marcus said, though he was playing to a smaller crowd now. Their chief's business done, the other boys were beginning to filter away, lost in their own strange games of flirtation, fondling, and displays of odd masculinity.
Before anything more could be said, a familiar voice chimed in. "And how are my two newest subjects getting along so far?"
Lovelace was there, standing over Marcus and his two blonde concubines like some sickly sweet school marm. Marcus still looked pleased with himself, but tamped down on it a bit as he responded.
"Just fine, Ms. Lovelace. They're settling in real good. Isn't that right guys?"
Aiden grunted something that sounded like 'yes,' while Isamu just nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak, not with the taste of sperm clinging to every inch of his tongue and threatening to plaster his mouth shut like old hard gum.
"Well, that's just wonderful!" Lovelace's smile was the most genuine they'd seen her wear yet, though that didn't make them feel any better.
"Now that you've gotten acquainted with this area and your fellow boys, time for you two to have your first proper session in the milking parlor! This way, please."
Seeing no other choice, a condition that was becoming dreadfully consistent about this place, the boys followed.
If the exercise room had been huge, the milking parlor was no less impressive, though its size was perhaps understated by it having no real open spaces. Instead, perhaps a hundred strange rigs with benches of black plastic and devices of gleaming metal filled the place. The sounds of machines humming and the lights buzzing rang out in the otherwise empty, silent room.
"In you go, boys." Lovelace said, pointing out how Isamu and Aiden were meant to clamber into the machines. She made sure they stripped their briefs off first before they climbed aboard. Their legs were spread wide, feet sliding into stirrups as their cocks bobbed up in the air, balls tight with anticipation and dicks nearly erect for what was next-but definitely not because they'd enjoyed what had just happened in the exercise room. No way!
"Normally, all the boys are milked together, along with the women. The boys that are the fastest shots are then free their fellow milking youths as best they can! One big happy team, here. But for now, I thought it best to give the two of you a more...thorough session so you can intimately understand the process."
The boys were laid back at a steep angle, legs hopelessly dangling and arms limp at their sides, the benches narrow and just covering the width of their thin shoulder-blades. With their backs so inclined, their legs were up in their air, dicks and balls on prominent display, but their tight boy buttocks and puckered pink assholes as well. They felt vulnerable, and strangely aroused, only being able to watch as Lovelace snapped on a pair of white latex gloves. If she wasn't a doctor or nurse, she was certainly able to play the part well enough.
"Now, then its a simple process, one I'm sure you're familiar with the basics of. We just attach these hoses here…"
She picked up two black hoses capped with wide clear nozzles.
"Like so," Lovelace placed the devices delicately around the boy's erect shafts, and there was a slight shump! noise as they adjusted, seeming to mold themselves so they fit perfectly over the top of each boy's cock.
"And let them do what they do best." Lovelace walked away, ass swaying seductively as she bent over, making a show of looking for the right button on the large machine that was connected to the two hoses and hoses large clear bottles screwed into place underneath.
The hoses were latched onto the boy's cocks as any pair of grasping, sucking lips had been. With mechanical noises they went up and down, vacuum sealed on in a manner that was nearly painful and yet sinfully pleasurable. Aiden and Isamu let out low sighs, feeling the first bit of real sexual gratification they had gotten since coming to this place what seemed like a long time ago, now.
Lovelace turned back around, having grabbed a clear bottle of some blue gel from somewhere, and she popped open the gap. "Now, since you boys aren't used to the machines, it might take a while, so I'm going to give you a little extra special attention. Aren't you lucky?"
She squirted a dollop of the stuff into her hands and massaged it around, coating up her long middle fingers until they gleamed in the artificial light of the milking parlor. Aiden's hands were grasping the bench, as much for support as from the pleasure of the machine, which was at once deeply intimate and coldly impersonal. Isamu's balls seemed fuller than ever, his body priming itself for this most base, timeless act of virility.
"Just get you nice and lubed up," She said rubbing the excess liquid from her palms on the boy's little assholes. The liquid was so cold the boys hissed in surprise, a slight fear trickling down their spines. There was really only one thing that was next, but again, they hadn't been expecting it.
"There we go!" Lovelace exclaimed, pressing forward insistently with her middle fingers, probing against the boy's tight ring of muscle. With a sudden push, their assholes parted and she shoved her fingers inside, smoothly sliding until her knuckles bumped up against their cheeks.
"Ah!" Isamu exclaimed, his own hands grasping and opening at this strange new, oddly enjoyable sensation. Lovelace rotated her wrists, causing her fingers to brush against some secret spot inside the boy's anal passages just so and making a thin trickle of pre-come leak from their piss slits.
"See, doesn't that feel good? Nothing like a good prostate massage to help the milking process along. Nice and deep, like that." Lovelace was clearly enjoying herself, though she still had a professional demeanor to her face. She knew exactly what she was doing, every step of the way and these boys, for all their natural talents, were no match for her.
Aiden shook his head a bit from side to side, Isamu squirming right alongside him.
"Puh-please, wait!" Isamu breathed, a shiver running down his spine.
Aiden tried to bite his lip to keep from speaking, but he could only last about a minute more from the combined assault of pleasures. "This...doesn't feel right." He breathed.
Lovelace just tutted. "Oh, I don't think that's right, Mr. Severin. I think this feels just grand for you. No use protesting, I can tell!"
The feelings ripping through their bodies, unfamiliar as they were, still were clearly enjoyable for the boys, their cocks seeming to grow stiffer by the moment, balls tight and faces flushed in pleasure. As a rising wave of enjoyment built up from their cocks and asses at the same time, somewhat similar to getting a nasty hot rimjob from an eager slut while someone else jerked them off, and yet undeniably different, the boys tried to close their eyes. Lovelace's insistent yet polite demands that they 'pay attention' and 'concentrate, please', were too much for them to fully ignore, and they looked to the only thing they could count on in this place, each other.
On each other's faces, Aiden and Isamu saw what they imagined they looked like at the moment, blushing and panting. Their lips trembled as they struggled to avoid crying out, trying to relax so as to ease the invader forcing its way in and out of their bodies tight hot assholes. Their eyes were wide, pleasure clearly overwhelming whatever else they were feeling.
"That's it boys, that's it." Lovelace breathed, her bosom heaving as her fingers pumped faster and faster inside of them. The milking machines sped up as well, moving with hydraulic speed that no woman-or boy for that matter (Isamu wasn't sure why he thought of that!) could hope to match.
"Give it all to me now, show me everything you have." Lovelace said, her voice a strange mix of seductive urging and authoritative command.
The boys could do nothing but look at each other as their orgasm began to overtake each other, eyes locked, unsure to explain why they were looking but unable to look away. Their bodies began to shake as their balls contracted, cocks shooting out spray after spray of jizz, as hard as they'd ever come in their lives, with audible sounds ringing up in the plastic tubes of the hoses. Soon enough, the boys couldn't even look at each other, as their eyes began to roll up in their heads from the wicked delight of it all.
If they had been looking, the boys would have noticed Lovelace staring at their loads, her eyes fixated, fingers still pushing, rubbing insistently. Their loads were large, as enormous as she would have expected from boys like them, but quite a bit clearer than normal. Instead of the thick, almost jelly like stuff they usually shot, this was obviously thinner and clearer, which still made it more potent than a normal man's come.
"An excellent first day, I'd say!" Lovelace said, withdrawing her fingers in one clean motion. She snapped off her gloves and tossed them neatly into a bin, even as the boys struggled to come down from their massive, toe-curling orgasms. Their buttholes winked shut, a tad slowly as their breathing slowly returned to normal.
Lovelace walked in between the boys, smiling in that deceptively sweet way of her's. "Now, during regular sessions, you won't have your own private nurse to give you hands' on attention, you lucky boys. Instead we'll give you goggles which will display...stimulating images to help ensure your loads are as close those emitted during regular sex as possible."
She popped the hoses off, eying up the bottles underneath the milking machine. Each one was nearly full, with less than an inch of space between the top of the thick, creamy liquid and the machine's surface.
"I trust you've learned a lot today." Was all Lovelace had to say.
Aiden and Isamu nodded at this, breathing heavily. They couldn't bring themselves to speak as Lovelace tapped her PDA again and their cock-rings tightened back up. It had been a trying day to say the least, and even though they'd only come once (a very small number for them), they felt drained in a way they hadn't experienced in some time.
Soon they were taken back to their room, after being given a large but somewhat meager meal-protein drinks, soft bread and generous helpings of cheese and fruit. Lovelace watched as they ate and took notes, muttering to herself before she escorted them back to their room.
"Now, I know its a little early, but I imagine after the day the two of you have had, I bet you wouldn't minded getting an early start on your sleep, right?"
They muttered the same response at the same time, eyes low and voices slightly hollow. "Yes, Ms. Lovelace."
They had proper sleepwear waiting for them on their bed, though 'proper' always meant something a bit different in this place They were one piece pajama tops that didn't cover half of their briefs, pastel blue and almost seductively soft.
"Now you boys rest up. Tomorrow I expect to see more exercise from you, and there are still more lessons to learn." Lovelace called out to them somewhat mysteriously, her heels clicking as she walked away.
The boys were so tired they almost fell asleep right away, but not before they exchanged a few words across their hallway. It felt like the distance had shrunk and grown in some way.
"Yes, Aiden, what do you want?"
A pause. "Today wasn't so bad, was it?"
Isamu closed his eyes, trying to keep the words from coming. "No, not really. In fact, this place is going to be easier than I thought. Its actually kind of fun."
He told himself he was lying, playing up how he felt about the place to make Aiden feel like he had to enjoy it as well. It was all an act. That was all.
Aiden likewise settled into sleep, his balls tingling and ass feeling pleasantly and slightly stretched out. "Yeah, fun. See you tomorrow."
As the boys settled into sleep, the Severin household was still abuzz with activity. Megumi, Brooke, and Kincaid were all gathered around Naomi in the foyer, talking animatedly. They knew the other women had the most knowledge of any of them about the strange place the boys had been sent to, and they were eager to learn all they could.
Before Naomi could do more than tell them the basics of the place-the conditioning and the milking, and how many boys came back the same, yet slightly subdued, there was a dulcet ding-dong! from the door.
"I'll get it!" Naomi said, happy to have a break from the questioning. It was strange how things were without Aiden around, and something like being hounded for information by gossiping women felt like a part of her life she hadn't had to deal with in some time and yet was still too familiar despite that.
She opened the door almost too quickly, catching the woman outside off-guard. It was Irina Bloch, Israel's mother looking a little pleased with herself. It was an expression Naomi had only seen on her face after she'd given that flouncy son of hers a particularly deep bum-fucking, a sight she'd only seen a few times. It wasn't an entirely objectionable viewing experience. She rather resembled her son, a resemblance furthered by her son's altogether feminine nature-long pale blonde hair, a waifish build that yet held sensual curves-not as stacked as many of the women in Pleasant Hill, but with a round firm ass and decent sized, perky tits for a woman of her age and slender build. Naomi was sometimes surprised one of the more aggressive boys hadn't claimed her, but perhaps they had thought she and Izzy might come as a package deal (so to speak) and weren't ready to take that leap yet.
"Oh, hello Irina." Naomi was slightly surprised, and placed one hand on the doorframe expressing mild aloofness.
"Hello, Miss Cross." Irina replied with a coy, self-satisfied smile. She was wearing sensible, if unflattering slacks and a tight blazer, both in black, looking every bit the professional, and not the kind of woman who participated in group cock and come-measuring contests with underage boys in a classroom.
"Dr. Cross," Naomi corrected, a hint of her own self-confidence flaring up. It tended to happen when she'd been away from Aiden for a while, but even then only in the presence of certain other women.
The Bloch woman didn't seem to care much about the correction one way or the other. Naomi went on, her gratitude for being spared the other women's questions quickly evaporating.
"What brings you here, Irina?"
"Well, I think I have something you and your friends might like to see."
Naomi caught the derision in her words, but didn't have much to say to it. So far, Irina hadn't become part of any boy in town's "entourage" and seemed content with that swishy son of her's. Still, with Aiden gone, any distraction was a welcome one.
"May I come in?" Irina asked, her voice almost mockingly formal.
Naomi moved aside, waving hurriedly as she was suddenly impatient to get this, whatever it was, started with quickly so as to be over with sooner.
Bloch was already rummaging in her purse as she met the others in the living room, who looked at her in surprise. There was slight irritation, for they honestly had gotten used to having no visitors-women in this town no longer entertained one another the way they had; or anyone instead of monstrously hung boys. A few half-hearted greetings were exchanged in low voices.
Brooke, even in the absence of her son, at once her lover, master, and walking status symbol, still reminded herself she was the queen bee of Pleasant Hill. She may not have had her king at the moment, but she still had her throne, as it were-seated in a rather luxurious leather chair that had been a 'housewarming gift' from a buxom furniture store owner (despite having lived in the house for many years) after Aiden had done an afternoon of 'interning' with her.
"And what brings you here, Bloch?" Brooke dispensed with any false niceties. In the past few months, her patience for surprises had dwindled.
Irina was in no way cowed however, as she knew she held a trump card that would shut the Severin bitch up, her and all her little bimbo friends. Alone in the room, she was the only woman who came second to no boy, though she often came fourth or fifth depending on how much time she had in a night.
"Well, I'd heard your boys had decided to...visit the Dairy Corporation for a little while." She gave Megumi a pointed glance but returned her attention to Brooke quickly enough. She waved a hand through her long, straight, pale hair, so like her son's, her stance aloof and confident.
Brooke narrowed her eyes, not liking the other woman's attitude at all. "So? Its just some little competition between them, boys and their huge...egos. Aiden will win and tell us about it when he comes back, I'm sure."
Megumi's mouth twitched, but she said nothing. She didn't really disagree though some dormant part of her motherly instincts told her she probably should.
"Oh yes, of course. Your little Aiden is most impressive." Brooke bristled at this, but kept quiet.*
"But I just thought you might want to hear from me, since Izzy actually has some experience with the place." Her hand returned from her purse, though she hadn't had to actually look for the object at all. It was just another little piece of theatre.
Brooke looked at what she was holding-a small disk in a case. "What is that? A CD?"
Irina sniffed. "A DVD, Brooke. Its the 21st century." Irina was barely two years younger than Brooke, but she got a lot of satisfaction out of that small difference.
"Just play it and you'll see what I mean."
Brooke motioned and Naomi moved to obey, her pregnant belly wobbling a bit as she fussed with the DVD player and the TV. She had advanced medical degrees, but electronics had never been her thing. Eventually she got it working and stepped back to join the others who were sitting on the couch with various expressions of interest or bland curiosity on their faces.
It was a first-person view, clearly from a hand-held camera. The somewhat shaky tracking showed Israel 'Izzy' Bloch as most of the women knew him-flouncy, flighty, with clothes that matched his feminine appearance. It was the Bloch's house, that was clear enough even for the women in the house who had never visited in the past.
Izzy was wearing blue shoes that could only be called high heels, though they also somewhat looked like boyish sneakers, with elaborate hot pink laces that ended in little boys. His lithe legs, completely hairless and smooth, were tightly wrapped in sheer white socks that looked like stockings, and his pert, ass-model worthy rear was barely covered by baby blue briefs that showed nearly half of his asscheeks.
"Well, Izzy?" A voice piped in over the camera belonging to someone unseen. Irina's voice, operating the camera obviously.
"How are you liking being back at home after your time at"
Izzy nodded energetically, light blue eyes gleaming as his platinum hair bounced and whipped in the air behind his slender body. "Oh, yes, it feels so good to be home. But I...I have a little bit of a problem."
The camera panned down, as Izzy turned, showing the front of his body. He wore no top, with his thin body, with hints of lean childish muscle and nary a trace of body fat on full display. But what caught the attention of every viewer, and the camera itself, which zoomed in with almost audible eagerness, was Izzy's crotch. While not among the most endowed boys of Pleasant Hill, he was still well above average with a fat donkey dick that measured nearly eleven inches in length. A few of the women shifted in their sits, thick thighs rubbing against themselves with noticeable sounds of arousal.
"Oh, is that your problem you dirty boy?" Irina's voice came, a low dark hiss of motherly scolding and something else, something far less familial.
"That great big dirty fucking cock of yours is all hard?"
Izzy looked embarrassed but perhaps not for the right reasons. Without needing to be prompted, he tugged his flimsy briefs revealing his swollen, hard shaft ending in a thick, smooth sack of balls that looked like they wouldn't grow more than a few paltry hairs by the time he reached his late teens. His thighs were likewise smooth, belying the virility of his massive, swinging shaft, which gleamed somewhat with trichkles of precome leaing from his throbbing piss-slit.
"I've this," Izzy said vaguely, far more comfortable having and using a massive dick at his age than he was about talking about it-one of the many incongruities the children of Pleasant Hills sometimes displayed.
"Since I woke up this morning, and I can't seem to get rid of it!"
Irina's voice came again, disingenuously motherly. "Yes, Ms. Lovelace told me something like that might happen. But don't worry, mommy will make it all better for you. I went and bought this especially for you today!"
The camera pulled back to reveal Irina's other hand, strapping a thick, long black dildo to her waist-the same one she'd used in Miss Larsen's class only a few days ago. Izzy had seemed rather familiar with it, and the women could see why, as his eyes widened in eager and welcome surprise.
As they watched, Irina asked her son if he "knew what to do with this?" and Izzy was only too happy to demonstrate that he did. He bent over at the waist, not needing to kneel down to take the oversized sex toy in his mouth due to his small stature. His pretty face (there was really no other way to describe the boy, as 'cute' didn't quite send the message and 'handsome' was far too masculine) bobbed up and down, leaking saliva hungrily.
Irina playfully taunted him, openly wondering how her son had become so skilled at sucking cock. Perhaps Izzy would have responded had he not been so utterly focused on his task. The camera caught every inch of the big black didlo sliding in and out of his pretty, plump lips, and the sheer delight in his eyes as he eagerly sucked on his mother's fat plastic cock.
Brooke had never been close with Irina, and so only knew about Izzy in the most tangential of ways, but some part of her dimly remembered him being kind of a brat, once upon a time. Loud and odd-which he still was, really-but more aggressive and annoying, and certainly less feminine.
On the screen, the POV shot of Izzy sucking on his mom's dildo ended as she pulled out, saliva linking his lips and the shiny tip of the sex toy.
"Good boy!" Irina's voice came from the TV.
"Now that this big thick dick is all wet, I know just what to do with it!"
The camera angle changed, a quick cut that revealed Izzy's form, bent over the sofa, hands holding on for dear life as his mother poked and prodded at his uncovered little pink asshole with her massive tool.
"Oh, please mommy, hurry!" Izzy mewled, wiggling his hips enticingly.
"My penis is getting even harder!" He gasped, elated.
"Oh I bet it is! A big faggot butt like this was just meant to be fucked!" Irina's hips surged forward and Izzy's ass spread for her quickly, hungrily, easily. She tunneled inside of him and his balls and fat cock, barely visible in the frame as their bodies shook and slapped against each other, seemed to throb with arousal.
Megumi asked a question, taking a rare initiative in speaking before Brooke. Here, without the boys when it was 'just us girls', the unwritten rules of this place seemed to have been altered a bit.
"How…" She paused, as the sound of rough fast ass-fucking grew louder on the TV, with Irina fisting Izzy's hair and really working her hips to pound his thick little boy bubble butt. MEgumi's cheeks reddened as she raised her voice to be heard over Izzy's high-pitched ecstatic cries.
"How long was he at...that place?"
Irina waited, knowing the grand finale was coming up. The video went through a quick jump cut again, and showed Izzy on his back, legs splayed around him, lithe legs helpless as his mother pounded down into his ass.
"Mommy, I'm going to, to...ahh!" Izzy squealed like a girl as his cock, which looked harder and thicker than ever, erupted everywhere. At this angle, with his body propped up on his fat ass, his cock was pointed ever so slightly at his face, and long, thin ropes of nearly clear semen began to splatter his lithe torso and face, splattering against the underside of his chin and coating him from forehead to lips.
"Oh, what a filthy boy you are! Coming from getting your assfucked, just like a little trap cocksucking slut!" Irina's voice was husky, the marveling tone of a mother in faux-wonderment at how disobedient and rambunctious her child could be.
The tape cut off, the screen turning blue.
"Two weeks." Irina said, her face holding its usual severe expression.
"My little Izzy was there for two weeks, and ended up much better behaved. So eager to please his mommy."
The women were staring-at her, at each other, at the blank screen, looking for answers. What exactly had Aiden and Isamu gotten themselves into? Surely they wouldn't end up like that? Brooke of course could give two shits about Isamu, but Miss Kincaid was a little worried-she'd hitched her wagon to Isamu for so long she wasn't sure what other boy might accept her.
But perhaps they could stay together after all, she thought, thinking of how...happy Izzy had looked. Just with the roles slightly switched.
Answers, it seemed, were not to be found. Irina busied herself with ejecting the disk and placing it back in its case, making to leave.
"Well, like I said I just thought you girls might like to know a little bit more about the results the Dairy Corp gets. Aiden and Isamu probably won't be quite the same anymore." She allowed herself a small smile.
"Anyway, it's gotten late, and I must be off. Have a nice night now Brooke, Doctor Cross."
With that she gave them all an overly cheery 'go fuck yourself' wave and excused herself from the household. The other women were left thinking thoughts, wild ideas and strange imagined scenarios that only yesterday would have seemed insane and impossible. Even as odd as their new lives had once seemed to them, they had quickly cemented themselves not into their new reality, but simply the only reality there was.
But now, it seemed like the world held strange new possibilities. Who could say what might happen in the future?
To Be Continued...