Chereads / Sopita's Mystery Box / Chapter 34 - PHadC 1

Chapter 34 - PHadC 1

Pleasant Hill Dairy Corporation.

Chapter 1.

The school bell rang out loud and clear through Pleasant Hill, its old-fashioned tone as bright as the early afternoon sun. Not so long ago, this sound would have been accompanied by a flood of kids rushing out to find their bus and head home, but things had changed. For one thing, there were fewer students in town now, with all of the boys joining one class. And most of the men who had been bus drivers had left town months ago.

With those changes added to the fact that most of the boys and girls in school had their mothers to drive them home-and a fair few of those mothers already being at the school itself-meant that most of the kids were happy to mingle in the hallways, with only a few making their way to the school's solitary bus, driven by an elderly man who didn't seem to notice anything untoward happening at the school. And no one ever seemed to notice him anywhere outside of doing his job.

In any case, only one boy came out of the school's double doors shortly after the bell had rung. Isamu Ogawa, whose hands kept forming angry fists at his sides. Life wasn't exactly bad for the twelve-year old: He had a nice home life, he was smarter than most, if not all, the other boys in school, and he was one of the better soccer players in Pleasant Hills. But he was missing something.

His mother. For months now, his mother had been living with another boy and acting as little more than his comfort woman. To the mixed race Isamu, this betrayal had only been heightened by the fact that the boy she was currently living with, Aiden, was an annoying blonde brat. His mom wouldn't even give the kid a second glance if his dick wasn't so big-it was nearly twice the size of Isamu's own impressive endowment (this fact was quite clear in Isamu's mind as he'd been part of a dick measuring lesson in class and his nigh-perfect memory wouldn't let him forget it) but Isamu could nearly come as much as Aiden could. Too few people cared about that, if you asked him.

Normally, he'd be leading one of his teachers, a stupid white woman (a triple redundancy, he thought) named ...something Kincaid, to her car. In all the time Isamu had been using her as his grown-up fuck doll, he'd never bother to find out what her first name was.

But instead of having her drive him home (he was tall enough to sit in the front now, and had wasted no time in using that to demand she jerk him off while driving. One of these days he'd make her blow him and just steer the car himself-it couldn't be that hard if she could do it) he was going to take a walk today. It wasn't far and, for all the other changes that had happened in Pleasant Hill, it was one of the safest towns anywhere in the state. Walking home was no big deal and none of the women would have said anything to him about it-not that he would have listened if they had.

Isamu was mostly walking in place, letting his simmering anger boil off him like sweat as he tried to calm down. That dumb Aiden had ordered his mom to swallow a big beaker of Isamu's own stinky, rotten jizz earlier, so that was something. It wasn't even really Aiden that he had a problem with, at least not entirely. It was just the situation-massive come production aside, Isamu's dick, de spite being bigger than most adult males could hope for, was only the sixth largest in his class. And it was an unshakeable fact that size was synonymous with status in the new Pleasant Hill. Isamu had never been sixth at anything in his life and it rankled on him constantly. It felt like he was wearing an ill-fitting pair of shoes that he could never quite break in.

Something had to change, but for all his pre-teen cleverishness, Isamu couldn't exactly think of what it was, or how he would go about making it happen. He tchhed in frustration, head flicking from side to side and his dark brown hair swishing about. Isamu's sneakers tapped at the stone of the school steps, arms crossed about his blue t-shirt. The silver belt buckle holding his otherwise baggy jeans up glinted in the sun as he thought. There had to be something…

The doors opened behind him and he turned quickly, a bit of natural boyish curiosity lighting up his normally dark grey eyes as he turned to see who it was.

His face fell a bit, an expression of disappointment he had did absolutely nothing to hide. "Oh, its just you."

It was Aiden, carrying a basketball under his arm, blonde hair looking as freshly combed as it had in the morning (Ms. Megumi had adjusted it for him right after class ended), a pair of shorts doing their best-and failing- to conceal his soft penis' massive length, the tip just hidden away from view in his right leg.

Aiden frowned at this poor excuse of a greeting. He had no particular dislike for Isamu, though he did think the other boy was a bit too mean for no good reason. He was vaguely aware that the tension might have been caused by Isamu's mother being one of his women, but didn't give that too much thought. It was just the way things were now. None of them had really asked for this (except for the women, who never seemed to quite stop asking and always wanted "more!", usually punctuating their requests with long, slightly moist, bosom-heaving sighs) and Aiden just figured getting used to it was all a part of growing up.

"Walking home?" He asked. Isamu nodded sharply, biting his lower lip in an almost...enticing fashion. Not that Aiden really thought so, though he supposed the other boy was cute in a sharp kind of way-his being half Japanese gave him a kind of unusual look. Aiden didn't normally pay much attention to that sort of thing though and instead considered that the other boy was upset with him.

He decided not to broach the subject and simply nodded towards the parking lot of the school and beyond it the long, lazily winding grey sidewalk. "Want some company? My mother's staying behind to make help Ms. Larsen...clean up."

Indeed she had been in the middle of cleaning up the leftover spunk that had splattered onto the floors, desks, chairs, and even some lower parts of the classroom walls when Aiden had left. With Ms. Larsen joining her with some rather unprofessional levels of enthusiasm.


nodded again, torn between an initial desire to be rude and the small niggling voice in his head that said walking alone would be boring. Like many children, Isamu would rather be in a bad mood than be bored.

So, stifling his inner frustrations, Isamu and Aiden walked along the sidewalk to their homes (Isamu lived closest, and Aiden four blocks after that) in, if not an outright positive mood, than with a few brief bursts of happiness here and there. For all their differences, both Isamu and Aiden enjoyed sports, and Aiden even suggested Isamu consider trying out for the basketball team. Isamu muttered something about wanting to focus on soccer, but said he'd give it some thought. It did sound fun, he had to admit.

But the little ball of frustration that had swollen and festered inside Isamu hadn't gone anywhere. Much like his own oversized testicles, which resembled a particularly well-grown grapefruit, ignoring it had only made it worse. But this was one case of metaphorical blue balls he was gonna take care of himself.

Aiden and Isamu stopped on the sidewalk in front of Isamu's home, a modest two-story affair with a small backyard that mostly served to bracket the pool with patches of grass. Despite Isamu's mother having been gone for months, things looked pretty well kept as Isamu had met a young white woman a few weeks back who was doing home maintenance to try and save up for college. She still came by his house three times a week, but she wasn't asking for money anymore and she certainly wasn't planning on going to college-at least not unless one decided to open up right there in Pleasant Hills.

The two boys looked at each other somewhat awkwardly, not properly knowing how to say goodbye to the boy who was fucking their mom, or to the boy whose jizz their mom had gulped down earlier in class. To their credit, it was a situation that adults many years their senior would have grappled with as well.

"I've...been thinking." Isamu said suddenly, a plan beginning to form in his mind. The walk had taken about fifteen minutes, which normally would have been plenty of time for Isamu to come up with some sort of scheme, but they all seemed to fall short here. A traditional attack on Aiden's status wouldn't work here-when it came right down to it, he had the bigger dick, and he had more women in mind.

So Isamu needed to level the playing field. Make it just the two of them.

Aiden cocked a quizzical eyebrow at him, his slightly androgynous features looking attractive even in his slight confusion. Long lithe eyelashes that would have been the envy of many a female make-up guru fluttered as he wondered what Isamu might say next. "Oh?"

"Yes." Isamu nodded, mostly to himself. This was a good plan, he was sure. "Do you know about the company that makes the school's milk?"

Aiden tried to remember, thinking of the plastic cartons the boy's had used to drink. Things had changed though, and their milk no longer came from that company-which was fine as most of the boy's mothers and other women 'helpers' were only too happy to make their lunches and snacks themselves.

"It was called the Pleasant Hills Dairy Corporation, right?"

Isamu snapped his fingers. "Yep, that's it. And even though they don't supply the school's milk anymore, I heard it was only cause they ship all over the country now. Maybe even the world. And they have a…" He frowned, not quite having the words just yet.

"A a training center."

Aiden warmed to the subject-he had heard a few things from some of the older girls in school, mostly gossiping amongst themselves. His mother didn't like him being around 'teenage slutbags' as she called them, and so he hadn't yet gotten to know any of them except for a few related to the school's staff or his other women. "Yes, I've heard about it. They have like a get-away camp, right?"

Isamu nodded. "Exactly. Supposedly it's where they send some of the troublemaker kids. The boys who don't want to listen to anybody, even their moms."

Being such a boy himself, Isamu had heard quite a few whispers about the place, though even he didn't fully understand it. It was supposed to be a place where bad boys got sent, and it was supposed to 'shape them up'. If they were weak, he had thought.

Aiden passed the basketball between his hands, understanding yet unsure. ""

Isamu smiled with warmth but nothing like friendship. This was the smile he'd wear after winning a swimming meet, or after finishing a math test (back when they had regular tests) before any of the other students. "So, I hear its pretty tough. Not all the boys can handle it, and they end your friend, the one with the weird, big butt. Israel, right?"

Aiden nodded while his mind thought about Israel for a moment. He did have a big butt, though was no denying that-just like a girl's, really. And the clothes he wore didn't do him any favors in trying to hide that. He supposed Izzy wasn't really trying to hide it, though Aiden's mind, still naive in some ways, couldn't quite figure out what the purpose of that sort of thing would be.

"End up like"

Isamu seemed a little irritated at that, but it was mostly to cover his own lack of certainty. He knew just enough about what he was talking about to realize he knew very little about what he was talking about it, but as a boy who was thought of as being smart (and like many other smart men all grown-up), he couldn't admit that, and even thinking it made him frustrated with himself.

"Well, you know, all girly and stuff. Apparently that's what happens to the boys there. The ones you can't handle it, I mean. Losers."

Isamu put enough derision into the word mixed with a strange kind of camaraderie to make it clear that he didn't think Aiden was a loser like the boys he was talking about. Not yet anyway, and with just enough prodding that it was important Aiden prove that fact.

Aiden, not as obviously bright as Isamu but a somewhat deep thinker all the same, got the message. His cute little lips pursed with thought. "Not like us."

He said it simply, surely. Even when Aiden didn't fully understand a situation, he didn't let doubt enter his mind. This was all based on the simple truth that things had worked out pretty well for him so far.

"Well, can you prove it?" Isamu said, making the challenge sound airy, not quite concrete. Both boys knew better.

Aiden shrugged his shoulders. "Of course I could do it. Could you?"

"Of course!"

They knew what was coming. Isamu had been right in thinking this was his only path to victory, but it depended just as much on his opponent as it did on him. Aiden had to be seen as just the right kind of boy, one not overly interested in his own status, but also refusing to let challenges to himself go unanswered. He didn't have anything to lose here-he had more women that were directly 'his' than Isamu, he had the bigger dick, and his mother was kind of a big deal in Pleasant Hills, while Isamu's mom was one of Aiden'spp own women.

No, the only thing at risk here was his personal pride. And, due to having so many impressive (if unconventional) accomplishments to his name, that potential loss meant a lot more. Since only Aiden decided whether or not he would accept such a challenge any hypothetical social injury would be worse due to it being self-inflicted.

There was only one acceptable counter move to Isamu's maneuver, and Aiden made it with his usual quiet confidence. "Well, then prove it."

Isamu, eager to get on with it, took a step forward. Their boyish bodies were close now, well within arm's-length (which meant more to them than others given the relative shortness of their arms) but Isamu didn't seem to mind. Both boy's pants sported their usual bulges as a different kind of arousal ran through them. Competition, plain and simple.

"I will if you will."

That was it. There was little more than needed to be said. Such a contract needed to be cemented by one simple act, far less formal than any sort of legal document and yet universally seen as being exactly as binding (if not more so).

Isamu, the initial challenger, stuck his hand out. Aiden's warm, slender-fingered hand followed and the two boys shook hands quickly yet firmly. There was no need for either of them to squeeze or try to twist each other's hand painfully. While undeniably physical in origin, this conflict between them would not be settled by anything as simple as a wrestling match. If only because both boys knew that with Pleasant Hill as it was, countless women would get involved and neither could stomach the thought of their disputes being settled by someone else, especially not if either of their moms got involved.

They nodded, Aiden's big blue eyes glistening somewhat as he met Isamu's cold, grey gaze. Something unspoken and electric passed between them, and had this been the wild west, no one would have been surprised to feel a sudden gust of wind pass them by, followed by a bouncing rolling tumbleweed.

With nothing more to be said, both boys knew the situation clearly. It's on.

Aiden and Isamu broke their clasping hands, each aware of how fresh and soft their skin was, even compared to the delicate feminine caresses both boy was well acquainted with by now.

Aiden nodded at Isamu in farewell and turned away. The boys continued on their paths, neither of them noticing that their dicks seemed slightly harder than before. They were already so big all of the time anyway that a small detail like that would often escape their notice if they had anything else to think about. And right now, both boys had one clear thought in their minds, the same thought, in fact.

I'm gonna win.

It was some time later when Aiden arrived home, and he wasn't surprised to see a few cars parked at the house already-his mother's of course, and Ms. Megumi's. Despite leaving before them, he'd arrived after. Despite seemingly to recall every detail, every sensation-Isamu's soft yet deceptively strong grip, the slightly protruding knuckles of his thin hand, the way his eyes seemed almost hungry for victory-Aiden hadn't thought their conversation had taken that long. Oh well, he supposed it didn't matter.

Aiden casually tossed his basketball aside before he entered the house, hearing it bounce and smack against the driveway before a series of increasingly fast, small thuds signaled it coming to a stop against one corner of the garage.

The door swung shut behind him as Aiden entered the little entryway that preceded the living room and, off to the side the kitchen. There was a cluster of shoes already laid out by the door-part of so many people living in the house where before there had only been Aiden and his mother (she talked about finding a larger place, she just mentioned she had to 'introduce Aiden to the right seller') and now there were several other grown-ups all with their own tastes, wardrobes, and preferred places in the house.

Of course, there was only one person whose wishes truly mattered in the house, and he was no grown-up. It just happened that he was rarely proactive in asserting himself.

"I'm home." Aiden said, unnecessarily. His 'personal doctor', for that was how they had explained her presence in the home for the first few weeks, Naomi, had been watching from the windows for any sign of him and all three women in the house-the doctor, his mother Brooke, and Isamu's mother Megumi-were all well aware of Aiden's arrival.

As always, they'd been waiting for it. When he was near, they never wanted him to leave, and when he left they counted the seconds until his return. Whatever else they were doing, and the women did have fairly busy lives outside of being his personal cocksleeves, the tide of his comings and goings was a constant presence in the back of their minds, rising and falling.

They rushed into the room, nearly knocking each over in their hurry to get into the living room from the kitchen. Their warm greetings awashed over Aiden, all bright and chirpy.

"Hi, Aiden! How was school?" The three women spoke in unison, standing next to each other and almost stock still-though here and there Aiden could see their hands brush their hair across their necks, their breasts wobble as they took particularly deep breaths, and their thighs rustle and rub together with uncontrollable need.

The three women filed into the living room as Aiden shucked his backpack off of his shoulders. The impression was very much of students awaiting their teacher, a clear role reversal, or of a gaggle of teenagers awaiting the hottest boy in town. Or perhaps, most accurately and most disturbingly (to anyone who wasn't from Pleasant Hill or used to the town's...unique ways) of three oversized daughters awaiting their overly close father. The way all three women looked at Aidens small body had clear implications of all those and more, including simpler, more instinctual things that couldn't really be called thoughts.

Megumi hung up Aiden's backpack for him in the hall closet, and the young boy stuck his right leg out.

Dropping to her knees eagerly, sending a tremor through her mature body, heavy chest and full pregnant stomach, Dr. Naomi Cross, whose keen mind had once inspired both envy and admiration in her fellow medical students, began to take off the preteen's sneakers like she was a peasant servant attending some unspeakably superior nobleman.

"Fine." He said in that soft yet clear voice of his. He moved to shrug out of his backpack and Megumi was there to help him, sliding it off his shoulders and taking the time to run her hands down his slim, slightly toned arms.

As the two beta females attended to her son, as was only his right, Brooke leaned forward, stepping over Dr. Cross without any notice. Her pregnant belly shook a bit, but not half as much as her over-full breasts, which looked ready to burst at any time with how large and firm they were, avoiding most of the sagging common in gestating women and instead only seeming to become larger and more perfect with every passing month of her pregnancy.

"Anything interesting happen today, Aiden?" Brooke breathed over her son's neck, before kissing him chastely on the cheeks. Her doting mother exterior was ruined by the fact that she used the opportunity of switching cheeks to shove her tits full in his face, though she didn't go so far as to grab him by the back of the head and give him an impromptu motorboating. That would be in his own time, she knew.

Aiden stood quiet and still as the women busied themselves with tidying his shoes and backpack away, making no reaction to the submissive kisses Dr. Cross paid to his feet (she noted that like certain other parts of Aiden, they were rather larger than average, something she privately found to be quite cute and publicly she touted as further proof of his superiority and thus the righteousness of her submission to him), or the tender strokes Megumi made to his upper arms and chest. He was like a fashion model being fussed over by attendants whose names he could barely be bothered to remember, focused on something far more important than their petty concerns, and freed of having to do the mundane tasks a billion other boys around the world dealt with. As long as he had "his women" to take care of such things for him. Aiden was free to keep his piercing gaze firmly on the things that mattered.

"Well, there was one thing." He said, taking a step towards the kitchen. He knew his afternoon snack would already be waiting for him-a plate of carrots, celery, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cut in triangles-and that dinner would already have been started.

"Oh?" Brooke said, eyebrows raised. Aiden's life was one of routine, for the most part. A very strange routine to any outside viewer's, but more or less scheduled ahead of time either by himself or his mother. New things were somewhat of a rarity for Brooke.

"Yes, there's this boy at school, Isamu." Brooke's eyes narrowed at this, and she tossed a foul-eyed expression Megumi's direction. She knew all about that troublesome boy. For her part, Megumi cast her face down, as if unable to look up at the shame her son had brought upon her. Of course, if she had never met Aiden or Brooke, she'd probably be home with him right now, waiting on his every whim the same way she was now for this donkey-dicked, giant-balled Caucasian stud.

"And he and I made a bet. To go through the Pleasant Hills Dairy Corporation…" For just a moment, his pristine, unblemished face wrinkled as Aiden sought the right term.

" camp. For boys. And we decided that we'll go through it. And when he gives up, that'll settle all the trouble between us." So much had not been out and out stated, but Aiden knew in his bones that was how things would go. Isamu was a troublemaker for sure, but Aiden didn't think the other boy really hated him or anything. Once he lost fair and square, he'd probably get over it and be at least a little nicer. Aiden was less concerned for the courtesy given himself and more that which he felt his friends deserved.

Brooke looked a little surprised, as did Megumi-though as always where her son was involved she tried to keep her opinion to herself, less Brooke become upset. But Naomi looked downright shocked.

"Um...Aiden, I'm not sure if…" The doctor's tongue slipped out in nervousness, idly tracing along her beauty mark-an old habit of her's from med school that still flared up when she was anxious.

Brooke looked at her, wondering what could be bothering the brunette. She didn't quite know the details of what Aiden was talking about, but it could hardly be a big deal, right? Not for her perfect boy.

"What is this...Dairy Corp...thing, Naomi?" Brooke asked, sounding more curious than concerned.

"Well, it is a kind of training center, for disobedient boys. For those who just refuse to control themselves, and their...urges."

Brooke sniffed at that. "Aiden's not disobedient. And who says he needs to control his urges?"

Aiden nodded at that, and that was enough for Megumi who quickly moved to stand slightly behind Brooke, careful to comport herself so as to look shorter than the white woman. If Aiden had decided on something, and Brooke was fine with it, that was more than enough for her. She even clasped her hands in front of her skirt, which had the effect of pushing her boobs up and out, porcelain orbs on display through a sheer, skintight white top over an almost childish pleated skirt. It seemed to amuse the alpha woman of the house, Brooke, to keep Megumi dressed in somewhat embarrassing, stereotypical "good girl" Asian outfits. One of many little ways of reminding her of her proper place.

Naomi touched her glasses with the flats of her fingers, feeling a bit worried. She could tell the tide of the room was already against her. "Well, I didn't mean he had to. I'm just saying what it's for. Still I am a little worried, Aiden. I've actually been there a few times, to offer my medical opinion. It can be quite an ordeal for the boys. Not all of them can cope with it."

" don't think I can?" Aiden asked. It was a politely worded, openly curious question, but for all his stoic, almost idol-like nature, Aiden knew how to dissemble as well as any other child. He was fishing for a specific kind of answer and from the way his eyes seemed to bore into Naomi's skull...

-god its like he's groping me with just his gaze-

It was clear there would be consequences for the wrong kind of response.

Naomi shook her head, brown hair bouncing about her shoulders and falling down to her buoyant chest, barely concealed in a bra she'd bought just a month ago that was already too small and starting to get worn out by her prodigiously growing chest. The black sheer cloth, specifically designed for pregnant woman, was no match for the growth in her body caused by Aiden's superior spawn gestating inside her stomach. The cups of the bra peeked out from her blue tank top and noticeably grew darker around her areolas even as she stammered and spoke.

"Well, I only meant that it could be...dangerous, in a way. And of course I would never want you to have go through something you wouldn't enjoy, Aiden. Perhaps you should, eh, reconsider...right?"

Just a twitch of Aiden's face, a few strands of his sandy hair moving about those heavenly eyes, was enough to supply the answer. Wrong.

Rather than speaking right away, Aiden turned to Megumi. He simply nodded at her and waved an errant hand at his pants, which were tighter than usual as the god-cock he kept sheathed began to stir and pulse.

Brooke stood by, fully aware of what was coming and more than happy to watch. Her own outfit, which would have looked at home on a pornstar playing June Cleaver-sensible colors, pleasing patterns, modest style but whorishly cut and sinfully tight, began to grow stiflingly warm as her arousal warmed her up from within like a furnace.

Megumi dropped to her knees, trying to look every bit the helpful, supportive motherly figure but unable to keep her eyes from widening with sluttish desire or her thighs from parting ever so slightly. A trickle of drool dran from her mouth as she worked deftly at Aiden's pants, slender Japanese fingers undoing his little boy's belt and unbuttoning his pants. With soft pops like the seals on a dangerous biohazard container being broken, she reached into the waistband of his briefs and pulled down with a sudden intensity. This was a task she had been quite literally trained for, and like everyone else in such a position, it made Megumi's heartbeat a little faster to do something she was so experienced in quite well and see her skills pay off.

Brooke smiled in pure parental pride as Aiden's cock fwomped out of his pants and underwear, with Megumi letting the massive pole drape over her slant-eyed face as she bowed her back. Tugging all the way down, she removed his pants and moved away, keeping her eyes on the massive, swollen penis, marveling at how it seemed to eclipse Aiden's slender coltish legs in thickness. Again doing as she had been trained, she dutifully folded his briefs and pants and set them aside on a nearby coffee table as Aiden continued to keep Naomi pinned with his gaze.

The pregnant doctor hadn't moved in moments, and indeed barely seemed to be breathing, trying to keep from making any untoward sounds or motions that might arouse Aiden's ire any more than she already had.

"Maybe you need to be reminded who you're talking to." Aiden said, again motioning with his hand, this time beckoning her forward the way he might lazily call an old slow dog. The message and power dynamic at play was clear-she would move for him when she was summoned, and never the other way around.

"Aiden, I only meant that-" Aiden cut her off with narrowed eyes, and Naomi meekly went to her knees, duckwalking over to Aiden until her face was a few scant centimeters from his colossal, pre-come drooling cock-tip.

Aiden spared another glance, this time for his mother. While he hardly needed her to get his point across, he knew how much she enjoyed it. And indeed, Brooke was practically beaming as she commanded the formerly accomplished and respected doctor around like she was an illiterate live-in maid.

"Open your mouth, Dr. Naomi Cross." Brooke only used her full name and title when she was trying to degrade her. It made Naomi's cheeks flush and her groin ache to know that it always worked.

"It's time you replace the stupidity you're spouting about my son with something that actually matters. Nobody wants you to speak when you can be sucking cock instead."

Aiden tapped his cocktip against Naomi's mouth, and she craned her jaw wide open, only feeling a slight hint of the strain she used to experience when performing this obscene sex act. Along with the shame she felt at speaking out of turn, came a strange mix of pride at being able to take such a giant horse cock into her mouth.

Once her mouth was open, Aiden wasted no time. Given the difference in their sizes, even with Naomi kneeling, he had to crouch a bit, and as his dick shoved into her warm, wet, waiting mouth, Naomi's neck bowed and bent. Her kneeling body made a "C" shape as Aiden planted his legs firmly on either side of her, a lewd shameless position that put his little boyish buttcheeks and huge, swarthy yet completely hairless balls on display.

Aiden was silent now, as usual letting his body and his actions do all the talking for him. His cock burrowed into Naomi's throat like an eager, monstrous worm tunneling through loosely packed dirt, ignoring any resistance her mature body could have put up and smashing right on down into her spasming, yawning gullet.

Despite her experience, Naomi was soon gagging like a dumb teenager drunk off two glasses of wine sucking her first dick on prom night, her understated home make-up beginning to leak and run down her face. Mascara smudged her cheeks and lined her eyes as her crimson lipstick smeared and stained Aiden's cock, leaving dirty, sloppy broken rings and long streaks down the sides of his angrily pulsating dick. While the boy looked relatively emotionless, more like he was doing something like cleaning his room rather than pillaging the throat of one of the finest pieces of ass to ever wear a white coat in Pleasant Hills, his thrusts were all business.

Brooke practically tripped over her own feet as she kneeled down beside Naomi. Sneering, the cock-crazed mother grabbed the back of Naomi's head, fingers entwined with a deathgrip on her hair as her other hand gripped her by her neck. She openly cooed as she felt and saw Aiden's dicktip exploding in and out of her throat, her hand rising and falling every time his bellend pushed deep into her esophagus.

"You see how much nicer it is when you just shut the fuck up and do what my little boy wants, Doctor Dicksleeve?" Brooke hissed into Naomi's ear, running a seductive, teasing tongue down her earlobe as Aiden's hips began to crash that much faster, his thighs soon because bracketing Naomi's face. Her air supply was completely cut off, and only harsh, ragged moans sounded from deep within her chest. Brooke's thighs were practically drenched with the arousal at the thought of her boy literally stuffing anything stupid Cross might try to say down into her pregnant belly.

"Glllllch Gllllawrk!" Naomi's eyes looked up at Aiden with a mixture of lust and pleading, her body thoroughly enjoying the fact that he was fucking her throat-her skull-like it was little more than a sextoy, stretching her out like an old tube sock, but her mind begging for just a few moment's reprieve, a small bit of mercy.

But Aiden was without mercy. Being challenged by Isamu was one thing, but to have Naomi undercut him like that he simply couldn't tolerate. If she needed to be reminded that he was no ordinary boy by being face-fucked until she turned purple, then that was just what had to happen.

His balls swung into her chin with every deep thrust, and Megumi and Brooke were soon openly masturbating as they watched their little stud of a lover treat Naomi with such barely controlled frenzy. Brooke kept her hand in Naomi's hair, pushing her down and up slightly out of time with Aiden's thrusts, refusing to let the busty brunette get used to the brutal, wet, squelching rhythm of her facefuck.

"Oh, Aiden, you look so good fucking her mouth!" Megumi moaned, squatting lewdly and nibbling on one slender finger as her other hand delved into her skirt. Wet sounds filled the room as Brooke and Megumi pleasured themselves without shame or self-consciousness and Aiden treated Dr. Cross like a living fucktoy.

Just for a moment, Aiden pulled all the way out, his entire massive length dripping with saliva, pre-come, and other nasty, gooey liquids. Naomi drew in a ragged, wet sounding breath, looking like a woman who'd just endured a brutal water-boarding session.

Her mouth flapped open and shut uselessly a few times as she blinked, eyeshadow blurring her face and making her look as foolish as she felt in that moment, her mind clouded with lust and lack of oxygen. "Auh-Aiden I'm sohsoh-rrrugh!"

Aiden thrust back into her mouth, not wanting to hear any apologizes she could sputter out. This brutal, harsh, unyielding sex act and her open, undefiant submission to it was all the apology he needed.

"That's right, honey, really fuck her face up. Remind her that she's no good for anything but taking your wonderful cock!" Brooke crowed, slapping Naomi's full tits with resounding smacking sounds, rubbing in all the drool and phlegm that leaked from her mouth and pooled in the valley of her cleavage.

Brooke shoved her face forward then, her nose buried in the crook of Aiden's balls, sniffing deeply. The musk seemed to hit her like a street drug, and her face k contorted into a strange expression-she seemed to represent every overzealous sports mom, mixed with an Oedipal lust that would have made most therapists throw up their hands in futility. Like a woman possessed, she egged her son on.

"That's right baby, fuck her face nice and deep, don't let this back-talking bitch breathe for a second! Here! Here baby," She said, pulling gently at his feet.

"Stand on her thick thighs so you can really fuck her up!" Naomi was helpless to resist as mother and son contorted her body, ending up in a degrading position with her head bent back almost ninety degrees, Aiden's big childish feet splayed on her thighs as his cock drilled down deep inside her. Gouts of sperm and precome rushed up from her mouth with every thrust, and at this new humiliating angle, the overflow ran down into her eyes and noses, sealing them shut and further denying her air.

Oh my god he's in my fucking stomach! Every time he thrusts I can feel the baby kick! He's stepping on me like I'm not even a person, using me like a goddamn stool! He's so...strong!

Brooke watched, laughing wickedly as Naomi's body contorted and shook, the lack of oxygen and brutal throat-fucking taking its toll on her body. With a sick warbling cry, Naomi orgasmed pitifully, her eyes clotted shut with thick gooey spittle and Aiden's balls firmly resting on her chin.

"Oh..." The boy moaned, seeming to show emotion and lust for the first time, despite having been skullfucking her for the better part of half an hour.

"Her throat is...squeezing me." He grunted, his face showing just a hint of the pleasure he was receiving.

Brooke smirked. "That's right! Bitches like here get all tight when they come, and a slut like this will squirt all over just from getting a dick shoved down her throat."

She's right….oh god, I nearly squirted my entire fucking brains out from being throatfucked! Every second I spent in medical school was a waste-this is what I was made for!

She rubbed a hand on her son's big smooth balls, feeling how tight and heavy they were, loaded with such potent, superhumanly virile sperm. "Are you gonna come, sweety?"

Aiden nodded, his hands locked in Brooke's messy, wet hair as his toes dug in on her thighs, forming little indentations and puffing the skin out beneath his feet. "Yes, mom."

Naomi was more or less dead to the world at this point, but just from hearing this her eyes fluttered a bit, struggling to open from the nasty morass Aiden had tu

rned her face into, just to look at him. His own eyes were closing with pleasure, but if he could have looked into her eyes, he would have gotten one message, plain and simple.``

Please, please, please. Give it to me.

With a sudden final thrust, Aiden bottomed out in Naomi's throat. Between her massive jugs, a slight bulge could be seen, and there was a harsh, sudden crack. Naomi's glasses were busted, split right down the middle as Aiden bucked and thrust, rocking his dick in her throat like a massive warship docked in a tiny little fishing port.

"That's right, feed that baby in her stomach!" Megumi yelled, while Brooke latched her mouth onto Aiden's balls, hollowing her cheeks and sucking like she wanted to draw the sperm right out of him.

Splllrt! Splllrt! Splllrt!

Even buried deep inside Naomi's body, the sound of Aiden's massive orgasm could be heard, and there was a nasty sound reminiscent of mucous with every last thrust, growing in volume-it was clear that despite the massive amount of ball-snot he was dropping into her guts, it was still rising up into her throat, lubing his dick so he could fuck those last few thrusts even harder and faster. Naomi's hands trembled and her arms shook as she came again, and again, and again, feeling her consciousness fading even as her pleasure mounted.

After perhaps two hundred seconds, Aiden withdrew, slowly stepping off Naomi's thighs like a child dismounting their stepstool that let them use the bathroom sink. There was a wet pop! As his dick withdrew from the tight seal of her throat and nasty, rancid sperm leaked down her lips. Her neck remained bent at a sharp, jarring angle like a broken door hinge, and as Aiden took a step back, Naomi slumped onto the ground like a puppet with her strings cut. She was only dimly aware of what was going on as Brooke walked over the coffee table, picking up her son's clothes.

"Goood job Aiden!" Brooke chirped happily, every inch the doting mother again and not the fierce woman she had been just seconds ago, helping to wreck another woman's throat and mind with her son's dick.

"Come on, mommy will get you all dressed up." Aiden followed her into the kitchen, seeming to have forgotten all about Naomi like a discarded toy.

"Clean that bitch up, slant!" Brooke called as they left, though Megumi hardly needed to be prompted. She fell onto Naomi eagerly, slurping and licking at her face like a hungry cat. Eager to taste every drop of Aiden's sperm she could get, the Japanese mother fastened her lips to Naomi's mouth, even going so far as to put her hands on her sternum and push like she was giving her CPR, wanting to pump every drop of that mind-altering, tasty nectar out of her stomach like like a bellows.

Considering the matter settled, Aiden's voice resounded in the house as his mother helped put his pants and underwear back on, all traces of his previous commanding nature gone, but still remaining quietly confident.

"So, what's for dinner tonight?"

Later that night, Aiden tossed and turned in bed, having turned in somewhat early. Somewhat unusually, Aiden didn't dream often-his sleep was secure and deep, serving only to convey him from day to day and make sure his body was fully replenished. Considering how hard the boy pushed himself physically, it was no surprise he was a heavy sleeper.

But tonight was a change of pace, as dreams raced through his mind. Later on, it would be hard for Aiden to recall anything more than flashes, brief snatches of sensations and words.

He thought about Isamu, always so arrogant and mean. That smirking face was almost...cute. Visions of Izzy, his friend, getting anally plundered by his own mother went off in his subconscious like Technicolor explosions, even more magnified and extreme than in person. Somewhere he saw lace, heard strings, and even bells...almost like a schoolbell, but more like something one might hear on...a farm?

When he awoke the next morning, with his mother's mouth around his shaft to take full advantage of his morning wood, Aiden couldn't remember much of anything at all. But there was a feeling of uniqueness, and of something new starting in the back of his mind.

Later, after he came all over her face and down her throat, Brooke could only smile at her son, her voice muffled as though she had a mouthful of taffy.

"Today's the big day son. I know you'll be the best boy there. And hopefully this'll finally shut that uppity little Jap brat up once and for all."

It was after school that day, a Friday, when the two boys arrived in the midton offices of the PHDC. Aiden looked even more statue-like to Isamu, like he was only half awake. The Asian boy was also a little out of it himself, though he'd blame it on his mattress if anyone asked, and not own up the fact that he too had had some very unique and...interesting dreams.

The boys had their entourages in tow-Megumi, Brooke, and Naomi behind Aiden like a busty, overly mature cheerleading squad, and Ms. Kincaid behind Isamu. She'd been the one who drove him, though he hadn't been pleased with how long it took her. The young teacher had the handprints on her face to prove it, as well.

The place seemed innocuous enough, a modern-ish building of white stone, polished steel and large reflective windows. A small sign announced it as the "processing center" of the Pleasant Hills Dairy Corporation. An innocent enough description.

The two boys waited for their various females to finish fussing over them-both dressed nicely (though Isamu chafed under his khakis and Aiden privately thought the little tie Brooke had foisted on him was lame) and looking like they were about to undergo some prestigious and above-board academic exam.

Still, they both knew this was a competition and before they prepared to walk inside, Aiden cleared his throat, looking at Megumi for an instant.

The woman moved closer to him, curious as to what he wanted, but not overly so. Whatever it was, she'd be happy to give it. She always was.

Aiden locked eyes with Isamu before placing his hand on Megumi's shoulder and pushing her down a bit, bringing her head in line with his own. Holding her face just so, the blonde boy maintained his gaze with Isamu as he kissed the other boy's mother. Megumi squeaked a bit and moaned into the kiss, her whole body seeming to slump with pleasure as Aiden's tongue probed forcefully and deeply into her throat. The other women, and even Ms. Kincaid looked a bit jealous as Aiden had his way with her, acting a bit more forceful than normal-usually it was the women who hungrily devoured his childish kisses.

Isamu grunted when they finished, trying to look less affected than he was. Ms. Kincaid looked at him hopefully, even leaning in a bit on her tiptoes, but was only rewarded with another harsh slap.

"Out of the way, bitch." Isamu seethed. He walked to Aiden's side, glancing at him crookedly before snapping his fingers.

"You, come here!" He was looking at Brooke, eyeing her up like an attractive but unnecessary ornament. He didn't wait for an answer before his little hand swooped out, grasping her wrist with surprising strength.

"Ah, wait!" Brooke protested, not used to being handled like this. Aiden was never so forceful with her. She looked to her son, about to ask for help, but her words died in her throat.

Aiden gave her the tiniest of nods, as if to say Don't worry, its fine, and Brooke relaxed a bit. She understood the role she was playing in this little drama and while her pride burned at being used so, it almost made her feel good to be chosen by Isamu like this. He wanted to try and embarrass her Aiden by treating her the way her son treated his mother? That was fine, because Brooke was certain her boy would come out ahead at the end of this. He always did.

Isamu's patience barely allowed for the little silent communication between mother and son and barked at her, tugging at her wrist again. "Open your mouth, old lady!"

Brooke wanted to reprimand him, but instead simply parted her lips slowly, strands of saliva connecting them like delicate webs.

"Mmmphhf!" She moaned in surprise as Isamu devoured her mouth with his own. His hand never left her wrist, keeping her in place like a dog on a short leash as he stuck his tongue down her throat. Brooke closed her eyes, trying to pretend it was her own son's mouth she was kissing, enjoying the kiss despite herself. Let this little Japanese punk do his worst-she'd just take it out on his mother when they got home.

Although actually, and she'd never admit this, she didn't actually mind the extra roughness. The boy had a burning, hot passion that ran far closer to the surface compared to Aiden's own, if not equally strong, than far more subdued emotions.

Finally the two boys were done with their little game of chicken and Isamu simply sniffed the air contemptuously. Showing further discourtesy, he turned on his heel and walked away without so much as a goodbye, or an invitation for Aiden to join him, striding ahead with such force he was almost stomping.

"Uh.." Brooke dithered, trying to fix her hair a bit. "Well, goodbye, Aiden. And, uh, good luck, I just know you'll-"

"Bye, mom." Aiden said, following Isamu with an almost regal confidence in his step. This was no longer about her, or any of the other women. It was time to get this started, so that he could get it over with.

There was a woman inside, waiting for them, wearing an outfit that seemed to be a cross between a nurse's uniform and a more typically business-appropriate suit. Her blouse was red and almost aggressively tight, seeming to be made of some strange rubber, like-material (Isamu and Aiden were reminded of the condoms the women oh so rarely used to catch the sperm, and thought it odd to think of wearing something made of such material as an outfit) that squeaked with the slightest movement. Below the blouse she wore a pencil-skirt of the same material, its matte black color in stark contrast to the red of her blouse. While she was clearly a very beautiful woman, in a pale, dark-haired slightly mysterious sort of way, she seemed quite a bit more composed than the women Isamu and Aiden were used to dealing with, if no less physically gifted, with a pair of breasts that seemed all the more impressive despite being completely covered up, and a perky tight little rear that kept her skirt taught above her thighs.

"Hello, boys!" She said warmly. She was tall, standing at a few inches shy of six feet that her dark purple heels made up for, which meant she towered over the two little boys. Her hair was a bright crimson color, worn in a sharp bob, with two little ends poking out by her chin almost like the edges of a helmet. Her legs were kept stock-still, not instinctively spread like so many women the boys had encountered, and were wrapped, like vacuum sealed food, in dark stockings.

"Hello," They both replied in unison, years of social conditioning overriding their usual, more independent ways of thinking.

"My name is Ms. Cecelia Lovelace. Some people call me Sissy, but you can call me Ms. Lovelace. You must be Aiden and Isamu, right?" She checked a little digital assistant in the palm of her hand before glancing back at the two of them. Given the information she had on file, not to mention the differences in their names and appearances, she hardly needed to ask which was which.

"Follow me, please."

The two boys did, with even Isamu uncharacteristically quiet. Throwing down the challenge all seemed well and good, but it was very clear neither boy knew what to expect. And without any women around who were slavishly devoted to them, they were a little put off their game. From behind, they could see the little bows that wrapped up Lovelace's stockings, just peeking ever so slightly from the bottom of her skirt with every step she took. Something about the way she walked, the way she carried herself, both aroused and confused the boys.

They followed Lovelace through a keycard locked door, through a brightly lit, sterile-looking hallway. Near a set of large double doors was a small wall camera. Lovelace stopped ahead of it, remaining still for a moment Machinery whirred somewhere, and there was a solid thunk as the doors unlocked. She pushed them open and the two boys followed her inside. It seemed to be a changing room of some kind.

"Take off your clothes, please." She said, fussing with a few things on her device's keypad.

While not a wholly unusual request for the boys, the matter of fact way she commanded them was a shock. Still, after exchanging awkward glances, the boys complied. They had almost completely forgotten what it meant to be children alone with an adult, and the role reversal was unsettling.

"Now, as I understand it, the two of you are quite the talk in town, especially at school. And while that's all well and good, as long as you are here, I am in charge. Which means you have to listen to my rules, and the laws of this place." She busied herself in a nearby cabinet before returning to the boys.

For just a moment, her cool and detached demeanor cracked as she took in the sight of their naked bodies, hairless, smooth, and lightly toned, eyes wandering over their massive shafts. Taking in Aiden's sheer impossible size and Isamu's enormous, almost uncomfortable-looking testicles.

"Yes, I can see why the two of you would be a good fit for our program. Special arrangements might need to be made, yes." She tapped a fingernail against her teeth as her other hands held up two shining metal tools.

"Mmm." She cleared her throat.

"While you are here, there is to be no orgasming unless at the proper times. This means you'll have to wear these."

They were cock rings, though neither boy had seen such things before. "Hold still please," Ms. Lovelace said, before bending at the waist before Isamu. She didn't bow, and despite her being so close, and obviously attractive, something kept Isamu's instincts to reach out and grab her in check.

"Now this might be a little cold." She noted, before placing the ring snugly around the base of Isamu's hairless tan crotch. He hissed through his teeth-it was cold. The way the woman handled his genitals, lifting his penis in one hand, tugging his balls a bit, was far more clinical than he was used to, and there was a solid click as the ring was pushed into place.

She repeated the process with Aiden, taking her time to slide the ring all the way down his monstrous shaft. Once both were locked in place, she gave a small nod of approval, already noting how their dicks were that much stiffer and more rigid.

"Now, these cock rings are to remain in place at nearly all times. If necessary, they can be tightened," She tapped at her device's screen, and the rings tightened ever so slightly. Isamu and Aiden stood up taller, unused to this new sensation. It was restrictive and foreign, but it also felt somewhat...good.

"Or loosened," Another tap, and the rings were returned to their normal firm but not grasping state.

"As deemed necessary by me."

Her eyes studied their faces a bit, judging their reaction as she had judged many boys before. Aiden seemed completely impassive, like she hadn't said or done anything, and Isamu was nakedly impatient, tapping one bare foot on the floor quietly.

"You know, something tells me you boys might be a little bit of trouble. But that's ok. We have a normal uniform for the boys here, a little rural farmhand, but I think the two of you would benefit from something a little more...fashionable."

She rummaged around in a nearby closet, before producing two baby blue identical ensembles, which she thrust out at them.

"Put these on, please."

Aiden and Isamu hesitated a bit, before sharing a glance with each other. This was the real test-not just to follow her rules, but to see which of them could handle it better. Ms. Lovelace cleared her throat, showing a little impatience of her own.

Refusing to be cowed, the boys got dressed, first tugging up small, snug briefs that felt odd in their hands.

"Its like rubber." Aiden said, wondering how on earth his penis would fit inside the small things.

"Its actually a proprietary material, but yes, rubber is a close approximation." Lovelace said.

"Ugh, they're too small!" Isamu griped, having to shift his hips back and forth to fit into the tight pair. "They're spreading my...butt."

Indeed the underwear were less like the briefs the two boys were used and far closer to something their mothers might wear, tight, cut high on the hips, and showing off a significant amount of their cute little rears.

"Yes, that's rather the point. Now we keep the rooms all temperature controlled, so you won't need shirts. Put the boots on, please."

As before, the boys struggled a bit with the strange new garments. These boots were far higher than any footwear they were used to, and Isamu almost fell over as he tugged them on, hopping place. They went all the way up to his thighs, squeezing in a strange but not entirely unpleasant way. Aiden felt much the same, though he pulled them on more slowly.

"I feel...taller." He said, looking down at the boots a bit. It wasn't all he was feeling, but he felt it worth pointing out.

Ms. Lovelace offered him a smile. "Yes, that's right. There's a slight heel built into the boots, to keep you standing up straight like good little boys. Nice long legs, good straight backs. And look, it even makes your little bottoms tighter!"

Isamu blushed at that, though he could feel how standing in these boots was changing the shape of his butt a little bit. The two boys caught themselves looking at each other before looking away, quietly embarrassed. Was it strange that each thought the other boy looked...good?

"Now, clearly you are both too well endowed for these underwear, so there's a technique you have to practice. Tuck your penises up, so they wrap around near the top of your little briefs."

The boys tried, but to no avail-even Aiden, who had been given slightly larger if still tight in the rear little panties (that's what they most resembled to his eye, anyway) to account for his enormous length and girth, couldn't quite get his cock to be contained within. They kept poking out, their balls held almost sinfully tight-the more they tried to pack their balls in, the more their dicks threatened to spill out, and vice-versa.

"No, no, not like that. You have to tuck, use your leg." Ms. Lovelace insisted, making motions with her hands that the boys only half followed.

"Here, help each other."

"But-" Isamu said. More than the thought of touching Aiden on his underwear, helping the other boy just seemed wrong.

Lovelace gave them both a stern glance, and tapped her screen again. The boys stiffened as their cock rings grew tighter than ever before. "Now, if you please. We still have to get you settled in your rooms and ready for the days ahead. Aiden, you go first, since Isamu's penis is smaller."

Isamu blushed again at that, but couldn't deny it. It was just a fact.

"Watch what he does, Mr. Ogawa."

Slowly, with his child's curiosity and native intelligence, Aiden reached out and gently touched Isamu's rubber-latex clad penis, eyes going wide at the unfamiliar sensation. He'd touched his own penis countless times of course, but another boy's, and through this strange material was odd. Isamu let out a low, long breath through his pursed lips, trying not to look at Aiden's face and just watching what he was doing.

"Is that...ok?" Aiden asked, pushing and prodding at Isamu's boy-cock to try to get it in place and stay that way.

Isamu nodded, a bit too fast. "Yes, yeah that's fine. Just...ooh, hurry up!"

Soon Aiden was finished, and Isamu's cock throbbed in its new position, flexing and trying desperately to uncoil, but unable to.

"Your turn." Aiden offered unnecessarily.

Isamu reached out, grabbing with a lack of gentleness at Aiden's dicktip, so clear and apparent through the material.

"Fuck you've got a big dick." He said, somewhat enjoying the handling of such a weight. So...heavy.

Soon Isamu was done, and the two boys looked at Ms. Lovelace, unsure of what came next and uncertain of what exactly had just transpired between them.

"Very good boys. Paying attention to adults, and being able to work together are very important for anyone volunteering at the Pleasant Hills Dairy Farm. Now, this way please."

The two boys followed, slower than before owing to their new footwear. Their boots sqeuaekd and rubbed along the tiled floor, and each boy found it difficult to walk with their dicks so restrained and their legs in the odd, high-heeled position. Still, they refused to show weakness and followed as fast as their cute little legs and wobbling boy butts would carry them.

"Now, here we deal with boys like yourselves who refuse to acknowledge any authority but themselves. And here we will milk that out of you until you are nice, obedient children. "

Isamu tched at this, and was about to say something, when they passed in front of a large room with clear open windows.

"This is the milking parlor." Lovelace intoned, watching their reactions dispassionately.

Inside they saw two kinds of people, both naked. Adult women and young boys about their age. The women were being milked, thick, strong-looking strays of breast milk being fed into cold tubes. The boys...well there was no other word than milked for them as well. They were all hung, some larger than others, but all having the usual Pleasant Hill look to them-equal parts cute little boys and dangerously young hung young men in one sensual package.

"Boys are milked only once per day. This ensures a large amount of sperm produced every time, and makes sure the resultant emissions are only of the highest quality." There was a trace of professional pride in Lovelace's voice, though her words seemed to upset the two boys.

"Only...once?" Aiden asked, thinking about how often he came in a normal day. It was hard to put a number on it, honestly.

"That's not enough!" Isamu protested. "My balls are swollen up enough as it is-even when I come a lot in one day there's still a lot that's backed up in there, they make so much. I can't-"

Lovelace silenced him with one upraised finger pressed against her own lips. "Shush, now. Those are the rules, and that is what the cock-rings are for. We wouldn't you to get any ideas about wasting all that precious milk just to give yourselves pleasure, now would we? The rings are kept tight, until they need to be taken off."

She was off walking again, and the boys followed without being prompted. The clacking of Lovelace's sharp heels and their own rubbery boots made a strange chorus as they came into a hallway marked "Dormitories."

"Since you two boys came in together, you'll have rooms opposite each other. It's important for our boys to have a sense of comradeship with someone."

The boys said nothing at that, though Isamu stifled the urge to snort. Like he would be...comrades with Aiden, though he wasn't quite sure exactly what 'comrades' meant. They were less like traditional bedrooms and more like the kinds of bays horses would be in at a farm. Though far more chrome and black plastic instead of wood. There were still beds, but they were attached to the wall, and had only the merest, stark accoutrements, a single pillow and a plain sheet and blanket, all in sterile white.

"There were two boys in here a bit earlier. Unfortunately neither of them had quite the level of self-control we expect here. I hope the two of you won't be quite so easy to break." Lovelace said with a bit of condescension children that weren't Aiden and Isamu were used to hearing from adults.

The two of them were instead focused on the smell of this place. It smelled like semen-something they were both quite familiar with, but slightly different as well. A little...sweeter?

"Those are all the rules for now, but there will be more once you truly get started tomorrow. I trust you boys can handle that?"

In the rooms across from each other Aiden and Isamu spared Ms. Lovelace only a small glance. Instead they looked at each other, nodding and trying to look confident to cover the growing concern in the pit of their stomachs.

"I can handle it." Isamu said, though his words weren't for Lovelace.

"Me too." Aiden said, feeling his balls already starting to swell. Between the cockring and only having orgasmed once that day, he could tell he was going to feel uncomfortably backed up. Their eyes made it clear to each other that neither boy was willing to admit how strange or disconcerting they found any of this.

As before their gazes said only one thing, though perhaps with not as much confidence.

I'm going to win.

To be continued….