Isla KOF x OC
The Real King of Fighters
Chapter One
"Ahh, another day, another game."
Life for Jake Nelson was much the same from day to day, to the point that he rarely knew what day of the week it was unless he checked his phone every five minutes. There wasn't a lot to break up the monotony for him, he worked from home and didn't venture out much into the world, so one day was much the same as another. His work consisted of answering surveys online and writing code free-lance for various websites that were big enough to afford outside help and small enough not to have their own departments. It didn't pay well, but he didn't have much in the way of expenses-his clothes were cheap, he got his messy, sandy-blond hair cut only once every several months, and he didn't own a car. Living with his mother still (Jake insisted that it was for her sake, to comfort her through her ailing health, an argument which didn't hold water as his mother was barely fifty years old and healthier than him) meant that he had no rent to pay, and plenty of time to himself in his basement "apartment."
Only video games and various emoribilia and paraphernalia were his big expenditures, with a bookshelf behind him covered in models, figurines, and more than a few erotic dolls to the point that it creaked any time he placed something new on it. Jake fired up his Xbox as he prepared to while away the next few hours playing his newest acquisition, The King of Fighters XV. He'd been playing for a few days, and after that long with a series this old, he wasn't expecting to be surprised, but he imagined he'd still enjoy watching some pixelated women bounce and jump around on screen as he worked his way through the game and added a few new girls to his spank bank. There was one in particular he liked, a sexy Latina graffiti artist named Isla, new to this entry.
However, there seemed to be an issue this time. A strange screen was showing on his tv, with artwork that didn't seem to resemble SNK's usual art screen at all. It simply read "PORTAL OPENING IN 3…2…1", much to Jake's shock.
"Portal? What the hell is that supposed to me-eeen!!"
With an embarrassingly high-pitched cry, Jake felt himself lifting off his large, well-used gaming chair, leaving behind the familiar soda stains and cribs of food as he levitated in the air as if by magic. Before he could regain his bearings, he was propelled forward at incredible speed like a thrown javelin, heading right towards his wide-screen tv. Jake raised his thin arms as if that would stave off the upcoming impact, still screaming like a a girl…but no impact came.
Instead, Jake felt a strange sensation wash over his body, a brief film that seemed to stick to his skin, something intangible yet undeniable, covering him from head to toe. His eyes were squeezed shut, yet light still seemed to pour through them, a blinding kaleidoscope of colors accompanied by strange, unnerving noises that reverberated through Jake's entire body, shaking up his bones and brain as much as they impacted his ears. He no longer felt like he was being thrown, and more like he was standing on some kind of conveyor belt, with the unmistakable sensation of being moved, yet not by his will or action of his body. He expected pain, or maybe just swift, sudden nothingness, but after a few seconds that stretched on and on…there came sudden music, along with the hustle and bustle sounds of a busy city.
"What…where am I?" Jake whispered to himself, opening eye first as though expecting to see something hideous or offensive, before he relaxed and slowly opened his other eye.
He was standing in a parking lot somewhere, in the shadow of a large building, clearly under construction with scaffolding rising nearly ten stories high, covered in a blue tarp that rustled in the wind. The parking lot was mostly empty, with a few cars here and there, but Jake didn't see any people coming or going. It was hot here, much hotter than in his apartment, but also than it had been outside…he thought, it was hard to tell because he hadn't left the house in about three days. But it was warm, humid, and the middle of the day wherever he was. Wearing a t-shirt for the second day in a row (with a mech pilot and suit on it referencing a niche visual novel Jake often argued about on the internet) and baggy jeans, Jake quickly felt overdressed in the sweltering sun.
He jogged to a nearby car, still wearing his dirty flip-flops that had probably never been washed in the years he'd owned them, hoping that there was something about it that could tell him where he was. Jake didn't know a lot about cars, but it was the best thing he could think of. There were no flyers or bumper stickers on it, but the license plate was strange, just three sets of letters and numbers, six in all. Even Jake knew that wasn't quite right, and it certainly didn't look like an in-state license at all.
"'Chile'?" He read, finding a name-plate written under the license. Like, Chile, Chile, the country in South America? But it was summer here, clearly and if he remembered his elementary school geography right, summer for them was during winter for him…and it was June, so…something was wrong here. Like any man his age lost for an answer, he pulled out his phone, never far from reach.
No signal, it said. Carrier not found. Jake tapped the screen, his thin fingers working as sudden perspiration trickled down his forehead. Something very strange was going on right now, and he hated to think about it, to contemplate what it might mean. Because if he did, then he would have to accept that it was real, because all the evidence was pointing in one direction, and he'd have to be stupid not to pick up on it. Contrary to what his bitchy mother often said, Jake wasn't stupid, and he knew enough to understand you didn't need a college degree to prove that.
But…if the evidence was right, small things and large things together, all of them as plain as the slightly round and puffy nose on his pale and sunken-cheeked face, well…he might be in serious trouble. Or at least, far from home and stranded, which was bad enough without any immediate danger or risk. Jake checked his face in the car's side mirror, just in case something had happened to him during his journey here, whatever kind of journey it had been.
"Well, that's a relief." He said, unaware he was even speaking out loud. Clearly stress was getting to him and he had never been exactly stoic to begin with. Still, he looked the same…which wasn't saying much, really. Jake had never been the physical sort, and now entering his late twenties his metabolism had slowed a bit, leaving him with skinny arms and legs, a small potbelly, and hair that tended towards the greasy side. He had a strong chin, he supposed, but that was only because his face was thin, and between that general unhealthy looking slenderness his only saving grace were his expressive, soulful hazel eyes, but those were obscured by thick, dark brown tortoise shell glasses.
Lost in a country he didn't know, in a season that shouldn't have been, Jake looked to the buildings opposite the parking lot. It was hard to tell what any of them were, as the signage was all in Spanish, but…wait, no it couldn't be.
"Holy shit." Jake wasn't dumb, that much had been established to his own satisfaction if no one else's, and now that he was practicing what a more emotional intelligent person would call radical acceptance, he had the last piece of the puzzle in front of his eyes…well, across the street and above most of the buildings. He only understood one world, a name, Anastasia, but the logo was clear…he'd seen in promotional material for the video game he'd been about to play, moments ago and a world away.
"I'm in a fucking isekai story…in the King of Fighters world. It was, or should have been impossible, but it fit all the facts and there was almost certainly no other explanation that would have.
Jake didn't realize he was walking backwards until he collided with one of the cars, his body not quite catching up to his mind. There was a clatter of metal from above him, followed by laughter, a rich rolling young woman's laugh.
"Ay, Maldito torpe."
Jake looked back, but didn't see anyone, until he heard a clambering sound like someone running around on loose floorboards and adjusted his gaze upwards, to the building that was under construction. A was a girl up there, and something about her seemed familiar, though Jake only caught a flash of her as the tarp swung out, caught by the breeze.
He spotted a nearby ladder and looked up at where she was on the building, perhaps five stories. Jake had a thing about heights, but he was also lost, far from home and possibly in another world. The first person he saw was going to have to do, so he made his way to the ladder and slowly, shakily climbed up. The girl watched his progress disinterestedly, considering some of the spray cans by her feet.
As he reached the top, Jake pushed the tarp aside, struggling to catch his breath. It hadn't been a long time, but Jake couldn't even remember the last time he'd used a ladder. The girl just watched him with an amused expression, like watching an overturned animal trying to right itself, her bright green eyes keen and focused.
"Nice…work." He said, wondering if she would even understand him. This was…tagging, that's what they called it, though Jake had no idea what exactly he was looking at. There were lots of bubbly letters, all of it in Spanish, in white with a sort of halo effect in blue and pink behind it.
"Ay, what would 'chu know anyway, weón?" She responded, though she could tell she was at least somewhat pleased by his words. Not because he meant anything to her, or looked like he knew anything about art, but simply as confirmation of what she already thought about herself. He wondered if he had just been lucky enough to find someone who spoke English, or if something else was going on here…but it didn't occupy his mind for very long.
"What's the matter with you? You got lazy eyes or something, that way you wore those fucking windshields on your face?" She said, hands in her coat pockets as she leaned against scaffolding in a casual way that made Jake's heart race out of sympathetic fear. He actually shuffled a little bit closer to the brick wall of the building, glad the tarp was there so he didn't have to look down.
"No, uh sorry…you just look familiar." He said, considering how likely that was. But there was something about her, and it gave him an excuse to take a closer look at what was obviously a very attractive woman, so Jake took it.
Jake didn't know much about graffiti, but he did know a thing or two about spray paint having spent plenty of hours crafting miniatures, and this girl clearly wasn't an amateur herself. She was wearing a large yellow coat unzipped, no doubt to keep paint off her skin as much as possible, along with a paint-stained black cap, with a professional gas mask dangling in front of her neck, which looked even more slender than it already was due to her black choker. But underneath her paint gear, she was barely dressed at all and Jake felt himself swallow heavily, realizing how loud that was when she looked at him from under her hat, tchhing in annoyance.
"You not from around here, that's for sure."
Her hi-top sneakers were black with red flame shapes and red laces, along with thigh high socks in mis-matched colors, everything about her screaming flashy if not outright attention-grabbing. Her lithe, caramel colored legs were on display wearing tiny black denim shorts that were so short the pockets were sticking out, little more than a belt draped across her mouth-wateringly lithe and toned thighs. There was a cute tattoo on one of her thighs, and Jake was going to examine it further before she cleared her throat, forcing him to look up, face blushing.
As he examined her further, it hit him where he knew her from, the graffiti, the blue and white striped hair that hung down her back in a ponytail held in place by a large, triangle hair ornament, even the way she carried herself…
"You're Isla!" Jake blurted out, realizing this only made him sound stranger.
She straightened up, her whole demeanor changing and Jake realized he probably should have kept his mouth shut. Before she had thought he was just some harmless weird looking yanqui far from home and probably a little touched in the head. Her hands stayed in her pockets, but somehow she seemed alert, ready to strike.
"How the hell did you know that? Who are you?"
Jake put his hands up, backing up a little till he touched the inside of the scaffolding.
"Sorry, I didn't mean…I just, look, this is crazy." Jake couldn't help but keep staring at her body as he tried to think of how to explain something unexplainable, something he didn't understand himself. Now that she was agitated, her breasts rose and fell in her tiny bralette, wearing a white tank-top that plunged down to her navel and displayed her taut, tan stomach, with well-worn holes here and there.
"You better explain yourself and fast or-"
Sirens sounded from the street as police cars (at least Jake figured they were police cars because of their lights and sirens, but they were green) sped past, their engines roaring. Jake mostly just watched, but Isla immediately backed away from the edge of the scaffolding, her hands suddenly appearing out of her coat pockets as she began scooping up her spray cans.
"Hmm…looks like you might be in trouble huh? I bet if i told them you were here, they'd probably be able to find you, or at the very least, you wouldn't have time to finish this piece." Jake was honestly guessing at this point, for all he knew it might have already been finished.
"If you tell them anything…" Isla said taking a quick step towards him, but somehow Jake found the strength inside himself not to back down. Maybe it was because his back was already to the wall, in more ways than one. He looked down at her, glad for his gangly, awkward height for once.
"You'll…what? You're a street artist, you're not some gangbanger. You don't scare me." Jake was lying through his teeth and sweating bullets, but he had to just see this through. He'd settled on a course of action and he had to see it through.
"But…maybe we can make a deal." He said, rubbing his hands together out of nerves. Isla's eyes narrowed, and for a moment Jake worried he'd overstepped and she might just decide to push him off the building. That was something he often wondered about isekai scenarios, since he hadn't died to get here like in some of them, would he just pop back where he had been if he died here?
"A deal? Like what, I'm not exactly rolling in money, white boy." There was clear anger in her clipped, short tone but somehow Jake liked the idea of having a nickname. He doubted there were many white boys around here.
"My name's Jake, Isla." He countered and again he could see confusion on her face, and he hoped his little insider information would help give him a leg up in this conversation, or blackmail, whatever you wanted to call it, it was all uncharted territory for him.
"Ok…Yake, what do you want?" But from the way he'd been looking at her, and still was, and the way Isla looked normally, she was no stranger to this sort of thing. It was just that she was usually very careful not to be caught unawares like this, but the appearance of a sudden strange, bumbling white man in the middle of a parking lot in Santiago had taken her off her stride.
"Oh, I'm sure you can think of something…and knowing you, you've probably got a place nearby, yeah?" Jake was making a guess, but it made sense to him, Isla probably didn't own a car and working on big, splashy, time-intensive pieces, she'd probably need a…what were they called?
"A squat? Someplace…more comfortable."
Isla crossed her arms, her tits audibly straining at the edges of her bralette, pushed up high enough for Jake to get a generous eyeful of tan, impressive cleavage. She'd done worse than wank off some yanqui to keep herself out of trouble in the past, and a dope like this would probably be a quick shot, and small to boot.
"Fine, I'll lead the way. But if you try to play me or double cross me, we're gonna have a real problem." She hissed, and Jake resisted the urge to swallow again with an effort that seemed Herculean to him.
"Oh of course, I'll be right behind you. So I can…watch out for any cops." He said, though he soon had to hustle to keep up with Isla. The thought of ditching him must have occurred to her at some point, as she led him across rooftops, down fire escapes, and through narrow twisting alleys, but for all she knew he'd run straight to the cops afterward and while he probably didn't know anything, it wasn't worth the chance. Besides, if she played her cards right, she'd have him wrapped around her finger in no time…
"Oh…oh! Oh fuck, oh god, I can't believe you're doing this to me!...Ay, I didn't say stop, you fucking perra!"
Isla's cried filled her small, modest apartment which was, as Jake had guessed, little more than a squat. Previous tenants had vacated a week before their lease was up, and Isla had moved in a few things, including an air mattress that was laying back on with her legs spread wide, shorts dangling off one foot still in its sock as Jake knelt between her thighs, eating her dripping wet pussy with surprising skill. A fucking dweeb like him,, Isla hadn't expected him to know which end was up, but right now his tongue was sliding along her puffy pussy mound like an old pro, and the way his fingers were sliding in and out of her tight little cunt, it was too much for her to handle.
"Ah fuck, I'm coming, I'm coming!" She yelled out, holding her legs back with her hands behind her knees. Isla thrashed around on the mattress as Jake kept going like a fucking rabbit, slurping on her pussy lips and wriggling his tongue around her sensitive clit faster and faster, her dripping juices licking down his stubbly, coarse chin.
"Wai-wai, slow down pl-please!" Isla's words went unheeded, as Jake could barely hear her, diving deep into that pussy with more effort than he'd put into anything else. He didn't really know what he was doing, being a total effort, but he could tell when Isla liked something he did, so he just did more of that. His eyes flicked up, watching her body shake as Isla rode out her second, more powerful orgasm like a woman trying to avoid being knocked over by a wave. Still wearing her tanktop and bralette, one of her hands grabbed her chest suddenly, uncontrollably, squeezing and almost smacking her breasts as she kept coming, prolonging her climax. Jake was enjoying this nearly as much as she was, unable to believe he was making such a hot, sexy woman come all over his face, the taste of her juices being strange but not unpleasant to him, and he happily rubbed his face against her pussy lips, almost motorboating her Latina pussy as Isla's feet kicked weakly in the air.
As she slowly came down from her second orgasm, Jake backed up a little, wiping his face on the back of his hand-he was utterly soaked after that, and Isla was breathing heavily, her eyes trying to focus.
"Guess I did a good job, huh?" Jake said, unable to hide the pride in his voice but also still desiring confirmation.
Isla stared at the ceiling, her cap askew as her legs slowly lowered, dropping heavily to the air mattress. This stupid white boy ate pussy better than any man she'd been with before, maybe because a geek like him was so eager to please. She looked down at him, propping herself up on her elbows and seeing the pleading, puppy dog look on his face.
"Oh god, just…please stop talking. You're gonna ruin this." Isla said, wiping away a bead of sweat from her forehead as she took her cap off.
"Now are we done here, or what?" She tried to sound tough, but it was hard after she'd just came herself silly in front of this bastard, letting him see a vulnerable side of her very few people had ever so much as glimpsed.
"Well, no cause I haven't…finished yet." Jake said, not used to articulating his sexual needs to a partner.
"Will you….suck my dick?" He said, almost afraid to voice his desire in case she said, but he didn't think she would. They'd gone too far now to just stop.
"You gotta be kidding me…I can't fucking believe I'm doing this." Isla muttered, blowing a strand of her multicolored hair out of her face.
"Fine, just get undressed and stand up then ok. Let's make this quick." She commanded, knowing that even if she had to service an ugly, awakward motherfucker like this, she could still do it on her terms.
As he stood up, tugging his sweaty t-shirt off his head, Jake mumbled, trying to speak from within the shirt. "
Could you, um…get naked now? I wanna see your tits." It was too blunt of a want, almost a need, for him to say anything else.
Isla grumbled. "Jeezus, you're a demanding type. Most guys would just let me jerk them off and consider themselves lucky, it's more than you deserve anyway. You yanquis always want more, but fine."
Isla yanked her tank top off, revealing her lean, lightly muscled stomach, with clear definition around her abs and oblique muscles, more of years of being active and athletic and eating little due to poverty as opposed to concentrated exercise. She tried not to look but ended up giving Jake a sideways view. He wasn't hideous to look at, but she'd never have given him a second glance on the street-at least not because of his looks, he still stuck out like a sore thumb without even a light tan that most Anglos developed after being in Chile, he must have been fresh off a plane. His chest was narrow, with a few wispy strands of hair underneath his bellybutton on his small belly, and his arms looked scrawnier than Isla's, mostly because he was so tall.
As she popped her bralette off with a quick jerk of her thumb, Isla hopped out of her shorts and black panties, ending up with just her socks, hat on as the rest of her clothes joined her sneakers and other clothes on the floor-only her gas mask and paint cans had been treated carefully, resting on a cheap card table nearby. She watched as Jake fumbled with his pants, clearly embarrassed to be getting naked in front of a real-life woman, which was fine by her. She'd probably only have to jerk his dick a few times before he shot his tiny, watery…
"Whu-...Cuático . Not bad, for a skinny prick." Isla said, trying not to sound surprised or, worse, impressed as Jake finished undressing.
His jeans fell to the floor along with his boxers, and his dick fell from his underwear like a fallen tree. He was bigger than Isla had been expecting, a lot bigger. His cock looked to be roughly the size of her forearm, as pale as the rest of him but with a reddish shade as well, leading up to a throbbing, flared purple tip that looked shiny with sweat already. His balls were equally oversized, dangling beneath his legs like a pair of oranges stuffed into a sack of wrinkly, hairy skin, covered in hair along with his crotch, darker than the rest of his scant body hair and clearly not ever given a thorough (or even casual) manscaping. Jake puffed up with pride as he saw her staring at his dick, jerking it slowly as they stood apart from each other, though he hardly needed to-just looking at a girl this sexy, breathing in the scent of her body and still thinking about how hard she'd came on his face kept his dick harder than it had ever been.
"Well? Suck it." He said, not sounding commanding but simply direct-this was what they had agreed on and he thought he saw a hint of arousal in her eyes, though she was trying to hide it with an obvious scowl on her face.
"Fine, fine, hold your fucking horses." Isla walked up to him, their bodies close as she looked down at his dick, not wanting to see his face, which she could tell had a dopey, pleased grin so wide it looked like his head might fall off. She reached slowly, lightly tracing her tattooed hands along with his chest and stomach, getting a feel for his body. It looked like all the masculinity on him had gone directly to his dick, and he could tell he was proud of his cock…but who cared about that? A geek with a big, fat, sweaty bitch-breaker was still a geek, or at least that was what Isla told herself.
One of her hands reached down, wrapping around the base of his cock. Jake sucked in a sudden breath, feeling the soft skin of her palms, the warmth of her slender fingers wrapped around his big, veiny shaft. Isla tcched as she realized he was too big to wrap her fingers all the way around, and she settled for pumping him with two hands, giving him a frank and very forward handjob, showing she wasn't intimidated by his size. Jake stood stiff above her, his breathing picking up speed, unable to believe a gorgeous, sexy Latina woman was jerking his dick with such speed, with an almost painful yet unbelievably enjoyable tightness in her grip. And not just any girl, but a woman straight out of many gamer's wildest fantasies, sexy and without a trace of a flaw on her body, her breasts modest yet perky on her sculpted body, jiggling lightly as she jerked that cock faster and faster.
"Yeah, you like that shit, don't you mother fucker? Like me jerking your big, fat dick?" Isla hated the idea of complimenting his size so openly like this, trying to appear unbothered by the whole thing, but she couldn't help it-she only wanted him to come faster, that was all. As she kept stroking him, working her hands in opposite directions, reaching down with one to palm and lightly squeeze his massive balls, while stroking the tip of his dick fast and hard, she could smell his musky, unwashed dick even standing up, a smell that only got more intense as a trickle of off-white, milky precum leaked out of his piss-slit. Isla smeared it in with her thumb, lightly sliding her nails across his dick, enjoying the weight of it, the sheer hardness it had.
Slowly, giving him a look like you better appreciate this, asshole, Isla sunk to her knees, finding that dick looked even bigger up close. Twenty-six centimeters, maybe a little more? Isla opened her mouth wide, little strands of spit sticking to her lips as her tongue slowly poked out, like someone unveiling the red carpet for an honored guest. She whirled it around his dicktip, pushing his foreskin back and feeling her nose crinkle as the scent of unwashed, smegma-covered dick hit her in the face like a humid forest.
"Ah…play with your pussy while you suck my dick, Isla." Jake said, having lost any sense of filtering or editing his thoughts, and simply letting his words spill out.
Isla tried to ignore him, slowly sliding his big dicktip into her mouth, breathing hot moist air over it as she began to bob her head up and down. Still, a good idea was a good idea, and Isla began rubbing her wet, sensitive pussy as she opened her jaw wider. She let drool run out of her mouth, smearing it along Jake's dick as she jerked him with her free hand, finding a rhythm with her mouth as Isla slowly swallowed more and more of that big white dick with each bob of her head. It had been a minute since she'd sucked a dick this large, but she was going to show this white boy he wasn't impressive.
"Gllch, mmmpf, mmmmhhh~" Isla couldn't help but moan around that dick, feeling Jake's entire shaft vibrate slightly in her mouth. It wasn't because she was enjoying sucking this cock or anything, she just liked knowing that she was doing a good job. She was going to turn this big dick motherfucker into so much putty in her hands, and then she'd have him eating her out every day…well, not that she expected to see him again. Or wanted to.
Isla felt herself bristle as one of Jake's hands dropped to her hair, taking a light grip on her ponytail as he thrust his hips slowly. Isla tried to swallow around that dick, feeling it hit the back of her throat and then slide just a little deeper, coughing a little as she felt tears begin to leak down her eyes. She could feel a bulge appearing in her throat as that cock pushed deeper and deeper-if he was a normal sized guy, Isla would have bottomed out by now, with her nose buried in his pubes, but for Jake she was only a little more than halfway down.
"Ohh fuck that feels so good! Suck my dick Isla, deeper! Hnngh, fuck!" Jake was a little too timid to start really facefucking Isla, but his hips began thrusting a little faster, a bit deeper each time. Isla resisted the urge to bat his hand away-she was in charge here and she didn't want him getting any ideas to the contrary, but if it meant getting him off a little faster and being done with this she could handle a little clumsy pawing and pulling at her head.
Working faster with both her hands, Isla felt her orgasm coming faster than she expected, her fingers moving in steady but slow motions in and out of her pussy, which was almost embarrassingly wet. Squelching noises filled the room along with Jake's moaning and grunts and the sounds of Isla's spirited blowjob, which got more and more sloppy by the second. Drool leaked out of her mouth in thick, bubbly runners of spit, splashing down onto her lithe neck, dripping off her collarbones and splashing onto her tits as she went deeper and deeper. She was gagging openly on that cock now, but she wasn't going to let that stop her-from the way Jake's breathing grew faster, his grip on her hair getting tighter and the throbbing of his dick, she could tell he was going to cum soon. She just didn't want to come herself, not with this dick lodged deep in her throat, but she couldn't help it-the deeper that dick slipped into her throat, the faster Jake's thrust got, the closer she got.
"Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Jake thrust his hips forward and there was a glottal, desperate sound of struggle from Isla's throat before, with a wet squelch, his dick sunk deeper. The bell-shaped indent in her throat slid deeper, nestled behind her upper chest as Jakle's balls smacked into Isla's chin, pubes roughly grinding against her face. Jake moaned like a pig, his orgasm more powerful than anything he'd felt before-this was a thousand times better than just sitting in his gaming chair, jerking his dick to Tifa Lockhart hentai.
"Hnng….ufff…urgh…swallow it, swallow it all!" He grunted, almost pleading with Isla to drain his balls right down her grasping, tight gullet.
Unable to resist, Isla's hand fell away from Jake's balls as she flipped him off, this little act of rebellion only turning Jake on more. Despite this, her own frantic, hurried finger as well as the first splash of Jake's hot, thick jizz down her throat pushed Isla over the edge. The two of them moaned and writhed as they came, Isla's feet kicking the floor behind her like a petulant child as her stomach was used as a dumping crowd for this bastard's hot, thick load. She could feel every inch of it throbbing in her throat, his veins seeming to grow as his orgasm continued, loud and lewd-sounding in the small room.
Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrtch!
"Mmmmff….mmphhh!💕" Isla was coming with that dick down her throat, and couldn't help but rub her bulging out neck in a lewd, frenzied jerking motion, making their orgasms last longer, bodies joined together by Jake's fat cock linking these two very different people who barely liked each other, yet both were undeniably horny.
Eventually, Jake's hand fell away from Isla's hair, and as he backed up, his dicktip was slowly released by her bright, plush lips with a loud pop! She couldn't resist giving it one last lick, her eyes lidded in an undeniably overjoyed expression, her breath fast and heavy as she struggled to come down from her powerful climax. Even this little motion, her tongue briefly rubbing against his sensitive, spongy dicktip was enough to make Jake's dick throb and pulse, squirting another final worm-like lance of thick, clumpy jizz onto Isla's face, splattering onto her lips and nose.
"Ah, you fucking bastard!" Isla said, but it didn't sound quite as angry as her remarks before. Her tongue slurped around on her face, licking this last trace of jizz up and gulping it done in a showy fashion.
"Mmm…ahhh!" Isla's mouth was wide open, showing that she'd happily swallowed every drop of his cum, her tongue wiggling happily as if to ask for more. Jake was leaning against a chair, feeling his heart racing like he might have a heart attack, his whole face red and splotchy. Isla was at least glad it was over, though she'd never admit to liking this…it was just a deal she had to do, and now she could pretend she'd never met this guy.
"Ok…will you lay down now? I have to fuck your tight little pussy." Jake said, and Isla realized his cock was somehow still hard. It barely looked like he'd just had a powerful, massive orgasm and that he was ready to go as ever-Jake looked more tired than anything else, but something told Isla he would get a second wind soon.
"You fucking big-dicked freak…" She whispered, yet she actually allowed herself to be impressed now. This wasn't just some dumb, big dick white boy, apparently she'd found herself a real stud. Still, she was the one in control, or at least more in control than him, as it seemed both Isla and Jake were slaves to their desires, unable to even think straight and only pursuing greater and greater pleasure.
"Fine, just hurry up." Isla said, standing up and walking to the mattress again. She couldn't help but wiggle her hips for him, showing off every inch of her slender, toned legs, and even reaching behind her to cup her asscheeks, bouncing them up and down and letting her full, perky bubble butt Latina ass shake for Jake, as he followed behind her like an eager dog, barely keeping his tongue in his mouth.
She laid down on the mattress, her legs spread wide for him as Jake laid on top of her, and Isla couldn't believe she was about to let such a skinny little bastard fuck her raw. She should have demanded that he put on a condom, but he didn't look like the type to carry any and Isla didn't have any here. She would just have to tell him to pull out, so that she didn't have to live with the embarrassment, the utter humiliation of having this bastard-
"Ahhh…ooohh!" Isla's voice came out higher-pitched than before, her tough girl act dropped, at least for the moment. She tried to push back at Jake's chest, but the strength seemed to have gone from her arms, and as he was leaning above her, his greater size and weight were obvious now as Jake simply thrust himself into her like a rabbit, completely blind to prepping her or taking his time. Yet he slid inside easily, even as Isla hissed, her body struggling to accept this huge, thick cock stretching her out as he thrust forward faster and faster, humping her without finesse or self-control.
"Oh fuck me, that big dick is stretching me out, Yake!" She said, unable to contain either her disgust for this bastard or her sheer pleasure in getting fucked by that big, strong white dick.
"Oh my god, you're so wet!" He gasped out, unable to believe how good this felt, his whole body tingling, electric bolts of pleasure running up and down his spine. Jake couldn't even think, and he wrapped his arms around Isla's slender back as he began to thrust faster and faster, mind focused only on getting his dick as deep into her tight, dripping pussy as he could. His balls began to slap off of Isla's pussy lips as he bottomed out inside of her, making Isla's eyes roll back in her head.
"Harder, you bastard! Fuck me harder, don't stop don't stop, don't stop! Oooh…slap my ass, yanqui, fucking spank me!" Isla was pushed over the edge, and she could no longer deny how good this felt, having been primed to want this dick since Jake had first started eating her out, and now only wanting more of his rough, clumsy yet very hot treatment.
Slap! Slap-slap-slap!
Jake spanked her ass as he fucked her, moaning and groaning to himself. This was like a dream come true, better than he could have imagined. They rutted against each other like animals, with Isla's legs slowly wrapping around his waist, pulling him in deeper to the depths of her dripping wet snatch. Jake grunted like a pig, his face red and sweat dripping down his back as he kissed at her neck, making Isla groan in disgust yet she couldn't find it in her to tell him to stop. In fact, her nipples were harder than ever, rubbing against Jake's chest as the two of them fucked in an ever-increasing frenzy.
Before, Isla had wanted Jake to come as fast as possible, but now she only wanted to prolong her own pleasure.
"Ah, pull out you fucker. I want…I want you to fuck me from behind! At least I won't have to look at your stupid face~" She hissed, yet something in Isla's aggressive tone made the words sound more like a term of endearment, some secret sign of affection between the two of them. Jake pulled out slowly, every instinct in his body telling him to keep slamming into this tight, wet fuckhole, but he also couldn't wait to fuck this angry little firecarcker from behind. Isla's pussy struggled to release him, stretched wide enough that she gaped slightly as he pulled out, desperate to get more of that fat cock as fast she could.
Isla was soon all fours, gripping the filthy mattress for all she was worth as Jake mounted her from behind like a bitch in heat. She gasped as he entered her again, feeling even tighter at this angle. Isla tossed her head to one side, biting at the soft muscle of her bicep as Jake fucked her, trying to keep quiet. Jake was doing enough talking for both of them now, his pleasure and disbelief at his luck driving him to ramble.
"Oh god, I can't believe I'm fucking Isla like some dirty little bitch! Your pussy is so fucking tight, it's like you're trying to milk my dick…you're a slut! A dirty little slut, and your pussy is driving me crazy! Fucking a nasty, beautiful Latina girl is amazing, this is the best day of my fucking life!" He bit his lower lip in an expression of lewd concentration as he kept slamming into her, her fat, pillowy ass bouncing and clapping against his waist.
Isla took her mouth off her arm, revealing shallow yet clear bite marks, tossing her hips back for him. "Harder, you fucker, put your fucking back into it! Ah, pull my hair, pull my hair, ay fuck that's it! Ser un hombre! Muéstrame lo que tienes, motherfucker, Muéstrame!"
She encouraged him to go all out, urging him to beat that pussy up, not like some subservient skank, but rather like a nasty drill sergeant who just happened to be getting her pussy rearranged by this hung bastard. She could feel him bottoming out inside her, those fat balls bouncing off her clit in a way that made her see stars. His cock was driving past her cervix with every hip-shaking thrust, and Isla knew she couldn't take much more. Jake was pulling on her hair like she asked, feeling her pussy clamp down on his dick as he did, holding onto her for dear life like he was riding a wild, bucking horse.
"Fóllame, you bastard! Ay, push my head down, make me take it you bastard! Mmmhphph~ Fuhck yessh!" Isla cried, as Jake took her head and shoved it against the mattress. He wasn't very strong, but in that moment he felt like a bull, getting to fuck one of the sexiest girls he'd ever seen for all he was worth. He could tell she was coming again, her pussy gushing all over his balls as she kept yelling and cursing in mixed Spanish and English. She bit the mattress as she climaxed on that fat dick, wiggling her hips like a stripper as Jake bottomed out inside her with a series of heavy thrusts. His balls tightened as he began to come, filling her pussy up with another nasty, filthy load of his spunk. Isla had meant to tell him to stop, to come on her ass, or even let him jizz on her face again, yet somehow in that moment she was too dick drunk to want anything but his ball batter deep inside her pussy.
"Oh god, I'm coming again, I'm gonna cum in your dirty little pussy, Isla! Oh god…what if you get pregnant, I can't believe I'm gonna knock you up!"
Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrch!
Isla thrashed around on the bed under him, another orgasm washing over her. In that moment, she was nothing but his dirty little fuckpig, and even though she found this man disgusting, lower than her in almost every way possible, the act of having degrading hot sex with such a hung loser was getting her off in ways she never thought. He came inside her for what felt like a full minute, and she could almost picture his thick, fist-sized dicktip squirting out in the back of her womb, filling her most fertile, sacred of places like a jizz trough. Fucking yanqui, she was too good for him and they both knew it, which only made their sex more lewd.
Slowly, Jake pulled out, jerking his dick and spraying the rest of his load right against Isla's pussy lips. She instinctively squeezed her thighs together, bouncing her ass for him while her body desperately tried to hold onto as much of that sperm as possible.
"Aw, fuck yes…are you fucking done yet, asshole?" She asked, trying to make it sound like she wanted the answer to be yes, but deep down that was a lie.
"Ahh, Isla your ass is so sexy, please, can I…" Jake had to concentrate, screwing up every ounce of his courage in his skinny body to ask what he wanted, never having dreamed he would ever have an opportunity like this.
"Can I fuck you in the ass? I want to feel your tight little asshole on my dick!" He blurted out, spanking her a few more times to set her thick cheeks to clapping.
"I…I fucking guess so, you bastard. If you really want to…" Isla said, putting a teasing tone in her voice as she shook her ass. She wasn't an anal virgin, but she had never had a dick this big up her ass, and some part of her was looking forward to it, like a challenge.
"Just, here, let me…" Isla muttered as she moved around, her hands weakly pushing and pulling at Jake's body, wanting to get him in just the right position. Soon Jake was sitting on a chair, his dick sticking straight up like a flagpole as Isla moved to mount him. He couldn't believe she was actually going to let her fuck her up the ass, his balls almsot twitching in anticipation, every part of his body full of pleasure and his heart almost racing out of control. He would clearly have to start working out to get up with a slut like her, but there were worse things than getting worn out by fucking a hot little bitch. Isla grabbed his dick by the base, treating him as little more than a living dildo as she rubbed her asshole against his dicktip. It wasn't easy but she slowly relaxed, letting her body stretch out as she looked down at him, knowing she was gonna need some help.
"Hnng…grab my waist, you bastard! Pull me down on this dick!"
"Ah, uh, yes Isla! W-whatever you say!" Jake said, grabbing her skinny waist with his hands, tugging down as hard as he could. Her asshole stretched out as his cock punched up into her asshole, with Isla throwing her head back, her spine stiff as her entire body shook with that cock up her ass. Her legs flexed, hips tense as she forced herself down lower, feeling that dick sink into her tiny pink asshole with a sense of finality.
"Oh, you dirty bastard, I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me, I ought to beat the fuck out of-mmmph! Mmmfhfh!" Isla's words were cut off as Jake could no longer hold himself back. Already gripping her waist tight, he pulled her closer to him, their lips meeting in a lewd, aggressive kiss. Jake's tongue pushed deep into Isla's mouth, and though she felt disgusted to feel his hot breath all over her mouth, his saliva sticking to her plump lips, she returned the kiss with aggression and anger, her hands working themselves into the short hairs on the back of his neck.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
That dick punched deeper and deeper into her ass, filling Isla up in ways she had never felt before. Their sordid, lewd kiss continued, full of passion and hardly any affection at all. At least this way she didn't have to listen to him talk, and somewhere in a shameful part of herself, Isla knew that if she could speak, she might actually pay this bastard a compliment for fucking her ass so good. Her tits bounced and clapped up and down on her chest as she rode him faster and faster, feeling that dick stretch her out, imagining that she could feel it in her stomach, with the sloppy wet sounds of his well-lubed dick slamming in and out of her ass. As their kiss broke, Isla kept her grip on his hair while tossing her hair back, looking up at the ceiling even as her eyes crossed from the nasty, ahegao anal orgasm she was having.
"Ah…fuck, get your mouth on my tits, baby!" Isla said, unable to believe what she was saying. She ground Jake's face on her breasts, practically using his head like a sex toy to motorboat those firm, perfectly shaped C-cups, her nipples harder than ever as he licked and sucked on them. His drool leaked all over her tirts as Isla kept riding that dick, her shitpipe stretched wider than ever before in her life. She was using every ounce of muscle and strength in her body to slam her ass up and down on that dick, her wobbling Latina booty shaking and jiggling with such speed it was nearly a blur. Isla was going to ride this bastard for all she was worth, showing him she was still in charge, no matter how good he was making her feel.
"Ahh…I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum in your ass!" Jake said, barely pausing as he kissed and slurped at those tits, lightly biting her nipples and making Isla squeal, She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, making Jake grunt in slight pain, feeling that sensation only push him further over the edge. Isla moaned as her pussy squirted one last time, having a nasty sordid, simultaneous ass and pussy orgasm at the same time. Jake's fat white dick nearly exploded in her asshole, lodged as deep as he could, their bodies grinding together. The chair shook and wobbled underneath him, nearly breaking its legs as the two of them fucked together in a mindless, desperate frenzy.
As Isla's mind nearly broke, some part of her that she had only ever activated in the heat of dangerous, combat situations came alive, something Jake would have recognized if his brain wasn't being fucked rigjht out of him. Purple glowing spectral hands appeared beneath Isla's ass, groping Jake's balls so hard he thought they might burst, making him groan deeply. She still wasn't sure what these things were, only that they had helped her get out of tight spots before, and now she was using her rare, possibly magic powers to milk this man's balls for all she was worth, not even knowing his last name and yet never wanting this depraved moment to stop, her tongue sticking out of her mouth like a dog's as her ecstasy continued.
Isla's moans and gasps filled the room as Jake slowly pulled out, and she reached down to jerk that dick as fast as she could, grinding her pussy on it, trapping that hard cock between their bodies. He had thought his orgasms before were powerful, but this one had him nearly gasping for breath, little spots of color dancing in front of his eyes.
"That's it, give me that jizz you motherfucker! I can't believe you came in all three of my holes, ah shit, give me every last drop, I'm gonna drain these balls till you're empty, semental!" Jake could feel this orgasm continue, the last he could manage for the moment, as he sprayed his hot, tacky seed everywhere, splattering so high up as to hit the bottom of Isla's tits. The rest of it covered her stomach, leaking down the soft contours of her abs and trickling down to her wet, sore pussy lips. For a moment, there was a blissful silence in the room, broken only by panting and soft moans as the two of them sat there, lost in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasms in her life.
Later, reclining on the air mattress, Isla reluctantly rubbed her shoulders against Jake, there barely being enough room for the two of them. She didn't want to snuggle with him or anything like that.
"So…are you my girlfriend now?" Jake asked, his fumbling words almost cute in such a lewd situation, his dick finally soft but still laying heavily on his thigh, as Isla stared at those fat, hair balls and his impressive dick.
"No, of course not! But…well, I guess you could say we're dating. But you're not my boyfriend or anything like that! As long as you give me this good dick, I guess you can take me out sometime, but that's it. I'm only doing this so you don't throw yourself in front of traffic or something, you crazy white boy! I'll just stay with you for a little while, maybe I can find some other girl to take you off my hands."
Jake didn't really understand what Isla was saying, though later he would realize she was simply trying to justify getting all that dick to herself and putting up with this man she still found somewhat repellant. For the moment, they simply lay together before passing out, and Jake realized that he had been brought to this world for a reason, some kind of intent. And apparently, that meant fucking some of the hottest video game characters he'd ever seen.
To Be Continued…