Damian was just sitting there watching all the other people. For the first time in his life he felt useless. Both of these guys were going to run out of ammunition really fast. Sure, he had his shotgun and a few boxes of shot gun shells. It looked like the shadow people were being forced back even further. These two could hold their own against these new enemies. Still he wondered if he should hunt up some more guns and ammo just and in case. He wondered where that flying squirrel went. Marcus? Yeah, he thought that was that persons name. The only good thing was, he wasnt alone in this fight. He knew these things wanted their energy, he then got an idea. What if he could find another source of energy for these things to feed on? Energy is energy right? There was a lot of electronic shit in the store. The game section of the store still had to have the televisions, right? They were probably on. Sucking up all of the electricity and not really doing anything. He could see keeping the televisions on if there was news to be broadcasted. There was nothing being broadcasted. He figured se all of the stations went down. There were probably no more local stations anyways. These shadow people were probably not going to chase him anyways. He wasn't the one that tried to attack them. That was Akito and Snort. Thank goodness for those two brave people.
Marcus landed on Damian's shoulder and looked at him. "You got a plan, Duck-boy?"
Damian blinked and looked at Marcus. "Duck-Boy? Heh. I've been called worse."
He put his hand under his chin and he looked in the opposite direction of Akito and Snort. He was thinking. It shouldnt take him too long to go and get more guns. He didn't feel like he really needed to explain this to the flying rodent, he probably would too. He might be able to use Marcus's help too. He could have him fly around the store and make sure no more of these creatures find their way into the store. He blamed himself, these things probably followed him in here. It didnt matter, they would find away to defeat these things. Honestly, these things felt like a level one boss in a video game. You know, you beat the boss and you know further down the road your gonna have to fight a god or something to beat the game. God, he wished he was in his house playing the Xbox and just chilling the fuck out. Video games sound better than this shit.
Damian smiled and looked back at Marcus. "Just fly around and make sure we have no more surprises." The only surprise he would really want to see would be maybe a rocket launcher. Eh, that might destroy the store and they needed some of the things that were in here. So a rocket launcher would not be very good right now.
Locke was in charge of the home-base while Snort was off on his mission. He was sitting at a table in the mess hall, he had a cup of coffee in front of him and he was reading a magazine. It was a military magazine, maybe it would have some useful information on how to stop a zombie apocalypse. He laughed, yeah, like those existed back then. People were resting right now and he was the only one up. That was great, that meant he could get some planning done and he could show Snort what he had gotten done while he was away. Sadly, there wasnt much he could do. He just got done making sure they had enough rations and meals. It looked like they were stocked up 'till the end of time. That is if Snort didnt bring more people home, he was known to do that. They were all in this together. It was like the world was one big family right now, once all this bullshit stopped they wouldnt be a family anymore. Everyone would go back to their normal bullshit lives and they would all be divided again. When Snort had found him, he was nothing, living on the streets and scared of being killed by these creatures in the city. That was only a few weeks ago, its weird how time changes people. He felt like he could take on anything right now, he just hated not having Snort at home base. He was shitty when it came to actual serious decision making.
Locke picked up his coffee and put the magazine down and sipped his coffee. "I feel like this is only the beginning." He took another sip off of his coffee and then stood up and walked around the mess hall. He needed to make sure everything was in its place. He went into the kitchen section, made sure all the plates and utensils were clean and put away. He walked over to the refrigerator and opened it up. There was still like twelve gallons of water in the fridge. So if they needed to make like coffee or wash shit, they could. To do dishes, they just filled up two plastic tubs full of then dishes they were cleaning and then they added some home made dish soap. They had tried to find dish soap other places but it couldnt be found. Why was shit like dish soap always the first thing to go? Its a zombie apocalypse, no one was doing dishes. Well, except them. There had to be a max of fifteen people that lived in this underground community. They were forming a militia to wage war against these zombies and whatever other creatures that were out there. It seemed like ever since these chemical zombies had shown up, other creatures started to show up. He needed to protect himself and his camp mates. He was just hoping Snort would be back soon with good news and Marcus.