Chereads / He Will See You Now / Chapter 20 - Chapter 18: What Now

Chapter 20 - Chapter 18: What Now

The trio had linked up and this time it wasn't in some weird country doing a charity event, or for their usual Saturday workout, this time was to grief. To be realistic it was only Diana who was grieving, and her friends didn't fail in letting her know that she was the only one who was sad about Jacob's passing. Demi was acting concerned and touched, but Jared was on his phone and from time to time he would lean on to check on Diana and then he would start saying how good Jacob was even though he always treated him like trash when he was alive.

"I mean... he was good, on his own ways" said Jared then he sighed "All those muscles... I just can't believe they are going to dirt. All those hours put into gym, all that consistency, for nothing"

Demi gazed at Jared "Seriously? That's all you think about?"

"Girl please... we all know he was useless so let's not pretend to speak about him while we didn't when he was alive. I'm being authentic here..."

"You are unbelievable" Demi shook her head and continued hugging Diana who couldn't stop crying.

Jared stopped pretending like he cared and took out his make up kit, then he went on to putting lipstick on his lips.

Frank and Letitia arrived at the hospital in shock and awe, it had just been hours since Jacob started to work on Order and Justice Law Firm, but then few hours later he was pronounced dead.

"There's Diana..." Letitia pointed at Diana sitting between Jared and Demi, she and Frank raced to her. The moment they reached there, Diana couldn't even look at them, her eyes were flooded with tears. Hence Letitia had to greet Demi and Jared who seemed so welcoming and kind.

"Good Lord! What happened?" asked Letitia.

"He was shot, inside an elevator. The police are still investigating about the murderer" replied Jared. Letitia had a moment to first look at Jared with all the heavy make up on his face, then when she was accustomed to him is when she asked again.

"When was this?"

"A few hours ago. We are still waiting for the statement from the police..." added Demi. "You must be Letitia, Diana's group mate back in Havard?"

"Yes, and this is Frank. We are the co-founders of Order and Justice Law Firm" Letitia introduced Frank to Demi.

Demi stretched her hand to Frank and these two had that moment where their hands met, but it wasn't the first time. These two had a one night stand back in Havard, it was weird and they were both drunk but if there is anything Demi never forgets is who she had sex with and hence she was one hundred percent sure that she had met Frank before.

"Hey, I'm Frank"

"Demi, Demi George Clivington" she said proudly and Frank just smiled awkwardly and they all paid their attention to a weeping Diana.

At 2am, police report came and stated that Jacob was shot on his head and the bullet penetrated inside his brain and that was the cause of death, but also there was already another bullet inside Jacob's heart. Diana asked questions after questions about what really happened. She urged the police officers to go through the CCTV footage inorder to find the truth about who really murdered her husband. And even though all could be done, yet still it was too late for anyone to do anything - hence they paused the search and set to continue tomorrow.

Demi and Jared escorted Diana back to her apartment, while Letitia and Frank went on their separate ways but with a promise of meeting again at the hospital inorder to plan proper burial for Jacob.

The next day Marcus was informed about the death of Jacob Miller and he acted as if it was such a shocking news to him. Phoebe was the one who told him.

"Mr Miller? You mean the husband of my new lawyer and business partner?" he asked.

"Yes sir, the reports haven't yet discovered who shot him, police officers are still looking into it. Would you want me to send some condolences messages to Mrs Miller during this hard time?"

"You can do that?" asked Marcus, his hands were inside his trousers pockets, he tried so hard to appear sad and shocked by everything just so not to be suspicious.

"Yes sir we can order a condolences package from Amazon and have it sent to her. Or I can cancel your meetings for the day and you can pay her a visit"

"Let's do the later. Cancel everything for the rest of the day, thank you Phoebe"

"You are welcome sir"

Marcus proceeded to his seat and laid back - he was still having memories from last night when Martin shot Jacob. He was triggered everytime he thought about the incident, he tried to breath but everything seemed so heavy for him.

Martin barged inside the office and Marcus nearly hoped up to his feet, he was so scared and fragile.

"Are you alright sir?" asked Martin.

"Good Heavens Martine, couldn't you knock?"

"I did sir, but you were silent. You didn't hear me knocking?"

"If you did knock, then I would have opened the door, I didn't hear shit" he said and sat back on the chair. He stroked his hairs back slowly and took two deep breaths.

All that time Martin was just observing the scenario that Marcus was in, he was not okay, and that wasn't a good sign especially since he was about to meet Diana. It was either he was going to say everything that happened once he meets Diana, or even worse act guilty and confess to the authorities - Martin had to do something.

"Sir are you alright? You seem unrest..." asked Martin.

"How the fuck do you expect me to be alright with everything that's going on Martin? You just fucking killed a man... in cold blood" Marcus ranted and then he went on and on how Martin went against their usual first plan which was safe and not as dangerous as the one Martin executed. Even though Martin assured him last night that all the cameras were off, still Marcus was frantic and truly scared of nothing.

Just what Martin wanted to hear before he had to make a decision, as Marcus kept on talking, Martin poured him a glass of whiskey and added one pill of Temazepam then he mixed it so well with the whiskey.

"Sir you need to calm down..."

"Calm down? Martin this is a lifetime in jail. Perhaps we need to confess to Diana, or to the police, or just anyone... maybe we will get a less sentence you know. There are always sentences for the ones who surrender right?" Marcus said going back and forth in circles trying to figure out what to do with the murder case in front of them.

Martin handed him a glass of the whisky mixed with the sleeping pill "Here sir, have a sip to calm you down"

"Martin you ain't listening, we are in the middle of a murder case here, and you want me to sip some whiskey?"

"Well if we are going to jail sir, then we may at least not go sober. Come on, on sip"

"Just one sip?"

"One last sip sir, one last sip" insisted Martin and Marcus shook his head but he still raised the glass and drank it all.

When Marcus placed the glass down on the table, Martin took him to his car. Twenty minutes later Marcus was knocked out as they were on road going to meet Diana, that's how powerful Temazepam was in providing an immediate effect.

Martin drove the car to the hospital where Diana was waiting for Jacob's body and some of Jacob's friends and co-workers showed up and paid their respects - it was like he was sure that Diana wouldn't be at the office for that morning.

"Okay Marcus, wait for me here and be a good boy. I'll be right back" Martin said looking at Marcus sleeping so peacefully on the back seat. "I'm sorry Sir that I had to drug you. You need to be stable first, I'll handle some business today for you, as always. I got you"

There were black shades on the back, Martin took the shades and put them on. He wanted to look as authentic as possible, and as a bodyguard he was supposed to look like that. He took a bouquet of flower with a note written by Phoebe and got out of the car. Before leaving he made sure that he closed the door behind just in case Marcus wake up and decides to follow him.

To the third flow of the hospital, Martin found Diana surrounded by people who were also as sad as Diana. He had a moment just to observe everything that was happening before he went forward and state who he was representing, the best place to sit was close to them but in an unrecognizable manner just so he can eavesdrop on what the rumors were saying.