Chereads / He Will See You Now / Chapter 7 - Chapter 05: Baked Salmon

Chapter 7 - Chapter 05: Baked Salmon

The days were never the same for Marcus as a young billionaire, he always woke up with new ideas and new hobbies. There were times he would fly early in the morning to Paris just for breakfast only to return to the New York at sunset.

He had options all lied up to him and he only had to reach out and choose. That Wednesday morning when he woke up he found Katherine laying on his chest - she was so calm. He stroked her hair softly and kissed her forehead, then he got up and walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later he was in front of the dressing table - which had various of perfumes from Caron Poivre for men and women, Annick Goutal Eau d'Hadrien for men and women, Clive Christian 1872 for men and Straight to Heaven by Kilian for men.

Marcus always kept verities for both sexes just in case he has visitors - female visitors to be exact. He spent a total of twenty minutes just picking up the perfect suit that will make him more handsome and attractive, after all he was meeting Diana Davis Miller for a morning audience. After he was done he sprayed himself with Straight to Heaven all over his suit and body. His long hair fresh laid back on his neck and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he gasped "Oh my, I'd loath myself too I mean look at this man" he said turning around from side to side.

His sense of narcissism is what and admiration for himself is what always kept him at bay, even at worst days a look in the mirror fixed everything.

"My love, are you leaving me" Katherine's voice made him turn back.

"I have work to do"

"Promise me you'll get back early"

Marcus walked to the bed and kissed Katherine on her lips "Be a good girl today and I may reward you with this something so good when I get back"

"Oh..." she moaned and bit Marcus's tongue, playfully while knowing very well that would turn him on. Then she reached for his trousers zipper but Marcus grabbed her hand firmly.

"No, no, no, no..."

"I want you right now. I want you to punish me, make me your sex slave"

"No, no... I gotta go to work" Marcus denied Katherine's offer and went back to look at himself in the mirror.

Something about him in a suit, even he knew he was hot and he kept admiring himself while Katherine was trying to talk to him about situation in Russia and what Putin has done again to the country. When they first met Marcus never peg Katherine for a politics addict but within just fee days, all Katherine could ever talk was modeling and the issues in Russia. Marcus just said "Mmh-mmh" throughout the whole conversation while not paying attention to whatever Katherine was trying to say.

Martin was outside of the door for it was already 6am, at first he wanted to go inside but he stopped when he heard Katherine talking. He already knew what was going on in there, it could be their usual conversations or more, all in all he didn't want to intervene.

But he knocked "Sir! Sir it's Martin" he said still there was no answer. He tried again and this time Marcus opened the door.

"Martin how are you man?"

Martin looked at Marcus's trouser and saw that his manhood was visible "Sir, you may need to close your zipper..."

"Oh shit! I forgot, I meant to wipe it" said Marcus as if it was a normal thing, then he used the handkerchief to wipe himself and threw it to Katherine. "Shall we?"

"Of course Sir. I have received two appointments today, one is from the Alibaba CEO from Hong Kong who requested a meeting with you one week ago"

"Why would I wanna speak to an Alibaba CEO?"

"I have no clue sir I guess your board organized it"

"I'm gonna fire the whole board today"

They reached a Rolls Royce which was waiting for them outside - and Martin opened a door for Marcus and after that he went on to drive another car. As usual Martin's car led the way followed by the rolls and other three cars behind Marcus's car so as to protect him in case of any attempted ambush or kidnap.

At 8am he was already at the office and his first client was the CEO of the giant tech in China. They discussed businesses and possibilities of partnership. However, Marcus wasn't present at all during the meeting. His mind shifted to Diana, he wanted to see her badly as every time he would check on his watch as to what time he would exactly see her - he hopped it would be soon. When he checked his watch it read 11:00 am, he tried to stay calm but his mind was racing, he finally made a decision to call his secretary.

"Phoebe when am I going to meet the lawyer?" He asked on a phone call after the CEO left,

"After lunch sir"

"Cancel it, can you call Mrs Miller to join me right now"

"All right sir"

Lucky for Marcus, Diana was already at the office and she came in as early as possible after receiving the phone call with the possibilities of a fund from the young billionaire. She was in heels with a blue suit and a tie, she was even way hotter than the first day when she wore a short skirt. The white shirt however, belonged to her husband Jacob. Phoebe walked to her;

"Mrs Miller, how do you do? Good morning"


"Mr Orlando will see you now, please follow me" said Phoebe and directed Diana to Marcus's office.

Phoebe left Diana inside the office and left, Diana stood at the doorway looking at Marcus who looked so excited to see her - his smile was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen and for a moment she didn't feel uncomfortable like the last time rather more relaxed and soothed.

The aroma from the perfume that she was wearing left such a pleasant smell which covered the whole office, at this point Marcus had already marked the smell of the perfume that she always wore, and he loved it.

Marcus walked to her "Mrs Miller, please have a sit" he said trying to make her relax.

"Thank you Mr Orlando"

They both walked to a huge white couch which was at the center of that office and sat on it, Marcus looked fresh and clean above all his moods were on top of the roof. Diana did something to him that no other woman had ever managed to do and that is to make him feel better and sane.

"So Mrs Miller I have decided to grant you the funds for your startup company Order and Justice Law Firm. My assistant will assist you to secure the five million dollars that I have prepared for you" he said charmingly.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Mr Orlando but I believe the fund said one million dollar..."

"I know but I decided to give you five and I don't want any part of your firm" he said and stood up, then he walked to his table and grabbed a cheque. Then he retuned back and sat beside Diana.

"This is the cheque that I drew for you. Please feel free to have a look"

Diana took the cheque whilst she still was in shock, her eyes widened with amazement for that was a lot of money and she didn't expect it.

Suddenly she returned it to him "I can't take this I'm sorry" she said and stood up.

"What? What do you mean you can't, this is what you..."

"It's too much sir and I am old enough to know that when a man like yourself gives out this much money, he will always expect something in return. And I can't provide you with what you want, I'm a married woman"

"How do you know what I want?"

"Isn't it obvious Mr Orlando?"

Marcus sighed softly "I only wanted lunch with you, to get to know you and perhaps be my personal lawyer but now it seems... all that is lost" he said sadly and retired back to his chair.

He knew that would soften Diana and it did for she was on her way outside but somehow she stopped - turned her back to him and she walked to his table. They had a minute or so of eye to eye conversation where no words were needed, Diana grabbed the cheque from him and then she reached out for his notebook. She wrote her number on the notebook, then she meekly nodded and smiled.

"I guess I'll see you at lunch Mr Orlando?"

"Save me a baked salmon Mrs Miller" replied Marcus with a smile.

"You got it" she said and walked out of the office feeling like a winner - she wanted to scream right then and there but she held her excitement down until she was inside her car.

With windows closed Diana screamed of happiness and tears fell between her cheeks, what a struggle she's put for a lot of years to finally have the best fund to start her own firm. She tried to call her husband but he wasn't available - she of all people understood how crazy McDonald's could get especially at a Wednesday afternoon.

"I have to call Linda, she wouldn't believe it" said Diana with excitement and dialed her young sister's number. It rung at first but when she called the second time it went straight to voicemail, something was off.

However it wouldn't be the first time her young sister would leave the city or even the country and just disappeared to God knows where hence that didn't worry Diana at all, she thought she went out to her endeavors as usual or worst she was back into doing drugs. But still she didn't feel like it was of her concern anymore, hence she dropped the phone and drove to her firm.

It was a magical day not only for Diana but also for her partners who believed in her idea, and those were Frank and Letitia who graduated together with Diana at Harvard. They had rented out a small office and just when Diana arrived with the cheque they were all set to go. Everything was arranged for the start of the firm and the only thing missing was the funds, but by the presence of the funds they were ready to do the work - that same very day they moved out their things in search of a new building for their office.

The day was busy throughout and Diana forgot about the date with Marcus, it went on until 6pm when she got a text from him. "Busy day?" it read and she smiled. Just when she was about to answer the text, Marcus called her.

"I was just about to text you back" she said.

"Is that so?"

"Yes but I had rather a busy exhausting day, my apologies Marcus. Can we reschedule it?"

"Yes we can"

"How about tomorrow, I can come to your office and explain to you about our plans for the office. And also... I can finally be your private lawyer"

Marcus gasped "You would take it?"

"Yes I would if you'd have me of course"

"Are you kidding me I want you to start even now"

"That's great. I'll see you tomorrow then Mr Orlando"

"I'll see you then"

Diana hang up the phone with a smile and drove back home, this time feeling more of a winner and the dreams she had were just a stone away.