After what seemed like hours. I heard the door knob jiggle and the door slowly creek open.
As I started to feel the panic close in on me, I took a deep breath and kept my head down.
The door shut.
Some one was walking towards me. Yet not a single word came from them.
A strong rough hand slid under my neck and pushed my face up, as if I were to look at them. But the blindfold did the job as to keeping me from seeing who was staring down to me. I could feel the movement, I could tell he nodded his head to I assume a third person in the room.
One word muttered out in a deep grizzly, slightly irritated voice,
I quickly made the decision not to fight the demand since I had been sitting in this steaming room for an eternity. I quickly tilted my head back and felt the lukewarm water start to pour on to my face. I tried to collect as much water as I could. He only poured the water for maybe 20 seconds before I felt him move away from me and suddenly heard the door open and quickly slam shut behind who ever it was that walked out of the room.