When worlds collide
~Chapter 15~
Starfire fires a couple more star bolts at the blonde girl only for her to dodge them easily a bored look coming over her green eyes she does a small handspring getting a distance between her and Starfire.
More green energy swirls around Starfire's hands her eyes narrowing at the blonde she was reasonably quick none of Starfire's star bolts had touched her, the girl lands in a crouched position on a low branch her green eyes glaring darkly back at Starfire the coldness in her eyes causes the tamaranean girl to shiver.
Starfire floats a little higher in the air. And fires a couple more star bolts each one heading straight towards the blonde who reaches back to grab out along curvy sword.
Focusing a large amount of chakra into the blade a light blue color slowly painting over the weapon as she focuses more chakra into the small weapon. Loud chirping sound could be heard the light blue slowly starts to turn to a Navy dark electric color smirking evilly up at Starfire.
The girl then vanishes from sight. Causing the tamaranean eyes to widen, the star bolts she just fired collides with the branch the blonde had been on sending splitters and depress raining down on her.
The blonde girl quickly ends up in front of Starfire almost in a flash, her cold dark green eyes glaring right back into Starfire's emerald green ones the girl lifts up her chakra filled sword and, thrust it forwards the loud chirping sound seeming to get loudly as, she focuses more of her chakra, into the weapon.
However before the deadly weapon could meet flesh Starfire shoots a strong green laser from her eyes the blonde girls eyes widen slightly in shock.
The green Laser hits her in the chest sending her flying backwards she burst through a couple week trees before her back collides hard into a tree trunk falling to the ground in a heap. Small trickles of blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.
Running down to her chin she grunts as she gets into a sitting position anger clear in her eyes Starfire holds her stomach small bits of blood oozing out from a small nasty gash on her midsection the red liquid soaks through her fingertips pretty quickly.
The blonde at least managed to cut her Starfire winches as she turns to face the mask girl the mask had broken slightly at the bottom showing the girls evil smirk. The blonde begrudgingly stands back up using the sleeves of her white shirt to whip away the blood on her chin.
Not wasting time Starfire shoots more star bolts at the blonde with her free hand keeping the other hand on the gash on her stomach. who was despite the pain able to dodge the green bolts of energy, except one that ended up grazing her shoulder in hailing a sharp breath.
The girl lands on another low branch breathing out heavily her left hand holding her right shoulder the one Starfire's star bolt managed to graze Starfire lands across from her on a high branch green energy still surrounding her hands and eyes she was ready to keep going if need be despite getting tired. She had been fighting the blonde for what felt like hours she wished someone would come to help her but she doubted it her friends were possibly already in fights of their own.
The blonde stands back to her full height her green eyes sneering evilly up at
Starfire. She focuses chakra into the back of her throat her mouth opening wide a couple of fire-filled chakra balls fly out heading straight towards Starfire.
Starfire easily flies up however the fireballs hitting the tree she was just in scorching the bark as it collides sending small splitters flying everywhere Starfire looks towards where the girl had been standing only to find that she had vanished her emerald green eyes frantically looking around.
Suddenly something hot slams into her back a painful scream coming from her lips. She could feel herself starting to fall the hot feeling on her back seems to increase has she falls branches and twigs break underneath her, she fills strong arms wrap around her Easily catching her before she could hit the ground
a sweet familiar voice shouts frantically in her ear, using his graveling hook the sharp three-headed tip snagging on another tree branch. Robin, easily lowers them both to the ground placing her gently against another tree trunk bending dowm beside her
"Yukia" Robin shouts over the battlefield. Panic clear in his voice.
As he searches around for the red-headed girl he spots her by a tree a little worry coming over her blue eyes as she looks back at him her eyes flicking down to the girl laying against the tree beside him.
Yukia, focuses her eyes back on a tall humanoid creature. A long sword hung out in front of him struggling to get back to her feet she growls darkly at the dark-haired creature her lips pulled back to reveal her sharp fangs Robin could see a small nasty slice across her check bits of blood still steadily oozing out.
Robin looks back at Starfire her breathing coming out heavy a pain-filled look on her face he takes her hand in his squeezing it tightly.
"You are going to be ok Star" he tells her comfortingly.
Her eyes slowly fluttering open to gaze at him from her lashes a weak smile coming to her lips, she lets out a low groan as she tries to sit up.
"Don't move you're badly hurt" he tells her Caringly.
Moving a piece of hair from her face he looks towards Yukia hoping she would get to them it was killing him seeing his best friend hurt his free hand clinches into a tight fist how dare that blonde girl hurt her he would make her pay for this Yukia jumps to the side dodging a swift hit from the pointy sword.
The dark-haired man was holding, blood drips from the tip of the blade she needed to hurry she had to get to star and heal her lowering her head to the ground she stocks forwards her blue eyes staying on the humanoid her teeth bared bending down lower she jumps forward her fangs sinking deep into arm flesh.
The humanoid had thrown his arm up to block her from biting into his throat a loud shriek coming from, His lips as her fangs dig deeper into his flesh his blood rushing into her mouth. he grits his teeth his crazy orange eyes sneering at her he thrust his chakra filled sword forwards coming only inches of hitting the blue wolf in the shoulder however she quickly releases his arm and jumps away the sword only grazing her shoulder, a low yelp coming from her lips. She would have to ignore the pain, for now, Yukia lands a few feet away crouching low to the ground. how long would this battle last? she had to heal her friend's frustration comes over her face.
The dark-haired humanoid raises his sword his orange eyes staying on Yukia as she stocks around him easily keeping her in his line of sight. Focusing chakra into the blade he thrusts it forwards aiming for Yukia's already injured shoulder however she is quick to respond leaping to the side, she does a few back springs in the air landing a few meters from the humanoid his sword cracking the ground just at the spot she was standing. in bedding itself into the ground. Yukia cast her eyes back to Starfire and Robin wanting more than anything to run over to them but due to the humanoid she could not, he might try and attack the two titans.
Yukia darts to the side just as the humanoid lungs for her, huge sword hung out in front of him aiming for her chest. Yukia races forward bending her knees as, she leaps towards him her nails easily slicing across the dark-haired thing's shoulder causing him to screech in pain.
Blood quickly oozing out from the huge slashes on his shoulders. The creatures orange eyes sneer back at the huge blue wolfs back. Just as, Yukia turns around to face him her teeth bared.
Pausing in her pursuit towards him Yukia watches as something black rushes up both his legs towards his waste the black energy seems to trap him in place, he frails wildly trying to get way from the dark energy. As the dark energy continues up to his arms pulling them roughly backwards. The sword in his hand easily being crushed.
Black energy swirls around in front of Yukia, just as Raven floats up out of the ground her eyes icily glaring back at the dark-haired man she turns her head slightly to look back at Yukia
"I got this" She speaks Sinisterly focusing her attention back on the guy in front of her, her powers almost completely covering his body now "go help star"
Shifting to her human form Yukia quickly turns around heading straight towards her two friends. Once she reaches them she bends down beside the tamaranean girl, panic clearly written on Robin's face. Blue energy covers over Yukia's hands, as she gentle places them on the top of the huge gash on Starfire's stomach.
Causing Starfire to in haul sharply her breathing coming out heavyily. Robin squeezes her hand tightly in his hoping to keep her calm.
While Yukia Focuses on healing her, feeling the wound slowly start to heal up under her hand a sort of relief look coming over Starfire's face. A few seconds passed and the huge gash becomes nothing more then a tiny scar.
Yukia breaths out a low breath, Robin gently turns Starfire around to her back allowing her to lean on him for extra support. A huge nasty burn wound covered Starfire's back going from her left shoulder blade and halfway down her back. Blood slowly oozes out of the huge wound. Yukia scowls darkly up into the trees a low growl coming from her throat.
"You know I'm not good at burn wounds" She informs Robin gently. Her eyes narrowing as they focus on the task in front of her she would deal with the blonde girl in a second.
No one hurts them and gets away with it, not while Yukia was around placing her already glowing blue hands over Starfire's burnt back.
Causing Starfire to hiss in pain, her body tensing slightly under Yukia's touch. Robin hugs her to his chest, his lips gently pecking her forehead. His masked eyes still watching Yukia as she begins to try her best to heal his best friend up.
Robin knew well Yukia wasn't the best with burns it was one of her weakness when it came to healing people up. But he was glade she was willing to try it really was all he was asking for.
A strained look comes over Yukia's face, sweat beads rolling down her checks. She was trying hard to push past her limits, putting as much of her power into healing Starfire up as best as she could. But she was getting tired, it was only a matter of time before she would have to stop.
Yukia growls internally to her self feeling some what frustrated. She wanted to heal Star up so badly, but having been healing people up, quite a bit in this battle not to mention keeping Herself pretty healed up. Was a struggle.
Standing up after a couple long seconds. Yukia wipes her bloody hand over her jeans. It was just some of the blood from Starfire's wound.
Gazing down at the tamaranean Yukia checks over the girl once more for any more signs of injury, Finding none.
Starfire's face had taken on a more peaceful look as Robin cradles her against his chest, his strong arms keeping her from falling to the cold dry earth below. Robin was prepared to carry her back to the village if need be, there's no way they could finish this mission now. Someone else would have to do it aside from that he wasn't sure where Soto was possibly hiding at least he hoped for that he didn't want Tsunade mad at them if he had been killed.
"Thanks, Yukia" He murmurs lowly. With her Nodding her head at his words a ghost of a smile on her lips.
Yukia peeks around the area checking out the battle before them, it was starting to die down luckily only a couple more humanoid creatures remained but they were quite small compared to the others and were easily defeated.
Beastboy and Cyborg walk over to Yukia, and Robin. There eyes filled with slight concern, as they gaze back at Starfire.
Suddenly something crashes hard into Yukia's side a painful gasp coming from her lips as she flies through the air colliding heavily into a few trees before sliding to the ground in front of a huge Boulder blood trickles down her chin.
Yukia in hauls deeply trying to regain the breath that had been knocked from her lungs, opening her eyes slowly she easily spots the blonde girl, Starfire had fought looming in front of her. The girl's cold green eyes darkly glaring back at Yukia.
Using the Boulder behind her Yukia climbs back to get to her feet a dark look coming over her eyes as she sneers up at the blonde before her slipping into her wolf form. she was determined to make the blonde pay for hurting Starfire.
The blonde girl barely raises an eyes at the huge animal now standing before her. How did that girl do that? was it a transformation or something? Shaking her head the blonde quickly jumps to the side in the nick of time barely dodging Yukia as she leaps passed her.
Yukia lands behind the blonde. her huge paws loudly thudding on the ground a dusk cloud shouting up around her paws, the blonde jumps up into the air landing gracefully on a low branch her green eyes narrowing down at the animal below her, Yukia turns to face her once more. Sneering icily up at the blonde girl, her lips pulled back to reveal her sharp pointy teeth which looked to almost be growing sharper. Yukia stocks forwards her haunches rising up.
An eerie snarl rolls from Yukia's lips her sharp teeth flashing dangerously. Without warning she suddenly darts forwards vanishing in a quick flash. From the blonde girl's line of sight. Her eyes widen slightly behind her mask.
The girls head swiftly snaps around to see the huge wolf looming above her, the blonde quickly dashes to the side in the Nike of time, dodging Yukia from crashing into her.. The masked girl lands on another tree branch her eyes sneering darkly at the huge wolf. Yukia quickly leaps forwards again not giving the blonde a chance to relax.
Yukia comes close of knocking the masked girl out of the tree. However, the blonde was quick and manages to jump out of the way landing on the ground below in a crouched position her green eyes watching Yukia as she lands on the ground across from her, not wasting any time Yukia stocks forwards. Lowering herself to the ground preparing to lung at the girl again.
Yukia suddenly Opens her mouth wide, with a ray of blueish gray energy shouting out heading at a blinding speed straight towards the masked girl.
The blonde quickly Focuses her chakra into the back of her throat her chakra starting to heat up to the point where it was boiling, the blonde gapes her mouth open. Allowing several huge fireballs to fly out of her mouth. Heading at to speed towards the incoming, blue energy.
Everyone covers there faces. Just as both movies collide with each other sending up a huge cloud of white smoke as both moves explode on contact. Instantly blocking both girls from sight.
"Yukia" Beastboy mutters lowly squinting his eyes in hopes of seeing his teammate. As the smoke slowly disperses into the air. Beastboy breaths out a relieving breath. "Good she's ok"
Yukia vanishes from her friends line of sight once more. And making the masked girl look around frantically.
The girl was Silently impressed by the wolf's fast speed. Despite her huge size she was actually really fast. Something heavy suddenly collides into the girls back knocking her forwards and, making her face plant the ground with a heavy thud.
Spitting out bits of blood, A low groan coming from her lips, the girl goes to sit up only to be stopped by a huge weight smashing into her back a lpud scream comes from her lips a loud crack echoing through the forest. The girl turns her head slightly to look up at the snarling wolf standing over her. A dangerous look flashing in the wolf's eyes as she sneers down at her.
A smirk coming to the blondes lips. As she vanishes into a huge puff of white smoke the wolves eyes widening in bewilderment. A powerful kick collides into Yukia's side causing her to skid across the ground a painful grunt coming from her lips. That kick had hurt. Possible due to the amout of chakra being focused in it. Yukia turns to glare at the girl. Her sharp teeth baring dangerously.
The blonde girl crouches on the ground, across from Yukia. The girl's breath coming out heavy as she continues to watch the huge wolf. Ready to move out of the way if need be.
Gritting her teeth in silent irritation. The blonde knew she would have to leave soon not that she really wanted to. But she was almost completely out of chakra. That one clone about drained her.
Jumping into the air the girl dodges the charging wolf as it jumps towards her once more. Yukia, landing a few feet behind her.
The blonde knew she had to get out of here somehow there's no way she could win this fight now not without having her chakra.
Bending her knees the girl prepares to leave. However, Just as she goes to do so, something suddenly wraps around her waist, pulling her back roughly. Making her fall to the ground, with a heavy thud.
A low grunt emits from her lips, as she looks over her shoulder spotting the dark-haired boy she first fought earlier standing over her a long rope held firmly in his hands. which had been the thing that was binding her down.
Yukia, lets out a loud snort her blue eyes narrowing at the blonde. She wasn't sure why. But Yukia wanted to kill the girl for hurting Starfire. She wanted her to pay dearly.
"That's enough Yukia, it's over!" Robin calls from close by. Still cradling a sleeping Starfire in his arms.
Yukia glares dangerously at him. Her eyes peeking down at the girl resting in his arms.
"She deserves to die" Yukia growls turning her head back to the masked girl.
Stocking towards the blonde. Yukia, pulls up her lips, a threading growl tolling from her throat. The girl tries to back away, but due to the lomg rope tied around her waste it was very hard to do so.
"Please Yukia" Lee pipes up pleadingly causing the girl to cast her blue eyes over to him.
"It's over now" Neji insures her giving her an even look. As she peeks her eyes over at him.
Yukia, finally Lets out an irritated breath her eyes rolling towards the ground. As she slips to her human form. Trying to fight back the anger inside her. She wanted to kill that girl. Though she couldn't figure out why. Feeling a hand brush over her shoulder. Making her jump up in fright. Yukia quickly snaps her head up. The look in her eyes softening. As they gaze over the boy standing beside her.
"Calm down" Gaara replies in a calm voice. Yukia widens her eyes at him. Nodding her head.
"Ok" she murmers lowly, a low sigh rolling from her lips. As her anger slowly fades away.