Chereads / when worlds collide / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21


Shikamaru ino and Choji make there way through the busy streets of the grass village. They'd been to the village several times and, its never been this busy

Behind them Cyborg and, Beastboy. Poke there heads into one of the nearby shops. Whispering something incoherent amongst themselves. Before heading to the next small shop. Starfire and Robin following close behind. There fingers intertwined with each others. Raven walks a small distance behind them. Her eyes hooding. And her face blank of emotion.

Yukia, takes step behind her friends. Taking in the small village. It wasn't as big as the leaf village was, though she guessed it was still nice. The atmosphere was nice and, warm, with a small breeze blowing past. A few shops had small plants set outside on there door steps. Yukia, could have done better with out the crowds of people walking around her and, her friends. She, wasn't the biggest fan of large crowds, being pushed and, shoved annoyed her deeply.

Sighing irritatingly as she is elbowed in the side. Yukia turns to glare at a tall muscular man. Anime vein pulsing on the side of her head.

"Watch where your going, you jerk" she snaps. The man looks down at her and, smirks. Before turning to walk away uncaringly, seeming to not seeing her as a threat.

Yukia, twitches her eye brow at the mans back. How she wanted to shift to her wolf form and teach him a lesson, but with so many people around she decides against it.

Beastboy, Cyborg, Choji, Ino, and, Shikamaru all sweet drop. Keeping away from the young red head. None of them wanted to be attacked by a huge blue wolf uf she did shift.

"It's usually never this busy" Ino informs the titans knowingly.

"Then why is it now?!" Raven questions as she moves around a small family. Ino shrugs her shoulders. As Shikamaru droops his shouldsrs.

"Might be a festival going on" Choji answers. As he watches the road being careful not to bump into anyone.

"You should calm down yuks" Cyborg instructs using her nickname from him.

Yukia's eyes darting up to him instantly before she sighs and hangs her head. Eyes now watching the ground.

"Yes friend, there's no need to be so irritated" Starfire soothes sweetly from beside Robin. Her head leaning against the masked boys shoulder as they walk. With Robin hiding any form of embarrassment from his friends.

Though internally Robin, could feel the beat of his heart drumming hard against kts ribcage.

"Will go for a dip in the hot springs at the hotel" Ino begins a dreamy look appearing in her teal eyes. "You'll feel better then"

"Hot springs?" Yukia replies in a low voice. Her eyes blinking. As Ino nods her head.

"You'll love them" Ino informs, as she moves around a small child. And turns to gaze back at Yukia from over her shoulder.

After the long walk to the inn, steam rising steadily in the air behind the hotel. Possibly where the hot springs were. The guys and girls each separate. All of them going of to do there own thing. With the girls heading straight to the dressing room.

Gazing at her reflection in the mirror Yukia tugs her towel closer to her body her blue eyes gazing over the medium-sized scar on her stomach, from. When Debalo had stabbed her, a long while back.

Despite Lady Tsunada having done her best on healing Yukia up. The scar would not go away and, honestly Yukia didn't care if it ever did. It wasn't something that really bothered her.

Yukia, honestly was surprised out of all the battles she had been in it was one of the only scars she had managed to obtain.

Yukia turns away from the mirror. Heading out of the dressing room, holding the towel closer to her undressed body, keeping her skin safely hidden under the small warmth of the thick towel, she really didn't want her towel to fall off.

Reaching the hot spring. Her eyes slowly look around. Starfire, Raven, Akira, and Ino where already there.

Ino, and Akira both seat in the water calm expressions over both there faces.

Starfire continues to test the water with her feet. Still trying to figure out if she wanted to get in or not. Raven set on the side of the hot spring, her feet soaking in the soothing water. A distant look in her purple irises.

"Come on Yukia" Ino encourages brightly. "The hot springs here are amazing"

Yukia, drops her towel. On the side of the hot spring. Before Sliding down into the hot soothing water not needing to be told twice. Heaving out a peaceful breath. Yukia closes her eyes. As the water seems to seep into her tense muscles relaxing them immensely.

The sound of the water swooshing up beside her doesn't even, make her reopen her eyes. Starfire having decided to finally get in. Closes her emerald eyes. It was strange how all the tension in her body seemed to fade away all a sudden.

"This hot spring is so amazing " Ino praises once more. Resting her head back, her blonde hair soaking in the hot water. As she breathe out calmly.

"I agree.." Starfire soothes, her voice hushed. As she sits back in the water. Clearly Loving the feeling of relaxation that comes over her..

"It is rather nice" Akira mutters lowly. Her voice seeming to be uncharacteristically softer then usual.

A comfortable silence settles in as the girls enjoy the nice hot water.

After the long much needed dip in the hot spring. The girls eventually climb out, gathering up there towels. Before heading to the dressing room.

Once they where all dressed they go to get a bite to eat. Before finally heading to there hotel room.

Ino, immediately dashes over to one of the beds. Jumping down on top of it. Her hands out by her side as she lays there. A dreamy look in her teal eyes. As she rest her head back on the comfortably cool pillows.

Raven, sits on the bed closer to the door. A light green book in hand, her mind already engulfed in the words on the page. Starfire, takes the bed directly infront of her teammate.

"Since I missed it" Yukia slowly starts up, breaking the silence in the room, her eyes casting over the other girls seriously. From Her spot near the window. "What is this mission all about, I know where going to the water village, but that's about it"

"Many of the people there have been going missing" Ino informs her as she sits up on her bed regarding Yukia with serious eyes. Crossing her legs, in a crisscross like fashion.

"We're going to investigate, what's been going on, were the villagers are dissappearing to, and, why" Akira puts in dryly. Her eyes hooding as she stares over the three female titans and, then to Ino. "Lady hokage believes that many of the disappearing villagers, may have ended up being killed, and, that's why they're disappearing"

The older woman's keen eyes not missing the troubled glint that immediately comes over Yukia's face. As well as the unsettling ones that appear on both Starfire, and, Raven's face. All three of them casting each other unnerving glances

"The hokage, left out that part..." Raven replies in a monatoned voice. No longer reading her book.

"Because it's just a small possibility" Akira says pointedly. "Were not real sure what has been going on, but we need to be ready for about anything"

"I can't help but think, that It might be Debalo involved in this somehow" Yukia growls uncertainly. Her eyes hooding as she stares down at her hands.

Starfire, and, Raven both seeming to shake there heads. Knowing well it could be a high possibility that it was that evil man. He always had a knack of causing harm to others.

"Who's that?" Akira wonders suspiciously. While sending Yukia, a cold look. Her eyes narrowing.

"He's a really bad guy" Yukia starts up, her head drooping ever so slowly. It was really hard for her to talk about him. "I'm really unsure, on how to go about explaining him, but he's really strong, very skilled. Some how he's able to absorb about any power he wants. Though when he's about to lose he flees the seen some how, I've only fought him a few times. And, I'm unsure on how he does what he does, despite that"

"I see" the green haired woman muses flatly.

"What makes you think, it could be him?" Ino wonders questionably. A weary look flashing in her teal eyes.

Ino, hadn't faced the dark man much. Even so, the first time she had seen him. He was quite horrifying. And, honestly it nerved Ino, up to have to face him once again, if that was indeed the case here.

"It's just a thought" Yukia informs dully. Her eyes flicking out the window. Watching as a few people pass by a small coffee shop. Her right hand self consciously rubbing the top of her shirt, at where the scar on her stomach was. "I mean its the man who was responsible for my parents being killed. Why would he hesitate to kill random villagers?"

An uncomfortable silences fills in the room. Yukia, sits down on the bed across from Ino. Her eyes casted down to her hands. Sighing deeply Akira climbs into the last remaining bed.

"Let's all get some rest" she replies. As she lays back against her pillows. "We have a long journey tomorrow"


"Wakey wakey" a loud male voice suddenly booms from the other side of the girls door.

"We're coming in" another voice exclaims brightly.

The loud bang of the hotel room door hitting the wall. Awakes the girls, from there peaceful sleep.

Rolling over on her side. A panic look comes over Yukia's face as she falls right off the right side of her bed. Landing on the floor with a loud thud.

The covers falling on top of her face, as she scowls deeply to herself. Incoherent words being said under her breath. She loved her friends she really did.

"Smooth Yukia..." a male voice muses from the door high laughter heard in there voice. "real smooth"

A chorus of Laughter sounds from the door. Sighing irritably, Yukia pulls the covers down from her face.

Sending a withering look towards the three male titans, her brow twitching. It had been a while since she sleep so peacefully by herself. How dare they wake her up.

Beastboy quickly puts his hands up in defense, a sweatbead rolling down the side of his head. With Cyborg covering his mouth with his right hand muffling his laughter, and, Robin smirking towards her as he strolls over to Starfire.

Shikamaru, and, Choji also seem a bit amused by the situation, as they to enter the room. And, instantly spot the girl on the floor.

Despite Shikamaru, trying to cover up his amusement with a low yawn. And, Choji, remains quite. His head turning to his blonde teammate. With Ino, glaring daggers at her two male teammates.

"Is the floor more comfortable then the bed?" Cyborg wonders teasingly one of his brows raised.

Only to have something soft suddenly hit him square in the face. Before falling to the ground harmlessly at his feet, making him look down, blinking his eyes.

A deadpanned look coming over his face. As he stares back up at the young red head.

Yukia, having thrown her pillow at him smirks. He's lucky it wasn't the alarm clock sitting on the table right beside her bed. That was her next weapon of choice.

"Take that as my answer" Yukia grumbles as she. places the cover back on the bed messily.

A dreamy look in her eyes, as she gazes down at the bed. How she wished to climb back in it. And, get more sleep. She was still so tired. And, the beds here where just so comfortable.

"Goodmorning " Starfire chimes in brightly. Her eyes shining cutely as she gazes up at Robin. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes" Robin replies softly. A kind smile crossing his lips. As he watches her mess around with her beautiful, silky red hair.

"I'd rather still be a sleep" Yukia pouts her arms crossing over her chest.

"I know what you mean" Shikamaru agrees. With a firm nod of his head. "Though your friends had a different idea.."

"We didn't mean to wake you up" Beastboy quickly defends. Getting a flat look from the Nara.

"Banging on the door till me and, Shikamaru woke up..." Choji starts tilting his head partly to the side. "Wasn't meant to wake us up.. how?"

"" Beastboy pauses trying to figure out an excuse.

While Cyborg just remains quite. And, Robin ignores the whole thing. Why should he get involved anyways? It wasn't him that was trying to wake everyone in the hotel up.

Shikamaru lets out a sigh his shoulders drooping. They didn't even have a good reason why they woke them up, and so early at that? Choji peeks down at his stomach as it lets out loud growl.

"Now that where all up" Akira interrupts dolly her eyes hooding. As she looks over everyone Gaining everyone's quick attention. "I guess it's a good time to get ready to head out"

"But it's still so early" Yukia scowls her eyes casting to the window. The sun had just started to come up in the sky. "Can't we sleep a bit longer?"

"I can agree to that" Shikamaru agrees enthusiastically. A hopeful look feeling in his chocolate eyes.

"And, food to" Choji adds in cheerfully.

"Is that all you think about?" Ino wonders irritatingly at Choji. As she climbs out of bed. "I need to get ready, before I even think of heading out anywhere, I mean look at my hair"

"Food is way better" Choji announces smartly. Why would he care about Ino's  hair problems?

Ino rolls her eyes at her teammate. Did he always have to think of food?

"Sleeps better" Yukia points out.

"Alright everyone " Akira interrupts dryly. A small sigh heard faintly in her voice. "Everyone get what you need to do done. So we can head out, we can't delay any longer,"

"Aye aye"

Yukia pouts quietly to herself. Another sigh escaping her lips.

"Bye bye bed" she murmurs sadly.
