Chereads / when worlds collide / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

When Worlds Collide

~Chapter 19~


Leaping to the side Yukia, swifty avoids a hard kick to the side her blue eyes trailing after the masked boy as he somersaults a few feet away from her. And, lands on his feet before facing her again, his masked eyes narrowing back at her under his mask.

Yukia, crouches low to the ground, her lips pulled up as a silent snarl rolls from her lips.

Beastboy, Cyborg, and, Starfire stood watching. Keeping on the side lines. With Raven sitting underneath the shade of a tall tree. Her legs crossed it was clear she was meditating, and wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around her.

Honestly, it was hard for Yukia to stay focused on this sparing match. Her mind continuously keep going back to the other day, she couldn't rid her mind of him kissing her. And, the way her body seemed to melt in his arms. She had felt so comfortable, and warm. It had felt like such a long time since she had felt so many unusual emotions all at once. Yukia lets out a breath.

Before, quickly moving to the side barely able to avoid being kicked in the shoulder by Robin. Who was now in a crouched position in front of her, blinking her eyes as she stares over at him. Her mind instantly coming back to there little sparing match.

"Come on Yukia" Robin speaks up, pulling out a bow staff. Holding it up in front of him, as he gets back to his feet. "I almost hit you that time. And, I know in your wolf form your faster then me"

"Sorry, Robin" she sighs in a low whisper. Her eyes drifting over at him sympathetically from her lashes. Not wanting to really tell him what was bothering her, she decides to bring up the terrible mission she had went on yesterday instead. "Yesterday's mission is still playing through my head, it's making it hard to focus"

"You did say the people you where supposed to meet up with.." Robin starts up but trails off as he notices the sad look on the young girls face. "They where all killed right?"

Nodding her head barely at his words Yukia, flattens her ears against her head, her tail going still as she watches the ground. Robin watches her feeling silently concerned about her. She had only told him and the others briefly of what had happen.

But he still didn't know all the details. She was still hiding a couple things from them. Robin, knew well that Yukia, would eventually tell them more, once she felt comfortable about doing so. There was no point in constantly asking her about it.

"I can't believe he could be so brutal" she mutters lowly. Her eyes hooding sadly. "Those ninja didn't deserve to have there lives ended like that, they weren't any threat to him. So why did he kill them? I can't figure it out. What was the reason for that?"

"You mean Debalo right?" Cyborg wonders seriously. Making Yukia, shake her head at him. Her eyes hooding darkly.

"He was there to huh?" Beastboy asked with a small tilt of his head, his green eyes narrowing unsurely. "No wonder you've been a bit distracted lately"

"Not exactly" Yukia corrects lowly. Her eyes gazing over at the green boy. As she Bits barely on her lower lip. "We where just about to leave, when I managed to pick up his scent, and, went after him, when I found him he wasn't covered in there blood, from what I could tell, but who else would have killed them snow ninja in such a cold hearted way?"

"Why did you go after him alone?" Raven asked seriously from her spot on the ground one eye open. Now glaring, over at Yukia emotionlessly. Raven having heard what was being said.

"I didn't want to get Naruto and, Kakashi involved" Yukia answers her honestly. Her eyes going back on the ground, as if it had become very fascinating. "It doesn't matter anyways, they followed me in the end, I'm sure if they hadn't maybe I would have been killed"

"Friend Yukia, you shouldn't have tried to fight him on your own" Starfire points out knowingly, Her emerald eyes looking over Yukia. For any signs of injury.

But luckily not seeing none. Yukia, honestly looked fine. Letting out a sigh at her teammates Yukia, barely raises her head. Casting them each small glances.

"I'm sorry" she says randomly. Causing all five titans to look back at her questionable. "I promise I won't run after him as much on my own anymore ok? You don't have to worry"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Beastboy is quick to ask. Not having expected her to say what she just said. If the wide eyed look, was anything to go on.

Beastboy gives her a once over himself, maybe she was hurt or something? And, wasn't thinking clearly, this was unlike her somehow. She'd never really apologized for going after that evil man normally.

"I'm alright bb" the girl insures him lightly. As she slowly shifts to her human form and walks over to him. Suddenly ruffling up his green hair, in reassurance. Which makes him chuckle. And swat her hand away. "I just don't want to fight him on my own anymore is all, I realized that I'm not alone anymore, and, so that means. I don't have to do everything by myself I can hopefully depend on you all to be there if I need you. I hope"

All five titans seemed to smile gracefully at her words. It was amazing how far she'd come since she first met them. Yukia, had started out not trusting them, heck her first couple weeks with them, she barely even told them anything about her past. She always held it inside. Letting it manifest and literally tear her up inside. Knowing she seemed to trust them a bit more now was amazing.

"Of course Yukia" Robin replies after a couple seconds. Putting his bow staff back in his utility belt. He'd honestly suggested sparing with her in hopes that she would tell them what happen the other day. He found it was always a great way to relieve built up stress. But he wasn't banking on her opening up like this. It was nice.

"You where always able to depend on us, where not going anywhere unless you want to leave" Beastboy points out cheerfully. His small fangs poking out the side of his mouth. As he sends her a bright grin. Which makes Yukia, smile right back at him.

"Besides..." Cyborg picks up as he puts an arm around the girls shoulder. Causing her to cast an eye up at him. "Your like a little sister to us all, will always be here for you"

Giving the robotic teen a surprised wide eyed look not having expected him to say what he had. Yukia glances towards the other four titans.

Silently wondering if what Cyborg, had said was true. At which there all quick to nod there heads at her. Like they knew what she was thinking. Smiling gracefully at her friends. Yukia jumps towards Cyborg. Her arms barely wrapping around his neck, with how tall he was. Yukia was unable to fully wrap her arms around his neck. Her legs partly danging from the ground.

Cyborg, barely stumbles back having not been expecting her to hug him. Smiling at the young girl he carefully hugs her back.

"Thank you" Yukia smiles. Before releasing the robotic teen. Her eyes on the ground. Feeling a sudden warmth feel deep inside her body.

They where truly the best she couldn't imagine not having them there in her life.

"So what else is on your mind?" Robin questions slowly. Having been able to tell there was more she wasn't telling them. And, perhaps she'd tell them what else was wrong if he just pushed a little bit more. "I can tell there's more, your not telling us, so what is it that your thinking?"

Yukia, gazes over at the titan leader a thoughtful look crossing her face. Before glancing back towards the direction of the leaf village. Her mind drifting back to....

"Observant as ever huh?" She replies lowly. While releasing a low sigh. Deciding to tell them briefly about seeing Gaara. She didn't have to tell them everything. "I seen Gaara last night, before I came back to the hotel room"

Yukia sweat drops, as her mind remembers how mad he had seemed to have been at her last night. Especially when he had found out she had went after Debalo on her own. It really wasn't clear to her why he'd been so mad at her. She'd done it millions of times before, and no one has ever said anything about it.

Yukia, honestly thought her friends would understand her angry reactions towards Debalo. And, so she would never truly consider on how it would make them feel. But she hoped maybe if she started trusting them more, maybe she would be better at not doing that so much.

"Really?" Beastboy soothes subjectively. His brows beginning to raise up and, down teasingly. As he continues to watch her.

"What did you two do?" Cyborg jokingly adds in. Not wanting to be the one to miss out on picking on her.

"Th.. That's.. Not... Important" Yukia quickly snaps back at them, in obvious embarrassment, her eyes going to the ground. As her checks flush brightly. The memory of him kissing her making itself known once more in her mind as well.

Beastboy, and Cyborg both give Yukia, an 'I know better look' but decide to stay quite on the matter Satisfied with embarrassing her for now.

Starfire, on the other hand, seems to smile admiringly at her young teammate. While self consciously taking Robin's hand in hers, having been standing by his side the moment the sparing match between him and, Yukia had come to a stop.

Robin, slightly jumps at the sudden touch. glancing over at her, a smile slowly lining his lips. Once he notices the cute look Starfire was now giving him. A few small hearts seem to be dancing around her beautiful emerald green eyes as she watches him closely.

Robin, feels his words catch up in his throat making it near to impossible to speak up at the moment. Why did she have to be so.....?

"He just was mad at me, for going after Debalo on my own, that's all" Yukia tells them all seriously, though it sounded more like she was pouting to herself then anything.

Yukia's lips pull up in an unseen smirk as she watches, Robin and Starfire. There lovely affections towards each other, not able to escape her sharp eyes.

"That's good" Raven soothes in her low monotoned voice, not a hint of sarcasm heard in her voice. "Someone needs to yell at you, when you do something reckless and stupid"

Yukia, sends a deadpanned look towards the ravenett, before rolling her eyes upwards.

"It wasn't fair" Yukia cries childishly. Her arms cross firmly over her chest. Still pouting to herself. "He made me feel so bad last night, I wasn't even able to sleep properly"

"Is that why you promise not to go after Debalo on your own anymore?" Robin wonders aloud, seeming to be able to find proper words once more. While casually rubbing at his chin. Almost seemed to be mocking her, if Yukia, didn't know any better. "That would make since now, there's no way you would just stop doing that with out a good reason to"

"Hey..." Yukia pouts as she sends a playful glare his way. "I'm not that bad"

"Its wonderful..." Starfire starts up cheerfully her eyes seeming to sparkle in clear delight, as they gaze towards the beautiful clear blue sky above. "It's great on how much he seems to care about you friend Yukia"

Yukia, blinks her eyes surprisingly at her teammate, before her head turns towards the ground once more, her mind seeming to dwell, possible more then it should on what Starfire, had just said.

It was just a few small meaningless words, her mind shouldn't be so concerned on them. Yet she couldn't help but wonder if they where perhaps true. Did he really care for her that much?

"Do you believe it's all worth it?" Yukia wonders aloud her voice holding a more sadder tone then she originally wanted it to. Instantly grabbing the titans quick attention. They each having caught on to her sudden change in tone. "I mean there's no denying that we have to head home soon right? So is it really worth me feeling any sort of way towards him? If I just end up leaving in the end? I'd hurt him unintentionally, and, maybe myself to"

Everything falls into silence. None of the titans knowing how to go about cheering up there young teammate. Especially with how true her words where. They had to get home no matter what. But it really didn't come to there minds how much it could actually hurt the young girl to leave this world. However, before they could go to answer her question.

"There you guys are!" A sudden male voice catches the titans quick attention there hands snapping in the direction of team eight. Heading towards them. All three. Seeming out of breath.

Shikamaru, let's out a tired sigh, as he comes to a stop in front of the titans, putting his hands on his knees. Breathing in, and, out heavily trying to regain his breath. Shikamaru, Choji, and, Ino, had been searching for the titans for about an hour or possible longer. They all three where some what tired. Choji waves a small silent greeting at the titans and, Yukia.

"Lady Tsunada" Ino starts up. As she, cast her eyes over the titans. "She has requested you all"

"What does she want?" Robin wonders questionable. His eyes narrowing slightly under his mask as he watches the three young ninja's standing in front of him.

"Where not sure" Choji answers honestly. Shrugging his shoulders. "She just wanted us to come get you is all we know"

"You might want to hurry up to" Shikamaru is quick to add in. As he sweetdrops. Imaging in his head how mad tsunada could get if keep waiting to long. It was only a matter of time before she started throwing things. "It's best not to keep her waiting for to long"

The titans all simultaneously nod there heads at the young nara, before each of them gaze back at there young teammate.

Yukia's eyes remain unblinkingly on the ground. Mauling over what she had told them earlier. Feeling a hand on her shoulder Yukia, gazes up at Starfire. Noting the concerned look in the other girls eyes. Which internally bothered her.

"We should go friend Yukia" Starfire soothes gently. Getting a small silent nod from the red headed girl.

Following after her friends as they head back towards the leaf village. Yukia decides to drop there previous conversations for now. It didn't matter now any ways.

"Are you guys going to follow us the whole way?" Robin address. Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru who where indeed still following close behind them. Ino and, Choji glance towards him, blinking there eyes in response. "We remember the way, we really don't need escorts"

"She wants to see us to" Shikamaru pointedly replies.

Letting out a mushroom sigh.

"We maybe.." Ino jumps in for her teammate. "Assigned to go on a mission together"

Another silence feels in around them. As the titans and young ninja's head towards the hokage tower. Wondering what she could possibly want.


Tapping her painted red nails on her desk Tsunade huffs out an irritated breath. It had been about an hour since she scent team eight to fetch after the titans. And, they still hadn't come back yet. Clenching her free hand into a tight fist. Easily crushing the small pin that was in between her finger's almost completely in half.

"I'm sure they...." Shizuna suddenly begins to speak up, tonton close by sweatdrops at the blonde womans rise in anger. Placing a hot steaming cup of freshly made tea in front of her blonde mentor. Having noticed the womans anger rising as well.

"Are on the way" Shizune finishes her sentence.

"They better be" Tsunada growls. "I told them they had to hurry up, they didn't have time to waste"

Shizuna lets out a sigh. As Tsunade picks up the hot cup of tea and begins blowing on it. Cooling the hot liquid down a little at a time.

Tsunade takes a small sip of her now cooled down tea. Before placing her cup down on her desk. Sitting back in her chair she eyes over the scrolls lying under her arms. Just then an instant knock came at the door.

"Enter" comes the snippy reply.

As the door opens Shikamaru, steps warily inside a sweat drop on the side of his head. Silently hoping the hokage wasn't to much in a bad mood.

Ino and, Choji stepping in behind him. With all five titans filling inside the small room as well.

"About time" the hokage is quick to blow up. A dark look settles on her face. Causing almost everyone but Raven, to sweetdrop. "It's great you all finally decided to join us, we can now get down to business"

Shikamaru lets out a relieving sigh silently glad the older womane hadn't blown up on them literally.

Choji nervously scratches the back of his head while still sweatdropping at the blonde woman. With Ino bitting her lip unsurely her eyes shifting back to the titans.

"Where's Yukia at?" The hokage asked gazing towards the titans a questioning look appearing in her eyes. "I wanted her here to"

"She will be along shortly" Raven points out dryly. Her arms crossing over her chest. As she keeps an eye on the hokage. Who was now focused on Raven.

"You can still tell us what you want us to do" Cyborg puts in. "Will be sure to inform her later"

Lady tsunade takes in a breath. Nodding her head at Cyborg's words.

"Fine" she agrees. Pulling a long scroll out from under her arm. Rolling it out infront of her. "I have a mission for you all"

"What kind of mission?" Choji wonders curiously while barely tilting his head to the side.

"Hopefully its not to hard" Shikamaru sighs deeply his shoulders sagging. "I really wanted to rest up today, what a total drag"

"Shikamaru" Ino snaps at him warningly. Her eyes instantly noticing the dark look from the hokage, that was silently aimed at the tall male. "Hush, or she might put you through the wall"

Shikamaru, rolls his eyes uncaringly, but decides to remain quite. Smart on him.

"As I was saying" Lady Tsunada picks up again. Casting her eyes over the many people in her office. "You all will be going on this mission together, you will be heading to the hidden water village"

"Hidden water village?" Starfire repeats slowly. Tiltimg her head in wonder. This place was still so knew to her, Fascinating.

"The report states there's been several people going missing during the night" Shizune puts in. Having already read the report earlier. And gaining everyones quick attention. "You will probably be heading there to investigate where there disappearing to"

"Exactly" Lady Tsunade replies dryly. Picking up where. Shizune, left off. "Due to Asuma, already being out on his own mission,you will also be given a new sensei for now. She will meet you at the gates in an hour. And you all must follow her orders. Understood! Not one of you argue with her got it!"

Everyone nods there heads quietly at the blondes words. Her eyes casting to the titans.

"You five" she address. Gaining all five titans quick attention. The hokage looks down at the six head bands resting on her desk. "Take a head band, it will let the water village know your with the leaf village and will not poss any threat"

"Thank you" Robin soothes gracefully as he steps forwards to take a head band. Tying it firmly around his utility belt.

Beastboy grins as he ties his head band atop his head keeping his green hair from falling down into his eyes. Flexing his muscles as he winks over at Raven a bright tooth illed grin across his lips.

"This looks great on me" he boosts confidently. "Don't you think? Rae Rae"

Raven simply rolls her eyes. With a mushroom sigh escaping her lips.

"Raven" she corrects him. Placing her headband around her neck. "My name is just Raven, not Rae Rae"

Beastboy shrugs his shoulders uncaringly as he takes a step back from the hokage desk.

Cyborg picks up his head band scratching his head. Where would he put it? Around his neck. Nah that just looked weird. On his forehead? Cyborg didn't like that either. Deciding on putting the headband safelty up in his armer. He smiles over at the hokage.

Starfire loosely ties her headband around her neck. Before sending a cute smile over at Robin.

"Does this look ok?" She asked him sweetly blinking her green eyes hopefully, at the boy beside her.

"Of coures Starfire" Robin replies gently smiling as she moves to stand closer to him. "You never look bad, your always beautiful"

Starfire widens her green eyes. Not having expected those words to leave his mouth especially with so many people around. Robin wasn't the type to never say thoses types of things around others. Even there friends. Starfire, lets out a happy giggle before hugging him tightly. Making him suck in a deep breath.

"Awe thank you friend Robin" she replies happily releasing him after a few seconds. Hearts feeling in her eyes. A few chuckles come from beside them. Robin barely turns his head.

Cyborg and Beastboy look as if there about to die of laughter. Clasping there hands over there mouths. In attempt to keep it back. Robin shakes his head at them not feelingvtge need to bother with them. He said the truth. Starfire was beautiful always wa. Raven, merely avoids her teammates not feeling the need to involve herself with them at the moment.

"Here" Lady tsunada holds up the last headband. "Take this to Yukia"

"Aye aye" Beastboy salutes. Taking the object in his hands.

"Will be going out now" Robin says as him and the others turn towards the hokage's office door.

Starfire with her arms clasped tightly around his right arm. Internally making him flinch her grip was so tight. But he didn't want to tell her to lossen her grip so he njust was gonna endure the pain for now.

"Me to" Shikamaru declares to really no one. "I gotta go tell my mom. I'm heading out on a mission, she's not going to like this"

"Stop complaining already" Ino scolds following Shikamaru out. With Choji following close behind them.

"Can we get some snacks before heading out?" Choji wonders a loud. Hoping to stop by a nearby store. Before heading out.

Shikamaru sighs at his best friend. With Ino rolling her eyes. Leave it to Choji to be thinking of food.

Beastboy, shuts the door to the hokage office quietly behund. Following his teammates down the hallway.


(Yeah, finally a knew update, hopefully it's not to bad. I'm sorry it took so long on the update. I've been real busy lately. And have only worked on this when I'm able to)