When worlds collide
~Chapter 17~
Sitting on the edge of a tall building Yukia swings her legs back and forth rather freely over the edge of the tall building, her eyes, content on watching the sun slowly begins to settle down between to shorter buildings it's hot rays over the leaf village growing cooler and cooler, as dusk begins to set in.
Yukia loved watching the sunset. Seeing the many different colors that seemed to paint the sky amazed her. The bright purples and pinks. Splashed in with reds. It was just stunning.
Letting out a breath Yukia sits back, resting her arms under her neck, with her eyes still remaining focusing on the beautiful sky above.
The sun was just now starting to vanish from view, only to be replaced by the bright shining moon. A few stars immediately starting to sparkle. A couple small dark clouds float by her line of sight almost.
Below her own the ground. Yukia could easily make out the loud croaks of the frogs, and the more musical chirps of loud crickets, footsteps echoing on the pavement as people walked by due to her height scents she was able to her there foot falls partly well, of course to hear what they were saying she would have to be closer.
Rolling her eyes in a playful manner, another low breath escaping her lips.
"You have to hide your scent better" She purrs mysteriously. Feeling some one come to a pause beside her. A giggle rolling from her lips. "Nice try though, you where close Naruto"
"Dang, it" Naruto suddenly cries, in her ear making her winch slightly.
Yukia lets out an amusing chuckle her eyes casting over her shoulder, and gazing up to the tall blonde boy now sweet dropping as he stands watching her,
Naruto's right arm scratches the back of his head nervously. Yukia leaps to her feet feeling happy to see the hyper boy back. The last time she saw him. Him and, Sakura had to leave, to go on some mission.
"It's great to see you back Naruto" She says with a bright smile up at him. Her lips curving up into a playful grin, why compared to all her friends did she have to be so short?
"It's great to see you to" Naruto smiles. His blue eyes sparkling brightly as he watches her. "I was trying to scare you. But I guess it didn't work huh?"
Deadpanning at the blondes words Yukia rolls her eyes again, before turning her back to him, with her arms now crossed over her chest, a childish look coming over her face.
"What's wrong?" Naruto questions frantically. While tilting his head to the side. A small question mark popping up on the side of his head. Was she mad at him for trying to scare her? Yukia cast her eyes back at him from over her shoulder
"Nothing" She answers trying to sound offended, while closing one of her eyes so she would be winking at him. Wanting him to know she was picking at him.
"I can't believe you would try to scare me Naruto" She whines pointedly, though her voice still sounded playful.
Naruto, blinks his big blue eyes a few times. Just as a bright grin crosses his lips. Realizing she was actually picking at him.
"Well it would have worked" he chirps brightly. "If your scents weren't so strong you know"
Yukia turns around to face him a teasing scowl written on her face. Playfully punches him in the right arm.
Naruto lets out another chuckle, not one bit bothered by her little punch. He was actually quite amused by her childish behavior, well she was only twelve so it made scents she was a little childish.
Yukia smiles up at him once more, her blue eyes flashing a little as the moonlight shines down on them.
Yukia couldn't figure out What it was about this boy? That She for some reason seemed to trust. She honestly couldn't quite put her finger on it.
Maybe it was that cheerful personality of his? He always seemed to have a smile on his face despite the fact she knew something was up with the villagers and, how they treated him. Why did they call him a monster?
Nothing about Naruto struck her as a monster. If anything she was a monster it was not normal for a human to turn into a huge wolf. Or perhaps he was somehow like Gaara? She would not ask him about it now, but maybe eventually, she would if given the chance.
"Earth to Yukia" Naruto shouts waving his hand in front of her face.
And, jolting her out of her thoughts. Yukia blinks her eyes at him a couple of times a small confused look coming to her face.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" He asked, watching as she shakes her head no.
"Sorry Naruto" She Apologizes, having not mean to ignore him.
"I wanted to know if you would like to come with me?" He asked kindly his brows raised in silent question. Awaiting her answer
Yukia widens her eyes slightly a stunned look coming to her face. As she stares at him unsurely
"Um, what?" She wonders a loudly. Where was he wanting to take her, she takes a few uncomfortable steps back a sweet drop forming on the side of her head.
Naruto watches her curiously, his head tilting to the side just as a sudden cones over his check, waving his hands innocently in the air
"I meant with me and, some of my friends" He starts to explains to her Innocently. Yukia feels herself begin to relax once more. "I'm meeting up with them, and wanted to know if you wanted to come"
"That sounds like fun" Yukia answers brightly
Naruto grins brightly, before he quickly takes her hand in his, and, tugs her behind him. Making her almost tumble over the side of the building though luckily, she was able to caught her balance. Only for Naruto to pull her behind him, as he leaps from the building.
Naruto does a back flip in the air slowing his protectory to the earth below. A small dust cloud shooting up around his feet.
Naruto throws his arms out, easily catching a scared looking Yukia in his strong arms, cradling her against his chest her heartbeat had suddenly increased in speed, loudly drumming in her ears, her eyes where closed. Though once she realizes she was not falling no more she opens her eyes again.
A dark glare coming to her face as she stares up at Naruto, making him sweet drop, as he places her on the ground beside him, his arms still around her as she quickly regains her balance.
"You're afraid of heights?" He muses in a small whisper in her ear.
Making the girl Sneer dangerously at his statement her eyes continuing to glare at him like daggers. More sweet drops, roll down the side of the blonde's head. As he starts to quickly back away from her. Just in case she decided to attack him or something. Which almost seemed to be the case.
"Only when someone drags me of a very tall building unexpectedly" Yukia informs him pointedly her voice drenched in sarcasm. With her arms crossing over her chest.
Yukia honestly, had a right mind to smack him upside the head how dare he drag her of that huge building, not a fear she would admit loudly but she had quite a small fear of heights especially of falling of them. Him doing that really didn't help much, she was still human, she still had human fears, quite silly since she was with the Titans and, she had done other crazier things in the past.
Before the matter could be pressed any further a voice shouts from close by causing both teens to snap their heads up and, look in the direction of the voice, they both easily spot five figures walking or more lesa running towards them, Yukia had already, recognized them. Their scent was one she had grown very use to plus their shadowy salutes were easy for her to recognize as well.
"Hi guys" She greets her friends. With her left hand waving at them as they approached.
The five teens stop in front of Naruto and Yukia each one giving the red-headed girl a serious look making her feel suddenly nerves sweat drops now rolling down the side of her head.
Yukia jumps up just as something smacks the back of her head pretty hard. Her blue eyes peeking over to see a pretty aggravated looking Raven standing beside her. The ravenetts hands balled up into tight fist down at her side. Her anger having seemed to have risen.
A small bump forms on the side of Yukia's, head the exact spot Raven had hit. A few anime tears streaming down Yukia's eyes, as she rubs at her new bump. Naruto steps back a confused look coming over his face.
"Why did you sneak out!!" Raven growls darkly, black energy swirling wildly around her hands due to her anger.
Yukia steps back from her friends, more sweat drops forming on the side of her head. That was right she had managed to sneak out, of the bedroom window, in their hotel room.
Yukia didn't think it was that big of a deal. She wanted some air and to watch the sun go down which both were accomplished, the hotel, was small compared to the building she'd watched the sun vanish on.
But then Naruto showed up and she got distracted. She hadn't seen him in a while, and, was excited to see him. Honestly she wouldn't mind seeing a few of the other young ninjas. Robin shacks his head back and forth.
"You should tell us before you decide, to leave next time" Robin scolds, with a small sigh heard in his voice. An unimpressed expression on his face.
Beastboy lets out a loud yawn. It was dark and he was tired now they found there teammate, he could sleep now or he hoped so his eyes slowly start to close, as his body crouches over. Cyborg stands beside the green teen ready to catch him if he falls.
"I'm sorry" Comes a low mumble from, Yukia as she kicks at the dirt at her feet. Making a small dust cloud shoot up around her feet.
She cast her eyes over to Naruto who seems quite amused by the sudden situation. A bright smile coming to his lips when he catches Yukia looking at him, making her eyes roll upward. Naruto shrugs his shoulders innocently at her.
"But could I at least get something to eat with Naruto and his friends, I'm starving?" She asked honesty her eyes gazing back over at, the Titans apologetically.
Watching as they all exchanged looks with each other except for Beastboy who was almost half asleep.
Uncertainty flashes over their faces, they didn't think her getting food would hurt they knew the blonde boy would keep an eye on her.
Before any of them had time to say anything. Naruto swirls around grabbing Yukia's arm and, tugging her behind him, as he begins running.
Yukia blinks her eyes in surprise, almost having tripped over her own feet, but she quickly catches herself. Not having expected him to literally drag her.
"She will be fine" Naruto chirps loudly, back at the Titans, as he keeps running, his free hand waving back at the young hero's confidently.
The Titans watch after there teammate. Just as both teens disappear into the small crowd of people still in the street.
"Let's head back she'll be fine" Cyborg decides after a few seconds. Turning to head back towards the hotel room.
Cyborg, Caring an already sleeping Beastboy in his arms, as he walks. The other three Titans now starting to follow after him. They were all, too tired to chase after there already vanished teammate.
"Naruto, I can walk now!" Yukia cries her feet skidding on the ground as she tries to keep him from pulling her.
But to no avail, he was way to strong and, was easily able to pull her behind him.
Not only that but Yukia was almost positive, he was ignoring her. Naruto comes to a sudden stop in front of a huge restaurant.
Yukia not being able to stop herself, ends up ramping straight into the blondes back. Making him stumble forwards. Titling his head down at the dizzy eyed redhead, as she stumbles backwards seeming to be a bit in shock, a deadpanned look on her face.
"Why?" She whines pinching her nose with her free hand. It felt like she ran headfirst into a huge wall. "That hurt!! Who puts a wall where people walk?"
Naruto rolls his eyes good naturally. Before taking her arm again. And, tugging her inside the restaurant. The sudden smell of food rolling up the girl's nostrils. Makes her stomach growl almost like a loud, whale call.
Naruto seems to burst out Laughing at the loud sound coming from her stomach.
"You really must be hungry Yukia" He laughs in big amusement, getting a low irritated growl from Yukia, Though the blonde easily ignores her.
Naruto, Leads Yukia to a long table, where a tired looking Shikamaru set, with both of his eyes half-closed, only opening one at the sound of approaching footsteps.
The young Nara sends an uncaring gaze up to, Naruto. Before his chocolate eyes land on Yukia, who at the moment was sending Naruto hard death glares. Making the Nara sweat drop.
What did Naruto do to get her so mad? Shaking her head, Yukia finally smiles over at the small group sitting around the table. Regarding them all, with kind eyes.
With Ino waving a greeting at the two newcomers, Choji nods his head towards them. Though his eyes mostly stay focused on the huge plate of meat sitting in the middle of the table. Sakura sat on the other side of Ino next to the far wall, her mint green eyes gazing towards her blonde male teammate.
Naruto pushes, Yukia down on the other side of Ino. At which Yukia, almost ends up in the platinum blondes lap, luckily she catches herself.
Yukia glares over at Naruto once more, watching as he takes a seat beside Shikamaru, of course, the blonde ignores her glares once again. He was gonna get it later.
"Let's eat" Naruto cheers loudly. Making Shikamaru invisibly winch.
"What a drag" Shikamaru grumbles under his breath. As he sits back in his seat and. looks up at the ceiling. A sigh coming from his lips. "Just what I didn't need Naruto shouting in my ear"
Naruto hearing the Nara complain. Sends him a glare. Before rolling his eyes.
"Yahoo" Choji suddenly shouts loudly, in response to Naruto's earlier statement. He was starving. And watching the meat sizzling in front of him was only making him hungrier.
Choji, swiftly reaches his chopsticks down taking up a couple pieces of cooked meat. Placing them in his mouth. Choji smiles pleasingly.
"So tasty" he purrs happily. Small bits of drool running down the side of his mouth.
"Don't eat too much Choji" Ino scowls her teammate, a disgusted look coming to her face. As the boy picks up another piece of meat. Seeming to ignore her.
Choji was more focused on the food then on his teammate.
Ino merely rolls her eyes why did she care if he ate too much anyways? He never listens to her, now turning her attention down to the Redhead sitting beside her.
Yukia had also got a piece of meat with her chopsticks though she had to admit theses wooden sticks were hard to use it was really a hard struggle for her to hold the meat with the chopsticks. But she was trying to manage.
Blowing lightly on the hot meat. Yukia takes a small bite, hearts seem to float over her head at the seemingly good taste, the meat brought with it.
Yukia sits back in her seat a more than satisfied look on her face, as she continues to eat on her piece of meat.
"So, Yukia?" Ino randomly address, with her teal eyes rasing in silent wonder.
Yukia slowly stops eating, placing her piece of meat, on the plate in front of her, her crystal eyes gazing over at Ino. Yukia, raises her eyebrow almost like she was saying what.
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Ino asked her sounding serious on her question, an interesting glint coming to her face.
"No" Comes the snappy reply from, Yukia who now reverts her eyes away from the blonde girl. Looking back to her piece of meat.
Even Sakura, seemed to be a bit interested in the situation. If her finger tapping on the table was anything to go by, her green mint eyes gazing at Yukia from the other side of Ino suspiciously.
"Really no one??" Ino presses her arms resting on the table. As she tilts her head. Wondering if what. Yukia, was saying was true.
"Let's see" Sakura purrs lowly as she seems to think of who. Yukia, could possibly like.
Yukia, eventually decides to ignore them, finishing up her piece of meat.
Yukia, leans forwards grabbing another piece of meat with her chopsticks. And begins to nibble on it her eyes downcast from the two curious females. Her mind continued to bring up memories of him, it was really unclear to her of why she was suddenly thinking of him. Perhaps she could be missing him, but why?
"Leave her alone" Shikamaru sighs, having been listening to Sakura and, Ino pestering, Yukia.
Bringing Yukia out of her thoughts her eyes gazing towards the Nara in silent thank you.
"She doesn't have to talk about things like that if she doesn't want to, you both can be such a drag" Shikamaru scolds lazily his eyes rolling upwards.
Sakura, and, Ino, both send glares towards the unfazed Nara who rolls his eyes once more in irritation.
"Thank you" Yukia replies gracefully, while sitting back in her seat.
"Fine" Ino pouts her arms crossing over her chest, she was just curious is all how was that so bad?
"You just wanted to know if she liked Sasuke" Choji grumbles lowly, while already putting more meat on the grill. Which lets out a low sizzle at the cool meat being placed on it.
"Choji" Ino hissed, giving her teammate a warning glare. Before casting her eyes down to a now very depressed looking, Sakura a dark cloud now floating over the pinkettes head. Her eyes downcast.
Naruto, also hangs his head, pausing in the middle of grabbing a piece of meat.
"Sasuke.." Naruto and. Sakura both repeat in a low hushed voice. There eyes hooding.
Yukia sits up in her seat having noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere around the table. Her eyes peeking over at the two ninjas concerningly.
"You know you can't talk about him in front of them Choji" Ino proclaims. While patting Sakura caringly on the shoulder.
Choji remains quite his eyes shifting between the two team seven members. He hadn't meant to bring there old teammate up. But it honestly just popped out with out him thinning.
Shikamaru, lets out a small mushroom sigh, deciding to stay quite for now.
Who was this Sasuke, person Choji mentioned? Seeing as both Naruto and Sakura were touchy about the topic, Yukia doesn't really want to ask, she didn't like seeing them sad. But still she was curious.
Naruto lends closer to the table a dark look coming over his face. He was still beating himself up pretty hard over his old teammate, he swore to himself and promised Sakura to get him back he would not give up on that, never.
Feeling a hand brush gentle over his. Naruto cast his blue eyes up. Coming face to face with the concerning look that was flashing through, Yukia's eyes.
Yukia pulls her hand back. Placing it down in her lap. Sitting back in her seat the concern not leaving the girls face. Naruto smiles kindly at the girl.
"It's ok" Naruto insures lightly, hooding his blue eyes once again.
Naruto gazes back down at the table. Releasing a sad sight.
"Sasuke was our old teammate" Naruto explains his voice sounding hurt. As he perks his eyes back at Yukia. Who now watches him through sympathetic eyes.
"He left the village a while back" Sakura adds in still feeling torn about the whole thing. It hurt knowing there teammate left. Yet there wasn't anything they could have done.
"I'm going to bring him back" Naruto claims confidently. Sakura, sends the blonde a small smile. "Believe it, I'm going to get stronger and bring him home"
"I'm sorry to hear that" Yukia whispers empathically. Unable to picture what she would be like with out her friends. It was unimaginable to her. "I hope you get him back, I couldn't imagine what I would be like without my friends at my side"
Naruto, smiles a little at her a determined look coming over his face. His head barely nodding at her words. Standing up from the table a ghost of a smile crossing his lips. Naruto turns towards the restaurant doors.
"I'll see you all tomorrow," He simple tells them, as he walks towards the door.
Sakura's eyes watching after him with slight concern.
"I should get back to my friends as well" Yukia muses lowly, as she to stands up to leave. Wanting to actually, catch up to Naruto.
Waving a hand over her head at the small group behind her. Yukia hurries out of the restaurant pausing in the middle of the street she glances around, looking for the blonde boy.
"Dang he's fast" She murmurs lowly to herself she was hoping to catch up to him before he got to far away. But he had already disappeared. She could follow his scent I she wanted to. But she really needed to get back to the Titans.
Yukia, silently hoped Naruto, would be alright. Letting out a low sigh Yukia turns to head in the direction of the hotel. Feeling suddenly tired.