When worlds collide
~Chapter 14~
Third person
Standing at the gates of the village the Titans wait, with heavy backpacks slung over their shoulders, a few warm clothes, a sleeping bag, and a few small food items, where in each backp.
Yukia stood against the village gate her arms crossed over her chest her blue eyes gazing out into the forest that surrounded the leaf village an unsure look coming to her face. Despite Robin saying they would be just fine and a few ninjas hopefully coming with them she still felt nervous what if something bad happens to them?
"We're going to be the ok friend Yukia" Starfire assures her. Floating a little above the gates her eyes flashing with interest.
"Yeah, besides it would be great to get out of the hotel room" Beast boy agrees sounding a bit happy.
Raven stood by the gate beside her, her purple eyes reading over the book in her hand rather quickly Yukia could only guess the book was getting good.
"No messing around thought I don't want anyone getting hurt" Robin orders his masked eyes gazing over his friends in turn.
"My thoughts exactly" Yukia puts in with a slight look at the titans.
"Will be fine, like star said" Cyborg chirps loudly, his fists playfully punching at the air.
"Plus, where getting a couple friends to come with us" Starfire points out smartly
She lands on the ground by Robin who looks over at her with a small grin, a chuckle coming from Yukia's lips at the two titans lovey looks at each other.
"Let's just focus on the mission" Raven mutters boredly casting her eyes up from her book at the sound of approaching footsteps.
Putting a bookmark in her book she closes it slowly and places the book back in her backpack. Lady Tsunade walks up a brown-haired kid walking beside her his brown eyes focused on the ground as he followed
"Right on time I see" The blonde woman starts dryly her Carmel eyes looking over the six teens in front of her
"This is the client where supposed to take home" She explains her eyes flicking down to the boy at her side an annoyed look Crossing her face
"These weirdos are my escorts?" he questions in a whiney voice his deep brown eyes looking over the Titans. an unimpressed look crossing his face.
"I might just stay here till something better comes along" He mumbles loudly. His nose up in the air arms crossed over his chest. Lady Tsunade rolls her eyes irritable.
"I'm sorry but this is all we have at the moment" She explains rudely.
A disbelief look crosses the boy's face. However before he could go to argue with her. The Hokage, turns to walk back into the village almost looking like she was trying to get away from the small child. If her fast walk was anything to go by.
"Make sure he gets home safely" She shouts back at the titans. The women easily disappears into the huge crowded street a sweet drop rolling down the side of the Titans faces as the kid stomps his feet on the ground childishly, fake tears rolling from his eyes.
"I don't want to go with them" He pouts loudly his bottom lip trembling as he sobs "there creepy looking"
Yukia snaps her head towards the boy a low growl rolling from her throat in a quick flash she was standing in front of him her eyes glaring dangerously down into his brown ones.
"I would shut up now if I where you" She snaps in his face her fangs slightly poking out the side of her mouth. The boy sweet drops at her, and slowly backs away. "Or I will be more than happy to shut you up myself"
"That won't be necessary" A ruff voice cuts in from behind her something wraps around her stomach, easily pulling her away from the now terrified boy.
Yukia was laid a few meters away her eyes gazing down at a few grains of sand wrapped around her stomach. The sand quickly retreats from around her body.
"You can't kill the client" Another voice speaks up sarcastically "where supposed to take him home, not threaten him"
"Even though I have to admit he is annoying" Another one puts in dully.
Yukia looks up spotting an unimpressed Gaara standing before her his arms crossed over his chest, he Seemed to be shaking his head at her or that's what it looked like to her, flicking her eyes to the side of him she easily spots Kankuro and Temari standing beside him an amused look on Kankuro's face as he watches her. By the exit of the village a stoic looking Neji stood his silver eyes watching Yukia boredly. Lee and Tenten stood beside him as well.
The Titans glance back at Yukia sighs of relief coming from their lips, they all knew very well how protective she could get over them especially if someone talked bad about them. They highly doubted she would actually hurt this kid despite how annoying he was, thankfully the boy had fallen silent his brown eyes constantly watching. Yukia as she gets back to her feet, her mind already focused elsewhere.
"No killing the client" Kankuro repeats pointedly. his eyes teasingly on Yukia.
Crossing her arms over her chest she looks away from the group. A deadpanned look coming over her face.
"Fine" She mumbles rudely, her eyes sneering at the small child making him lowly whimper "Just tell him to not talk about my friends and will be fine"
"Anyways let's go over the traveling arrangements" Neji decides changing the subject and gaining everyone's attention "Yukia can go a bit in front if she would, I have noticed how good your scents of smell is" he suggests sending the girl a small glance, from the corner of his eye
Yukia simply nods her head at his suggested. Popping her knuckles, before slipping into her wolf form, a light breeze blows by, blowing the fur on her back steadily making her eyes close half away the breeze felt so nice running through her fur, the kid moves away from the now huge wolf in front of him, his brown eyes widening in silent fear. Robin let's out a sigh his masked eyes flicking down to the small boy, he couldn't blame him for being afraid of Yukia now but seriously she wasn't even trying to hurt him.
"She isn't going to hurt you" He tells the boy lowly.
Yukia shacks her massive head back and forth ruffling up her fur, her blue eyes glaring darkly back to the boy who starts to whimper lowly again, Robin rolls his eyes again his head shacking, she really wasn't helping matters any.
"Beastboy can follow after her as well he can help with tracking enemies" Robin suggests serious sending Yukia a warning look to stop teasing the boy.
Yukia sends him an innocent look her ears flatting against her head rather cutely, Robin only rolls his eyes once more his hand running through his black hair as he sighs he knew she was trying to creep the kid out on purpose, her innocent look wasn't fooling him,
Beastboy walks over to where Yukia was standing, cracking his knuckles teasingly, which causes the young girl to giggle at him lightly. A small grin coming over the green teens lips.
BeastBoy then shifts into a green wolf, the kid backs away from the two wolves now standing before him hiding himself slightly behind Kankuro who seems to only shack his head.
"I'll be at the back with my Byakugan to make sure enemies don't sneak up behind us" Neji puts in casually, getting small nods of understanding from everyone.
"Gaara, Temari, and I will be up in the trees" Kankuro proclaims proudly.
"As look outs" Temari decides to finish for her brother her eyes slightly rolling at him.
Gaara glances over to Yukia a small smile coming to his lips as he watches, Tenten gently rub her hand through the top of Yukia's head, a loud happy squeal coming from the brunettes lips her eyes seeming to sparkle.
"Yukia! you got some of the softest fur" Tenten speaks up happily, her arms going to wrap around the wolves huge neck.
Yukia's neck was quite big in this form, which really made it hard for Tenten to wrap her arms completely around her neck, a wolfish grin comes to Yukia's lips her tail seeming to wag slightly behind her as she glances down at the brunette beside her. Yukia really didn't seem to care much about being petted if she had to be honest, it sometimes actually felt quiet good.
"Tenten and Lee will be in the middle as sort of a hard fighting team" Neji continues his silver eyes looking towards his two teammates.
"I can stay with them as well" Cyborg puts in getting a lazy nod from the dark-haired boy
"Me Starfire and Raven will follow behind Yukia and Beastboy, the kid can come with us" Robin puts in. Raven and Starfire both shack there heads at that.
The kid crosses is arms childishly over his chest, a few words being mumbled under his breath, being careful not to talk to loudly he didn't want that girl back in his face she was so rude. Though when he peeks his eyes up towards her, noticing her glaring towards him he could have sworn she heard him, and once again he hides himself behind.
Kankuro, like the taller male would actually protect him, if they didn't have to protect him. Kankuro, would be more than happy to watch Yukia scare him, though she seemed to have no problem with doing that now actually.
That is until Gaara steps in front of her blocking her few of the small child an innocent look coming over her wolf face as she gazes back at him her ears flattening against her face cutely. An unimpressed look clued to the attractive boy's face.
"Stop" he tells her in an emotionless voice a pouty look comes over the girls face but she remains quite.
"Alrighty then let's head out" Lee explodes loudly without warning, Lee turns to head towards the forest.
However, he was quickly stopped by Tenten who had somehow managed to grab hold of the boys collar to his green jumpsuit, struggling to hold the inpatient male in place, they still had to tell the Titans where to go and possible give them a map.
"We will be heading to the land of grass it's a few days away from the leaf village" Neji explains mostly to the Titans. He hands over a map to Robin the place they were going had already been circled in a bright red ink.
"The kid is a very important client his parents sometimes helps our village with medical herbs and other important healing ointments" Tenten decides to put in thinking it was some good information for the titans to remember.
"Hear that Yukia, that means no killing him" Kankuro decides to tease the girl, only to get a small annoyed scowl from the huge wolf her teeth baring slightly in his direction.
"I promise nothing" she growls lowly getting an amused chuckle from the male.
"Got it" Robin mutters Dryly his head nodding at Tenten words.
Yukia and Beastboy quickly take off out of the gates their muzzles raised up in the air already keeping on lookout for any signs of unseen enemies, Robin Starfire Raven and the kid who Robin decides to carry on his back to make traveling easier. Follow behind them
"What is your name anyways?" Robin asked the boy as he runs his masked eyes raising slightly.
"It's Soto" The kid answered
unenthusiastically. His brown eyes rolling in annoyance.
Lee Tenten and Cyborg quickly come up behind them with, Neji taking up the rear his byagugon activated. Gaara Kankuro and Temari had already Disappeared into the trees above keeping themselves very well hidden.
Yukia and Beastboy trudge along there muzzles held up in the air. Making sure no enemies would come out and attacked them, luckily no one had yet. Robin walks behind them his ribs feeling quite sore due to getting kicked several times in the side by the annoying boy on his back, he glares a little back at Soto though hidden by his mask.
Soto easily ignores the glares aimed at him and continues to kick Robin's sides like he was some kind of two legged horse. Starfire and Raven walk float beside him, an annoying look evident on Raven's face ever since they left the leaf village all the boy did was whine and complain, Raven would have loved to send him off someplace else a distant dimension would work nicely for her, Starfire easily ignores him not feeling one bit bothered by Soto.
"I'm tired let's take a break" Soto whines loudly in Robin's ear almost bursting the spikey boy's eardrum or at least that's what it felt like to Robin, an anime vein pulses on the side of Robin's head.
"Gladly" Robin mumbles rudely under his breath.
Moving his hands from around Soto who's eyes had gotten awfully wide, having not been expected Robin to just let him go, he falls to the ground with a small thud, a few tears rolling from his eyes, as he rubs at his butt. Soto, glares up at Robin who easily ignores him, it wasn't Robin's fault Soto had not been holding on to him. He should have been paying attention.
"Beastboy, Yukia" He shouts up at the two wolves who stop in their tracks at his voice they both glance back at him questionable looks crossing their wolf faces "Were taking a break"
Starfire and Raven land beside him, cyborg runs over to them with Lee and Tenten jumping from the trees focusing their chakra into their legs they land on the ground safely, Neji following in pursuit instantly deactivating his Byakugan for now, Gaara and Temari land on a low branch, Gaara lends back against the tall tree he was standing in his arms going over his chest almost instinctively.
Temari jumps down from the tree landing in a crouched position on the ground below. Kankuro easily lands on the ground a few meters away from the small group before turning around and heading back towards the group.
Beastboy walks up to the other Titans shifting to his human form as he walks closer. Yukia remains in her wolf form, a troubled feeling crossing over her body.
Everyone pulls their backpacks of taking out there sleeping bags and laying them out on the ground. Starfire and, Robin decide to share a sleeping bag that way Soto had one to sleep in as well.
"Who will be on lookout?" Kankuro asked dryly his eyes looking over the group before him questionable.
Neji lets out a bored sigh before focusing a small amount of chakra into his legs. Jumping up into the trees. Easily Disappearing into the thick brush.
"I can to" Yukia decides. Silently walking away. Not waiting for anyone to say or do anything.
The girl plops down beside a huge tree her blue eyes gazing out into the dark forest around her. Laying her head on top of her front paws she keeps her eyes on the forest around them. What was this evil scent she keep smelling? Could it be Debalo? No it was unfamiliar.
"Should we really trust her?" Soto questions scowling nastily over at the blue wolf unsurely.
"Yes" Beast boy answers. Sounding uncharacteristicly rude. His eyes rolling. As he sits back in his sleeping bag.
Yukia, had been with them a while now and, Beastboy knew without a doubt in his mind. She'd do anything for him. And her other friends, even give her live for them. Why would he not trust her?
Soto sinks into his warm sleeping bag his eyes closing slightly, the young boy was quite tired despite being carried the whole time. It was hard to keep the sleep that filled his body away.
Starfire and Robin walk through the small forest having decided to get a few things of firewood at least for the night he held her hand gently in his as they walked they had already managed to find a few long twigs he cast his masked eyes at her a light blush coming to his checks he couldn't shack away the thoughts that swirled around his head, not only was she his best friend but he cared desperately about her.
"Friend Robin should we head back now?" Her sweet voice rings in his ears like a soft flute being played almost repeatedly.
Robin quickly shacks is head. glancing back in the direction they were headed in.
"Let's gather a few more twigs," He tells her gently her head nodding at his words he could feel her hand tighten a little around his. Making his hand squeeze hers back.
"OK" She replies with a bright smile coming to her lips.
The walk falls into a comfortable silence Robin's eyes flick to the Tamerainan girl walking beside him, he comes to a stop causing Starfire to also stop beside him. her emerald eyes gaze back at him questionable, Robin could feel his heart pound in his chest as he looks back at her. Those beautiful eyes sending ripples through his heart.
"Starfire?" He says her name in a low question.
"Yes, friend Robin?" There's that sweet voice of hers again. He would never get tired of her voice.
"You do realize you're my best friend right?" He questions gently. his eyes narrowing slightly under his mask. A bright smile graces the girls lips. Her sweet smile making his heart melt.
"And you are mine" She tells him softly a bright sparkle seems to shine in her eyes.
"I don't ever want to lose you" He tells her honestly. His brows raising under his mask.
Starfire tights her grip on his hand. A numbness feeling coming over it at the tight grip. Robin easily ignores it he lends forward his lips meeting hers. Starfire knew well that this kiss was different from when they first met it was desperate worried he was worried for her safety, she wraps her arms around his neck feeling his arms go around her waist pulling her closer to him the beat of his heart increasing at their Closeness, as the kiss deepens a low peaceful groan comes from Robin's lips, Starfire melts into his arms his strong arms making her feel safe, her eyes slowly start to close. Robin gently pulls away from her, a tender smile on his lips as he continues to watch her, both of them breathing out heavily. Robin still had his arms wrapped around her waist his masked eyes gazing right into her green ones.
"We should head back" He murmurs thoughtfully.
Starfire nods her head in agreement but honestly, she wanted to stay out here with him longer she loved being close to him like this he was always so serious around her and the others the only time he showed his gentler side was when him and her where alone Robin removes his arms from around her, intertwine his fingers with hers he easily tugs her along behind him picking up their wood that had somehow ended up on the ground at there feet.
Yukia looks up at the sound of footsteps, spotting Robin and Starfire walk out of the forest a few twigs in Robin's arms he sits them on the ground before him and Starfire walk to the sleeping bag they were going to share, the spikey-haired boy lays down first lifting the covers up he allows Starfire to lay beside him she cuddles into his chest her green eyes casting up to him sleepily a light grin crosses Yukia's lips at the two titans affection manner towards each other.
Tenten stands up suddenly from her sleeping bag. pulling out a long white and brown scroll. Laying it carefully on the ground. Placing a finger on the scrolls. Allowing her chakra to be. focused into them.
A sudden small white smoke puffs up around the scrolls blocking them from view for a short second. As the smoke disperses into the air. A small fire flicks up around the small twigs. Robin and, Srarfire had brought.
The fire instantly lighting the area in a warm yellowish light.
"That was amazing Tenten" Lee chimes up loudly. His big eyes sparking in amazement.
"Thank you Lee" Tenten soothes happily. Feeling somewhat embarrassed getting praised by her teammate. Tenten lays back down into her sleeoing bag. Cuddling into the nice warmth.
The fire crackles softly as the twigs break in half. Raven lays in her sleeping bag her purple eyes reading over the book in front of her. Resting her head comfortably on top of her hand. A far away look in her eyes
Cyborg, lays against a tree his robotic eyes trying to see the stars through the thick brush above. But to no avail the trees where way to thick here. Heavying out a sigh Cyborg shacks his head. Deciding to gaze into the fire.
Gaara, still stood up in the tree. He'd been standing there for hours. With his teal eyes constantly flicking over to Yukia. A troubled look clearly written on her face.
Maybe he could go check up on her make sure she's ok? Yukia peeks her eyes towards him having felt herself being watched. She smiles a wolfish grin at him before looking back into the darkness of the forest her eyes narrowing. Jumping down from the tree, he walks over to her.
"What's wrong?" Gaara asked her in a somewhat low voice. Not wanting anyone to hear his concern, For her.
Yukia's head not once turning to face him, her eyes still focused on the forest in front of them her brows knitting together in frustration. He internally hoped he wasn't annoying her. Maybe he should have left her alone. But for some reason he just couldn't.
"I'm not sure" she finally answers him. Shifting to her human form. Letting out a sigh. She gazes over at him troublingly. "I'm picking up a scent, but I can't tell if it's coming this way or not. It keeps changing directions"
Gaara, narrows his eyes at her words before turning his head towards the forest. What had she managed to pick up? Her since of smell was so strong there was really no telling.
Yukia Jumps up in fright. Feeling something suddenly take hold of her hand holding it tightly. Peeking her eyes down curious on what had a hold of her hand.
Yukia's blue eyes shoot wide open at the hand surrounding hers. Tilting her head up she sends the boy standing beside her an unsure look, a small heat feeling in her checks. And, Despite him not even sparing her a glance back. his teal eyes remaining focused on the dark forest in front of them.
Yukia, could still make out the small tint of pink that slowly covered over his checks he couldn't hide it from her, especially when she was standing right beside him, why did he have to be so cute?
Smiling up at him Yukia, turns her head back towards the forest her hand barely squeezing his reassuringly. How was it, that holding his hand seemed to calm her nervous way down? How was it possible, that her nervous just go away at something so simple? It was unclear to her.
"Thank you, Gaara" Yukia whispers gracefully. Feeling him gaze down at her. Making her checks burn up.
"You see that?" Temari questions lowly, from her sleeping bag. Her head tilting over to her younger brother. It was strange seeing her younger brother being so gentle towards someone. Yet it was nice. Kankuro watches the two from his spot beside her a devious smirk playing on his lips.
"Its weird seeing him be like that" he admits with a device smirk. his eyes turn to gaze over at his sister. Wanting nothing more then to go pick on his young brother.
"Don't go messing with him Kankuro" Temari sneers warningly. Almost like she had read his mind. "leave them be"
"I would never bother them" he says innocently getting a warning look from his sister.
"I know you better" she points out darkly, rubbing a hand over her fan threateningly. Kankuro chuckles humorously. A sweat bead on the side of his head
"I'll leave them alone for know" he insures her innocently.
Temari gives him one more warning glare before shaking her head. She could only hope Kankuro would keep to his word, but knowing him. He was just biting his time. It was going to kill him not to go pick on Gaara.
A sudden loud explosion from infront of them causes both teens to go quite there heads immediately snapping back, to where Gaara and, Yukia stood. A thick dark cloud of snoke, surrounded around them. Hiding them from sight.
"Gaara!!!" Kankuro shouts, at the same time Robin, cries out 'Yukia's' name. Panic heardclear in there voices.
Everyone quickly climbs out of there sleeping bags. Worry clearly, written over there faces. Lee and Tenten peek there eyes up into the trees hearing loud noises coming from the higher elevations.
Hopefully Neji, was ok. Lee nor Tenten could see him from there spots on the ground. But it was Neji he was strong right?
All five titans relax when the dark smoke finally dissolves. A huge ball of yellow sand immediately appearing in there line of sight. Noting that the sand around there young teammate, was possibly Gaara's. Which meant Yukia, was safe.
"Thank goodness" Starfire, breaths out relievingly. The other titans seeming to relax as well.
"There ok" Kankuro sighs, with his hand wiping away invisible sweet ftom his forehead.
"Look" Tenten chirps lowly her hand pointing towards a couple weird looking human creatures heading speedily towards them. "We have trouble"
"What are those things?" Lee wonders loudly. Jumping out of the way just as a kunia swishes passed his head. A loud thung coming from a tree as the weapon buries deep into the bark.
"Seems we have a fight on our hands" Beastboy points out with a tired sigh escaping his lips. Just when he was getting comfortable to.
"Seems like it" Raven speaks up in her normal monatoned voice.
The sand around Yukia and, Gaara. Falls down around them. Revealing them to be unharmed. Small shifts of sand now floating protectively around there feet.
"Thank you" Yukia replies lowly. Gaara's head barely nodding at her words.
The girl swiftly, takes on her wolf form. Baring her sharp teeth at the on coming threat coming towards them.
Neji sits up in the trees hiding behind a couple thick leaves. He narrows his eyes trying hard to focus on the unfamiliar chakra that seemed to come in and out of his eye range. He couldn't tell who it was they moved rather quickly for his eyes to track the only thing he could see was there chakra networks and long strain of blonde flock hair he sits up in a crouched position noticing the person was beginning to come closer lifting his hand up he focus some chakra, into the chakra points on his hands.
"Eight Trigrams air palm" He shouts Lowly wind chakra quickly swirls around his hand a minute before thrusting into the trees.
A couple trees snap in half as his chakra wind cuts through his move continues on its track towards the approaching new comer, it collides hard into their chest a surprised screech coming from their lips the new comer shoots backwards hitting a couple small trees before colliding hard into a tall tree trunk sucking in a breath they let out a painful grunt before pushing them self's back to their feet.
The girl looks around sneering dangerously into the trees. Neji, soon realized the new comer was actually a girl thanks to his eyes he was able to make out. The long blonde hair that Cascades half way down her back.
A white Anbu black ops tiger mask covered her face, the only thing Neji was able to see on the girls face was her deep green eyes shining through, the two small eye holes. The girls expression seened hard as she searches for the unseen attacker.
Neji, obviously had the upper hand, she hadn't spotted him yet.
Barely tilts his head towards the ground hearing the loud shots of his friends below. Neji, inwardly hoped they where ok. Shaking his head he snaos his attention back to the girl infront of him. His pale eyes narrowing as he notices a huge amount of chakra building up inside her throat.
Opening her mouth wide. The girl shoots out two huge balls of chakra fueled fire. As the girl continues to flow her chakra into the huge balls of flames. Neji, widens his eyes, as the fire balls form into to snarling tigers.
There Eyes blazing with rage. As they both release loud roars up into the trees. Both felines dart up into the trees instantly vanishing from sight. Neji continues to watch her from his hiding spot. Not wanting to give his location up. he knew he had to stay calm right now. Those fire beast might have been some kind of heat sinceres. And if he panicked. Watchung the girl as she performs another set of complex hand signs. Neji, stiffens, what was she playing at?
Neji, could see her chakra spark steadily around her small body. Flicking on and off her skin.
"Lighting style and fire style" Neji concludes to himself. "So that's her two natures, interesting"
Watching as the lighting around the girls body suddenly separates. Her arms moving up above her head, with the lighting following her movements.
"You coward" the girl suddenly shouts. Surprising the young hyuga slightly. Thrusting her arm forwards. The girl releases. A huge bolt of chakra fueled lightning. Shouts a blinding speed straight towards Neji. "Quit your hiding"
The move heads speedily towards Neji. How did she know where he was? She must have been a sensory type shinobi. Jumping to his feet Neji swift jumps into action.
"Eight trigram; palm rotation" He shouts frantically. Starting to spin around. Releasing his chakra in a huge burst. his spinning increases.
As the chakra filled electricity collides heavily with his chakra shield. It immediately explodes. Knocking him a bit backwards. That girl had fome pretty stromg chakra, he had to admit. But thinks to his chakra shield Neji, was safe from any harm
Neji, slowly stops his spinning his chakra. Dying down from around his body. Just as the girl jumps down in front of him. Causing the male to take a couple steps back. Not liking her being this close. Her green eyes darkly scowling back at him.
"Stupid leaf ninja" She spits darkly. As her eyes flick to the headband tied around his forehead. Neji smirks back at her proudly his Byakugan not leaving her at all.
"What of it" He barks challengingly. Who was this girl anyway? One of His eyes spots a headband on her right shoulder blade, Neji barely tilts his head to get a better look at the symbol, his eyes widening a little in shock. "The land of sound" He growls lowly, she was with Orochimaru?
A loud snarl comes from. His side his head snapping towards the chakra filled tiger its teeth bared as it leaps towards him its mouth agape, Neji quickly darts to the side dodging the fire creature in the nick of time.
However the tiger, was quick to respond and turns to face him it leaps towards him again. Giving him no time to build up his chakra. The fiery creature collides hard into his chest. It's sharp teeth clamping down on his arm Neji lets out a painful shout as the tiger burns into his body flakes of flesh easily burning off. He lands in a heap against a tall tree trunk. The fiery tiger vanishes into a puff of white smoke.
Neji closes his eyes a pain-filled look on his face. The girl in front of him smirks darkly satisfied with hurting the young Hyuga her other tiger snarls from close by Neji. It slouches on the branch before leaping Forward its mouth opened wide the tiger aims for the silver-eyed boys unprotected throat going for the final blow. Neji barely opens his eyes spotting the tiger coming towards him. Begrudgingly pushing himself up. by using the tree he had crashed into.
Neji grits his teeth trying hard to hide the pain he was feeling right now. he had to ignore it, for now. he focuses his chakra into his chakra points preparing to do another rotation, but before he could do anything. something green collides with the tiger's chest sending it flying backwards, it slams hard into another tree before exploding, sending burnt wood, bark, and, splinters flying in all directions. the sound ninjas eyes widen slightly under her mask, at the floating girl now in front of her, she was quite shocked how was she flying?
Starfire fires a few more star bolts at the blonde girl hoping to get her away from the hurt Neji who slumps back down by the tree, the masked girl quickly jumps to the side dodging the green balls of energy with ease. Landing on another branch a few feet away. Yukia appears suddenly up beside Neji bending down beside him, her hands glowing a blue color as they move to his burnt chest.
The silver-eyed boy narrows his eyes at her Winching slightly at her touch on his burnt skin, even though she was being as gentle as she possible could. The wound was so tender and painful. It really hurt him, sending the hyuga a small apologetically look.
Yukia, focuses her mind back on healing him. The masked girl rolls her eyes in annoyance, who were these people? they didn't have headbands not that the blonde girl could see anyways. She would kill them if they were allied with the leaf village which looked to be the case doing a few hand sighs she focuses more chakra into the back of her throat, her mouth gaping open as two more fireballs shoot out forming quickly into snarling tigers putting her hands on the tigers back she focuses her lighting nature chakra into them electricity courses over the fiery tigers sparkling up brightly with chakra filled electricity the huge tigers bend lowly pouncing up into the trees
"What's going on down below?" Neji questions trying to ignore the small pain in his chest by talking. "I can since, unfamiliar chakra down there"
Yukia keeps her focus on healing his burnt wound. Knowing if she lost her focus she could mess up, and she wasn't wanting to mess up.
"Everyone is fighting of some weird creature thingy's I'm not sure what they are" Yukia answers him her eyes flicking to the blonde girls head band a minute before going back to Neji's burnt skin. "but they all have the same symbol on their head bands as hers"
"I see" Neji grumbles lowly.
A loud snarl suddenly comes from behind the red headed girl. Her head snapping over her shoulders spotting one of the fiery electric tigers looming on a nearby branch close to her. The creature crouches low preparing to leap towards her its sharp teeth bared.
Yukia, was unable to build up her energy to make a shield right now not with her trying to heal Neji.
Putting Neji's arm around her neck. Yukia, quickly leaps away from the tree they where in. Neji, slung barely over her shoulder. The fiery tiger collides with the tree behind them.
Exploding on impact. Yukia, could feel the heat of the explosion scorch against her back a pained look crossing her face. She jumps down from the trees. Helping Neji to sit back down against the trunk of another tree.
Focusing her blue energy back into her hands she refocuses her attention on healing him up again. Ignoring the stinging pain in her oen body.
"I'm not good at healing burns" She murmurs to herself, more then to him. Her eyes slightly hooded as they inspect the burnt skin. Watching flakes of skin falling away from the boys flesh.
Getting a simple nod of understanding from the Hyuga. She just saved him from being burned alive, she could have easily left him up there to die in that tree. But instead she saved him even though she two got hurt. Neji was silently grateful to her for that. Though his pride prevented him from saying much on it.
"Will he be ok?" Tenten questions as she jumps down infront of them having decided to keep enemies from getting to the two teens. Neji was her teammate after all she didn't want him hurt even further then he was already.
"Yes he'll be fine" Yukia answer lowly her mind still focused on healing him up.
"Now please no more interrupts" Yukia requests, getting a nod from the brunette, who falls silent.
Tenten, pulls out a few small scrolls from her weapon pouch. Jumping in to the air. Tenten focuses her chakra into the scrolls as she starts to spin around a white smoke puffing up around her shielding her a minute from sight. Abundance of weapons shoot out from her scrolls heading straight towards a couple of weird-looking humans, most of them had huge inhuman muscles their eyes where wide and crazy looking and if she had to be honest.
Tenten was quite bothered by them. A loud Shriek escapes a couple of their lips when Tenten's weapons embed into their flesh blood quickly squirting out from their wounds splashing on the ground.
Tenten lands on the ground in a crouch position flicking her eyes back to Yukia, who was back on her feet her breathing coming out a bit heavy, her hands resting on her knees. Tenten glances towards where her teammate had been sitting relief going down her spine when she See's Neji, back on his feet the burn on his chest. Was mostly healed except for a few small scars.
Yukia did say she wasn't good at healing burnt wounds but it looked pretty good to Tenten. Of course if Neji wanted them fully healed he would have to get Lady Tsunade to treat them.
Yukia now stood in front of Beastboy in a rather defensive stance a huge cut was sliced across the green boys shoulder, blood slowly oozing out of the wound, Beastboy uses the tree to get back to his feet trying hard to ignore the sharp pain that came to his shoulder as he does so, a tall orange-haired man stood across from Yukia a crazed look in his eyes as he sneers back at her. She lets out a low growl baring her sharp teeth warning him to stay back. Though it didn't seem like he got the hint without warning he runs towards the two teens.
"I'll heal you just let me finish this thing of" Yukia tells the green boy standing behind her she was just about to shift to her wolf,
When a powerful chakra filled wind cuts through knocking the unexpected man backwards back into the huge boulder. He had previously knocked into this time the bolder breaks in half and, the orange haired man continues to fly back only stopping when he slams into a tree. Slumping to the ground a low groan coming from his lips.
Both Yukia and Beastboy turn their heads towards Temari. She was crouched up in a tree her eyes flicking to the Red-headed girl. Her head slightly nodding at Yukia. who smiles up at her Yukia nods her head in silent thanks, before turning to walk over to the green boy behind her, blue energy already Flowing into her hands, she gently places her hands on the green boys shoulder, causing him to inhaul sharply a low hiss coming from his lips.
"I'm sorry BB" Yukia whispers lowly her eyes narrowing as she continuing to focus on healing him.
"It's ok" He murmurs in a low pained voice. It was clear he was not ok.
Temari jumps down from the tree focusing more chakra into her fan she sways it back and forth releasing another powerful chakra filled wind the wind collides with a couple more humanoid creatures loud screams of pain comes from their mouths as the wind easily cuts their arms and legs they all fly back into a couple trees dead.
Yukia stands up a breath coming from Her lips her blue eyes watching Beastboy as he also stands back up without using the tree.
"Your healing is truly amazing" He complements, moving his shoulder back and forth happily, it didn't even hurt him anymore.
Yukia sends the green boy a lop-sided grin her head nodding at his words. She then turns her head back towards the battle at hand
"Are you healing people?" He asked her curiously her head nodding again at his words.
"Yeah, I'm trying to keep everyone good and healed the best that I can" she tells him sending him a small look before darting into the battlefield to find more injured.
Cyborg crashes into the ground with a loud thud a small Crater forming below him he lets out a painful grunt as he sits up it was hard to fight without his sonic Cannon, but he was trying very hard not to us it he rolls to the side a dark haired humanoid creature slams its heel into the ground the small crater.
Cyborg had made Earlier grows a bit bigger the robotic teen gets to his feet begrudgingly the humanoid kicks his leg out trying to trip up the robotic teen however Cyborg sees it coming and does a small backflip getting a distance, the humanoid stands up to his full height he only came to Cyborg's chest aside from the crazy eyes he really wasn't all that scary
Running towards Cyborg again the humanoid aims a powerful punch to the robotic teens face only for Cyborg to catch his fist in his hand he pushes the thing back he really wanted to use his sonic cannon he would give anything to us it right now, but without away to charge it up in this world he couldn't. He already used it up to much he quickly jumps to the side dodging another kick to the gut.
Cyborg balls his right hand into a tight fist and sends it flying towards the humanoid a grin comes to his robotic lips when his punch connects with the things jaw the humanoid rockets backwards a painful scream coming from his lips he skids along the ground hitting a tree with his head making him come to a stop.
Cyborg wipes some sweet from his forehead before turning to face a new enemy a sigh escaping from his lips how many more of these things are there? He hoped the others were having better luck fighting them. Then he was.