The ride to Culden had been long, but the trip back would be longer, he wasn't looking forward to it. "She has to be uglier than you, Burm, I mean look at her Dad, just the thought of laying my eyes on his offspring brings a chill up my spine" "Your Highness!" replied Burm curtly, then added playfully "I'm sure she isn't that bad, and the ladies would disagree with that statement" the agitated companion replied, "I am not a lady, and my bride should be fitting my title". He hadn't wanted to take the young lady of Culden as his bride, he hadn't even known she existed! she had never attended any outings, social introductions, and no one had ever heard of her. All the other lords had flaunted their daughters in front of him like common whores rather than ladies of the court. At this point the gents would all be getting scraps from his bed, since most of the ladies were so desperate that they let him ruin their reputation before he promised them the title, they so desired. So, when the list of potential brides was presented before him, the lady of Culden seemed more like a myth. His father knew he had ruined the names of most Ladies reputations and Lord Culden held high power within the court, he was forced to accept her. He heaved a heavy sigh and Burm knew how much misery his longtime companion and friend was in.
The mood grew darker as they entered the estate, feeling more like death had come over them, then meeting a future bride. Burm opened the carriage door and hopped down, but his friend was hesitant, slowly emerging from the carriage, all the servants were in attendance, but no Lord and Lady Culden. "I don't like this Burm, Keep the carriages packed, we aren't staying."
The second to his lordship approached them, deepening his bow till he was almost hitting the floor, at least one person here understood the gravity of disrespect being shown to him. "Our Lord had been excitedly awaiting your arrival, he was at a loss when an accident occurred on the end of the estate, but he knows the care of your subjects comes before all else". Lord Culden was smart, you didn't get where he was as a fool, but even with that no one would buy this bullshit. "And your young Lady, what of her excitement to meet her future husband, where is her welcome for me?" The second replied "My Lord she has been up for hours preparing for your eyes pleasure, she shall be here momentarily, let me show you to your room to freshen up, before she addresses you." To anyone else the second would have seemed confident in his lies, but he wasn't just anyone, he could feel the fear emanating of the little shit in front of him, and so could Burm.
He was still seething with rage when he entered his chambers. The lack of respect was like nothing he had ever encountered. Even when he was starting his days in the military no one dared disrespect him like this. He knew Culden was cunning, but he had always thought that he worked more in the shadows, playing puppet master. His thoughts were Abruptly ended as a maid entered the room.
He was removing his clothes, but she had no time to think about how improper it was to be in the same room with a half-naked man, she had to talk to him, and she couldn't let him sense her fear, after all he was known as a great warrior, so he would smell is on her, feed on it, and she would then be at his mercy. Then she realized the irony in that, she was already there, everything depended on him.
She held herself in high esteem as she crossed the room, immune to his body, something he had not encountered before in a woman, but he found wildly attractive. He was about to charm her into his bed when she ran across the room and covered his lips with her hand. His heart started beating like he was about to enter battle, blood rushed to his head, there was a feeling in his gut, almost like the first time he took a man's life, but yet different. He could feel himself getting hard, but she was oblivious, she didn't notice that his shirt was off, or his pants were open, and she definitely didn't notice his bulging groan.
Her eyes were grey like a storming sky, with a flash of gold, and the aqua hue, they were gorgeous! But he also saw danger, fear, and someone begging for their life. " Yi''ll need tae listen tae me. Nothin 'ere is whit it seems, especially nae th' young Lady. Nordi is na friend tae a'body 'n' ye hae tae lea her 'ere, she 'n' th' Lord 'o" Culden is dangerous. Ye cannae lea th' young Lady 'ere, ye mist tak' her 'n' her nanny wi' ye. Ye kin ne'er let a'body ken ah wis 'ere or that we met, 'n' ye hae tae lea th' nicht, or we ur a' deid." As quickly as she had come, she was gone. He was left standing in bewilderment, what the fuck did she just say, what just happened!
She knew all the secret passages the ancestors of Culden had forged, changing her clothes as she made her way to the study. She knew she had to be there before anyone else, Ida would be bringing him, but she had to be there first. Quietly she entered the room and sat on the sofa, not a minute later the door opened, and he entered. His eyes filled with shock, confusion, and then anger. She knew he would feel played, but she couldn't chance playing the game any other way, she just prayed that he would wait to vent his anger until they left. If he could wait, she didn't care what he did to her, she had already made her peace with the torment that awaited her. The maid shut the door as he crossed the room in two steps, she hadn't realized the sheer size of him, how in the hell had she reached his lips, he towered over her. His chest was massive, and fear was starting to crawl up hers. But she told herself Cannae be worse than it awready is. "What the fuck is Lord Culden playing at, giving me a fucking maid as a bride." Had he not heard her? Was she dense? He looked into her eyes again, but they were different, they were black, endless, like the abyss. He could have sorn in the room her hair was black, but this was reddish? Was this the same girl?
The doors flew open, Lord Culden hastily entered the room, with the maid who had guided him here, and a gorgeous blonde, was she the Lady of Culden, then who was this? What was going on?