Chereads / Defiled / Chapter 5 - Into The Woods

Chapter 5 - Into The Woods

Nordi was furious, the little bitch had ruined her dress "What have you done" she shrieked at Islay, Nordi slapped Islay across the face, leaving a handprint, her ring left a cut, blood trickled down Islay's swollen cheek. Lainn didn't know what pissed him off more, the fact that Culden's whore felt like she could touch what was his, or the fact that not a fucking person here realized Islay was hurt, they were all consumed with Nordi's dress.

Nordi was grabbing Islay's hair when the royal guards swarmed them, Nordi fell back into Culden's arms "What in the hell do you think you're doing" Culden yelled. Lainn loomed over them, casting his shadow like a tower, his eyes looked like flames were soaring in them. Culden realized he had to get control over the situation "Sometimes Islay can be hard to deal with and it's Nordi's responsibility to make sure that Islay is raised right, as I am not always here." "That was when she was your daughter, now she is the wife, if I am not mistaken, Islay is the Lady of this house, which gives no one except you the right to strike her, this servant overstepped herself. But father, I will ensure she never does it again".

Burm grabbed Nordi by the hair yanking her from Culden's arms, soldiers ripped her dress exposing her back. Burm was about the begin the lashings when Lainn grabbed the whip "I will defend my wife."

No one knew how many times Lainn whipped Nordi, but her blood puddled the floor, Culden stood in horror as he looked at his beloved's back, torn to shreds. "Don't worry father, no one will ever disrespect Islay again, I will always protect her." Their eyes met, searing with contempt for one another, they looked like gods on the battlefield about to go to war, but they both knew now was not the time. "Father, I think I will take Nordi with me after all. She needs to learn her place and she will learn it with me."

Culden realized Lainn wasn't a dimwitted playboy, and he wasn't his father. He had misjudged him, but right now he only cared about Nordi, if anything happened to her, he would make sure hell reigned down. "Nordi isn't in any condition to travel your majesty, let her stay here and rest, I will send her along once she is healed, I can bring her for your wedding."

Gotcha thought Lainn, he found the bastard's weakness, it was his whore. "From the looks of Islay's cheek, the bitch had plenty of fight in her." She will be fine, my men will look after her, think of it as a wedding gift to Islay."

Islay would be lying if she said that the sight of Nordi didn't please her! But she had told him that Nordi should be left here, did he have a plan? She hoped he was not so naive as to think he had won. A snake is a threat till you remove its head.

It had started to rain. Islay's heart dropped when she saw Ida and Nordi packed into the same carriage, but at least that big guy who was always beside Lainn was with them. She followed Lainn to the head carriage, "In you go" he said as he held the door open. She felt scared as she climbed into the carriage, remembering what had happened the last time they were alone.

The carriage was dark, cold, and felt damp. She had never been in a carriage before, so she wasn't quite sure what to expect. He shut the door behind him, and they began to move, they entered the courtyard, Islay lowered her head, but he saw the tear trickle down her face, was she really sad to leave this shit hole? Neither of them said a word, they just quietly sat there, passing the castle gates, through the town, and into the forest.

Islay didn't trust him enough to sleep, she couldn't see his face, but she felt his gaze on her the whole time. She didn't know how long they had been traveling through the woods, but she knew some time had passed. The carriage stopped, her heart pounded, the door flew open, Islay let out a scream.

Both men looked at her in shock, "I know I'm not as pretty as him, but no Lady has ever detested me that much before." Islay opened her eyes to see Burm standing there with a wicked smile crossing his lips. Islay's face brightened and she let out a huge smile, "Tis ye", Burm laughed "Aye, Tis me, we are out of Culden's land now, and in Chookin." turning toward Lainn, who looked very angry. He grabbed Islay and threw her over his shoulders.

Islay saw Nordi getting in the carriage she had just left, "Whaur is Ida?" she asked, panicking. He threw her into the coach that Ida and Nordi had been in "Take your clothes off." She looked at him, he was in no mood to play "Now, get undressed!" she quickly took her dress off, he grabbed it from her, and threw it to Burm "Have her put this on.". She closed her eyes afraid to open them, but she could hear him stirring on the other side of the coach. "Ida is fine, she was moved to another coach like this, with Burm" Islay opened her eyes, this coach wasn't wet, it was so warm, the seats were very soft, covered in sheepskins, it was dry, there was also candles light, so she could see his face. He was looking at her intently and then she realized she was naked!

She began to hide her intimate parts from him with her hands, she saw a darkness move over his face. The carriage hit a bump and launched her body forward, she landed in his lap. She was panicking inside, she could feel something between his legs growing, he was excited!

"Do you know what happens when a naked woman throws herself at a man?" He asked in a husky voice. He moved his face closer to her, "Should I show you?"