Lainn caught a glimpse of Islay from the corner of his eye, He had tried to put some distance between them to reign in his desire to consume her. He thought that he would manage through the night and continue to keep distance until they arrived at the capital. But as soon as he saw her, he knew the attempt to keep her pure was futile. Their eyes locked and he saw the jealousy dancing in her eyes as she sucked in her bottom lip gently biting it. God, was she trying to drive him mad! A group of men approached Islay from behind, rage began to form in his chest as he took long strides across the landing. Islay watched Lainn's face as anger crept across it, she swore that lightning had appeared in his eyes, she didn't know what had enraged him, but she did know that she was going to be the one to bare it.
Lainn reached Islay, grabbing her by the arm to close the distance between them, he crushed her lips beneath his, as he lifted her off the floor. He would teach her to never make such a provocative gesture Infront of other men again he thought. Islay began to try to get away from him when he bit down on her lip, but he forced her closer to him, and she knew he was warning her not to fight it. As she relaxed Lainn's angry embrace turned to gentle caresses, Islay began to reciprocate and mimic him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips met for a passionate embrace that left their stomachs reeling and heads spinning.
They had ascended to their own private world as the great hall had faded from them. They never noticed when they became the focal point of the room or that silence had fallen like a curtain as everyone staired at them gawking in amazement and blushing with shame. Had the elder gentlemen not ended their embrace Lainn wouldn't have been able to stop.
"Well, I see you have found a new quest." While the interruption left an annoyance in the air, it allowed Islay and Lainn to catch their breaths and realize that all eyes were on them. A smile shifted across Lainn's face as he saw the desired effect in the eyes of the men in the room, he had sent a clear message, and no one would challenge it. While he had won the intended battle, he had lost the war, he was going to consume Islay, every bit of her would submit to him.
The older man descended the stairs "Knights, Ladies, and rascals of Taunche tower. We all know His Highness, now allow me the pleasure to introduce our future crown princess, but more importantly the newest member of our family, let us welcome her into our fold with open arms." Cheering spread through the room, Islay for the first time in her life felt warmth inside her. Lainn raised his hands to quite the crowd. The room fell silent and Lainn began to speak.
"9 days ago, the king signed a declaration marrying us by proxy. His majesty has commanded a wedding of epic proportion, unlike any that has been seen. Thousands of people will attend, Kings and Queens will pay their respects, nobles will give homage and I will make this woman your future Queen." The hall erupted in cheers, but Lainn silenced them with his hand "but, it will be a wedding of no meaning. My brothers who I have fought and bled with; you will not be there.
Tonight, we will dance, feast, and I will wed this woman, not as the future crown princess, but as a woman I have given my oath to. Here with you tonight we will begin a new journey together and build our lives, not as a prince and princess, but as husband and wife."
Cheers rang out and the hall set out in commotion as everyone started preparing for the wedding. The women ushered Islay one way, the men carried Lainn another, as they cheered something. Lainn yelled across the room "Don't take long, we all want to feast!".
Everything had happened so fast, Islay was already dressed well enough, but the ladies were grabbing laces and ribbons, Ida had fallen right into place beside them bustling around the room. Islay was happy to see Ida fit in so well. Islay's gaze shifted as the door opened and Lainn's mistress entered the room with something in her arms.
"What are you doing? Absolutely not!" Everyone in the room turned, and some of the ladies looked a little offended, Islay was a little pleased with the thought that someone might tell her off. An older woman spoke up "We know it's not a wedding dress, but we don't have time to make one, we have to work with what we got." "The dress would have been fine, but Lainn has seen it, it's bad luck, and he should get to feel the way any other groom would feel today, surprise seeing his bride in her gown." "We don't have a gown." Snorted the old lady "Well I do!" snorted back the lover. She hung something on the wall, but Islay couldn't see it. "Where did you get this?" asked one of the ladies. "Doesn't matter, I have it. It's my wedding gift to Lainn." The old lady looked at her knowingly. "Off with the dress!" said the old lady. Islay had never been fawned over like this and twice in one day. The ladies stood back with pride in their eyes, while silent tears rolled down Ida's cheek. Islay saw herself in the mirror and didn't recognize the woman staring back at herself.
It was agreed that Ida would be the maid of honor, and while Islay didn't know Lainn's mistress' name she was going to be Isaly's brides' maid. Islay wasn't happy about it, but under the circumstances she was in no position to convey this. An adorable little girl with reddish hair, big blue eyes, and a smile that melted the heart begged to be a flower girl. Everyone said she was perfect for it, so Islay went with it.
When the doors opened the older man, who had put an end to their very intimate embrace was sitting in a chair. "Ah, the Princess emerges. If you don't mind, seeing as you have no one to present you to the groom, would you give me the honor?" Islay felt very touched by his pity, she took his hand and together they all walked toward the chapel.
The chapel was very different from what she had expected, it was a huge garden, with crystal walls and a towering ceiling. Islay had wanted to comment on the splendid beauty the chapel beheld, but she was afraid to talk. She was falling in love with Taunche tower and its people, she didn't want them to feel differently towards her once they found out she was part northern.
Music started playing and the older man asked Islay if she was ready, to which she nodded yes. The doors opened with the little girl throwing flowers one petal at a time. Islay eyes studied the room, taking it all in, and then she saw his face.
Lainn's chest was puffed out, he was beaming with pride. Islay's heart sank and if this kind man wasn't holding her arm, Islay would have frozen. How could Lainn be that cruel to show his lover so much affection on their wedding day.