Lainn dropped Islay, quickly bolting the door shut, leaving their assailants shouting on the other side. His eyes intently met hers. "Why yer they chasing us?" Islay asked. "Slovin" she looked at him quizzically, causing desire to surge through his body, god she was fucking gorgeous, staring at him so innocently, what man could resist such temptation.
"Slovin, it's a game….no, a prank played on the groom. They take the bride and hide her way, the groom must find her, and then they chase the couple, if the couple is caught before they can get away, then men will observe the wedding night." Islay's eyes widened, "Did we git awa'… I mean away?" Lainn held back his smile at her attempt to break the language barrier between them "Aye" he said, wanting her to know he would also work on bridging the gap.
Islay breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his mood lifting, "Thank ye fur saving me th' nicht,….Night, a'm sorry fur th' incidence this mist hae caused ye. Bit, ah think ye cuid uise that door tae sneak oot, tis Ida's chambers 'n' ah dinnae think a'body wull notice.
The smile on Lainn's lips began to sink, his eyes grew cold, "What, what in the hell did I do to you that I deserve to be treated like this? What the fuck was today about?" Islay felt his rage and knew she had to get him to calm down. "Whin ah asked ye tae bring me wi' ye, ah didnnae realize ye hud a lover, ah knew ye wid tak' lovers, bit ah wasnae thinking how ye wid be effected noo. Whin ah saw ye wi' yer lover earlier, ah realized how much ah had inconvenienced ye, 'n' whin ye looked sae fondly at her in th' chapel, ah realized th' burden ah hae pat oan ye, 'n' th' gilt a'm feelin' towards ye is heavy.
Lainn stood in shock, what the hell was she talking about? His patients had begun to wear thin, he had enough. His face hardened like a stone and sensing the danger she knew that she needed to get away from him. Islay scrambled toward Ida's door, but Lainn yanked her dress sending her reeling to the floor, locking her only escape from the room.
His anger was a flame, instead of adding water to it, Islay had fanned it, lighting it ablaze. "A'm sorry, truly, tae baith o' ye, ah wull ne'er interfere wi' wha,…wi'who, is in yer bed, ah swear." Lainn headed toward Islay, closing the distance.
Islay panicked, all she could do now was put as much distance between them as possible. She scrambled toward the bedroom, but Lainn grabbed her as they tumbled, pinning her between his body and the floor. She tried to free herself, but he was too heavy to push off, Islay feared if she didn't gain her freedom, she would drift under his spell again, fearing that she would not be able to keep the flutters in her stomach at bay.
Lainn grabbed Islay's hands holding them above her head. She felt like he was searching her soul as he gazed into her eyes "I am not going anywhere tonight" he snapped at her, she was about to open her mouth when he added "and neither are you." He said without breaking eye contact.
She laid defenseless on the floor hypnotized by his eyes, his moist breath intoxicating her from the ale he had been drinking, the warmth of his body blazed on her like a flaring sun. He was consuming all her senses. Trying to distance herself and get some air she turned her head, she couldn't think clearly, all she wanted to do was kiss him, but she knew that by doing so she would be opening a door she could never shut again.
Lainn hated the fact she dismissed him so easily, he moved so close to her ear that his whisper was a playful tease "You said you wouldn't interfere with who I have in my bed," she nodded her head in agreement "Tonight I want you in my bed." Her head snapped back towards him, fear in her eyes, he detested the look she was giving him, he really didn't want to force himself on her, he wanted her to want him the way he wanted her. "I don't want to force myself on you, this is something a man and woman should enjoy, it doesn't have to be unpleasant, you might actually like it." He looked into her eyes searching for a conformation, but only found emptiness "If I let you go are you going to run?" she shook her head no.
Lainn slowly rose above Islay, releasing her hands, he rubbed his fingers over her plump lips "say my name" he said in an unfamiliar tone to her "Lainn" she whispered back, he never thought his name would sound so sweet, but the way she said it, made it sound so sexy.
When Lainn rose to his feet, he held out his hand to help Islay up, this was her chance, once on her feet she pushed him with all her might, he lost his footing as he stumbled back, Islay dashed past him, but he grabbed the back of her dress pulling her to his arms. In one movement Islay's dress was falling to the floor, she tried to catch it but his command to leave it echoed through the chambers.
He carried Islay to the bed chamber throwing her into the bed. Her eyes widened as he removed his belt, god he was going to beat her! "A'm sorry, ah wull listen fae noo oan, ah swear" but her pleading fell on deaf ears. He tied her hands together, securing them to the bed. "Your words mean nothing to me, I gave you my oath, my honor, my name, and this is how you repay me." Lainn tore off what little bit of clothing she had left. The room had not yet been lit for the night and the hearth was nothing more than a glowing ember. Lainn had wanted to breathe in every detail of her while he made love to her, but he could no longer wait for those sweet embraces, he had to have her now.
He quickly removed his clothes, enjoy the sight of her on her knees, it made his cock throb. The room was too dark for Islay to see, but she could still make out outlines, she turned her head way as he came towards her.
Lainn grabbed her by the hair pulling her face towards his cock "I think it want's you, do you want it?" Islay didn't answer as he rubbed it against her cheek, sliding the tip down her neck, across her clavicle, until he was rubbing it against her nipples. He dropped to his knees, fondling her breasts with his hands, pacing his thumb over her nipples. Her breasts were huge, he was going to have fun with them later, but for now, he just wanted to be in her. He moved his hands between her legs, rubbing his finger across her clit. From behind he pushed her down, he began to push his penis into her vagina, he heard the muffled cry she let out, she was too small for him. Lainn inserted his finger moving it in, out, and around, pulling her as he did it, when it loosened, he added another finger, moving it more aggressively, she was panting, squirming, Lainn didn't want her to cum unless he was in her "This is going to hurt, but the more we do it, the less it will hurt, eventually you may even like it." Lainn pushed his penis into her, the first thrust only allowed the head to enter, thrusting harder he made it halfway in, on his last thrust he applied all his force fully penetrating her. He knew he should be gentler, but his desire was too strong. She had been teasing him, driving him mad from the moment he met her, he needed to possess her like she was possessing him.
"I am going to ravish you, make you scream in ecstasy, I will enjoy every inch of your body. I am going to teach you how I like to be pleasured, pay attention."
Islay let out a scream, pain, and pleasure surging through her. On his last thrust she felt a pop deep within her. With every thrust she became wetter, her body shivering, her throat making a strange sound. Something was happening to her body, she couldn't stop shaking, panting, or moaning. The more she did those things, the harder Lainn moved, a surge came over her body, as she lost all her senses, she let out a scream. Lainn grabbed her hair, like it was the reins to his steed "Who said you could cum?" she didn't know what that meant, or if she had upset him again, she really couldn't think right now, "Say my name, growled at her." "Lainn" she panted "Again!" "Lainn" "Scream it!" "LAINN" She screamed in a panting gasp, his movements became harder, like a rampart bringing down a door, with each thrust she screamed his name, on his hardest blow he let out a sound like she had never heard before, a gush flooded her as he quavered. His movements became gentle, his breath labored, and his body sweaty. Lainn pulled Islay's hair, raising her until her back touched his chest. Warm liquid was running down her thighs. He began to tease her gently kissing, biting, and sucking her neck. The pressure began to increase, until he left his mark, he wanted everyone to know he had taken her.
As Lainn was leaving his mark on her neck he fondled her breasts he softly muttered "Are you okay?" gently into her ear, she nodded yes. "You may be sore tomorrow, but it will become easier every time we do it." Islay's body stiffened, he wanted her to want to have sex with him, he didn't want to tie her like cattle every time they were intimate. He slowly got up and walked away, Islay began to breathe, wishing her father's words were true, and she really didn't know what had just happened to her.