You've probably decided within yourself the kind of book me this is going to be. Maybe you're one of those who already lost interest in this book due to the author's terrifying consistency (or lack thereof ).
But I'll be the first to say that you're most probably wrong (or at least not completely right ).
And I'll also be the first to say that the author is really and truly sorry and how do I know this ??? because I'm in his head. Or is it the other way around ? Anyway I can't seem to grasp the profoundity of beings such as yourselves, after all I only know what 'the author' wants me to know.
Oh and yes I know that I'm in a book and the author is the most likely cause of my existence and inexistence. The source of my greatest victories and my steepest of losses ;he's also probably the major reason I seem or seemed to have fourth grader syndrome something tells me there Is a name more fitting in language called Chinese....And also the reason i seem to be blabbing my mind out right now;So unlike me ...
But do not for a moment think that makes my existence any less real.
As a wise man once said....
"Of course I'll hurt you. Of course you'll hurt me. Of course we will
hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence."
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Manon, Ballerina
a quote present even in your world simply translates into the fact that one of the major criteriums to know if one exists is the ability to hurt and be hurt. And trust I've been hurt ...and I mean like a lot. And I've translated all of that to mean the ability to feel is the evidence of existence,the ability to have thought is the evidence of a soul and the possibility of death is the truth of life for what has never lived cannot die.
So now that I've got all of that out my system , let's talk about me:
Meet me; Toby Williams, 18 years old born
10 October 2318 exactly 63 years after the resurgence; the name earthlings have given to the return of figures of myths and legends.
I'm black in a world where racism (at least intra human racism ) doesn't exist something that took the descent of many different Alien threats to achieve (Intra-race racism is so last century in a World where you can proudly be an inter-stellar racist or as I like to call it an humanity supported xenophobist).
I'm a little under six feet tall, thin and according to the being I've taken to calling 'the author' ,handsome .
I was born on a fragment of what was once called the continent of Africa. I am not one of those loser to hero guys. At least not in the neglected to overly reverred kinda of way or
the genius to trash to super genius kind of way...
I'm just me. An average gifted Mythos in a less than average school for young Mythos which makes me the top dog kind of guy.
Oh and yeah I'm definitely not an orphan even though I can feel that the author so desperately wants me to be one. Something about more character freedom and less weakness but somehow , I've still got my parents and my little bro .