In my world, There is no racism ;at least not the type that deals with the color of one's skin. The racism present in my time is one even more brutal. Your geno print decides how far you can go in life. Your level and type of awakening by the age of sixteen determines how important you'll ever be. Those without geno prints are scorned belittled treated as bad as anyone wants to. In a world where a common enemy is supposed to have united all of humanity, we seem to have further developed the darker side of our society making it thrive and grow so much so that it had begun to creep into the light.
Maybe we never learn from history and myths;maybe it's just our nature. Humans just seem to start caring for the most unimportant thing of things once their most immediate problems seemed to have been solved. The most saintly of them become greedy comfort seeking creatures looking for every possible way to make themselves feel superior to their fellow man.
But even in all this brutality we have our heroes.... From those who stay at the front lines of the invasion fighting till their dieing breath for our world, to the professionals who spend countless sleepless nights trouble shooting whatever kinds of problems might encounter the human race before or while said problem occur;to the youngster who defends classmate from bullies (and no I wasn't one of them), to the child who is ready to share their meal with the less fortunate(I am a foody ...make your conclusion).
These heroes even when unsung embody the undying ever present Light in humanity. Proof that we are a race worth saving no matter how glaring or deep our flaws are.