Chereads / The Vulgar Dynasty / Chapter 13 - New, New World

Chapter 13 - New, New World

"Alright..." Zackaria started standing from his seat. "I welcome you all to Arkheim. It's unfortunate that we all had to meet under these dire circumstances... We have a legend in our world, that with a special ritual we are able to summon a powerful entity. Something or someone with more power than any mortal man. Well that legend is very true, but as you all can see something went wrong with my summoning. As well as your own natural powers and abilities, you all have a fraction of the Hero's soul, and you all have been summoned to use that power to help us win a war."

"HA!" Bounty exclaimed from behind Zackaria. "I'm not sure if a dainty little bird is the best canidate to fight in a war, mate." An obvious slight towards the skinny, 5 foot frame of Gala. Her neutral expression didn't change.

"I assure you, everyone here is capable of getting this task accomplished. At least I would hope so as it's the only way you're getting back to your homes."

There was a hushed concern that gathered amongst the Heroes. Some were in a bit of obvious panic, such as Gala and Reggie. Others were more stoic, either taking everything in stride or hiding their concern.

"So the only way we're getting back home if we stop your stupid war?" Dian questioned with a bit of venom.

"That is the situation -- " Zackaria was interrupted by Vanity, yet again.

"That's not all. I have a theory that were aren't from other worlds... but alternate timelines of the same world. Everyone look here on these maps. See if you can find a place that looks similar to your home land. I've already figured out that four if us are from the same world, I want to know about everyone else."

They all gathered around as Dian started pointing at a place on the northern part of the map. "Look, Feylarun. The region is an exact match, just named different."

"Feylarun?" Reggie questioned. "I knew you had to be a northerner! Look here in the south, this place is just like Arnst; my homeland." Ave then butted in moving Reggie to the side, pointing at a middle ground.

"I've seen these lakes. The rivers, forests, and mountains. No mistaking it." Ave didn't actually want to admit he came from the same place as the human, but he had to confirm something. Reggie's skin was cold to the touch.

"Look here!" Gala now joined in. "This bit of island looks exactly like where I came from! I didn't know there was so much land so far away."

"That's because there wasn't." Said the dark voice in the back of her head. "I had consumed it all long before you -- " The voice faded as Gala felt the large yet soft hand of Yoona on her shoulder as she pointed at the island as well. "Yoona is from this island too! Here is her forest!"

"Our world is a Pangea. So we don't have any such islands." Ag stated. Reggie joined in.

"Yeah, we don't have any islands like that around."

Whistle finally piped up from the desk as he didn't make an effort to look at the maps. "I just know we called our world Mi'yan. Anyone else?" Everyone shook their heads. "No? Okay." Whistle was a little relieved being the only one from his world.

Every day was eat or be eaten. An oasis surrounded by untraversable wasteland, yet it was a cesspool of government corruption and organized crime. If you weren't a part of one you suffered, but if you were and failed, you suffered more. To think someone from his world would see the luxuries of this world only to be thrown back into hell was a burden he's glad he took over for someone else.

Zackaria sat back in awe. Even though they were just looking at a map, they were showing teamwork and communication. They looked as if they were seconds away from mauling each other, and now they're having a civil discussion about the hero summoning that even aged scholars didn't know about. Alternate timelines of the same world? Vanity figured it out almost on her own. She may be a queen, but she doesn't need a king. "They might just actually be able to save us." He thought.

"Alright everyone!" Ag stood firm, towering over everyone in the room. (With the exception on Yoona.) "We all have our differences, and I'm certain a good few of you would be opposed to fight in a war, but if what Zackaria has said is true; then we must help. Do it for the people of this country, do it for your fellow homesick comrade, do it for yourself if you have to! Whether we like it or not, we have a duty to fulfil." Dispite everyone's previous reluctance, the party was actually getting pretty hyped. "Zackaria, what is our -- Zackaria... Are you alright?" Zackaria was as white as a ghost.

During Ag's pep talk Zackaria happened to feel his motion sensing spells go off. No one ever used the main gate unless there were visitors. He moved to look out the window to see a parade had formed outside the main gate of the Platinum Palace. He could see several flags raised in celebration as several Arkheim Generals made their return on horseback. "If the generals are back, then we won the war! -- Wait... We won the war and all 10 of them are still hear... and they can't go home until a great conflict is stopped. OH SHIT -- THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME! I NEED TO STALL!" Every cell in Zackaria's brain was attempting to put out the sudden uproar of panic fires.

"Zackaria... Are you alright?"

"Uh... yeah... everything'sssss good... yeah! Good! Why don't you all get a day's rest and we'll meet back here... tomorrow! Tomorrow works!" Zackaria shuffled his way to the door and made his leave before anyone could attempt to stop him. All eyes were instantly on Garam. "I will fetch some servants to get your rooms organized and your equipment returned." Garam bows and takes his own leave.

Everyone was ready for everything to come. The one thing the weren't ready for was finding out the war was over two hours later, and that Zackaria has fled the country for a week.