Faye busied herself with her crafting. She ending up zoning out for a short period of time, her vision landing on a nearby bush that she recognized. It was a very common berry bush. The berries were incredibly sweet when ripe and almost inedible due to their tartness when not. They were covered in thorns and she'd received her share of injuries from falling into or grabbing hold of the bushes when she was younger.
Seeing the bush, Faye realized that she hadn't felt hungry since returning. Nor had she eaten.
Her brow pulled together as she slowly made her way toward the bush. She picked a ripe berry and tossed it into her mouth.
It was good.
She swallowed after spending more time than necessary chewing the single berry.
She didn't feel her hunger increase. There seemed to be no change in her physical state whatsoever. Unsure if this was a side effect of her new incarnation, Faye continued eating the berries. What if she just wasn't able to feel hunger, but could still die of starvation?
The berries on the bush were completely consumed by Faye.
Faye turned and began looking for more bushes, usually these grew in clusters together. Her mind was preoccupied as she slowly filled her belly.
Thinking that this may be an ongoing side effect of her revival, Faye decided to keep track of her diet. It was better to be safe than sorry. Finally, Faye returned to her crafting.
By the time night fell, Faye was able to craft three separate spears along with a simple sling that helped her carry them on her back. She planned to keep one at the ready, however.
She climbed once again into a nearby tree as the remaining light from the suns rays grew dim. As she lay in the tree, Faye felt unease grip her heart.
Since reviving, she hadn't felt hungry once. Not even a bit. She also hadn't felt thirsty. That being the case, Faye knew she was probably vastly under hydrated. If this was going to continue, if she was unable to feel hungry or thirsty, she'd have to be sure to actively set aside time for each meal everyday.
This new realization of her situation caused a pit to form in her stomach. It reminded her that this body, though it seemed to be identical to her original body, wasn't really hers. If anything, it was like a loaner the goddess of fate gave her for the time being.
She wondered what she'd have to do in return. The more she thought of her situation the more she felt like the guide from before hadn't been honest with her.
The goddess of fate gave her a second chance? Just because? Faye didn't believe anything was just given. Ever since she was a child she knew everything had a cost.
Food, security, love, it all needed to be paid for in some way. She just wasn't sure when she'd be called on to repay the debt. While it might not have been a big deal to a goddess, allowing a mortal a second chance, Faye somehow doubted the goddess would accept something small in return. Maybe she'll get lucky and the goddess will ask for her to serve her after death. That had to be better than becoming a rock in some gods rock garden...
Faye drifted off the sleep as she pondered her future.
It felt as if she'd just called asleep, when Faye opened her eyes again. It was dark. Her eyes took a moment to focus, but she found herself able to make out the shadows around her. From a little ways away, Faye saw a light flickering in the darkness. The trees blocked the source from view, but there was definitely a familiar light of a campfire a perhaps two hundred yards from her position.
Faye watched the light, listening to the darkness around her. Straining her ears, she heard something grumbling in a language she didn't recognize. Or, maybe she was just too far to make out what they were saying. Faye contemplated heading down the tree to take a look, but decided against the idea. She wasn't the stealthiest person and if she alerted an enemy to her presence, she'd be alone in a fight where she couldn't see to fight or run away. It was best to wait.
Faye spent the next couple hours watching the light of the nearby campfire. Slowly, it died down, leaving her once again in darkness.
Faye couldn't get herself back to sleep the rest of the night, afraid she'd be caught unawares by some enemy.
Finally, when she was certain whoever's campfire it was was definitely sleeping, Faye shimmied herself as quietly as possible out of the tree.
Slowly, she made her way ever so quietly towards the direction of the light from before. The sun was beginning to rise and she strained her eyes to pick up as much as she could of it's early rays.
She kept a spear ready and stopped just as visual of a campsite came into view. There, Faye saw a number of forms sleeping beneath thin blankets. She couldn't tell how many there were but she was able to make out three shapes from where she crouched. One looked to be about human sized, another seemed to be smaller, child sized. The last form, however, was larger than the other two. Much larger. Too big to be human.
Slowly, Faye backed away from the camp.
Whether she was in a hurry to get away, or her nerves caused her to miss it, Faye felt the bend and break beneath her foot before she heard it.
She froze, staring out towards the camp before her.
One of the forms shifted under its blanket, turning over and grumbling before settling back down. Faye sighed in relief, before another form shifted, the smallest form.
She watched as the blanket fell away to reveal a small goblin sitting up sleepily.