Chereads / Dungeons Of The Second Dimension / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Beep! Beep! Beeeeep!

My hand came from my bed like a zombie coming from the dead. It reached over my body and slapped my alarm clock's off button. A shutter passed through my body as I tried to get up... And failed. I groaned. I needed to get up. But I didn't want to. I slowly grabbed a fistful of my soft, fluffy white covers and flung them off my body.

Even though I didn't have a window open, a cold breeze floated atop my body.

It's official, I thought, I am freezing. I pulled my resisting limbs out of bed and threw on my warm robe that previously laid on the countertop beside my bed.

I shuffled my feet over to my mirror that rested agents the wall, opposite to my bed. I saw my long, teal hair that would usually flow down to my knees, all in tangles around my waist.

I saw my big blue eyes staring back at me. They seemed to read: 'why am I up so early?'

The answer instantly popped into my head. It was the day I would get my spell book and go into my first dungeon!

I snapped my head around to look at the time. 9:30. I wasted 10 minutes getting out of bed! The ceremony starts at 10:00 and it's a 10 minute walk!

I flung my door open and practically sprinted over to the kitchen. I grabbed the coffee maker, turned it on, then scrambled back to my room. Even though coffee is disgusting, I always need it in the morning.

Quick side note: If you haven't noticed, I am not an early person. I believe any time before 12:00 is early in the morning.

In my room, I opened the closet door and grabbed the outfit I had picked out weeks ago.

It consisted of a purple top that exposed my shoulders and my gray skirt that I am required to wear. I chose this outfit because it is very mobile and can help me in the dungeon. Also it is made of a very rare indestructible fabric that is only used for school. I stole the fabric for the shirt and dyed and sewed it myself.

Once I had my outfit on, I brushed out my hair and put it my long ponytails. Then, I checked the time: 9:45.

I ran down the stairs, chugged down the horrible coffee I made, grabbed my dark blue bag that was hanging on the wall, and raced out the door.

My bag had a special spell cast on it by one of my favorite teachers where it can hold up to 50 items inside and the best part is, it never changes it's size or weight.

I hurried down the street and by the time I arrived, it was 9:55. I was on time. I took one of the seats set up in the Town Hall for the ceremony. Only the 14 year old were allowed to attend. Once the ceremony was over, we would never be able to see our family again. Well... If you had one, unlike me.

At 10:00, once everyone was seated, the school's principal walked onstage.

"Hello and welcome to the Ceremony of Spell Books! As you might already know, we will be giving you all spell books."

"Just give us the books!" A kid from the audience shouted. That comment triggered some chatter in the audience, which was quickly silenced my the principal.

"As I was saying," The principal cleared his throat. "I will call your name to receive your spell book. Once you get your book, please quietly sit back in your seat until everyone is called. Just a warning, once you get your book you will be able to see your stats. Now, shall we begin? Shelly C."

The girl sitting on my right stood up, and walked on the stage. The principal snapped his fingers. A large bookshelf appeared behind him. I book flew from it's shelf and landed in the girl's outstretched hands. Once she held the book, she walked quietly back to her seat, opened the book, and started reading the skill she got. After thoroughly reading through it, she whispered, accept. The book glowed faintly, then disappeared.

13 people were called after the girl. The finally I heard the words I was waiting for.

"Nero Z"

I got up and walked onto the stage. A black book from the top shelf drifted down to me. I grabbed it, walked off the stage and sat down.

I was wondering which class my skill would be. The classes go F, FF, E, EE, D, DD, C, CC, B, BB, A, AA, S, and SS being the highest class. People normally get F or FF but I have heard people have gotten all the way up to a BB.

I opened up my book and looked at the class. As soon as I saw it I wanted to scream. It was an S class.