Chereads / Virtua. / Chapter 11 - ch. 9a conspiracy to commit poverty while being happy to be alive!!! STG.

Chapter 11 - ch. 9a conspiracy to commit poverty while being happy to be alive!!! STG.

These days I'm just, running around lookin at different stuff what I'm trying ta get after an so bin mostly traveling and watching the internet for news of the imminent collapse of society that the news keep on hyping up but ain't no sign of it nowhere an so I just gotta ask myself evvy now an then, just how much I'm buying of what they selling, an make up a song or a poem evvy now an then bout how stupid an everyday Joe like myself must look to the so called elites an the top of the flat liners up there in their little old ivory towers while they shine an glowerin in, but since you asked, whatd I do today? I watched a movie today, called earth girls are easy! I think it's about how bored some women get when they guys can't even lock eyes wit anything but they chest, an cheat with sweet nothinags in their BLAAH BLAAAH BLAAH!! an then I watched heavy metal the movie, I think its about music an the fucked up shit the industry gets you ta do, but they said that in a metaphor somewhere twisted in to the plotline, an I was sitting in a hotel lobby while I was watching this an so then the manager says to me that I can't stay in here all night long cos I danced where I was standin at cos I was laughing my asses off. Apparently, it's just too much for some people to handle if a guy looks a bit down on his luck but can still laugh at his own ass an dont give a fuck! I looked at the manager, shrugged an said, "dont worry man, it'll be okay, you'll be much happier after my good mood leaves the building! An then he told me he was gonna call the authorities! I said go ahead! Whatcha goin DO, tell em I laughed an danced a little bit?? OOOHHH SCARY PEOPLE!! And then he got all quiet an shaky like he was going snap or somethin, he turned away from me cos he couldn't stand to see someone more free than he actually thought he was ya see, but, butter from tha ducks mouth, daffy seized it with his own doubt, and then I just left the room cos I could see the other guy was about to pop! Yeah, the manager! And on my way away from the desk, I got me a coffee for my breakfast, an a bagel, an some chicken breast, an before i could leave, the cops was there, an i was under arrest.... i asked what for,? Grand theft CHICKEN? or was it conspiracy to commit poverty while being happy to be alive!!!! And, just to keep the manager happy, the cop drove me half a block down the road, dropped me off by the bus stop an said here ya go, an dont go back over there!! He dont look like he like you too much!!! I said okay dokey sir, roger that and message received! Ten four. Thank you kindly! Then he drove away an I turned on some satchs boogie an proceeded on down the road. With a new kind of jangle, in my attitude, an a high step in my feet, I hauled assets for camp, where I slept for the next twenty four hours, cos I wanted to dream about my days adventures that I might get a new translation or version of that whole entire adventure wit that day, next morning I wrote every detail I could remember about the dream I had that night, and I even managed to include the several intermissions In the dream where i had to get up an go to the bathroom, I tell you WHAT!that mothafukka got HILARIOUSly funny!! I mean that cop an that manager were actually DATING! IN the dream! An the cop got all jealous cos the manager was getting angry at me!! But then the cop kicks me to the curb an he dont want nothin ta do wit mister manager dramatic man, he says "get lost" to me an my good mood an then some car full of mormons give me a bunch of food an a ride up to the bus stop, an then I wake up... so there it is, almost a whole day in the life... of my crazy ass!!!

Hey though tell ta what, I just challenge you, no, I DEFY you, to have epileptic seizures, from the get go, grow up in the information age, with the internet, knowing how many trains of thought you can run on that thing, (or at least thinking you can know), and see what THAT does to the old fear factory and or love, something or other, never could quite figure out that part of the equation... but, hmm... later DIMWITS!