Chereads / Virtua. / Chapter 13 - ch. 11Carrier Signal. STG

Chapter 13 - ch. 11Carrier Signal. STG

La da da da da da da da da da da, sha boom, sha boom, la da da da da da da da da da da sha boom, sha boom, life could be a dream, if only you would lick my butt crack in between, and then I could make my jizz up on your spleen, LIFE COULD BE A DREAM SWEETHEART! Hello! hello!

(Parody playing in background)

Well then, what, have we here! Seems we got a live one! Mac you better get over here we gotta sedate this one!

What's the problem Bob? I dunno mac, it doesn't ACT like its waking up but, all the vitals are through the ROOF! D Waves are nominal, gamma wave slightly spiked but, alpha and omega waves are actually bottoming out! I've never seen anything like it! Hold on I think were about to get an adrenal jolt, watch the Crest on the beta wave, if it gets over this point here, we gotta think about fentanyl.

That's kinda heavy dontcha think? Wouldnt a standard opie do the trick?

Not until we can figure out what's making him move around in there, I dont want him waking anybody else up in there! No let's try some bell harmonics before the opie, then if that doesn't work, well strobe him back. Okay sounds good.

Yeah, cant have these guys waking up before their implants have taken! Yeah I remember those first trials, shocked the poor guy straight into a coma, didnt come out of it for months and by then the atrophyd already done its damage.

Okay now, ease up on the tone, low volume steady, go in at 50 Db, 12 Mhz half second pulses. Stretch it out to 48, then, phase shift on a loop at a twelve second interval.

Hello, I'm Wraithie McDirge and you're on, Deadline!, our guests tonight are two of the foremost experts on death and dying in existence today, theyve killed over twelve hundred souls each, in the last year alone, and with the assistance of modern nuclear technology have nearly single handedly completely annihilated any terroristic threat posed to this country in the year before, You guys are like rockstars to some people, well, to the politicians anyway but, what really drives you, to deliver the technology that you do?

Spkr. 1;

Well, it's kind of like, a little bit, like beating up the schoolyard bully but, instead of going to the principles office, they give you a medal, a mansion, a Lamborghini, and you never pay taxes again, on ANYTHING! and a few other things they told me I couldnt mention so, yeah.


( Drunkenly slurring,) Yeah an If ya do mention it they kidnap your dogs and your cats an they feed em to the alligators down in Florida! An then they catch all the alligators an they feed em all this weird lookin green stuff that makes their skin turn white so they can look all cringey like all those racist motherfuckers they ate back in the seventies when the hippies revolted against em an took the White House an painted it BLACK!!!!

Wraithie; you there, good man, have quite the drunken charm to you! can I get you another?!

Spkr. 2;

Yeah gimme a black tooth grin! An a double monster ball for my associate, hic.


Well, I think this is going to get interesting,

Mac, mac!!! What the hell are you listening to?

Bob, just for once, chill out man! It's just a fuckin radio,..

Well mac, if we lose this line, an we have to even wake ONE of these guys up, then our whole account is going to be gone! Because of the amount of data they're all providing, and the sync trajectory of the project,...uugh!

Bob, you should know I'm just doing this to relax man! It keeps me focused when I'm not inSIDE eh?

Mac, mac, why dont you watch football or nascar or something NORmal?

Because were not at a normal JOB, BOB!

Now you made me miss half of my frickin SHOW! I been waitin for this one ALL WEEK man!

Y'know mac, I think you should really try, A PODCAST, you know, maybe get with the TIMES?!

Bob, a, it reminds me of a simpler time, when it was just me, and the radio, when there werent nine other streams interacting and contending with the host, it was just, plain old, one way, listening to the radio! I mean bob, you're not THAT much younger than me ARE YA?

Spkr. 1;

So, what do you officially go by?

Dr. Wraithie Dirge MacLerxmore, is my legal name and title, though I must say, there haven't been that many, two way interviews, on our show, what about you? What's YOUR name?

Spkr. 1

Well I, work under the joint chiefs and WITH the CIA so, I'd, tell you, but I'd have to kill you!

Wraithie; no no, that'll be um, no thanks, thank you no, but howl I know, if I'm getting close to a sensitive topic?

Spkr. 1; you wont!

Wraithie; This is going to be very short, isnt it.

Spkr. 1; Yes and I'm quite sure itll end up in a slush pile somewhere so, just try to keep the questions away from too much shop talk and you should be fine.

Long loud sine wave blares out over an intercom in the lab, over the radio.

That was weird, so, back to our talk, hey, let me ask you THIS speaker number one, have you ever sleepwalked? Or, and OTHER activity while you were asleep?

Spkr. 1; if I were asleep I'd probably have an answer to that but, I'm not asleep so, I honestly don't know. Other than one time I can certainly remember, in my younger years, waking up while running down the middle of state street on a Friday night, I'd been up drinking and partying for three days, I was on at least three drugs,  and as I remembered it I'd had a seizure in somebody's bathroom and woke up there in the morning, and nobody saw me walk out of the bathroom, but, I continued partying as this occurred on the second night, I was too groggy when I came out of it, though and I thought it was just a standard hangover, so I got up an started rolling with the punches and throwing back beers just to get my balance back, after about a six pack that morning, I started gathering up my friends and we started organizing what was to be THAT nights debacle or, festivities, party, what have you. Anyways, I was trying out for a rock band at the time, and I a couple of my buddies were too, the main guy had great equipment, and we all knew how to play so, we went up there to his studio, it was in his eighty year old  grandma's garage, hindsight 2020 right? But, we were out there doing our thing, and we got done with our tryouts and just kept partying all night long, and the guy that lived there decided that he'd have to sleep on it an tell us how we did in the morning, because wed just had a fresh crop of um, female fans, show up and well, I guess we got a little distracted from our show that night, but, so we all did some acid together and tripped ass chunks till morning, what was really really weird though is that I dont ever remember LEAVING that party! an it was just unSTOPPABLE!

I do remember Barbara, and Lisa, an they were fun an they were both twice as sober as me so, I kinda had to let em BOTH drive over me that night!! I dunno how the other guys made out but, the acid had switched off the competition circuits and put us all into a much happier mindset. And that lasted for probably, oh, nine hours before the acid started slowing down,

Wraithie; what happened then?

Spkr. 1; well I, think, that i went out for more beer and, I must've ended up having another seizure in the parking lot as I was getting to the seven eleven, I guess i was lucky that I wasn't driving, but, the next time I was fully conscious and awake was at least twelve hours later, I still don't know what happened during that time, there was no hospital visit, I do know that, and I vaguely remember walking up to my friends doorstep, at about dawn the next day, everybody but barbie and my friend who lived there had gone home, I think that was probably the first time I'd really considered lightening up on the partying.

Wraithie; wow man! Must've been some night!

Spkr. 1; yeah, it sure was, an even if I could, I still wouldn't change it because, that night, hipped me to alot of things that I would never have realized, about the world...(trails off)

Wraithie; I think I, I've probably had a few nights like that myself, but, let's get on to something a bit lighter, eh?

Spkr. 1;