Chereads / Virtua. / Chapter 16 - ch 14Big Bang pt.1; the Golden Goose.

Chapter 16 - ch 14Big Bang pt.1; the Golden Goose.

The seizure of power, my fellow martians, will be our topic for today.

In earth's history, there were several events that none of the earthlings knew about.

Events that, had WE not intervened, would have resulted in their complete and total annihilation, LITERALLY before we could even TALK, and at several OTHER points as well but, for the remainder of this lecture well be sticking to only asteroid potential, and before I get ahead of you, the potential in question will be that of, LANDING, potential, no questions of where they are from and what makes them move. Alright? Good. Now, I will be expecting a pop quiz, shall be running across all your minds immediately! (Martian class groans in unison.)

Nowthen, if you'll all turn to page 126, of your self destruction manuals, we can begin.

Teach? Isn't this a bad iDEA.?!! SELF DESTRUCTION?

I'm glad you asked that good Martian, i was beginning to think that NOBODY would ask! And the truth is, that were going to learn from THEIR mistakes, so we wont have to learn from our OWN!


I WILL BE ADDRESSED AS PROFFESSOR! professor Dousciewitz, for all of you newcomers, now if you dont mind, I would like to get on with the LECTURE!

but professor,

What is your question?

Well, aren't there mistakes that we HAVE TO MAKE, in order to learn?

You're thinking about the philosophy class aren't you? Well this is history, philosophys, in the next building.

Now, which of you can tell me what the very first EARTH revolution was and exactly WHY it WASN'T either the French OR the American revolution? Hmm? Anybody?

Im going to guess that it was either the rock n roll revolution, or the internet, whichever of those came first, because, more revolting garbage came out of BOTH of those than both the French and American revolutions COMBINED!


Well sir, we, as you've explained in past lectures, we martians, had been observing them on earth, and well, we did not have at that time, any means to know what they were thinking, we only had means to see what they were doing, and hear what they were saying,

Go on...

Well, as I've said before, I think it was rock n roll, that started them thinking, more progressively anyway, because they had a whole lot of them, buzzing around singing about peace and love and, and all KINDS of new beings and cultures and knowledge and new ideas came from it, and for awhile the earth was bombarded by love, instead of death, as was the case with those WARRING revolutions, American, French, and what have you, and the reason its NOT, either of THEM, is that more dying, happened then, and, as we all know, conscience, decreases, when dying happens, and so I believe it was music, that amplified the need for change, and part of that change, came in the form of this, VIRTUA, that they had.

Well, an actual, thought out ANSWER! And a very good one too, I'm very glad that we wont need to worry about war, among 9urSELVES anyway but, to get back, it wasn't always called virtua you know, and it wasn't always even the internet either! No, in THOSE prehistories, they had these things called, libraries, and all the knowledge was stored there, with this thing they called paper, and (several glazed over eyes later,) yeah but then they got busy and digitalised everything, and everything got easier and more available to everyone right?

Yes, that happened, but not before they almost destroyed us AND them!

(From the back of the room)

Thats what I want to know about!

Yes yes we will get to that.

But how did they stop it?

They didnt! And they wouldn't have!

Because they had this thing called money, some, would call it, the very pinnacle of paper, but it certainly wasn't mankind's pinnacle, well have more on that later but, as, were not here to bash on them about THEIR cosmic lessons, I believe more questions would be more appropriate.

Yes, you in the back.

I believe the sixties, were the time you're referring to,

Yes, those were also a part of it, but there was also alot of death going on then too, because alot of people weren't listening, and bombs, and guns, and money wasn't listening either, oil, wasn't listening, if I'm not mistaken, well, maybe it was listening, but in a different way, because with as much influence, as for example, as oil had at the time, we must assume that it DID HAVE, a conscience of SOME sort, bullets are flying too quickly to care, they have one direction and one purpose, its too bad humans couldn't be as united as bullets, in their purpose, and direction, but thats a dreadful, DREADFUL metaphor there and so, well just have to continue on, and look further, into what became their "WAR OF WORDS" as well now, call it, that you've just referred to as their first revolution.

Professor, what do you suppose was the distinction they made though, between what we, perceive as their revolutions and, what THEY, perceived as their revolutions?

War WAS that word, and believe it or not, they used to rob each other blind, because war, was profitable! and it also killed the competition! Thing is though, war, they found out, also kills its own CUSTOMERS!!! AND THAT, was what brought me to becoming interested in teaching, that capitalism, not only produces but also destroys, its customers AND its competition, that, absolutely astonished me, well, in my early days it did but, after I got over my initial naievete, we all do it, trust me its not that overrated, but, I was enthralled, with the exchanges of energy, between one nation and the next, those motives we were being shown in their actions to one another, you know class, they very well may have caused our initial introspection, as, a species mind you, and yes, it is still a bit of a speculation as to wether or not this caused our telepathy but, more and more of our scientists are coming to believe that their, (humanities) perception of their revolutions, DID, actually cause us to turn inward, and that particular spark, of inspiration or fear or love or whatever it was, has us all here, and now, at this program, and of course, it also got, "alot more complicated" after that. And then they started shedding their fears off on 9ne another, acting like it was love, lighting rooms up with promises of ease and convenience, no struggles, only smooth sailing, and some of them knew, and some of them didn't. And some of them killed for money. And we have the luxury here on Mars, of never having to worry, about that because, the more ambiguity, our telepathies exude, the further in, to our intentions and desires our collectives can delve. See and this is what they would have eventually come to, maybe a hundred years ago, if killing hadnt become so vastly popular an idea, essentially they'd have figured out, how to tune in, to each other, and know, as we do, what's REALLY going on!

For, your assignments, one of you, has to ask me to call a cab,

Okay, ill do it! From the front row.

Excellent. Now, go ahead.


Yes student?

Would you please call me a cab?

Why yes I will, go get your keys, I need a ride home, my wife and kids are expecting me early and I dont have anything to wear!

I thought you said that was in the next building professor?!

What're you TALKING about?

Ambiguitys a philosophical term sir.

Well, in one or another way yes it is but, as I've used it here, it was comedic, in nature, and that, is definitely in the history over there, wouldnt you say?

Okay comedy, it was ambiguous, say, speaking of comedy, class, id like a paragraph or two, about, "the orange dictatorship that was never heard round the world" followed by each of your thoughts, about what was most likely learned, by humanity, during those years.

(From the back of the room)

Yeah, we all nearly got goosed by that one!

Shush now, save it for your essays.

subchap 2. next day.

Nobody knows....

im guessing that nobody knows for sure, what time it was when the earth made its very first revolution around the sun but, I AM quite certain that it is a mathematical fact, that that indeed did happen, and by a simple carbon dating process, some extremely nerdy scientist, will eventually figure that out, and realize, perhaps in a simultaneous moment of clarity, that that one little tidbit of information is whats been holding us back on, I dont know, cold fusion or, or warp drive technology, transporter tech, something huge and radically transformative to all humanity, until then, your papers will be due, on my desk, Monday.