[Two systems of equal equal rank detected... Prioritizing leaders system. Horde system compatibility with minor functions.
Tau assigned as Hordemaster
Palesa assigned as Warmaster.
Diana assigned as Coinmaster.
Gcina assigned as Moundmaster.
Unassigned - Shadowmaster
[Horde system +3]
Tau is given an understanding that the system is taking into account his mob members. This is due to the fact that after being assigned as lieutenants in his Horde.
Gcina had tried to claim a reward from her Domination system which can't be accessed while part of the Horde system. In compensation the system has adapted to allow for all of them to claim rewards from it. Just as with Gcina who couldn't receive her reward, Diana's had to be change
[Coinmaster system]
[Cured a curse]
[Reward: Hybrid Gnoll egg]
[Warmaster system]
[Created a Warband!]
[Emerald Armor blueprint]
[Emerald Lance blueprint]
[Emerald Bow blueprint]
[Emerald Swords blueprint]
[Moundmaster System]
[Own a home]
[Reward: upgrade token]
Tau sets the system so that he will receive only important notices from the subsystems.
Gcina is most dissatisfied with the systems catching her out, she thought that by first being in a mob and getting her system before Tau the leader. The system would have no choice but to let her have the Domination system.
This was her secret cheat they would have been, and since this tournament has observers she could share incase they catch her. She had being a nobody reincarnator would allow to fly under the radar.
Then they could have a mob with two godly systems. The Domination system is tailored for nation building while the Horde is taloired for Goblins. The sage had also told her about the asencion system and the Uber dangerous Legendary Sunlight Forger system, which has killed everyone to ever get it.
She has been lead to believe that a mob's true power is in how the system interacts with them. In her previous life the old sage had described that a mob's members would each have their own system will the leader would enjoy benefits from all the members systems including his own. That was why she had pushed so hard for them to form a mob so quickly.
She bites edge of her lip thinking, 'What the hell now I have to change my plans around but at least we have a Great system, I wonder why it was not on the sages list of top tier systems. This Moundmaster better be as good as the Domination system.'
When she thought Moundmaster it was interlaced even thou she only thought the one thought she also meant what is it, how does it work and how does it suit me in my situation?
Gcina' s jaw drops as a wealth of information floods in about the Moundmaster.
It's essentially the same system as the domination however it is centered around building a goblin empire. This means it specifically tailored to make goblin society strong unlike the domination system which would apply flat bonuses to whatever people are using it.
"Tau, quick questions what is your title." Unlike Tau she can't instinctively know what each of others titles are she has to ask this is because only the leader is has access to that.
Tau looks at her still bloody naked body and says, "I'm the Hordemaster." that's all he says since the system tells him he expects it to them too also its a lot, so he hopes this will just work.
"Yes and?" Gcina says putting her arms to her side. She wants to know as much as possible as that she can get an idea of the path forward. As a Moundmaster her job is find build and maintain the hordes lands which if she understands correctly can be grown into Hordeirac or as humans call it a nation.
Tau explains, "I am the master of all things. Or at least master of everything that happens to our Horde. Now that I have made Palesa master of war, she is in charge of military matters and can command the horde in my absence."
"In your absence? Are you planning on going to somewhere?" Asks Palesa. Tau shakes his head. Palesa is leaning against him on his chest as he is sat up and Diana is sprawled naked from Palesa's lap listening to her own thoughts.
"Some Horde missions will need me to travel so I need people in place to keep things going. My Horde is going to become legendary with your lovely help... Our Horde I mean." Tau's inner goblin loves the Horde system it is made for goblins and as a Goblin he can feel it trying to make him a better goblin.
Gcina and Diana begin deep delving the system as it is incredibly intuitive each finds their own trying to get to grips with there roles in the Horde.
"I suppose that's alright then," Palesa would not allow him to go somewhere dangerous alone she did promise to protect him and all of them afterall.
"What you said is Hordemaster right, so does that like mean you're no longer a mob leader?" asks Diana, it's the only title she has now.
Gcina is in deep thought all her worries again on the future. Diana is settling her mind is busy go over all the areas she is in charge of Coinmaster's have a finger in everyones bum. Palesa is playing with her hair. The Warband is not yet how she wants it so today she will let them rest abit. Her blueprints might have to wait the resources required are well beyond what is capable of all but the Lance.
The old lady of the blood fists, waits almost an hour outside the tent. Until the noises have settled down and the scent has dimmed enough to be aceptable. In her mind Tau, Diana and Palesa are the begins of an old ruling mob. She gets happy thinking about the possibility of a ruling mob forming and then a little sad that she might not see it actually happen.
She grunts rolling her inner chirib. The chirib create a sharp tapping sound with the grunts.
Tau, Diana and Palesa all look towards the door. The grunts to them mean something, Gcina waits goblins are instinctive creatures. Tau gets dressed moving to the center of the tent. A low bellow almost a hum but it is distinct enough that they all realize what he doing.
A few moments later she walks, an completely black goblin following behind her. Gcina quickly arranges a few rolls of fabric for all them to sit. She arranges it so that they all sit taller than him. Gcina is directly behind less than ten centimeters as is proper. To Tau left is Diana and to his Palesa.
"I have brought the Goblin you seek leaders." Says the blood fist old lady. Tau is wearing only a black clothe around his waist knotted in the front to keep it in place. His bare chest green and wide. The image of a confident leader.
Gcina whispers a few tips to him on Goblin etiquette, limited as it is. Tau nods, he was wondering why they sat so close no he understood. They could speak to him without anyone gobo sharp hearing picking up on it.
"You can tall me Tau, what should I call you gobo?" asks Tau. Since a Goblin will have only one thing given to them at birth its important to know them by name.
"I'm called Reku, Leader Tau." She adds an honor she is sure he has earned and claimed. Since naming a gobo something they are not is a deep insult. Gcina waves at Reku to proceed.
"Oda, it's good to see you man. Have been holding up well." says Tau. Thou not good friends with him. There is no animosity between at least from his side. Diana rubs his Tau's arm with two fingers from elbow to forearm.
Oda's scent is sharp Grey like Mur. Mur smells a bit like uncertainty. Oda looks at the four goblins all seated together a bit immediated.
Tau accepts the request from Diana.
"I asked you to come here because like you should absolutely joins us in our mob." Tau and Palesa both scent of dissaprovel. Palesa especially she is even whispering to Gcina.
Tau can hear the voice darting behind him. A. Flurry of words about if they really want Oda in the mob. Palesa won't budge, Diana wants him and Gcina also wants him in.