Chereads / Kingdom Wars: Goblin Uprising / Chapter 24 - Death in the forest [Filler 4]

Chapter 24 - Death in the forest [Filler 4]

High in the trees, of Ebon Wood sit the Eleven kingdom of Albony. At the center of the Ebon Woods. Is the city tree, a kilometer tall and wide surrounded by similar smaller trees. Carved in and built around the trunk is the city of the Elves. Forest Elves are isolationist even amongst other elves.

Two elves have been rushing into the trees, going to the canopy palace. The have rushed from the spawning grounds. The two recruits are dressed in Bon armor. Bon Armour is made from the trees bark that make up the city. It is a hard bark harder than iron armor.

They arrive at the Elven court, lead by the Branch Commander Idrasil. He is the image of a forest elf. Skin brown like the bark of oak. He is one point six meters tall and has a Boabab bow and daggers.

Boeing in front of the royal court. The court is made of the forest elf, oldest family. In elven society age matters most. The audience chamber they has it walks carved with the history of the Albony kingdom. The walks tell a tale as old as time. How the Elves brought life to this barren world. They war with the humans. So many of them that most are left out. Surrounding the leaf kings dues. Itms a mural of the royal family.

From the first leaf king who fought of the giants to the current king Hedimeir who is a legendary warrior having made a name for himself during the Vergliestenhiem a period of war with Jaeger Orcs that lasted a hundred years. The dues itself is made of Clareon wood a rare and almost dead wood.

They bow before the Branch lord, High trunk king Hedimeir. Savouior of the Ebon Woods, first seed the Albony kingdom, the bow of restoration and banrle slayer.

However the elfasi in from of them us a slither of his legend. Being nine hundred years old he is overgrown beyond reason. His body almost one the dues, a few years from now he will enter the the forever forest.

"My lord the Tokesti and its fowl gave been slain." says elf warrior Niro. He had found the body of the Tokestiband its fowl in the south eastern degradation. It's is called the degradation because it is infest by manner of lower creature.

"How is that possible a Tokesti is a legendary creature and our forest spirit? Hedimeir voice's is coarse like dried leaf cursed in the palm of one's hand.

"It would appear the vile lowers attacked right after she gave birth. In her weakened Stat she must have been vulnerable." says Niro. In the Albony kingdom his division of stick warriors is responsible for the protection of the Tokesti.

"And where were you? It is the duty of all stick warriors to protect the Tokesti. Why was she not supervised during this period." say branch lord Hedimeir, because he moved on his chair breaking some of the coonecting branches. The dues tenders gather around trying to prevent thin from breaking more branches.

" Branch lord, I submit myself to your judgment first. Our stack of warriors were honoring Tokesti." The honor would have paced them about half kilometer away as to allow her to give birth in peace. The natural link with the forest and other creatures means the Tokesti could when elves were near.

"Bah this failure is unacceptable, we are the forest and the branch brother guidance has never failed us before..." Hedimeir's Green eye shine with an axes fury.

"Forgive us we couldn't have seen the enemy attack by the time we got their they had already removed her horns." says Niro he is facing death and moment through no fault of his own and wishes like all living creatures to be sparred. The branch lord moves slightly cracking branches causing the whole auditorium to fill with bark breaking crunches.

" Who! Tell me who did this or I will have you killed as is our custom. You have all failed in your duty and as future trunk leader the responsibility lies with Niro Strongroot." Hedimeir addressing by his full name is shock since he is a relativly unknown branch Commander compared to the like of Sethu Rootwell or even Suzu Farbarker. Normally he would honored but today it is only a condemnation.

Niro says, while bowing even lower his face in the floorwood. "We did as custom demanded and follow root law. We are your faithful servants.

Hedimeir tense his hand old mold falling off him." Then loyal servant were are the head sof those who have struck at our nation symbol and destroyed it. Tell me Niro, how have you worked to fix this? Hedimeir is furious basically taking this attack as a personal attack on him after all the royal and Tokesti have been connected since the first sprouts of Albony were planted.

"My lord, we... We are but sticks under your mighty axe. We reported to you as soon as we knew. Humbly give us a chance to make this right." Niro is scrambling he has been following law. She had to report it and since his band is twenty strong he couldn't risk coming upon an enemy strong enough to kill a Tokesti. Tokesti's are rarer than unicorns and must be treated with respect.

" I Hear excuses only. You are a stick leader you have only one job an dthag is the protection of the Tokesti." Says Hedimeir his constantly shuffling worrying to the tenders.

"My lord, this is the truth. We followed the law upheld tradition." Niro's time is disrespectful but he feels that anyone in his position would fell the same. He did everything right and still failed him.

Horns blurb out high pitch like bird calls, the old wooders clap and cheer. A fair skinned, yellow haired elven princess stands from one of the surrounding table.

"The lady of Ebon forest, high leaf Sonrana." says raincaller Hugh. She meanders to the dues spekin ginto her father's ear. All in the auditorium are silent. Hedimeir is nodding listening carefully to what she has too say.

Hedimeir speaks his final command." As you say Niro you followed tradition. While you are not directly at fault. Allowing such a thing to happen is unacceptable. Your entire squad will be pruned and discarded. I will give your lives only under one condition. Find those who this and you will be rewarded with glory and I demand you fix whatever is wrong in your squad. Go out back into the wilderness and find the Tokesti slayer. They will have the Kokesti mark its appearance and destroy our foe. Then we will lay watse to their home as our custom"

Sonrana is the daughter of Hedimeir, heir to the Ebon forest. She smile at Niro having saved his life...