Fenrir walks over to Tiamat to check on the girl. "He didn't say anything about this but he did mention her recovering some memories if we find another Archangel by the name of Rahmiel."
Zeus hears the name and steps forward "Rahmiel was with the girl and and another Archangel a long time ago."
Fenrir looks down, then back at the two gods. "That Archangel was Valoel, the Archangel we have been fighting this whole time."
"Whe have not seen Rahmiel for thousands of years. Where do we find her?"
"I am her new protector. I swore to Eaos that I would protect her and find Rahmiel. Zeus, I would ask if you could send Cerberus back but our time..."
Zeus sets his large hand in his shoulder. "He may be the Guardian of Hell, but I think he will get more attention on Olympus."
Fenrir smiles and looks over to Obsidia and Zero.
"You might've swore to Eaos, but we didn't." Obsidia crosses her arms and walks over to him. "We owe you more than anyone, so we're going with you."
Fenrir sighs softly, feeling a slight cool breeze against his cheek. He lifts his hand up and looks at it, then clenches his fist. "How is she feeling?"
The girl wakes up and rubs her head. "I am feeling a little better."
Tiamat lowers her and gently sets her down in the ground. "Now that she had woken, I think it is time I return for the time being."
"Thank you for your help Tiamat." Fenrir says softly and nods, while she does the same. She looks over to Zeus then looks away. "Tell Odin he can find me on his own. He still owes me."
Zeus chuckles and rubs the back of his head. He goes to reply but looks up to see her take off and fly away.
Fenrir kneels down to the girl, "Nieo.... Does that name sound familiar?"
She looked up at him in and instant. "How did you...?"
"I met your father. I'm not sure how long he can hold the other members of The Six, but we must find Rahmiel."
She looks down trying to remember who Rahmiel was. "The name sounds familiar, but at the moment I cannot remember."
He looks down. This was going to be difficult and he knew it. "I have felt your aura and Archangel's, if we can find someone who has a slight trace of both..."
Obsidia steps closer "Then we'll find this Rahmiel?"
Fenrir smirks, then shifts to his wolf form. "Right now, I can only send Nieo. Your father is able to hold Archangel for the time being but I don't think it'll last long, so we must hurry and get some distance."
"I shall go and inform the other Gods. I will have several watch over this castle for the time being to give you an advantage."
"Thank you Zeus." Fenrir kneels down for Nieo to hop onto his back. Obsidia and Zero get ready as well.
"Where do we start from here? We don't have any other allies to goto for information."
"I might have an idea but for now, let's get away from here."
"Be careful Fenrir. The world now has changed since you were young."
"It's definitely a different time." He nods to Zeus, feeling Nieo hold onto him. Before he begins to run, he howls load enough causing the pack and wolves throughout the forest to howl back. The Black Wolf had started to howl as well.
"I feel like he's going to help guide us out of the forest." Fenrir looked over to him in time to see the Black Wolf begin to rub past, followed by his pack.
Obsidia and Zero look toward Fenrir and then begin to follow behind.
The forest was massive as they kept running and running for hours non stop. As they traveled, Fenrir began to think and see if he knew anybody in this region of the world but he wasn't sure. For years he spent his life in the run trying to avoid Gods like Set and The Six, but now he wasn't sure anymore.
"Fenrir..." Behind him, Obsidia was looking at him, Zero looked worn out. Fenrir nods then howls to get the Packs attention, the Black Wolf turns to Fenrir and howls back.
"Zero, go ahead and get some rest. I should've checked on you sooner."
Zero had began to slow down, allowing Obsidia to hop off as check on him. Fenrir stops for Nieo as she jumps off as well and sits down against a tree.
"The pack will stay with you guys. There's something that caught my attention."
"Be careful Fenrir." She was clearly worried about her brother but more worried about Fenrir, who nods and takes off back into the forest. He finds a large opening in the Forest and carefully walks through. In the opening he sees a massive stump with a young boy sitting on top of it. As he gets closer he sees the boy is wearing dark robes.
"I see you couldn't keep them much longer." He looked up to the sky then back to the boy as he gets ready.
The boy turns to him, his eyes glowing red, "Of all the places to put me, my master will be happy..." His form shifts into the Reaper, a black cloud forming around his hand then dispersed to reveal his large scythe.
"Of all the remaining... Why in the name of Odin's beard did it have to be you, Wraith."
Fenrir begins to growl as Wraith stepped closer, the blade of his scythe dragging across the ground, the grass turned dark as it had began to die.