Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 6 - Forest of Flames

Chapter 6 - Forest of Flames

Obsidia watched as her flames consumed, burning through the forest. Cerberus tried to combat the flames with his own, only to be overwhelmed. She smirked "These two shouldn't be an issue if they can't handle my flames." She tells herself as she leans against a tree.

Fenrir and Cerberus get closer to each other as they are now running low on room to move.

"I dunno about you big guy but we need to do something." After saying this he could hear something in the distance growing closer to the two. Next, a sphere of ice surrounds them and expands, putting out the black fires as it goes.

"Hope we weren't too long Fenrir, a certain brother was severely stubborn until he saw the flames." A horse leaps through the sphere, a jagged horn on his head, his fur was pale white.

"I see you found our brother."

Obsidia, realized at that moment what Fenrir was planning and increased the flames. "Hm. I need to inform Archangel of what is going on..." Seeing Hel, Fenrir, and Sleipnir in the same area made her realize one more sibling was missing. Smoke encases her once more, then she vanishes, causing the flames to disappear as well.

"She must have realized what's going on. Sleipnir." He turned to Sleipnir and Hel "We need your help unlocking Jormangundr's chains"

"Hel has already told me what is going on on our way here. I will help you, only because I can't stand to see my forest in flames." Sleipnir Neighs, echoing through the forest of black fire. Hel slides off and Fenrir helps her down. Stepping forward, Sleipnir's eyes begin to glow a luminescent yellow ad a sudden breeze roars through the woods, swiftly putting out the fires on each tree.

"Shall we go help out our brother"

Once they leave the forest, the four return to Jormangundr to free him from his chains.

"I smell burnt wood on you all. Has Sleipnir's forest finally been burned to a crisp?"

"Brother..." Sleipnir huffs at the thought. "Must you always be an ass?

"Just free me already so we can be done with this quest"

Meanwhile in the Unknown:

Inside a massive white room, Obsidia's black smoke begins to materialize in the middle of the room. She steps out and walks closer to a Crimson throne.

"Master, Fenrir has come to this timeline, just as you predicted."

A man in red armor and a white mask steps around the throne and sits down. "Excellent. Arrange for the rest of the Six to meet here. Our ascension to Godhood is drawing closer than expected."

She bows before the masked man "As you wish Master. My brother should be here by now, but I shall gather the others." She responds and steps back through her smoke and vanishes.

The man sat there smiling behind his mask. "Fenrir you fool... You have only made things worse for you."

Fenrir and the others freed Jormangundr and returned to the surface

Jormangundr looked down at his brother "You mean to tell me that you cause Ragnarok and in 300 years there are Six new gods and one of them is like you?"

"Last night when we were resting, there was a giant wolf, I never went to that region in this time period. Plus that scent, he is definitely one of them."

Hel and Sleipnir who were both resting on the ground both look at each other then back to Fenrir with a worried look.

"Does this mean they were living among us for thousands of years rather being mortals who Ascend?" Hel asks as she looks up at Fenrir.

"That, or they were already Immortals who Ascend. Seeing how we've seen not one but two now, I think I'm going to say that they were already Immortals."

Jormangundr chimes in "Where did the other come from, Fenrir?"

"Hel and Sleipnir came in as she fled but her name is Obsidia. She's the one who spread the Black Flames among your forest Sleipnir."

"But how did she know you were going to look for me? That is what worries me." Sleipnir asks.

"I wish I knew brother. They must have anticipated on my arrival. That or she just happened to have shown up..." He stopped talking then realized something.

Hel stands up and walks over to Fenrir. "Fenrir? Is something wrong?

"I messed up.... I lead them straight to all of you..."

Jormangundr splashes Fenrir. "It matters naught brother. We can fight these monsters." Fenrir looks down shaking his head as his clothes are damp.

"I knew what we would be getting in to when you showed up at my Manor. We have come this far Fenrir." Hel places her hand on Fenrir's shoulder. "Shall take the fight to them?"

"The four of us had grown up together, but you and Hel were always the mature ones. I shall follow you no matter the cost." Sleipnir stood up and trots over to Fenrir.

He sighed heavily then relaxed. "And you three always knew how to boost moral." He placed his hand on Hel's and his other on Sleipnir's back. "This won't be easy when it comes to fighting, we always worked well together. We need to find them first." He says as the sky starts to turn dark.

"So the siblings have reunited I see." A voice echoed through the valley behind them. Fenrir stopped as he felt eyes staring at him from above. "Jormangundr! Take Sleipnir and Hel somewhere safe!" Fenrir starts to shift into a wolf and face the direction the voice came from. Cerberus stands beside Fenrir ready to shift as well. "Go with them boy. I'll be right behind you" Cerberus looks up at Fenrir as the wolf begins to grow. Cerberus whimpers then runs to hop on Jormangundr with the others.

"Ahhh so you knew who I am." The voice said as a massive wolf stood up out of the trees in the distance. Fenrir was ready to fight for his family. "How long have you been following us?"

"You mean following you? Ever since you walked through my territory, you know the forest you were in when you saw me." The large white wolf walked closer to him, a massive scar went from above his eye and down his cheek. His red eyes glaring at Fenrir. "Let me see what the mighty Fenrir is capable of.

Fenrir begins to pace back and forth, trying to stay between this beast and his family as they fled. He then begins to growl "I always hated this form." He says right before charging at his opponent. He bared his teeth and leapt at the wolf as he did the same. After slicing and biting each other for what felt like hours, the two stopped and faced each other.

The white wolf looks at Fenrir as he pants "Who knew... That today... I would meet my match." The wolf pants heavily trying to catch his breath.

Fenrir is panting and bleeding as he held himself up. "Who.... Who are you...?"

"It is only fair since we are even in power.... My name, is Zero." He finally catches his breath then stands begins to walk away. "We will meet again Fenrir. Next time," He stops and looks back, "it will be our last fight." He says then disappears into the trees.