You know the kind of turmoil you go through when you can't withhold the emotions that you are feeling? That is what I went through when Amelia's friends asked about my name. I can't comprehend what I felt, but I am pretty sure that it was beyond rage that a person can feel.
I have been in my sport's area punching the bag several times now and I couldn't get the anger out of me. It is not that they asked about my name, it is all about the tone they said it in, as if it was fun to learn how I got my name. Not everyone had the same amazing relationship with their parents. My parents were worst than my nightmares. From my Dad who grew up in a tough spot to my mum who couldn't leave my dad, because as she used to say." He was a sweet soul when they first met." Haha. People need to learn that what someone used to be can change. Throughout all the life they go through, If a person can't change to accommodate you and live with you regardless of what they have been through. Then, you do not have to stress yourself over the lost cause. That was my mum and it annoyed me, because after all she didn't survive it. So no one in this world, who have the right to ask me how my childhood went. Because they can't handle the truth. After all Leicester's family had a great deal in the death of my family.
I punched the punching bag until my knuckles were itchy, because I couldn't think of anything else to ease my mind. And the look Lei fuckin Amelia gave me was not doing me good. Why in the whole world would she give me those pitiful doll eyes when her friends questioned me? She didn't say anything. She just kicked her friend under the table to show my uncomfartability and she thought i didn't see her doing that, then she turnes and smiled at me, a re-assuring smile that ensured that I know that her friends were not going to bully me. But I wasn't the type to be buried. So when I took my shit and left infront of her friends I guess I radiated my true colors and I am afraid it terrified her, which could severe my relationship that I want to create with her and her friends until I finish my job.
I looked at my phone pondering If I should call her to apologise about what I did, so that I could win her positive side. But on the other hand, I felt dumbfounded in doing it. Because I would be chickening out, which can spoil my plans. As I finally turned off the idea of calling her, my phone rang and I picked up to see her number in my screen. Of course I knew her number. Because I learnt it by heart when she called me with it to come and pick up her luggage.
" Hi Cutter." She said sounding as if she didn't want to disturb me or as if she caught me in my worst moment and I bet she did.
" Hello, Leicester." I said trying to tease her and I earned a chuckle from her.
Well, I did great on that.
" I wanted to ask you a favor, would you mind opening your front door? I am outside."
What the heave? She just burge in someone's home and expect them to open the door for her.
"Why the hell would she want to come in my house, and who the hell does she think she is to just inform me, when she is Right outside.
" I am not around. " I said calmly so that she wouldn't here that I was probably exercising.
" well, I can hear you speaking from the house or on the porch outside, but I know you are home." She said sounding so sure and I realised I fucked up again. She shouldn't be here. And for the good, she shouldn't visit my house frequently. It is too risky for me.
I sighed and clicked the phone to go and open for her.
I immediately put on my skippers as I pulled my stupid head out of the room and neared the door to open for her. Opening the door, she was there, smiling at me as if she didn't have some brain cells.
She was wearing beige shorts with a yellow t shirt, " what is with yellow." I thought as I realised her hair was wet too? Which simply showed that she came here after taking a shower. And I thought about how her hair was greasy when she came to take her suitcase, but she still looked amazing, don't ask me how I knew it was greasy. I just knew or I must have touched it when I was covering her shivering body.
As I was lost in my thoughts, she raised her hand and waved it in front of my eyes, as if reminding me that she was here.
Well, I was aware and truthfully I didn't want her here.
" mind me coming in?" She said cheerfully
" what do you want Amelia? I asked trying to sound tired and I did all I could to feel up the whole door frame, so that she can'tthink of entering, she gazed at me showing that she wasn't buying my tiredness tricks and I yawned.
" I need favor." She said holding her gaze on mine.
" you should have texted, or called, instead of burging in my house ." I said seriously.
" well, I thought it was better to see you in person. She Said sounding so sincere on that.
" I want you to help me find someone." She said adding and assured that I can do it.
"And I know you can help." She added before I could deny it.
" well, first of all, I think it must be illegal, because you should have asked me for a favor at work."
" second of all, you sound so dumb do think that I would help you to carry out an unethical activity." I said not giving her time to explain herself.
" it was only you that I could think of, please don't turn me down." She said bringing her begging charms and I guess she really didn't know that they don't work on me.
" How can I help again?" I asked again sounding unsure of what I heard before.
"First, please retrieve for me an employee's file of Milo Richman, and second be our company's model.
I fake laughed to that, but her face was damn serious that showed that she meant what she said.
First, who the hell is Milo Richman? And why in the world would I become Miller's model. They would kill me.
" no, thank you." By that I slammed the door to her face, which is the thing I guess I am enjoying nowadays.