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Happy | Demi Lovato

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Charlotte Jade De La Garza, or Charlie, is the youngest sibling of her family. Seeing as she is related to the Demi Lovato, you'd think her life is perfect. Well, you'd be wrong. Charlie and Demi don't have a good relationship at all. The biggest strain in their relationship being a mistake that Demi made 4 years ago. Will Charlie ever move on? Fourteen year old Charlie has her own secrets. Will Charlie and Demi ever realize how alike they really are? Will Charlie ever be truly happy?

Chapter 1 - 01


"Charlotte Jade De La Garza! You're going to be late for school!" My mom shouted upstairs.

"I'm almost ready!" I shouted back as I put on my hoodie to cover the many scars I have on my wrists.

You may be wondering who I am. Well, I'm Charlotte Jade De La Garza. I am 14 years old and I have 3 older sisters. Madison is my full sibling, and she's four years older than me. Demi is my half sibling and so is Dallas. Dallas is the oldest. They have the same last name as their birth father, Patrick Lovato. The name Demi Lovato sounds familiar right? Well, the Demi Lovato is my sister and I guess I'm kind of following in her footsteps of her teenage self.

All of my sisters are pretty famous. Even my parents. Am I famous? Kind of. I'm not as talented as them. My parents say I am, but I'm not good at anything. I'm only good at being the family disappointment.

I put on a black Paramore hoodie that I stole from Demi a couple years ago, a Friends t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and black Vans shoes.

"Took you long enough." My mom joked as I finally made my way downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied. "I need a hair tie."

"I got ya covered, Charlie." Maddie said as she entered the house.

"Where the fuck did you go?" I asked her. Mom glared at me because I swore and I laughed.

"To get these." Maddie said as she threw a new pack of hair ties at me.

"This is why you're my favorite sister." I joked.

"I feel so loved." She placed a hand on her chest and acted dramatic. I put my hair in a medium pony tail, not too low but not too high.

"Just so you girls know, Demi is coming home later today. I want you girls on your best behavior. Especially you, Charlotte." Mom told both of us.

"About time that bitch came back and loved us." Maddie joked.

"I'll behave when Demi starts behaving." I crossed my arms after I grabbed my back pack.

"Charlotte Jade." Mom spoke sternly.

"What? She acts like I don't even exist!" I shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at your mother, young lady." Dad's voice boomed as he came downstairs.

"Whatever." I mumbled. "Mads, can you drive me to school?" I asked her because I didn't want to ride with either of my parents.

"As long as I can control the aux cord." She answered. I nodded.

"Wait!" Mom stopped us before we walked out the door. "Your Dad and I are running errands most of the day, we should be back before you get off of school. If we aren't, Demi will be picking you up."

"Why can't Maddie? Or Dallas?" I asked. I don't want to ride home with Demi. We're bound to either get in an argument or it will be awkward.

"I have a movie project I'm working on today." Maddie told me.

"Dallas is giving acting lessons around 2:30 - 5:30." Dad said.

"Fine. I'm ready." I told Maddie as I angrily walked out the door. I got in the car after Maddie unlocked the doors.

"You know, it won't be so bad." Maddie spoke to me as she started the car. "You and Demi need some bonding time anyways."

"She hates me, Maddie. You know that." I replied.

"Are you still on about that one night?" Maddie asked.

"Yes, I am!" I shouted.

"That was four years ago, Charlie." Maddie stated calmly. "She doesn't hate you, Char."

Sometimes my family calls me Charlie, Char, or baby girl. Whenever they call me Charlotte, then I'm most likely in trouble.

"So? Just because her and Wilmer got in a fight and broke up, doesn't mean she had to take it out on me!" I cried out.

- Flashback -

"Dem Dem!" My 10 year old self cried as I ran into Demi's room.

"What do you want?!" Demi turned around and shouted at me. It looked like she had been crying for several hours.

"C-Can I sleep with you? I-I had a nightmare.." I stuttered out.

"No, you can't." Her voice was mean.

"But, Dem Dem.."

"I said no! I hate you! Go back to your room!" She yelled and threw a picture frame that held a picture of her and Wilmer. That picture hit the wall right next to me. I ran out, careful not to step on the shattered glass and went into Maddie's room.

- Flashback Over-

"Charlie? Are you okay?" Maddie asked me with concern.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I smiled at her reassuringly.

"Well, we're here." Maddie stated. I looked out the window and saw the entrance of the school. Cross Timbers Middle School.

"Thanks for the ride, Mads." I said before getting out of the car and shutting the door. I walked into the familiar entrance of the school, preparing myself to be tormented by Trent Johnson and his friends, Daniel Smith, Lucas Evans, and his girlfriend Harper Grant.

"Well, well, well." I heard the familiar voice of Trent behind me. "Where are your friends? Oh right, I forgot that you don't have any!" I looked away from him as I put some books in my locker.

"Look at him while he's talking to you, freak!" Harper shouted at me. Trent forcefully made me face him.

"You know what time it is right?" He asked me.

"Just get it over with." I mumbled. Lately, he's been hurting me physically. It used to be just verbally, but he didn't think it was enough.

"The freak finally talked guys." Trent laughed.

"Just get it over with." Lucas mocked me.

"I think you know what to do, boys." Trent said while looking at them. I prepared for the pain they were going to cause. Trent, Daniel, and Lucas pushed me down on the ground and started beating me up. They punched and kicked me over all the bruises I already had and one of them punched me in the face. I don't remember who because I was trying to block it out. They finally stopped when the bell rang for class.


"Fuck.." I mumbled to myself as I got off the ground. I picked up my backpack and walked to the bathroom. Locking myself into one of the stalls, I pulled out my blade from my backpack. I rolled up my sleeves and dragged it across my skin. I watched the crimson liquid come out of each individual cut. Once I was satisfied, I put the blade back in my backpack and washed my arms.


I looked in the mirror and noticed my face looked like a mess. I had a black eye and my head was throbbing. I frowned at how fat I looked. I walked out of the bathroom and decided to just go home early.

"Ms. De La Garza, where do you think you're going?" One of the teachers asked. I pulled my hood over my face and looked away.

"Home." I stated simply and walked out of the school building. I put my earbuds in my ears and played music while I trudged all the way home. When I got home, I put my phone and earbuds in my backpack. I walked inside and when I was about to go upstairs to my room, I heard an all too familiar voice.

"Charlotte, why are home early? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Demi's voice asked from behind me.

"My name is Charlie." I mumbled, ignoring her question. I tried running upstairs but she grabbed ahold of my wrist and made me turn around.

"You never answered my question." She spoke sternly. What she did next, I wasn't ready for. She put my hood down, so it revealed my face. "Oh my god, Charlie! What happened?!" She asked, sounding concerned. Why was she concerned? She hates me.

"I fell and I wanted to come home early." I stated simply while lying. "I'm fine. Can I go to my room please?"

"I guess. I'll bring up some ice." She replied, not believing my answer as she went into the kitchen. I finally was able to make it to my room. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. What did I do to deserve this?


"You never answered my question." I spoke sternly to Charlie. I put her hood down, and my anger went away when I saw Charlie's face. She had a black eye and it looked like she got beaten up. "Oh my god, Charlie! What happened?!" I asked sounding concerned.

"I fell and I wanted to go home early." Charlie stated simply. I could tell she was lying. "I'm fine. Can I go to my room please?"

"I guess. I'll bring up some ice." I replied as I went into the kitchen. It's obvious she didn't fall, but I didn't want to push her to talk about it. She hates me enough as it is. I shouldn't have gotten mad at her that night Wilmer and I broke up, but I couldn't help it. I wish she could see that I don't hate her. When I saw her face, all I could see was my teenage self. I'm hoping she isn't going down the same path I am. I knocked on Charlie's door.

"Come in." I heard her say quietly. I went into her room and walked over to her bed.

"Here you go, baby girl." I spoke gently as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks.." She mumbled and grabbed the ice pack.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm always here for you, Char." I told her.

"Yeah.." She replied. "I'm tired, Dems. I'm probably just going to sleep."

"I'm downstairs if you need anything, okay? Even if it's just a hug." I said as I got off her bed. She nodded. "We're all going out to eat for dinner tonight as a family." I told her before I headed out of her room.

Before I left her room, I saw a look of panic on her face when I mentioned food. Does she have an eating disorder? I shook out the thought. I can't assume everyone has an eating disorder, but I made that look all the time whenever food was mentioned. I'll try and talk about it with her later.