"Huh? I said that out loud?"
Matt's expression slipped into confusion, "W-wait, wasn't this like very expensive to get?"
"Huh? What are you talking about? It didn't really cost me anything to make it."
"Nevermind that, I'll teach you something useful so pay attention."
Licht pointed at Matt with narrowed eyes, "Show me your mana shot."
"Yeah! What're you trying to accomplish."
"Do it," Licht commanded. Matt flinches, "But I always dislocate my arm after I use it."
"Yeah," Licht starts. "But I can also heal you. Now, get on with it."
Matt pales but still obeys; he had no choice he had to comply if he wanted to become stronger. "ម៉ាណាដ៏អស្ចារ្យដែលមានឈាមដូចជាឈាមខ្ញុំសូមស្តាប់ការអង្វររបស់ខ្ញុំ។. Magic Manipulation: [Mana Shot]!" He points towards the target as a ball of mana bursts out from his index finger. It does considerable damage to the target but not enough to satisfy Licht.
"Healing Magic: [Restoration]." He says as his palm glows green, restoring Matt's dislocated shoulder.
Matt feels a sense of relief feeling the pain disappear and having his shoulder fixed, but he could also feel a sense of dread; he could feel Licht thinking of various vicious schemes already.
"Now, while holding your bow, shape your mana into an arrow and shoot."
"Huh?" Matt was stupefied.
"Is that even possible?" Alice questions. "You're still here?" Licht turns to her.
She pouts, "Rude! ~"
"We don't have all day."
Matt inhales and exhales as he closes his eyes in deep concentration. Keeping his breathing steady, he imagines an arrow in his hand. He opens his eyes but sees nothing behind the string.
He sighs, "This isn't going to work. We're not even sure it's possible."
"Hmm..." Licht hums as he tilts his head. At moments like these, it was best to find 'How to' books for dummies. But he was unsure if his idea of a method had existed yet.
"Let's just give up on the bow," Matt adds. "It wouldn't work. Besides, I'm a mage, not an archer."
Licht kept staring and ignored Matt, "Listen closely to what I'm about to say," Licht began before pausing.
"What do you-"
"You tried imagining an arrow, right?"
"Yeah, but-"
"After imagining the arrow, try imagining filling the arrow with mana. Feel the mana flowing inside you, and direct it into the imaginary arrow on the string."
Matt scowled but obeyed anyway. He took a deep breath and exhaled, before imagining an arrow behind the string.
"Flow the mana into..." He murmured to himself as he directed the familiar blue energy from his core to his veins, and finally into the arrow. Though somewhat unstable, the arrow slowly got filled. As he opened his eyes, dense mana that resembled an arrow lay on the string he held.
An unconscious smile made its way on his face, he turned to meet Licht's unimpressed face. "You haven't shot it yet. What're you all smiley about?"
Matt tried to pull the string further back, but it seemed heavier than usual. And the more he concentrated on pulling the string, the more unstable the arrow became. He let go of the string and the arrow made its course, though it exploded halfway to its target.
"As I thought, it's impossible."
"I don't think so." In Licht's hand was a notched bow and arrow completely made of mana. "H-how…"
Licht aimed before letting go of the string; the mana arrow hits the target completely obliterating it. "You see, it's possible."
The mana bow dissipates into thin air, "If I can do it, you can. You…just have to try hard enough."
"Licht…" Tears well up in Matt's eyes.
"If you can't do that, you're as useless as anyone can get."
"Of course," Matt says with a roll of eyes while simultaneously wiping his tears. "You do that," Licht yawns pointing to a shaded corner. "I'll be over there taking a nap."
"Not so fast!" Alice exclaims, clinging onto Licht's arm. "What about me? Aren't you gonna give me some advice?"
"Huh? Why would I do that?"
"Pleeeeeeaaaaase! ~" She drags out, "Please. Please. Pretty please? Just a little? Please?"
"Whoa, that was a long sigh." Matt comments.
"Damn right it was." Licht snaps back.
"So, how 'bout it?" Alice pulls Licht closer, but he jerks her off in reply. He rubs the creases forming on his forehead, "Haah...You're a tank, aren't you? Do you really need weapon advice? I mean, it's pretty obvious what you should do."
"I know! ~ But, my attack power is lacking, especially since I don't have a main weapon. All I have going for me is my defensive strength."
"Fine, fine." Licht scanned through his inventory for any spare weapons lying around, "Dagger?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Too short for that."
"Please take this seriously."
"I have a pair of shears…Wait… why do I have this?"
Alice had…a weird-looking expression on her face. It was a combination of disbelief, annoyance, and even more annoyance.
"Why do I have a kitchen knife in here?"
"Duuuuude…" Alice drags out as she facepalms herself.
"Hmmm…I guess these could work." Licht comments as he takes out a prototype gauntlet. Alice's eyes light up as her lips tilt into a wide smile.