On our way back, Tish and I stopped at a drug store to get some stuff, including MA pills, I really can't get pregnant, I thought to myself.

We finally pulled up at our dorm, tired as f***. Eliot, being the gentleman that he is took out my bag and took me by the hand, walking me to the main entrance of our dorm.

"I had a really good time with you" he said,

"Me too,"

I notice the girls from our dorm staring at Eliot.

"You're pretty famous around here huh?" I asked,

"Nah don't worry about them, they don't interest me" he said while smiling at me,

"Well see you later" I said before I left,

"Wait" he said while holding my hand, "can I see you, soon"

"Definitely!" I blushed, "call me ok, soon" I smirked at him,

"Enjoy the rest of your day Amelia," he said then he kissed my cheeks and went into Jumari's car.

"That boy's in love" Tisha joked while pulling me into the building...

"Love is a pretty strong word Tish, we're just at a like stage" this like stage is moving a little too fast though, said the annoying voice in the back of my mind,

"Right, like him so much to have UNPRETECTED SEX" Tisha shouted,

"What the hell Tish, I don't blurt out your business so I would appreciate it if you respect mine"

The girl gets me so mad at times, uuuggghhh what if somebody hears her,

"I'm sorry Melia, but seriously, I'm like your best friend, and if you like Eliot so much you should be comfortable with telling me these things,"

"Whatever Tish, you win, I like him ok, but..."

"Wait what, why is there a 'but'"

"Because he's RICH, no scratch that, he's fricking WEALTHY, he could have any girl he wants, so why me, I just don't get it'

Eliot has this empire, I'm still working on building mine, but why me, he's like prince charming but these kind of things doesn't happen to girls like me, this isn't a fricking fairy tale and I'm not a one week kind of girl. I really hope his intentions are good because my feelings are on the line.

"I don't know if you realize this but everybody in this school is rich, that's like a must have on the application form," her phone started ringing, thank goodness..."hold on ah sec Meelz"

I rolled my eyes at yet another one of her stupid nicknames,

"That was Jumari, get this, and he told me that Eliot isn't just RICH, his wealth surpasses everyone else in campus"

"You had to ask Jumari" I said feeling flushed, my brain needs to rest,


"What if Eliot is using me for a one nighter, or what if he just wanted to try out a black girl or what if he thinks I'm a gold digger, I can't deal...

"What the f*** Amelia, that dumb as ex-boyfriend of yours f***ed up your mind so bad and left you with a bad case of low self-confidence, gosh you're killing me,"

Damn, I can't remember the last time I got scolded like this, but Tisha's right, I do feel low at times, and that's why I like to be by myself. Maybe I'm over thinking things...

"Eliot's probably in love with you now and your being negative, your flawless, any guy would kill to be with you and according to Eliot's status, I'm sure a lot of girls are all over him".

True, I remember the way the girls from our dorm were staring at us outside the building.

"I get what you're saying Tish, but I really can't handle another heart break"

"I know that, but you can't turn back now, you're already falling for him" Tisha said, and she was so right at this point.

"So um, when are we moving out of this dump" I asked, trying to change the subject and thankfully she bought it,

"OMG next week, mommy got us a condo five minutes away from here, she called back when I was packing at Jumari's....


"How was your date?" Bryce asked as soon as I entered the flat.

He likes to be a drama queen at times, smh

"Sup man, how'd you know...?"

"Save it, you had me worried sick, I called your mother"

"You called my mother, dude, why the f*** you did that"

Oh boy, now my mother would want to know where was I and who was I with. Don't get me wrong I would want Amelia to meet my family but on my own terms.

"So what happened yesterday?"

I decided to tell Bryce everything about Amelia. From the day I first set my eyes on her to what was the best night of my life thus far.

"Finally Bridget's out of the picture, you gotta let meet this new chick so I could thank her" he joked, which made me laugh,

I stopped caring about Bridget a long time ago and Amelia makes me feel way better than the way Bridget did, it's kind of crazy because we've known each other for a short period of time.

"How about I invite her over?"

She did say to call her and all I want to do is be around her.

"Awesome, I'll call Kate" Bryce said while reaching for his phone.

I walked into my room to put down my stuff and call Amelia to hang out with me, hopefully she agrees.

I dialed her number and in an instant she answered.

"Wow, someone misses me," I joked and I heard a cute giggle.

"Hey, it seems like you're the one who's missing me"

"I am actually, can we hang out later?"

"Yes, I mean, sure," she said in almost an instant.

"Cool, well I'll pick you up at around five"

"Sure, I'll be waiting," and with that being said the phone disconnected.