Chapter 42 - The Virgin Pearl

[Author's Note: The original Chapters for 38 - 41 have been replaced by a new set of chapters. Sorry you had to see this if you already read the author's note or the last chapter. Trying to be there for all readers! This will be removed in two days! Please reread chapters 38 - 41 if you wouldn't mind! You're all the bestest!]

Smokey's entire body was soaked with in a dark blood while his entire body trembled in powerlessness and rage.

Most of it was his, but the rest of it was from people he tried to save. Ultimately, he felt more rage than he could possibly comprehend at this moment. However, no matter how mad he got, the women that the Kraken killed would not come back.

"Stowp It! Stowp it!" May Tape screamed and held out her hands. She had just arrived a few minutes ago, and was crying tears down her beautiful pallid face. "I know deep down inside you're a misunderstood Kraken! Stowp It now or I'll scream!"

"That's not going to work, May" Smokey pulled a piece of debris out of his rib and started to float in the air. "He's too strong! EVen I don't stand a chance against him! Damn it! Where is Harvard! He told me two weeks ago I could go to the candy store when he was with Lilac and he just forgot about me! Ugh, I'm going to rob him of all he's worth when I find him!"


Two hours later,

May Tape was dangling in the air from the mouth of the Dragontail Kraken with its tongue wrapped around her. Smokey was imbedded in the chimney of a house head first, and he was unable to move. He had literally 10 vitality left and most people had thought he was undefeatable.

"Hamlord! Please! SAVE ME!" May Tape cried out! "PWEASE! I fudding don't want to die again! Not this way!"

Duh! Duh! Duh!

Harvard came riding on a donkey into Village 99 with sweat dripping down his head. He jumped up and looked at the time!

[Current time is 12:00 AM]

[Magnificent Daylight Daggers have activated!]

[Damage + 1000] 600%

[Agility + 3000] 600%

[Vitality +1000] 100%

[You have equipped the Magnificent Daylight Daggers, and the Magnificent Daylight Mask! (This part will have to be explained to you at a later time!]

"AHHHHH! I'm down here! Let her go you stupid Kraken!" Harvard stepped off his back foot and jumped on a chimney before he completely underestimated his speed and landed on the Krakens back.

It was also confused, they both looked at each other, the Kraken and Hamlord, and realized that something was familiar about the other person.

"Daddy?" The Dragontail Kraken gently placed May Tape down and tensed its eyes. It had really big eyes, so it seemed much more terrifying when it tensed them. "You have daddy's daggers. You're going to die a million deaths!"


Harvard and the Kraken started fighting while millions watched.

Many that had fled to Village 100 and warned them to pack and head to Central City were in awe of a man flying through the air with two daggers.

He didn't really fly, but he had so much agility that he jumped really fast. It had only been a minute, but it seemed like thousands of moves had been traded between the Kraken and Hamlord.

"That man is impressive, mommy," A small girl held her mother's hand while she wheeled her half dead father in a wheel barrel. "How is he so fast? Did he get slapped in the face by a woman or something?"

"I don't know, but mommy has a much more noraml daddy," She sighed and looked down at her bleeding husband. "I really hope we can find a doctor."


Hamlord thought of all the people around him, especially the ones that looked like they were about to die from their wounds and slashed with his full power.

He had a skill called Magnificent flash that could only be used for a minute! However, time felt much different when you had 4000 agility points!


Harvard's dagger turned forward and cut into an incomming laser beam from the Kraken and then arrived in its mouth. Inside of it, he finally found a place without like a thousand layers of armor.

"Die! Die you viscious beast!]

Harvard stabbed down with all his might into the beasts mouth! It had to die! It had to die a million deaths!



Harvard stabbed down into the Dragontail Kraken's mouth and a large explosion ripped out in all directions. Village 99, which had hundreds of thatched huts and a few hotels made out of bricks felt a gigantic shockwave spread through it.

At the same time, Harvard and DRagontail Kraken couldn't be seen because of the large dust cloud that formed.

At Village 100, people gasped! What had just happened!

"I think it ate him."

"No, no way!" The little boy from earlier complained and tried his hardest to wrap his dad's wounds. "Why would that idiot go in the Dragontail Krakens mouth! It ate like a thousand people today!"

"Let's hope he's fine!" The mother kissed her husband on the head. "Please! Please be fine Hamlord! Please be fine!"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lightning clouds formed over Village 99 while the smoke finally cleared. The Dragontail Kraken roared in the air and then looked down at May Tape as she cried on her knees.

"Pwease! Pwease don't kill Hamlord! Pwease! You can eat me instead!" May Tape begged and took out a small pearl she found on a beach. "Pwease! Pwease stowp!��

"Mother? Mother is that you?" The Dragontail Kraken spit out Harvard into a building and smiled. "Mother! You found me! How did you know I was here!"

"Mowther?" May Tape said trembling on her knees. "Please don't make me feel happy and then kill me! Pwease!"

[The Dragontail Kraken has become subservient to May Tape!]

[The Dragontail Kraken is returning to its original form!]

May Tape watched the large Dragon tail Kraken shrink down in size before a beautiful woman rushed towards her with a white dress on. She smiled and wrapped her arms around May Tape before picking her up into the air.

"Haha! So glad you found my mother! She's been trapped in that pearl for ages!"


Hamlord and Smokey put ice on their wounds, but felt ashamed.

Both of them had never guessed in a million years that May Tape would've thought enough ahead to talk to the Menace Lord's daughters about ways to protect Harvard.

She had went on a Quest to a distant beach, and entered into a dungeon to get the pearl while Harvard was busy underwater.

However, what surprised them the most was that the Dragontail Kraken also had a human form. And she wasn't too hard to look at.

[New Quest Received! Are you ready for your next adventure?]

'Oh god, not again! Please! Not another hard quest!'