Chapter 47 - Infamous Hamlord

Four Guild Leaders, Four Vice Guild Leaders, and an army of their fans gathered around or inside Great Black Fist Tavern.

Great Black Fist Tavern was a chain of Black Fist Tavern run by Count Silvester and Sylvia. They had made an agreement to work together, and extend the Black Fist Tavern and all thier subsidiary chains. Luckily, Harvard felt safe here and even got a 10 percent discount even though everyone wanted to kill him.

"Long story short," Harvard pushed Snowy into the table and then sat down next to her. The room had a bar and three beautiful waitresses being overwhelmed with orders in black skirts and blue tops with dyed black hair - they wanted the waitresses to have the same color hair as the tavern. Harvard waved at one he'd seen at a play of Silvia's and suddenly got serious. "I thought we defeated the Dragontail Kraken, but then it gave me a fake quest to free her brother, and he turned out to be evil. I also vanquished the only thing that could reseal him. The genie snake"

"YOU're The one who did that?!" Snow Lilly said, and she sounded really cute so everyone at the table sort of calmed down. "Why didn't you invite me! I got a quest to catch a genie snake from an NPC! You're the reason my quest disappeared!"

"Ugh, so it's not entirely your fault. She probably could've gotten anyone to kill those genie snakes with enough time. You also mentioned you couldn't defeat her. Even with Flying Candy Boy over there?" Great Harmony was a beautiful woman that had on a green school girls outfit with an extremely alluring body. "Ugh, what a pain. You're infamy is going to keep increasing. I hard when it reaches 20,000 you'll be unable to receive quests."

"Ugh, that sounds pretty bad. I'm only at…' Harvard saw he was at 19,800 and gulped. "Ugh, but you guys believe me right! It wasn't my fault!"

"It was still his fault!" Barronson slammed his hand into the table. He had scrappy brown hair that sort of stuck up like three mountains on his head in different directions with a golden ring around his head and some oversized shoulder pads that had spikes on them. "Harvard! You just saw this woman eat 10,000 people and you thought a pearl would be enough to get her to calm down!"

[Your notoriety has increased by 10]

[Your notoriety has increased by 20]

Harvard gulped when he realized a few people just woke up and saw the notification that he had caused the legendary brewing storm currently making it hard not to slip when fighting monsters. He had to do something quick! He couldn't not do quests!

"Guys! I'm sorry, okay! I'll admit I messed up, but you would've fallen for her too! Dasota looks so normal in her human form."

"It's fine," Conqueror's First said. She was also a woman sitting at the table. She had beautiful golden hair with streaks of firelike orange with gorgeous green eyes and some strange freckles over her eye that sparkled. "Worst case scenario, all of us fight those two Krakens together. 10,000 of the strongest Ghost Adventurers versus 2 Krakens. Pretty good odds right."

"No way," Smokie shook his head. "Harvard here was evenly matched with the Dragontail Kraken, and he could barely touch the Monsoon Kraken. Even I fought her for 4 hours and lost. Unless a miracle happens, we're all screwed!"

"Well, then, how about we just meet back here in three days." Snowy said and smiled brightly. It seemed like all the men on the other table had to block their eyes because she was so beautiful. Even the women blushed, which made Harvard nodded his head. She was beautiful, but also had a masculine charm hidden in her large breasts. He looked down, and nodded his head at them. They definitely were fierce weapons. "After the Dungeon Competition, the guild that wins gets to plan how to deal with the Kraken's, Deal?"



"You're so pretty!" Barronstone replied last! "Sure, whatever! What she said!"

"Very well," Snowy blushed and put her arm around Harvard. A few women were staring at her and blushing and she wanted to hide behind Harvard's back. "Let's start the competition."


Two hours later, Harvard had started doing quests to gain benevolence which lowered infamy by 1 for every one he gained.

Unfortunately 2 hours had passed and more and more people awoke to find it raining and found out that Hamlord was the reason they'd probably die a miserable death.

[Your infamy is over 20,000]

[Please decrease your infamy in order to compete in the Guild Competition]

'NOOOO!! Please! Please don't do this to me! Come on! I just saved a child from falling off a tree!' Harvard handed a child to his mother who then tried to slap him on the face. He sighed, and shook his head.

Every single NPC hated him now, and he really couldn't get quests. He had to rely on chance occurrences to earn benevolence. Where was a damsel in distress when he needed it.

"Harvard! I'm so sorwie (sorry)!" May Tape jumped into Harvard and hugged him tightly. "I knew Dasota was a bawd (bad) girl! I should've stowped her! If only I kept the Virgin Pearl, she would've had to w-listen to me

"It's okay," Harvard kissed May Tape on the forehead and jumped away from the angry child he just saved. He couldn't take that Hamlord had saved him and wanted to beat him up! "I'm sure it will all work out! It has to work out!"


Five hours later,

Harvard smiled and opened up his Infamy. He'd gotten it down to 19,999

[+3 Infamy]

'NOOOO! I give up!' Harvard tossed aside the animal he saved, and got another infamy. "AHHHH! Damn it! Someone please give a quest! Come on!"

[New System Quest available: Ultimate Benevolence Blessing]

[A nearby noble recently knighted by the Central King (Leader of all 10 Central Territories), has requested a Ghost Adventurer come and help save his daughter - he conceived with not his wife, but on the side - from the First Dark Guild. Don't worry. It will be a very fast Quest. He just needs someone from out of town so he can keep his daughter a secret]

[Reward: +10000 Benevolence, Magnificent Daylight Gloves, 1 attribute point]

[Difficulty C+]

'Ugh, I'll take it! I don't care whose daughter he had it with! As long as he treated her well, that's all that matters! To the Central City Train station!'


After two missed train rides, and a smack in the face by a few people in the VIP section while he was sleeping, Harvard made it to Greatest Central City. There was a large mountain with lots of houses that snaked around it along a path with one large tower that sort of poked out of it. It was a completely gold tower while all the houses around it looked worn down. It reminded him of a typical city on earth.

'Hmmm, I'm guessing the person I'm working for is in that tower, and the women he mated with is in one of those houses.' Harvard laughed and ran quickly up the mountain.


He was very fast! Like so fast that a few people felt a breeze and had to hold down their skirts. He sighed and stopped to make sure they were okay before rushing up to the top of the mountain.

Swoosh! Woosh! Woosh!

[Welcome to Ultimate Castle]

[Your party is waiting for you inside.]

[Request for door to be opened. Yes / No?]

'Yes?' Harvard sighed and waited for someone to answer. "Hello! I got a request to meet someone here about a girl!"

"Hey, over here!" Harvard turned around and saw a hunchback woman waving at him. She had on glasses and had a boil the size of her nose with huge black eyes, and an extremely long brown dress and white grandma like hair. However, she also seemed to have a pretty face. Something just wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "I can help you! Come here!"