Chapter 46 - Monsoon Kraken

Harvard jumped down onto the beach and cracked his neck.

Two large Krakens that were almost 1,000 meters tall turned around to face him. One of them was a dark blue, but sort of feminine, but the one to its right was an even darker blue.

It was starting to rain, and Harvard looked down at the time. It was 11:59:59 AM! It was almost time for him to shine!

[Magnificent Noon Ruler has been activated]

[Magnificent Daylight Daggers have been equipped]

[Damage + 2000] 600%

[Agility + 7500] 1000%]

[Vitality + 11] .03%

'HAh, not yet!' Harvard put 10 stat points into Magnificent Noon Ruler which was an incredible waste but he really needed it to get stronger right now! 'Come on! Make me a lot stronger!'

[Magnificent Noon Ruler will now last from 12:00 PM - 12:04 PM!]

[Agility has been increased by 15 overall]

[+10.1 extra agility)

'10 extra agility? I thought you just said it increased by 15! Are you kidding me! And I only got 2 extra minutes of time! I was expecting much longer like 3 or 4 more minutes!'

Harvard, regardless of the setbacks, stepped off his foot and jumped quickly off the edge of the mountain before he soared in the sky towards the two Krakens.

He was so fast, that he landed on the Dragontail Kraken's blue scally back like last time while thousands of people gasped in awe. One man, that seemed to have collected millions of rocks with his girlfriend, stared up in awe at the legendary Hamlord soaring through the sky.

"He's about to fight two Krakens by himself!"

"He's so brave! And here I was about to hate him!" Another couple that had been stalking Harvard for the last few days made some notes. "We can tell everyone about this! And then maybe Harvard won't be so hated!"

[Notoriety - 1]

Harvard saw the prompt and smiled while a laser beam shot towards him, but it was too slow to hit him! He smiled and appeared in front of the large golden eye of the Monsoon Kraken and prepared to slash it in half.

Last time, he realized he never attacked the eyes.

"Magnificent Slash!" Harvard learned that skill by default with the class, and felt good about its chances of saving him from living a life of infamy! A large slash of light emitted from his glowing silver daylight daggers before the ocean seemed to sort of curve beneath him and turn into a massive fist.

Before he could hit the Monsoon Kraken, a large water fist slammed into him and sent him flying high into the sky.

"Idiot, fighting a Kraken in the ocean. I hope when you land it hurts,"


Harvard soared in the sky and instantly vomited out his lunch before he flew off into the distance.

"Hmph, sister, let's go. It's time to make it rain!" The Monsoon Kraken smiled and looked back at it's grave site. "What a fool. He really killed all the Genie Snakes. A single gold one would've been enough to stop me."



Candy Kid sighed and caught his father over Lost Incarnate Stronghold.

He had his third class already, and was technically an NPC sort of, so he couldn't participate in the Guild Competition. However, he was also extremely angry at everyone around him. How dare they talk bad about his father! He gave him candy!

"Idiot! I'm an idiot!" May Tape screamed and grabbed her cheeks. "And here I trusted Dasota! She had such a cool name, and seemed so happy to get her mother back! How could she betray Hamlord!"

Harvard had turned really green after getting sent soaring into the sky and finally felt some relief when Smokey landed with him in front of 1000s of guilds waiting to receive their guild quests.

However, when he realized everyone seemed to have taken out their weapon and pointed it towards him, he no longer felt relieved. In fact, terror might be the world. It was 12:05, he was literally 100 times weaker, and most importantly Snowy was trying to defend him.

They could kill him, but not his best friend and his girlfriend.

"You idiot!" A man in shinning black armor said and took out a lance. It was a silver lance roughly the same size of a sword, but came with a large shield. "How dare you! How dare let the Monsoon Kraken out! It's going ot rain any minute now!

Rain started to fall on Harvard, and he instantly gulped.

He analyzed the five people approaching him, and didn't feel so good.

[Barronsson] (Leader of the Guild Barron's Son.)

[Level 44]


[Great Harmony] (Leader of the Great Harmonic Guild]

[Level 43]


[Conqueror's Second] (Vice Leader of the Conqueror's First Guild)

[Level 45]

All three of them looked terribly upset, but Smokey didn't budge. In fact, lightning started to swirl around his body while they turned white and his candy lollypop floated.

"He's my father! If you have something say to him, say it to my face!"

"It's fine, Smokey," Harvard cracked his neck. "This is a matter of respect! All of you come at me at once and see how you do! This father will crush you all!"


Twenty seconds later minus a few milliseconds.

Harvard had been completely surrounded by ten different rogues from the top three guilds, and each of them had to have agility at least over 550. Of course, Harvard, was a bit faster, but all of them working together indeed made it pretty tough.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Harvard rocked his body side to side to dodge two daggers at a time while arrows flew passed his face and some ghost lancers and ghost tanks surrounded him from every angle.

He imagined this going very differently. He imagined him not getting surrounded and rushing right towards the three guild leaders and stealing all their stuff. Now, instead, he was slowly being backed into a very large corner.

'Shit! They are good!' Harvard smacked aside two daggers and then tripped a ghost bandit before he slammed his head into the ground. He bounced once, so he kicked him forward into another thief before he turned and felt a lance touching against his back.

'Shit! Don't think I'm done yet! Smokescreen!'


Harvard created a large cloud of smoke and then activated Ghost Mirror to attach to Barronson's shadow. He sighed and watched all the thieves run out of the smokescreen covering their eyes and slashing in every direction. Unfortunately, he also couldn't see in the smokescreen! It was just an escape tactic!

"Where'd he go?" Barronson sighed and looked down at his shadow. "Mica, what skills does he have that might make it possible for him to escape."

"Hmmm, from my scan," Mica had on a beautiful black suit with pink stripes on her shoulders and a small rapier in her hand. "He has a skill called Ghost Mirror. Everyone, stab your shadows!"

"Shit! Die!" Harvard jumped out of the shadow at his maximum speed and slapped Barronson in the face! "Die! Die! Die! Die!"

He slapped him four times in the face before he felt a large hand grasp his neck and hoist him in the air like a piece of meat about to get cut down by a butcher.

A large tank, that had to be at least five inches taller than Harvard smiled and then turned Harvard around while he kicked scrappily in the air.

"You lose." The man bear hugged Harvard before he felt his spine start to get closer to his heart, which was possible because he was a ghost. "Ha, now, shall we knock him out."

"Put him down or you're all dead!" Smokey floated up in the air and held out both his hands. He had a lollypop in his mouth, so he seemed very terrifying. "Do you think 100 vs 1 is fair against my father! Well then, try versing me 100 vs 1 verses me!"

[It has started raining!]

[480+ Hours until the Monsoon Kraken completely destroys Central Territory and turns it into his underwater paradise over your dead bodies]

[Notoriety increased by 500]

'Ah! Not again!" Harvard didn't know what notoriety did, but was starting to get upset. "Damn it! Put me down! I'll tell you all what happened! Then, if after you don't understand, you can try and kill me again."

"Drop him," Barronson said and dropped his lance on the floor before picking it back up. "Ugh, this rain is making my weapon so slippery I can't even hold it. Please-please tell me there is something we can all do."